25 research outputs found

    Analysis of the drinks that contribute to the hydration of andalusian sportspeople

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    AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the water balance in a healthy population of sportspeople from Southern Spain and determine the sources of their fluid intake, evaluating the contribution of different types of drink and comparing the results by sex and province of residence.MethodsThree hundred eighty-six sportspeople (231 males, 152 females) were enrolled in the study. A questionnaire was administered to calculate nutrient intake through diet and physical activity, and anthropometric measures were taken according to ISAK standards. SPSS-15 was used for data analyses.ResultsFruit juice, tap water, bottled water, processed fruit juice, carbonated drinks, and isotonic drinks comprised 96% of the total water intake. Simple sugar consumption represented 4.44% of daily calorie intake. Significant differences were found between sexes and between professionals and amateurs. The amount of drinks consumed varied as a function of the quality of the drinking water, which significantly differed among the eight Andalusian provinces.ConclusionThis study population did not fully meet fluid intake recommendations, compliance with hydration recommendations varied as a function of the sex and the amateur or professional status of these sportspeople. The pattern of drinks consumption also differed according to their place of residence

    Estudio preliminar de la ingesta de nutrientes de niños deportistas de Sierra Nevada

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    A study was conducted of the diet of a child Alpine ski competition team (Monachil Club, Sierra Nevada). The children,aged between 7-12 years old, were divided into two groups. One of which were residents at a ski resort and the other,residents from different cities, who practised skiing at the same resort at weekends only.A 24-hour recall questionnaire was carried out, from which the following data was collected: The mean energy valuefrom diet intake was determined at 3,218 ± 819 Kcal/day (ski resort group) and 2,485 ± 600 Kcal/day (city group). Nosignificant differences between the groups was observed (p≥0.3). The distribution of energy from energetic nutrients wascorrect for the ski resort group, both at the weekend and during the week; the city group had an excessive intake oflipids (43%) and proteins (17%), and the energy from carbohydrates did not reach 55%. A modification in the diet andintake of energy and nutrients was observed when the children moved from their family home to the ski resortSe ha realizado un estudio de la dieta del equipo de competición infantil en esquí alpino (Club Monachil, SierraNevada). Son niños con edades entre 7-12 años. Se consideran dos grupos, los residentes en la estación de esquí ylos de ciudad que esquían en fin de semana.Se han realizado encuestas de recuerdo 24 horas. El valor medio de energía, es 3218 Kcal/dia ± 819 (grupo de lasierra) y 2485 Kcal/dia ± 600 (grupo de ciudad), no existen diferencias significativas entre grupos (p≥0,3). Ladistribución de energía a partir de los nutrientes energéticos es correcta para los niños deportistas de la sierra, tantoen el fin de semana como entre semana; los niños deportistas de ciudad tienen un consumo excesivo de lípidos (43%)y prótidos (17%), el aporte de energía de carbohidratos no llega al 55%. Se observa una modificación de la dietay del consumo de energía y nutrientes cuando los niños pasan del hogar familiar a la practica del deporte

    Proposal of a Nutritional Quality Index (NQI) to Evaluate the Nutritional Supplementation of Sportspeople

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    Background: Numerous supplements are used by sportspeople. They are not always appropriate for the individual or the sports activity and may do more harm than good. Vitamin and mineral supplements are unnecessary if the energy intake is sufficient to maintain body weight and derives from a diet with an adequate variety of foods. The study objectives were to evaluate the main nutrients used as supplements in sports and to propose a nutritional quality index (NQI) that enables sportspeople to optimize their use of supplements and detect and remedy possible nutritional deficits. Material and Methods: A nutritional study was performed in 485 sportspeople recruited from Centros Andaluces de Medicina del Deporte, (CAMD). All completed socio-demographic, food frequency, and lifestyle questionnaires. The nutritional quality of their diet and need for supplementation were evaluated by scoring their dietary intake with and without supplementation, yielding two NQI scores (scales of 0-21 points) for each participant. Results: A superior mean NQI score was obtained when the supplements taken by participants were not included (16. 28 (SD of 3.52)) than when they were included (15.47 (SD: 3.08)), attributable to an excessive intake of some nutrients through supplementation. Conclusions: These results indicate that sportspeople with a varied and balanced diet do not need supplements, which appear to offer no performance benefits and may pose a health risk.The authors are grateful to the Junta de Andalucía, Spain (Research Group AGR-255“Nutrition. Diet and Risk Assessment”), a collaboration agreement with the Andalusian Centres of Sports Medicine (Junta de Andalucía) and the FPU program of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Study participants were recruited through the project “Nutritional and diet assessment methodologies applied to the Andalusian sportsperson in Andalusian Sports centres”, Research project FMD2010SC0071 of the Junta de Andalucía

    Acaricide Residues in Laying Hens Naturally Infested by Red Mite Dermanyssus gallinae

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    In the poultry industry, control of the red mite D. gallinae primarily relies worldwide on acaricides registered for use in agriculture or for livestock, and those most widely used are carbamates, followed by amidines, pyrethroids and organophosphates. Due to the repeated use of acaricides - sometimes in high concentrations - to control infestation, red mites may become resistant, and acaricides may accumulate in chicken organs and tissues, and also in eggs. To highlight some situations of misuse/abuse of chemicals and of risk to human health, we investigated laying hens, destined to the slaughterhouse, for the presence of acaricide residues in their organs and tissues. We used 45 hens from which we collected a total of 225 samples from the following tissues and organs: skin, fat, liver, muscle, hearth, and kidney. In these samples we analyzed the residual contents of carbaryl and permethrin by LC-MS/MS

