33 research outputs found

    Aromatic Plants from Western Balkans: A Potential Source of Bioactive Natural Compounds

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    Documentation of traditionally used aromatic and medical plants has been carried out in many European countries over the last several years. Over the last decade, the Western Balkans has become the area of a huge number of ethnobiological field studies. Many of those focused on Balkans ethnobotany are linked to the long and ongoing history of gathering and trading local wild aromatic and medicinal plants from this territory into Western European markets. But only less than a half percent of these have been studied for their chemical composition and medicinal value. The most investigated aromatic species in this area belongs to the few biggest families: Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae. Medicinal value of plants lies in some chemical substances that produce physiological action on the human body, which leads to positive effect on health. Essential oils are secondary metabolites which are the most examined, as well as various plant extracts. Isolation and identification of the compounds in combination with its biological screening can considerably contribute to plant studies. Also, application of new activities and novel techniques for susceptibility testing provide better knowledge of wild growing medicinal plants as potential sources of biological agents and justified their traditional uses

    Tribological Aspects of the Process of Winding the Steel Rope Around the Winch Drum

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    Proper winding of the steel rope around the winch drum is great importance, mostly for: prolonging the service life of the rope, reduction of deformations of the body and the sides of the drum if the winding of the rope is multilayered, increasing of the safety factors, easier unwinding of the rope while lowering the load, even running of the drive unit, etc. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of the friction which occurs in the process of winding and unwinding the rope around the winch drum. Friction force is in its highest intensity when the rope passes from one layer to another, if the winding of the rope is multilayered. As the result of the research, certain mechanisms of winding of the rope from the aspects of the friction force were obtained, and the effects of the forces on the sides of the drum were analyzed

    Razvoj modularnih steznih pribora povećanog nivoa krutosti i fleksibilnosti

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    REZIME: Modularni stezni pribori imaju veoma važnu ulogu u savremenom proizvodnom okruženju jer smanjuju vreme i troškove potrebne za projektovanje, kao i vreme i troškove tokom izmene modularnog steznog pribora pri različitim proizvodnim procesima. Pored navedenog, modularni stezni pribori kroz postojanje univerzalnih izmenljivih steznih elemenata omogućavaju veću fleksibilnost, kvalitet i obim proizvodnje. Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru doktorske diseratacije karakteriše originalan pristup u pogledu projektovanja modularnih steznih pribora. To podrazumeva projektovanje modularnog steznog pribora ramnog tipa, koji za krajnji cilj projektovanja ima povećanje krutosti ukupnog sistema pri stezanju predmeta obrade i povećanje feksibilnosti. Pored navedenog izvršena su eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja koja imaju za cilj da odrede ponašanja strukturnih elemenata modularnog steznog pribora pod dejstvom opterećenja i sa elementima za ukrućenje i bez elemenata za ukrućenje. Kroz izvršena teorijska, eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja ostvaren je cilj doktorske diseracije za povećanjem krutosti modularnih steznih pribora. Dobijeni su približno slični rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja i numeričkih istraživanja. Teorijska istraživanja bazirana na teoriji verovatnoće i matematičkoj statistici imaju za cilj da realno procene nivo fleksibilnosti postojećih sistema steznih pribora u odnosu na sisteme modularnih steznih pribora predloženih u doktorskoj disertaciji. Rezultati analize fleksibilnosti modularnih steznih pribora u odnosu na postojeće grupne pribore ukazuju na znatno veću fleksibilnost modularnih steznih pribora. Pozitivni efekti formiranja sklopova modularnih steznih pribora na način prikazan u doktorskoj disertaciji ogledaju se u povećanju pouzdanosti modularnih steznih pribora, tačnosti obrade ili povećanju produktivnosti na bazi mašinske obrade pri većim nivoima režima rezanja i većim nivoima opterećenja elemenata za stezanje/baziranje.ABSTRACT: Modular fixture systems have a very important role in the modern production environment they reduce the time and costs involved in designing, as well as the time and costs during exchange of modular fixture elements in different production processes. In addition, the modular fixture systems, through the existence of universal removable clamping elements, enable greater flexibility, quality and volume of production. Research conducted within doctoral dissertation characterized an original approach in designing modular fixture elements. This implies the design of the modular fixture systems frame-type, which for the ultimate goal of design has an increase in the rigidity of the overall system in clamping the processing object and increasing the flexibility. In addition to this, experimental and numerical investigations were carried out aimed at determining the behavior of the structural elements of the modular fixture elements under the action of the load and with the stiffening elements and without the stiffening elements for agglomeration. Through theoretical, experimental and numerical research carried out, the goal of the doctoral dissertation was achieved to increase the stiffness of modular fixture systems. Approximate results of experimental research and numerical research were obtained. Theoretical investigations based on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics aim to estimate the level of flexibility of the existing fixture systems compared to modular fixture systems proposed in doctoral dissertation. The results of the flexibility analysis of modular fixture systems compared to the existing group fixture systems indicate a much higher flexibility. The positive effects of forming assemblies of modular fixture systems in the manner shown in the doctoral dissertation are reflected in increasing the reliability of modular fixture systems, processing accuracy or increasing productivity based on machining at higher levels of cutting regime and higher loading levels of clamping / basing elements

    Позитрон - 25

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    Како је вирус корона и даље актуелна тема, сазнајте хемијски састав вакцина. Уколико се до сада нисте сусрели са људима високим два нанометра, сада се можете упознати са Нанопутанцима. Ако волите књижевност, сазнајте зашто не треба читати књиге. Откријте отров из стреле који убија или пак, лечи. Прочитајте текст о форензици честичног загађења у ваздуху, као и инспиративни интервју са Јасмином Мушовић. Стигао нам је дугоочекивани Закон о студентском организовању – прочитајте шта он студентима заиста доноси. Први дани на факултету никада нису једноставни, те су корисне савете бруцоши добили на семинару СУСФАН. Подсетите се чиме се бави наш Студентски парламент, као и студентске организације у оквиру њега. Од догађаја издвајамо конференцију о хемији животне средине. Не пропустите да прелистате фото-албум студената Dream Team и сазнате нешто о њиховим симпатичним догађајима из лабораторије и атмосфери на вежбама. Уз Ретросинтезу испратите најважнија дешавања у протеклом периоду. Забавите се уз Хемијске мозгалице и Позитиву

    Gaining insight into how women conceptualize satisfaction: Western Australian women's perception of their maternity care experiences

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of maternal satisfaction is challenging, as women's and clinicians' expectations and experiences can differ. Our aim was to investigate women's experiences of maternity care in an urban tertiary obstetric setting, to gain insight into conceptualization of satisfaction across the childbirth continuum. METHODS: This mixed method study was conducted at a public maternity hospital in Western Australia. A questionnaire was sent to 733 women two weeks post birth, which included an invitation for an audio-recorded, telephone interview. Frequency distributions and univariate comparisons were employed for quantitative data. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts was undertaken to extract common themes. RESULTS: A total of 54 % (399 of 733) returned the questionnaire. Quantitative results indicated that women were less likely to feel: involved if they did not have a spontaneous vaginal birth (P?=?0.020); supported by a midwife if they had a caesarean (P?=?<0.001); or supported by an obstetrician if they had a spontaneous vaginal birth (P?=?<0.001). Qualitative findings emerged from 63 interviews which highlighted the influence that organization of care, resources and facilities had on women's satisfaction. These paradigms unfolded as three broad themes constructed by four sub-themes, each illustrating a dichotomy of experiences. The first theme 'how care was provided' encompassed: familiar faces versus a different one every time and the best place to be as opposed to so disappointed. The second theme 'attributes of staff' included: above and beyond versus caring without caring and in good hands as opposed to handled incorrectly. The third theme 'engaged in care' incorporated: explained everything versus did not know why and had a choice as opposed to did not listen to my needs. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative analysis confirmed that the majority of women surveyed were satisfied. Mode of birth influenced women's perception of being involved with their birth. Being able to explore the diversity of women's experiences in relation to satisfaction with their maternity care in an urban, tertiary obstetric setting has offered greater insight into what women value: a sensitive, respectful, shared relationship with competent clinicians who recognise and strive to provide woman focused care across the childbirth continuum

