235 research outputs found

    Changes of Physico–Chemical Properties of Pig Slurry During Storage

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    This study was aimed to determine changes of the characteristics of raw pig slurry as liquid organic fertilizer at various storage times. A completely randomized design was used in this research. The treatments were storage times, i.e.: 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 days. Variables observed were loss of the slurry, degree of acidity (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), total solid (TS), volatile solid (VS), total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD), soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), total phosphate (TP), and dissolve reactive phosphate (DRP). The results showed that storage time significantly affected all the observed variables, except the concentration of NO3-N and total phosphate content. The pH, TS, VS, DRP, and losses of slurry lost during storage times increased, while EC, TN, NH3-N, tCOD, and sCOD decreased. Physico-chemical properties of slurry during storage times changed, as a result of organic matter breakdown

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Pkn melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 005 Koto Perambahan Kecamatan Kampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research aims increased the civics learning activities using the jigsaw learning model in class V SD Negeri005 Koto Perambahan Kecamatan Kampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar. This research was conducted at SDNegeri 005 Koto Perambahan Kecamatan Kampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar. The subject of this research is thestudents of class V with the number of students 34. This research was conducted two cycles. Each cycle uses theprocedure of research implementation that is planning, implementation of action, observation and reflection.The results of research showed student learning outcomes that in cycle I of the first meeting, the total number ofcomplete students is 11 students (32,35%). In the cycle I of the second meeting, the total number of completestudents is 13 students (38,23%). In the cycle I of the third meeting, the total number of complete students is 15students (44,11%). Furthermore, in the cycle II of the first meeting there is an increase in student learningoutcomes, the total number of complete students is 17 students (50%). In the cycle II of the second meeting, thetotal number of complete students is 19 students (55,88%). In the cycle II of the third meeting, the total numberof complete students is 25 students (73,52%). Based on the result of the research it can be concluded that the useof jigsaw learning model can improve the civics learning activities on materials explain the importance of theUnitary State of the Republic Indonesia students of class V SD Negeri 005 Koto Perambahan KecamatanKampar Timur Kabupaten Kampar

    Sistem Informasi Peramalan Stok Barang Di CV. Annora Asia Menggunakan Metode Double Exponential Smoothing

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    Dalam dunia bisnis, dibutuhkan sebuah prediksi atau perkiraan dari suatu tindakan yang akan diproses untuk menindak lanjuti hasil yang akan diharapkan pada beberapa periode selanjutnya. Keberlangsungan proses produksi   dalam  suatu   bisnis   ditunjang   oleh   pengendalian   persediaan    stok  barang yang baik. Peramalan   merupakan   satu   komponen   pendukung   dalam   aktivitas   perencanaan   dalam membuat  suatu prediksi  bisnis  untuk  mendapatkan  keuntungan  yang  maksimal.  Metode   peramalan  merupakan bentuk pengendalian persediaan kuantitatif berdasarkan data historis (runtut waktu).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meramalkan  jumlah  Stok  barang  di  CV.Annora  Asia  dengan   menggunakan   metode   double   exponential smoothing. Dengan metode ini, perhitungan dapat dilakukan untuk mencari nilai optimal yang paling baik dengan   tingkat  kesalahan  yang  paling  terkecil. Dan  hasil  pengujian  perhitungan  MAPE  (Mean  Absolute Percentage Error) menunjukan hasil hasil yang sangat bagus karna di temukan nilai sebesar 4,82866%

    Preliminary study on congenital anomaly in DR. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta

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    Background: Congenital anomalies and genetic diseases tend to increase and dominate hospital admittance,especially in the pediatric wards in developed countries. The spectrum of diseases in regions with lowinfant mortality rate is likely to go with such tendency It is necessary to study congenital anomalies andgenetic diseases at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, locating in a region with much lower infant mortalityrate than that of the national average.Objective: To know the occurrence of congenital anomalies and its pattern among DR. Sardjito GeneralHospital in-patients.Method: An desricptive study was done on secondary data taken from data-base of the Hospital in 1998 –2002 period. All of admittances in that period diagnosed as primary or secondary diagnosis, with Q00 –Q99 congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities according to InternationalClassisifaction of Diseases (ICD), were included. The pattern of anomaly at the Hospital was compared tothat of different population and period.Results: There were 1968 1070 males and 898 females) admittances with congenital anomalies at Dr.Sardjito General Hospital in 1998 – 2002. The proportion compared to the whole admittance was 2.06%.The most prevalent was Q35 – Q37 cleft lip and cleft palate (21.14%), followed by Q38 – Q45 othercongenital malformations of the digestive system (18.45%), Q20 – Q28 malformations of the circulatorysystem (15.65%), Q50 – Q56 malformations of genital organs (12,55%), Q00 – Q07 malformations ofthe nervous system (11.89%), Q65-Q79: malformations nd deformations of musculoskeletal system(6.40%), Q80-Q89: other congenital malformations (4.06%), Q10-Q18: malformations of eye, ear, faceand neck (3,91%), Q60-Q64: malformations of the urinary system (2.54%), Q90-Q99: Chromosomalanomalies (2,44%), and Q30-Q34: malformations of the respiratory system (0.97%).Conclusion: Congenital anomalies at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital were dominated by cleft lip and palate,and other congenital malformations of the digestive system. The pattern was similar to that of otherregions of Indonesia, and differed from Indian and European populationsKey words: congenital anomalies – genetic diseases – malformations – Dr. Sardjito General Hospita

    Strategi Penguatan Galangan Kapal Nasional dalam Rangka Memperkuat Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Armada Pelayaran Domestik Nasional 2030