    Effects of supervised aerobic and strength training in overweight and grade I obese pregnant women on maternal and foetal health markers: the GESTAFIT randomized controlled trial

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    Incidencia de un programa de actividad física sobre los parámetros antropométricos y la condición física en mujeres mayores de 60 años Effect of a physical activity program on the anthropometric and physical fitness of women over 60 years

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    El presente trabajo quiere determinar la incidencia de doce semanas de actividad física sobre la capacidad física y morfología de mujeres mayores de 60 años sin discapacidad de la comuna de Iquique, Chile. Antes y después del periodo de intervención se determinaron las características antropométricas y el estado de condición física de la muestra. Las variables antropométricas evaluadas fueron el peso, talla y perímetros de cintura y cadera. El índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y de Cintura Cadera (ICC) fue determinado. Para la evaluación del estado de la condición física se empleó el test de dinamometría manual, de salto vertical con contramovimiento y de sentarse y levantarse para la evaluación del estado de la fuerza. El equilibrio se testó mediante el test de equilibrio monopodal con referencia visual y la flexibilidad, mediante el test de flexión anterior del tronco (sit and reach test). Los resultados obtenidos muestran un efecto positivo del programa de intervención sobre el rendimiento de todos los test físicos (p This paper wants to determine the incidence of twelve weeks of physical activity on physical capacity and morphology of women over 60 yrs without disabilities in the district of Iquique, Chile. Before and after the intervention period was determined anthropometric characteristics and physical fitness status of the sample. Anthropometric variables were weight, height and waist and hip circumferences. The Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Hip was determined. To evaluate the status of the physical condition was used handgrip dynamometry test, countermovement vertical jump and get in and out. The balance was tested through the test of visual reference monopodal balance and flexibility through the test of trunk flexion (sit and reach test). Results show a positive effect of the intervention program on the performance of every physical test (p < 0.05). Anthropometric parameters showed a reduction in waist-hip ratio (p = 0.029) and waist circumference (p = 0.014), without rest of the variables analyzed showed changes of interest. Among the observed associations, vertical jump test showed a negative correlation with balance test and getting in and out test, both before and after treatment (R = -0.495, R = -0.699 in PREtest and R = -0.373, R = -0.463 at the POSTtest for the CMJ relation and balance and CMJ and Ln S-L test respectively, P < 0.05). In conclusion, a program of physical activity lasting 12 weeks, improves physical capacity (balance, grip strength, leg strength and flexibility) and anthropometric parameters (waist-hip ratio and waist circumference), in healthy women over 60yrs of the district of Iquique, Chile

    Estimación de la ingesta de fitoestrógenos en población femenina Exposure of phytoestrogens intake through diet in a sample of females

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    Introducción: Los fitoestrógenos son compuestos naturales que forman parte de numerosos alimentos de origen vegetal y que podrían modular tanto aspectos relacionados con hormonas, como reacciones de tipo antioxidante, por lo que conocer las ingestas de estos compuestos en diferentes poblaciones aclararía aspectos importantes sobre sus respuestas en el organismo. Objetivo: Valorar la exposición de fitoestrógenos por medio de la dieta, en una muestra de mujeres de todas las edades pertenecientes a la comunidad universitaria (docentes, administrativas y estudiantes), residentes en la provincia de Granada, España. Material y método: 52 mujeres adultas, con edades entre 20 y 63 años completaron individualmente un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (FFQ) compuesto por un total de 144 alimentos. Se ponderó el consumo diario de fitoestrógenos totales estandarizando los valores refiriendo estos a la daidzeína como sustancia patrón (mg/día). El análisis estadístico se realizó con SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), con un nivel de significancia de p Introduction: The phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds that are part of many foods of plant origin and could therefore modulate aspects related hormones, such as type of antioxidant reactions, learning about intakes of these compounds in different populations clarify important aspects on their responses on the human body. Objective: To evaluate the exposure of phytoestrogens through diet, in a sample of women of all ages belonging to the university community (teachers, students and administrative), residents in the province of Granada,Spain. Material and method: 52 adult females, aged between 20 and 63 years completed a questionnaire individually Frequency of Food Consumption (FFQ) composed of a total of 144 foods. It weighted the total daily consumption of phytoestrogens standardizing these values referring to the daidzein as substance pattern (mg/day). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), with a level of significance of p < 0.05. Results: The results show that the total intake of phytoestrogens was (0.89 mg/day), and most of phytoestrogens was consumed in the form of lignanos. The total consumption of isoflavones, was 0.12 mg/day, of lignanos was 1.32 mg/day intake coumestrol was not significative. A linear regression analysis determined the equation to calculate intake phytoestrogens took into account 9 food groups (R: 0.918; p < 0.001). Discussion: Average intake of phytoestrogens in Spain, is comparable to intakes reported by similar studies in Germany, England and the United States (< 1 mg/ day). Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the intake of phytoestrogens, when comparing results by age, educational level, marital status or physical activity. The intake of phytoestrogens (mg/day) can be estimated from the intake (g/day) from 9 food groups