    Razvoj modularnih steznih pribora povećanog nivoa krutosti i fleksibilnosti

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    REZIME: Modularni stezni pribori imaju veoma važnu ulogu u savremenom proizvodnom okruženju jer smanjuju vreme i troškove potrebne za projektovanje, kao i vreme i troškove tokom izmene modularnog steznog pribora pri različitim proizvodnim procesima. Pored navedenog, modularni stezni pribori kroz postojanje univerzalnih izmenljivih steznih elemenata omogućavaju veću fleksibilnost, kvalitet i obim proizvodnje. Istraživanja sprovedena u okviru doktorske diseratacije karakteriše originalan pristup u pogledu projektovanja modularnih steznih pribora. To podrazumeva projektovanje modularnog steznog pribora ramnog tipa, koji za krajnji cilj projektovanja ima povećanje krutosti ukupnog sistema pri stezanju predmeta obrade i povećanje feksibilnosti. Pored navedenog izvršena su eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja koja imaju za cilj da odrede ponašanja strukturnih elemenata modularnog steznog pribora pod dejstvom opterećenja i sa elementima za ukrućenje i bez elemenata za ukrućenje. Kroz izvršena teorijska, eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja ostvaren je cilj doktorske diseracije za povećanjem krutosti modularnih steznih pribora. Dobijeni su približno slični rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja i numeričkih istraživanja. Teorijska istraživanja bazirana na teoriji verovatnoće i matematičkoj statistici imaju za cilj da realno procene nivo fleksibilnosti postojećih sistema steznih pribora u odnosu na sisteme modularnih steznih pribora predloženih u doktorskoj disertaciji. Rezultati analize fleksibilnosti modularnih steznih pribora u odnosu na postojeće grupne pribore ukazuju na znatno veću fleksibilnost modularnih steznih pribora. Pozitivni efekti formiranja sklopova modularnih steznih pribora na način prikazan u doktorskoj disertaciji ogledaju se u povećanju pouzdanosti modularnih steznih pribora, tačnosti obrade ili povećanju produktivnosti na bazi mašinske obrade pri većim nivoima režima rezanja i većim nivoima opterećenja elemenata za stezanje/baziranje.ABSTRACT: Modular fixture systems have a very important role in the modern production environment they reduce the time and costs involved in designing, as well as the time and costs during exchange of modular fixture elements in different production processes. In addition, the modular fixture systems, through the existence of universal removable clamping elements, enable greater flexibility, quality and volume of production. Research conducted within doctoral dissertation characterized an original approach in designing modular fixture elements. This implies the design of the modular fixture systems frame-type, which for the ultimate goal of design has an increase in the rigidity of the overall system in clamping the processing object and increasing the flexibility. In addition to this, experimental and numerical investigations were carried out aimed at determining the behavior of the structural elements of the modular fixture elements under the action of the load and with the stiffening elements and without the stiffening elements for agglomeration. Through theoretical, experimental and numerical research carried out, the goal of the doctoral dissertation was achieved to increase the stiffness of modular fixture systems. Approximate results of experimental research and numerical research were obtained. Theoretical investigations based on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics aim to estimate the level of flexibility of the existing fixture systems compared to modular fixture systems proposed in doctoral dissertation. The results of the flexibility analysis of modular fixture systems compared to the existing group fixture systems indicate a much higher flexibility. The positive effects of forming assemblies of modular fixture systems in the manner shown in the doctoral dissertation are reflected in increasing the reliability of modular fixture systems, processing accuracy or increasing productivity based on machining at higher levels of cutting regime and higher loading levels of clamping / basing elements

    Orthogonal Polynomials for Modified Chebyshev Measure of the First Kind

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    Given numbers , , and the th-degree monic Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind , the polynomial system "induced" by is the system of orthogonal polynomials corresponding to the modified measure , where is the Chebyshev measure of the first kind. Here we are concerned with the problem of determining the coefficients in the three-term recurrence relation for the polynomials . The desired coefficients are obtained analytically in a closed form

    Comparative analysis of suicidal poisoning autopsied at the Institute of forensic medicine in Belgrade

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    Number of poisons which surround the modern man is constantly on the rise and hence therefore the frequency of intoxication. The aim of the study was to determine the type of poison which causes the suicidal poisoning, sex, age, occupation, place of poisoning, events and seasonal distribution of poisoned. This paper analyzes the suicidal poisoning, autopsied at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade in two periods (1965-1969) and (2000-2004) years . To test for statistical significance was used Pearson's X2 test. Comparative analysis of the obtained results shows that a significantly more frequent suicidal poisoning in the first analyzed period (1965-1969), P<0.01 compared to the second (2000-2004) In the first research period, the suicidal purposes are often used caustic poisons (44.0%) and drugs (36.4%) with a slight dominance of the older age groups among the poisoned. According to the frequency of poisoning drugs no statistically significant differences in the analyzed periods (x2=0.248 , df=1, p=0.6) . In second research period, significantly dominated by males (79.5%) (x2=33.911 , df=1, p<0.0001), younger age groups (20-49 years , 86.99%), which were poisoned significantly more frequent in spring and summer (55%) compared to the first period. In both studied periods had no significant statistical difference in relation to occupation, place of poisoning and the clinical picture. The highest percentage of deaths (servants and housewives) in both periods were without clinical picture, because they were found dead in their own homes. Length of outliving period of several hours is significantly higher in the second examined period, because of application of more sophisticated, more toxic and simple to use poisons