442 research outputs found

    Path-decomposition expansion and edge effects in a confined magnetized free-electron gas

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    Path-integral methods can be used to derive a `path-decomposition expansion' for the temperature Green function of a magnetized free-electron gas confined by a hard wall. With the help of this expansion the asymptotic behaviour of the profiles for the excess particle density and the electric current density far from the edge is determined for arbitrary values of the magnetic field strength. The asymptotics are found to depend sensitively on the degree of degeneracy. For a non-degenerate electron gas the asymptotic profiles are essentially Gaussian (albeit modulated by a Bessel function), on a length scale that is a function of the magnetic field strength and the temperature. For a completely degenerate electron gas the asymptotic behaviour is again proportional to a Gaussian, with a scale that is the magnetic length in this case. The prefactors are polynomial and logarithmic functions of the distance from the wall, that depend on the number of filled Landau levels nn. As a consequence, the Gaussian asymptotic decay sets in at distances that are large compared to the magnetic length multiplied by n\sqrt{n}.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Gen; corrected small typ

    Minimal re-computation for exploratory data analysis in astronomy

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    We present a technique to automatically minimise the re-computation when a data processing program is iteratively changed, or added to, as is often the case in exploratory data analysis in radio astronomy. A typical example is flagging and calibration of demanding or unusual observations where visual inspection suggests improvement to the processing strategy. The technique is based on memoization and referentially transparent tasks. We describe a prototype implementation for the CASA data reduction package. This technique improves the efficiency of data analysis while reducing the possibility for user error and improving the reproducibility of the final result

    Correlations in a confined magnetized free-electron gas

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    Equilibrium quantum statistical methods are used to study the pair correlation function for a magnetized free-electron gas in the presence of a hard wall that is parallel to the field. With the help of a path-integral technique and a Green function representation the modifications in the correlation function caused by the wall are determined both for a non-degenerate and for a completely degenerate gas. In the latter case the asymptotic behaviour of the correlation function for large position differences in the direction parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the field, is found to change from Gaussian in the bulk to algebraic near the wall.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    rPICARD: A CASA-based Calibration Pipeline for VLBI Data

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    Currently, HOPS and AIPS are the primary choices for the time-consuming process of (millimeter) Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data calibration. However, for a full end-to-end pipeline, they either lack the ability to perform easily scriptable incremental calibration or do not provide full control over the workflow with the ability to manipulate and edit calibration solutions directly. The Common Astronomy Software Application (CASA) offers all these abilities, together with a secure development future and an intuitive Python interface, which is very attractive for young radio astronomers. Inspired by the recent addition of a global fringe-fitter, the capability to convert FITS-IDI files to measurement sets, and amplitude calibration routines based on ANTAB metadata, we have developed the the CASA-based Radboud PIpeline for the Calibration of high Angular Resolution Data (rPICARD). The pipeline will be able to handle data from multiple arrays: EHT, GMVA, VLBA and the EVN in the first release. Polarization and phase-referencing calibration are supported and a spectral line mode will be added in the future. The large bandwidths of future radio observatories ask for a scalable reduction software. Within CASA, a message passing interface (MPI) implementation is used for parallelization, reducing the total time needed for processing. The most significant gain is obtained for the time-consuming fringe-fitting task where each scan be processed in parallel.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, EVN 2018 symposium proceeding

    High-z radio starbursts host obscured X-ray AGN

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    We use Virtual Observatory methods to investigate the association between radio and X-ray emission at high redshifts. Fifty-five of the 92 HDF(N) sources resolved by combining MERLIN+VLA data were detected by Chandra, of which 18 are hard enough and bright enough to be obscured AGN. The high-z population of microJy radio sources is dominated by starbursts an order of magnitude more active and more extended than any found at z<1 and at least a quarter of these simultaneously host highly X-ray-luminous obscured AGN.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 'At the Edge of the Universe' (9-13 October 2006, Sintra, Portugal

    The SFXC software correlator for Very Long Baseline Interferometry: Algorithms and Implementation

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    In this paper a description is given of the SFXC software correlator, developed and maintained at the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE). The software is designed to run on generic Linux-based computing clusters. The correlation algorithm is explained in detail, as are some of the novel modes that software correlation has enabled, such as wide-field VLBI imaging through the use of multiple phase centres and pulsar gating and binning. This is followed by an overview of the software architecture. Finally, the performance of the correlator as a function of number of CPU cores, telescopes and spectral channels is shown.Comment: Accepted by Experimental Astronom

    Psychological functioning in adolescents referred to specialist gender identity clinics across Europe : a clinical comparison study between four clinics

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    Adolescents seeking professional help with their gender identity development often present with psychological difficulties. Existing literature on psychological functioning of gender diverse young people is limited and mostly bound to national chart reviews. This study examined the prevalence of psychological functioning and peer relationship problems in adolescents across four European specialist gender services (The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, and Switzerland), using the Child Behavioural Checklist (CBCL) and the Youth Self-Report (YSR). Differences in psychological functioning and peer relationships were found in gender diverse adolescents across Europe. Overall, emotional and behavioural problems and peer relationship problems were most prevalent in adolescents from the UK, followed by Switzerland and Belgium. The least behavioural and emotional problems and peer relationship problems were reported by adolescents from The Netherlands. Across the four clinics, a similar pattern of gender differences was found. Birth-assigned girls showed more behavioural problems and externalising problems in the clinical range, as reported by their parents. According to self-report, internalising problems in the clinical range were more prevalent in adolescent birth-assigned boys. More research is needed to gain a better understanding of the difference in clinical presentations in gender diverse adolescents and to investigate what contextual factors that may contribute to this

    The 1980 earthquake in southern Italy: rescue of trapped victims and mortality.

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    A retrospective survey was undertaken on the health effects of the 1980 earthquake in southern Italy. The study population included 3619 people living in 7 villages situated near the epicentre of the disaster. The overall casualty rate (dead and injured) was 19.7%. Nearly all the deaths (192/202) occurred among trapped people who died before they could be rescued. Eighty per cent of all the trapped people were extricated within 2 days, mostly without the use of sophisticated means. The probability of survival decreased sharply, the longer the time before extrication. The crude mortality during the 18 months following the earthquake was 19.0 per thousand among the injured people who received treatment, and 14.1 per thousand among non-injured people. After age standardization, there was no significant difference between these two figures and the expected mortality figures for the Italian population in normal times (14.4 per thousand). These results stress the importance of providing rescue activities in the first 48 hours after the impact. Strengthening the self-reliance of the community in disaster preparedness is suggested as the best way to improve the effectiveness of relief operations. In disaster-prone areas, training and education in methods of rescue should be an integral part of any primary health care programme

    Time correlations in a confined magnetized free-electron gas

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    The time-dependent pair correlation functions for a degenerate ideal quantum gas of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field are studied on the basis of equilibrium statistics. In particular, the influence of a flat hard wall on the correlations is investigated, both for a perpendicular and a parallel orientation of the wall with respect to the field. The coherent and incoherent parts of the time-dependent structure function in position space are determined from an expansion in terms of the eigenfunctions of the one-particle Hamiltonian. For the bulk of the system, the intermediate scattering function and the dynamical structure factor are derived by taking successive Fourier transforms. In the vicinity of the wall the time-dependent coherent structure function is found to decay faster than in the bulk. For coinciding positions near the wall the form of the structure function turns out to be independent of the orientation of the wall. Numerical results are shown to corroborate these findings.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics