7,883 research outputs found

    Upacara Mane'e pada Masyarakat Kakorotan Kecamatan Nanusa Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    The background of this study was to determine and describe one of the cultural heritage of traditional fishing carried out in the village Kakorotan Sub Nanusa district Talaud islands known as the ceremony mane'e, mane'e tradition in society Kakorotan a unique culture and a social event that contains the values for the benefit of society. This study aims to provide information relating to the implementation of the traditional ceremony mane'e ranging from initial preparation to the summit ceremony as well as the benefits the ceremony on people's lives, this study using a qualitative descriptive study to describe the cultural, social groups in the ceremony mane'e. Sources of data obtained from the village government, traditional leaders, religious leaders, and local communities as well as through photographs and video footage of traditional ceremonies mane'e implementation, data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation study. This study concluded that the implementation mane'e ceremony begins with a period of abstinence or e'ha for 1 year both on land and at sea, about three months before the ceremony village leaders, indigenous, religious ceremonies to invoke the protection of a brief thanksgiving to the Creator in order to be given the smoothness, safety, and the results at the time of the ceremony. After that the measures will be implemented is marra'ca pundangi, mangolom par'ra, mattuda tampa pane'can, mamabi'u sam'mi, mamotto'u sam'mi, manganu ina, ina,, matahia manar'maalama This research can be used as a reference for the community and the government in preserving regional cultures, especially the traditional ceremony in public Kakorotan Talaud Islands

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah di Kawasan Wisata Bukit Kelam Kabupaten Sintang

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    Bukit Kelam sebagai salah satu tempat wisata yang diminati masyarakat, baik dalam daerah Kabupaten Sintang maupun dari luar Kabupaten, yang diperkirakan semakin tahun semakin meningkat pengunjungnya.Peningkatan ini tentu saja dapat meningkatkan jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan dari setiap aktivitas pengunjung dan pedagang yang ada di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam. Penanganan sampah di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam untuk saat ini masih menggunakan cara lama yaitu sampah dikumpulkan ke tempat pengumpulan sementara (semacam TPS) kemudian dibakar. Tujuan perencanaan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui timbulan dan komposisi sampah yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam dan untuk merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah terpadu di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam.Metode penelitian untuk mengetahui timbulan dan komposisi sampah dilakukan pada saat jumlah pengunjung tertinggi tanggal 25 Desember 2013 dan 1 Januari 2014. Titik pengambilan sampel terdiri dari 8 titik yaitu warung (3 buah), gedung serbaguna (1 buah) , taman bermain (1 buah), dan air terjun (3buah). Perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam meliputi aspek teknis operasional, aspek pembiayaan dan aspek peran serta masyarakat. Aspek teknis operasional yaitu perencanaan perwadahan, pengumpulan dan pengangkutan.Total jumlah timbulan sampah organik dan sampah anorganik rata-rata di kawasan wisata Bukit Kelam yaitu 0,25 m3/hari dengan komposisi sampah organik 0,12 m3/hari (48,13%), plastik bekas 0,24 m3/hari (10,16%), botol minuman 0,96 m3/hari (41,18%) dan botol kaca 1,14 m3/hari (48,66%). Perwadahan komunal yang disediakan sebanyak 19 buah yang tersebar di beberapa tempat, pengumpulan yang dilakukan yaitu menggunakan pola pengumpulan tidak langsung dimana sampah yang berasal dari wadah individual dikumpulkan di wadah komunal oleh pedagang dan pengunjung, pengangkutan yang dilakukan menggunakan keranjang gendong dengan kapasitas 0,25 m3 sebanyak 2 buah keranjang gendong. Perencanaan TPST terdiri 3 bangunan yaitu pos jaga dengan luas lahan 4 m2 dan jumlah karyawan 1 orang; rumah kompos (tempat pemilahan, pencacahan, pengayakan, area pematangan, gudang) dengan luas 103,66 m2 dengan jumlah karyawan 4 orang; dan ruang administrasi dengan luas lahan 9 m2 dan jumlah karyawan 2 orang. Biaya investasi pembangunan TPST yaitu Rp.627.833.000,- sedangkan biaya hasil penjualan pengolahan sampah dan retribusi pengunjung, pedagang dan APBD yaitu Rp.451.200.000,- perbulan dan biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan sebesar Rp.24.912.000,- perbulan. Katakunci :sistem pengelolaan sampah, tempat pengolahan sampah terpadu (TPST), prinsip 3

    A Phylum-Level Phylogenetic Classification of Zygomycete Fungi Based on Genome-Scale Data

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    Zygomycete fungi were classified as a single phylum, Zygomycota, based on sexual reproduction by zygospores, frequent asexual reproduction by sporangia, absence of multicellular sporocarps, and production of coenocytic hyphae, all with some exceptions. Molecular phylogenies based on one or a few genes did not support themonophyly of the phylum, however, and the phylum was subsequently abandoned. Here we present phylogenetic analyses of a genome-scale data set for 46 taxa, including 25 zygomycetes and 192 proteins, and we demonstrate that zygomycetes comprise two major clades that form a paraphyletic grade. A formal phylogenetic classification is proposed herein and includes two phyla, six subphyla, four classes and 16 orders. On the basis of these results, the phyla Mucoromycota and Zoopagomycota are circumscribed. Zoopagomycota comprises Entomophtoromycotina, Kickxellomycotina and Zoopagomycotina; it constitutes the earliest diverging lineage of zygomycetes and contains species that are primarily parasites and pathogens of small animals (e.g. amoeba, insects, etc.) and other fungi, i.e. mycoparasites. Mucoromycota comprises Glomeromycotina, Mortierellomycotina, and Mucoromycotina and is sister to Dikarya. It is the more derived clade of zygomycetes and mainly consists of mycorrhizal fungi, root endophytes, and decomposers of plant material. Evolution of trophic modes, morphology, and analysis of genome-scale data are discussed

    Life-cycle assessment in eco-labelling: Between standardisation and local appropriation

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    Over the last decades the demand for green and fair products by consumers has steadily increased and governments have undertaken greater efforts to devise green policies as well as to create incentives for industry to lessen the environmental impact of production processes (Finkbeiner, et al. 2006). Companies and large-scale multinational corporations, as well as national governments and local businesses are thus increasingly urged to account for the ecological footprint they leave behind and to actively improve their environmental performance. There exists a large variety of different scientific methods to analyse the environmental impact of a certain product, service or policy – for instance Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Risk Assessment. However, amongst the multiplicity of methods, life cycle assessment (LCA) has become one of the most prominent approaches, since it is considered to be the methodology that encompasses the widest range of possible environmental impacts. This chapter seeks to shed light on the tension between standardisation and local appropriation, in order to show that a certain degree of local responsiveness is necessary for the effectiveness of the method.   


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    KANDUNGAN NILAI GIZI PADA SAYUR LILIN (Saccharum edule Hasskarl) MAKANAN KHAS DI HALMAHERA UTARA, MALUKU UTARA SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH PENGOLAHAN Merlin M. Pentury1), Harry S.J. Koleangan1), Max R.J. Runtuwene1)1)Jurusan Kimia, FMIPA, Unsrat Manado, 95115   ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the nutritional value contained in vegetable candle (Saccharum edule Hasskarl) a typical food in North Halmahera, North Maluku, before and after processing. Analysis of nutritional value measured out using proximate analysis method that includes analysis of water, fat, protein, ash, carbohydrate and crude fiber content. The nutritional values of vegetable candle before processing were; 88.64% water, 1.44% fat, 4.4% protein, 1.25% ash, 4.25% carbohydrate, and 0.63% crude fiber. After the processing were; 77,39% water, 11,81% fat, 3,77% protein, 1,66% ash, 5,37% carbohydrate and 1,07% coarse fiber. Keywords : Vegetable candle, Nutritional value, Proximate analysis  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai gizi yang terkandung di dalam sayur lilin (Saccharum edule Hasskarl) suatu makanan khas di Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara sebelum dan sesudah pengolahan. Analisis nilai  gizi menggunakan metode proksimat yang terdiri atas analisis kadar air, lemak, protein, abu, karbohidrat dan serat kasar. Hasil yang diperoleh, nilai gizi dari sayur lilin sebelum pengolahan yaitu ; kadar air 88,64 % , kadar lemak 1,44% , kadar protein 4,4% , kadar abu 1,25% , kadar karbohidrat 4,25% dan kadar serat kasar 0,63%. Nilai gizi dari sayur lilin sesudah pengolahan yaitu ; kadar air 77,39 % , kadar lemak 11,81% , kadar protein 3,77% , kadar abu 1,66% , kadar karbohidrat 5,37% dan kadar serat kasar 1,07% Kata kunci : Sayur lilin , Nilai gizi, Analisis proksimat              /

    Exploring the Impact of Brand Equity, Corporate Reputation, and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty Toward a National Newspaper in Surabaya

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    National and local newspaper competes for gaining more market share. It is also happened with XYZ newspaper. XYZ newspaper as the biggest national newspaper in Indonesia tends to have low market share in other area outside Jakarta, especially in Surabaya. Previous researches showed that brand equity, corporate reputation, and product quality are able to influence customer loyalty which can lead to increasing number ofcustomer and market share. Therefore, this research is conducted to examine the influence of brand equity, corporate reputation, and product quality on customer loyalty toward XYZ newspaper in Surabaya. Quantitative method is used and multiple regression is chosen as the analytical method. With 95 samples collected through simple random sampling method, the result of the research shows that brand equity, corporate reputation, and product quality simultaneously have significant influence on customer loyalty toward XYZ newspaper in Surabaya. Also, corporate reputation and product quality individually have significant influence on customer loyalty toward XYZ newspaper in Surabaya. But, brand equity as individual has no significant influence on customer loyalty toward XYZ newspaper in Surabaya. Based on this fact, author concludes that XYZ newspaper should focus on improving corporate reputation and product quality, while also enhances its brand equity in order to increase the customer loyalty

    Tracking The Status of Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its Impact on the Livelihood of Tribal Communities in Wayanad District of Kerala, India

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    Tribal population is the aboriginal inhabitants of India who have been living a life based on the natural environment and have cultural patterns congenial to their physical and social environment. Realizing the disadvantage position of forest dwelling communities, Government of India passed The Schedule Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (FRA). The act aims at granting legal entitlement, empowerment and improvement of livelihood by way of various provisions of the act, but due to lack of proper awareness and impediments in the implementation this goal was not fully achieved. The present study was conducted in the tribal majority district of Kerala, Wayanad, where FRA was implemented to strengthen the social security and livelihood improvement of forest dwelling communities. This study attempts to enlighten the status and progress of FRA in Wayanad along with its impact on the major tribal communities. The assessment of impact on socio-economic and livelihood improvement was done based on the primary data collected from 160 households of four tribal communities viz., Paniya, Kuruma, Kattunaika, and Urali, which are the predominant communities found in the study area. Study revealed that Kuruma community found to have ‘very good’ socio-economic condition after the implementation of Act. There are positive outcomes in terms of socio-economic status and livelihood progress of other communities as well but the difficulties in realizing rights and utilizing it lead to the poor impact of FRA, 2006 on them