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    Pengembangan industri maritim nasional sebagai solusi dari program pemerintah Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pelayaran Nasional dalam transportasi barang dan penumpang antar pulau. Untuk data awal sebagai pedoman peningkatan kemampuan galangan untuk menghasilkan pembangunan kapal-kapal baru termasuk reparasi/docking, diperlukan inventarisasi kondisi terkini galangan dan kemampuan operasional dalam membangun serta mereparasi kapal-kapal sesuai skedul yang ada. Resume evaluasi data sekunder yang memperlihatkan bahwa kontribusi operasional galangan lebih berorientasi pada reparasi/perbaikan (docking) kapal, karena kebutuhan material lebih bermuatan lokal. Disamping itu, resiko terhadap kerugian dan waktu kerja dapat diminimalkan

    Planning of Secondary School Location at Subcentre of Medan Selayang Service Based on Geographic Informaton System

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    This research aimed to solve the problem of requirement of facility and infrastructure of high school education year 2030 at 4 sub-districts in sub department of Medan Selayang. By knowing the number of junior high school student we can calculate requirement of middle school infrastructure needed. The need for secondary school building infrastructure at the Medan Selayang service sub-center in 2030 is calculated based on the number of population aged 0-4 years in 2016 as users of secondary education services in the planning year. The need for the number of new school units based on the maximum capacity of study groups available in each school in the study area, the lack of learning groups is met through new classroom addition programs and the addition of new school units. With the population of middle school age in 2030 in four districts amounting to 33,299, it is required to provide 1 unit of new school in Medan Baru sub-district, 1 unit of new school in Medan Selayang sub-district, 2 units of new school in Medan Tuntungan sub-district. The lack of study group in Medan Baru sub-district can be fulfilled by adding new classroom based on the availability of school land. Planning of school location in the addition of new school unit based on spatial analysis using geographic information system application. Method of research used is descriptive method quantitatively. Quantitative analysis done By using Geographic Information System. Analysis is done based on the factors that influence the selection of school location which consists of service coverage factors, distribution pattern factors, accessibility factors and land use factors. From the results of analysis based on spatial data found sowed that the area has not been served in the region Planning. This underserved area became a zone in the determination of secondary school location planning at the Medan Selayang service sub-center


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    Pemanfaatan tekhnologi terhadap pembelajaran membaca memiliki efek yang sangat besar dan lebih terasa pada saat ini, dimana situasi pendidikan terhenti secara konvensional disebabkan pandemi covid-19. Sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah melalui kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan diberlakukan pengawasan ketat terhadap proses pembelajaran dengan tidak diperkenankan menyelenggarakan pendidikan melalui tatap muka. Artinya, pelaksanaan pembelajaran lebih memanfaatkan tekhnologi informasi (Daring). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data meliputi kepala sekolah, guru bahasa arab dan siswa di SMA Al-Miftah Panyeppen Pamekasan. Tekhnik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara semi structural, observasi non partisipan dan analisis dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan mengguanakan reduksi data display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini meliputi: Pertama, latar belakang peningkatan keterampilan mengajar membaca berbasis tekhnologi informasi dilakukan karena SDM dan SDA guru kurang memadai, maka perlu ditingkatkan keterampilan mengajar membaca berbasis tekhnologi informasi. Kedua, upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar membaca berbasis tekhnologi informasi berbentuk fisik dan non fisik. Ketiga, hambatan yang dirasakan dalam peningkatan keterampilan mengajar membaca berbasis tekhnologi informasi bersumber dari pihak internal dan eksternal. Keempat, hasil dari peningkatan keterampilan mengajar membaca berbasis tekhnologi informasi berbentuk softskill dan hardskill


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    Socio-emotional development in early childhood is an aspect that needs to be developed and also as a characteristic form of various changes, this will be able to develop various developments that exist in students who are still at an early age stage. So the researchers wanted to know and analyze the evaluation of socio-emotional aspects at the early childhood stage in PAUD Al-Hammadaa, trasak ban on Pamekasan. This research uses qualitative research methods using structured interviews and non-participant observation. While the data analysis used descriptive analysis. From the results of interviews and observations, it was found that the evaluation of the socio-emotional aspects of early childhood at Al-Hammadaa PAUD uses formative and summative evaluation types with its implementation using oral and written techniques. Meanwhile, the factors that influence the socio-emotional of infancy age children at PAUD Al-Hammadaa Trasak Pamekasan are an atmosphere that is not conducive and unpleasant, educational play tools in the classroom and outside the classroom, props, and facilities and infrastructure

    Concentration of Potassium, Magnesium, and Iron of Brachiaria Humidicola (Rendle Schweick) at Various Cultivation Methods and Defoliation Intervals

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    The existence of weeds significantly decreases the rate of production and quality of herbage. Physical weed control by defoliation could be expected to sustain quality and production of herbage, and is able to control weeds expansion. The aims of this study were to know the effect of defoliation intervals of B. humidicola that invited by C. odorata and its effect on potassium, magnesium and iron concentration. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Agrostology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. Chemical composition of forage was analyzed at the Chemistry Laboratory, Center of Soil and Agroclimatology Research. Split Plot Design in Time was used in the field experiment. The treatments were nine different planting methods and different defoliation intervals. Defoliation times were divided on the first defoliation and the last defoliation. The results of this experiment showed that potassium, magnesium and iron concentrations of herbage which were defoliated every 30 days was significantly higher than those defoliated every 60 days and 90 days. Potassium and iron concentrations at the last defoliation were higher than the first defoliation. The existence of C. odorata decreased magnesium and iron concentration of B. humidicola herbage, although they were defoliated together with grass defoliation
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