18 research outputs found

    Fourier multiplier theorem for atomic Hardy spaces on unbounded Vilenkin groups

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    AbstractWe characterize atomic Hardy spaces on unbounded locally compact Vilenkin groups by means of a modified maximal function. The obtained Fourier multiplier theorem is more general than the corresponding results due to Kitada, Onneweer and Quek, Daly and Phillips that were proved under the boundedness assumption on the underlying group

    Atmospheric Pollutants Monitoring by Analysis of Epiphytic Lichen Hypogymnia physodes in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Lišaji se već dugo vremena smatraju jednim od najkorisnijih bioindikatora onečišćenja zraka. Epifitski lišaj Hypogymnia physodes upotrijebljen je za kontrolu onečišćenja zraka u području grada Sarajeva. Tehnika spektrometrija masa s indukcijskom spregnutom plazmom (ICP-MS) primijenjena je za određivanje 14 elemenata (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr i Zn) u lišajima uzetih s pet lokaliteta u gradu Sarajevu. Dobiveni rezultati su uspoređeni s literaturnim podacima iz sjeverozapadnih zemalja Europe i Slovenije. Rezultati pokazuju da su maseni udjeli Cr, Pb i Zn u našim uzorcima zamjetno povišeni u usporedbi s literaturnim podacima za udjele tih elemenata u uzorcima lišaja u sjeverozapadnim zemljama Europe.The ability of lichens to accumulate levels of elements in excess of physiological requirements in close correlation with atmospheric elemental levels has led to their wide-scale application as practical biomonitors of inorganic atmospheric contamination. The advantages of using lichens over conventional air sampling techniques are that lichens are perennial and can be found in most terrestrial habitats. The epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the Sarajevo city region, Bosnia and Herzegovina. H. physodes is a very common epiphytic lichen on trees with a slightly acidic or neutral bark. An inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for the determination of 14 elements (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr and Zn) in lichen samples from five locations in the Sarajevo area. Achieved results have been compared with literary data from northwestern countries of Europe and Slovenia. A detailed analysis of air pollution with toxic metals and other elements has not yet been made in the area of Sarajevo. So far, analyses of the air quality in Sarajevo have been based on determining the fraction of: SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, O3, smoke, PM 10. This motivated us (especially after the war 1992-1995) to conduct multi-elemental analyses of epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. The results show that the mass fraction of Cr, Pb and Zn in our samples significantly differ from data on the fraction of these elements in samples of lichen in Northwestern European countries

    Heavy Metal Contents in Spices from Markets in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    U radu je praćen sadržaj teških metala Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn u začinskom bilju (papar, bosiljak, origano, mljevena crvena paprika, peršin, ružmarin) različitih proizvođača, slučajnim odabirom u trgovačkim centrima Sarajeva. Koncentracije metala određene su plamenom atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom. Sadržaj kroma i nikla u svim ispitivanim uzorcima bio je ispod 5 mg kg−1. Koncentracije bakra varirale su od 2,36 do 19,47 mg kg−1, željeza od 6,80 do 785,56 mg kg−1, mangana od 6,14 do 59,36 mg kg−1, olova od 0,74 do 20,35 i cinka od 6,93 do 85,44 mg kg−1. Dobiveni rezultati u skladu su s literaturnim podatcima, osim za olovo, za koje su nađene nešto više vrijednosti. Preračunat je dnevni unos metala i uspoređen s vrijednostima MRL-a koje su dane od strane ATSDR-a (2013.). Sadržaj olova u većini uzoraka bio je iznad maksimalno dopuštenih koncentracija koje preporučuje WHO i propisuje Pravilnik o najvećim dopuštenim količinama određenih kontaminanata u hrani Agencije za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine.Spices are some of the most common foods in the human diet around the world. Spices are dried parts of plants used often as diet components to improve aroma and acceptability of food. The aim of this work was to determine the contents of seven heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in spices available at local markets in Sarajevo. Metal concentrations in six spice samples (black pepper (Piper nigrum), basil (Ocimum basilicum), oregano (Oreganum vulgaris), paprika (Capsicum annuum), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)) were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The content of chromium and nickel in all samples was below 5 mg kg-1 . Copper levels were in the range of 2.36-19.47 mg kg-1 , iron 6.80-785.56 mg kg-1 , manganese 6.14-59.36 mg kg-1, lead 0.74-20.35 and zinc 6.93-85.44 mg kg-1. These results were in agreement with other published data except in the case of Pb which content was slightly higher. Daily intake of different metals was calculated and compared with the MRL values given by ATSDR (2013). The content of lead in most of the samples was above the maximum permitted concentrations recommended by WHO and national regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Trace Metal Concentrations in Size-Fractionated Urban Atmospheric Particles of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    A study of the atmospheric particulate size distribution of total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) and associated heavy metals concentrations has been carried out for the urban part of Sarajevo city, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Urban particles (n=150) were collected using a high volume air sampler equipped with a 6-stage impactor. Apart from Fe which has been determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), all measurements (Co, Cu, Mn) have been carried out by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The average concentrations of particulate matter are 37%, 18%, 15%, 8%, 15% and 6% (averaged over all the observations) of total suspended particulate for PM 7.2, respectively. Metal concentrations in size-fractionated urban particles ranged from 0.01-3.83 ng/m3 for Co, 6.30-179.20 ng/m3 for Cu, 5.00-208.70 ng/m3 for Mn and 0.35-6.82 g/m3 for Fe. Major concentrations of investigated metals are associated with the PM 7.2-3.0 μm. Overall, the decreasing trend of average trace element concentrations (24-h) in the particulates revealed the following order: Fe>Mn>Cu>Co

    Call Rating based on Objective Data Extraction

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    Interaction channels are special opportunities to improve customer satisfaction by offering a consistent problem-solving experience. Contact center employees are the link between the company and the customer. They are responsible for maintaining an appropriate relationship between the company and the customer. So, they are personally responsible for the customer experience. In this paper, we present an objective evaluation method for evaluating customer-agent interaction, i.e., evaluating the effectiveness of the realization of customer requests from calls. The evaluation method is automatic and does not depend on the relationship between the call center manager and the employees. The motivation for evaluating calls stems from the key performance characteristics of a contact center, of which we particularly emphasize service time, first call resolution, handling time, and others

    Trace Metal Concentrations in Size-Fractionated Urban Atmospheric Particles of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    A study of the atmospheric particulate size distribution of total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) and associated heavy metals concentrations has been carried out for the urban part of Sarajevo city, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Urban particles (n=150) were collected using a high volume air sampler equipped with a 6-stage impactor. Apart from Fe which has been determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), all measurements (Co, Cu, Mn) have been carried out by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The average concentrations of particulate matter are 37%, 18%, 15%, 8%, 15% and 6% (averaged over all the observations) of total suspended particulate for PM< 0.49, PM0.95 – 0.49, PM1.5 -0.95, PM3.0 – 1.5, PM7.2 – 3.0 and PM> 7.2, respectively. Metal concentrations in size-fractionated urban particles ranged from 0.01-3.83 ng/m3 for Co, 6.30-179.20 ng/m3 for Cu, 5.00-208.70 ng/m3 for Mn and 0.35-6.82 g/m3 for Fe. Major concentrations of investigated metals are associated with the PM 7.2-3.0 μm. Overall, the decreasing trend of average trace element concentrations (24-h) in the particulates revealed the following order: Fe>Mn>Cu>Co

    Influence of oil sources in the nutrition of laying hens on production results

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    Исхрана кока носиља има значајну улогу за њихово здравствено и кондиционно стање, као и за производне резултате. Задовољавајући производни резултати могу да се остваре употребом нутријената који осигуравају енергетске потребе, потребе у протеинима (аминокисе- лине), витаминима и минералима. Основна сировина у исхрани кока носиља је најчешће кукуруз (преко 50%), сојина и сунцокретова сачма, сточна креда, сточни квасац и премикс (витамини, аминокиселине, макро и микроелементи). Циљ овог рада био је да се испита утицај сојиног уља (1,5% К0 група) и замене сојиног уља и дела кукуруза ланеним уљем (К1 1,5%, К2 3% и К3 4,5%) на производне резултате кока носиља хибрида Isa Brown (просечна маса на почетку и крају огледа, просечан прираст, потрошња хране, просечан дневни број и проценат снешених јаја и просечна маса јаја). Оглед је трајао 70 дана (од 155. до 220. дана старости). Просечна маса кока носиља на почетку огледа била је уједначена, а на крају огледа била је већа код К3 групе у односу на остале испитиване групе. Просечан при- раст био је од 88,50 г (К0) до 114 г (К3 група). Утрошак хране био је 120,15 г код К0 групе и 115,38 г код К2 групе. Просечан дневни број снешених јаја био је од 37,27 (К0 група) до 38,83 (К2 група),а изражено у процентима био је од 93,11% (К0 група) до 97,19 (К2 група). Између просечног дневног броја снешених јаја и просечног броја јаја изражених у процентима утврђене су статистички значајне разлике (р<0,01) између поређених група. Просечна маса јаја била је од 58,13 г (К1 група) до 60,34 (К3 група). Утврђене су статистички значајне разлике (р<0,01) између поређених просечних маса јаја кока носиља поређених група. Добијени резултати указују на чињеницу да избор уља у исхрани кока носиља утиче на производне резултате.The diet of laying hens plays a significant role in their health and fitness, as well as in their production results. Satisfactory production results can be achieved by using nutrients that provide energy needs, protein needs (amino acids), vitamins and minerals. The basic raw materials in the diet of laying hens are most often corn (over 50%), soybean and sunflower meal, fodder chalk, fodder yeast and premix (vitamins, amino acids, macro and microelements). The aim of this study was to examine the impact of soybean oil (1.5% K0 groups) and the replacement of soybean oil and corn with flaxseed oil (K1 1.5%, K2 3% and K3 4.5%) on the production results of laying hens hybrid Isa Brown (average weight at the beginning and end of the experiment, average growth, food consumption, average daily number and percentage of eggs laid and average egg weight). The experiment lasted 70 days (from 155 to 220 days of age). The average weight of laying hens at the beginning of the experiment was uniform, and at the end of the experiment it was higher in the K3 group compared to the other examined groups. The average increase was from 88.50 g (K0) to 114 g (K3 group). Food consumption was 120.15 g in the K0 group and 115.38 g in the K2 group. The average daily number of laid eggs ranged from 37.27 (K0 group) to 38.83 (K2 group), and expressed as a percentage ranged from 93.11% (K0 group) to 97.19 (K2 group). Significant differences (p<0.01) between the compared groups were found between the average daily number of laid eggs and the average number of eggs expressed as a percentage. The average egg weight was from 58.13 g (K1 group) to 60.34 (K3 group). Significant differences (p<0.01) were found between the compared average weights of laying hen eggs of the compared groups. The obtained results indicate the fact that the choice of oil in the diet of laying hens affects the production results.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj