1,381 research outputs found

    Erratum: "Post-T Tauri Stars in the Nearest OB Association" (AJ, 124, 1670 [2002])

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    A few typos in Mamajek, Meyer, & Liebert (2002, AJ, 124, 1670) have been corrected in this erratum (including two stellar misidentifications and an incorrect power in the units of a slope). The most significant is the correction of a sign error in the published polynomial conversion between Tycho and Johnson-Cousins (B-V) colors.Comment: 1 page, to appear in April 2006 Astronomical Journa

    The True Incidence of Magnetism among Field White Dwarfs

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    We study the incidence of magnetism in white dwarfs from three large and well-observed samples of hot, cool, and nearby white dwarfs in order to test whether the fraction of magnetic degenerates is biased, and whether it varies with effective temperature, cooling age, or distance. The magnetic fraction is considerably higher for the cool sample of Bergeron, Ruiz, and Leggett, and the Holberg, Oswalt, and Sion sample of local white dwarfs that it is for the generally-hotter white dwarfs of the Palomar Green Survey. We show that the mean mass of magnetic white dwarfs in this survey is 0.93 solar masses or more, so there may be a strong bias against their selection in the magnitude-limited Palomar Green Survey. We argue that this bias is not as important in the samples of cool and nearby white dwarfs. However, this bias may not account for all of the difference in the magnetic fractions of these samples. It is not clear that the magnetic white dwarfs in the cool and local samples are drawn from the same population as the hotter PG stars. In particular, two or threee of the cool sample are low-mass white dwarfs in unresolved binary systems. Moreover, there is a suggestion from the local sample that the fractional incidence may increase with decreasing temperature, luminosity, and/or cooling age. Overall, the true incidence of magnetism at the level of 2 megagauss or greater is at least 10%, and could be higher. Limited studies capable of detecting lower field strengths down to 10 kilogauss suggest by implication that the total fraction may be substantially higher than 10%.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, Astronomical Journal in press -- Jan 2003 issu

    IUE observations of a hot DAO white dwarf: Implications for diffusion theory and photospheric stratification

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    Observations of the DAO white dwarf PG1210+533, including the first high dispersion spectrum of a hybrid H-He object of this nature were obtained by IUE. In contrast with hot DAs in the 50,000 K temperature range, PG1210+533 shows no narrow interstellar-like metal lines, in spite of an optically observed He/H abundance of 0.1. This lack of metal makes accretion from the ISM an unlikely source for the He in the PG1210+533 photosphere. A significant discovery in the high dispersion spectrum is the existence of a sharp, non-LTE like, core seen in the He II 1640 line. Such features are detected in DO white dwarfs. A small aperture SWP low dispersion observation reveals the Lyman alpha profile of PG1210+533 to be surprisingly weak and narrow. Fits of this profile using pure H models yielded a T(eff) = 56,000 K. Fits of the Balmer H gamma profile however, yield T(eff) = 42,300 K and log g = 8.5 + or - 0.5 for the same models. It is unlikely that homogeneously mixed H-He atmospheres can resolve the inconsistency between the Lyman alpha and H gamma features in this star. Stratified models involving thin H photospheres may be necessary to explain these results

    SDSS J142625.71+575218.3: A Prototype for A New Class of Variable White Dwarf

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    We present the results of a search for pulsations in six of the recently discovered carbon-atmosphere white dwarf ("hot DQ") stars. On the basis of our theoretical calculations, the star SDSS J142625.71 + 575218.3 is the only object expected to pulsate. We observe this star to be variable, with significant power at 417.7 s and 208.8 s ( first harmonic), making it a strong candidate as the first member of a new class of pulsating white dwarf stars, the DQVs. Its folded pulse shape, however, is quite different from that of other white dwarf variables and shows similarities with that of the cataclysmic variable AM CVn, raising the possibility that this star may be a carbon-transferring analog of AM CVn stars. In either case, these observations represent the discovery of a new and exciting class of object.NSF AST-0507639, AST-0602288, AST-0607480, AST-0307321Astronom

    Pulsation in carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs: A new chapter in white dwarf asteroseismology

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    We present some of the results of a survey aimed at exploring the asteroseismological potential of the newly-discovered carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs. We show that, in certains regions of parameter space, carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs may drive low-order gravity modes. We demonstrate that our theoretical results are consistent with the recent exciting discovery of luminosity variations in SDSS J1426+5752 and some null results obtained by a team of scientists at McDonald Observatory. We also present follow-up photometric observations carried out by ourselves at the Mount Bigelow 1.6-m telescope using the new Mont4K camera. The results of follow-up spectroscopic observations at the MMT are also briefly reported, including the surprising discovery that SDSS J1426+5752 is not only a pulsating star but that it is also a magnetic white dwarf with a surface field near 1.2 MG. The discovery of gg-mode pulsations in SDSS J1426+5752 is quite significant in itself as it opens a fourth asteroseismological "window", after the GW Vir, V777 Her, and ZZ Ceti families, through which one may study white dwarfs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    On the Spectral Evolution of Cool, Helium-Atmosphere White Dwarfs: Detailed Spectroscopic and Photometric Analysis of DZ Stars

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    We present a detailed analysis of a large spectroscopic and photometric sample of DZ white dwarfs based on our latest model atmosphere calculations. We revise the atmospheric parameters of the trigonometric parallax sample of Bergeron, Leggett, & Ruiz (12 stars) and analyze 147 new DZ white dwarfs discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The inclusion of metals and hydrogen in our model atmosphere calculations leads to different atmospheric parameters than those derived from pure helium models. Calcium abundances are found in the range from log (Ca/He) = -12 to -8. We also find that fits of the coolest objects show peculiarities, suggesting that our physical models may not correctly describe the conditions of high atmospheric pressure encountered in the coolest DZ stars. We find that the mean mass of the 11 DZ stars with trigonometric parallaxes, = 0.63 Mo, is significantly lower than that obtained from pure helium models, = 0.78 Mo, and in much better agreement with the mean mass of other types of white dwarfs. We determine hydrogen abundances for 27% of the DZ stars in our sample, while only upper limits are obtained for objects with low signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopic data. We confirm with a high level of confidence that the accretion rate of hydrogen is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than that of metals (and up to five in some cases) to be compatible with the observations. We find a correlation between the hydrogen abundance and the effective temperature, suggesting for the first time empirical evidence of a lower temperature boundary for the hydrogen screening mechanism. Finally, we speculate on the possibility that the DZA white dwarfs could be the result of the convective mixing of thin hydrogen-rich atmospheres with the underlying helium convection zone.Comment: 67 pages, 32 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Detection and high-resolution spectroscopy of a huge flare on the old M9 dwarf DENIS 104814.7-395606.1

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    We report a flare on the M9 dwarf DENIS 104814.7-395606.1, whose mass places it directly at the hydrogen burning limit. The event was observed in a spectral sequence during 1.3 hours. Line shifts to bluer wavelengths were detected in H alpha, H beta, and in the Na D lines, indicating mass motions. In addition we detect a flux enhancement on the blue side of the two Balmer lines in the last spectrum of our series. We interpret this as rising gas cloud with a projected velocity of about 100 km/s which may lead to mass ejection. The higher Balmer lines H gamma to H 8 are not seen due to our instrumental setup, but in the last spectrum there is strong evidence for H 9 being in emission.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted A&

    Follow-up Observations of the Second and Third Known Pulsating Hot DQ White Dwarfs

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    We present follow-up time-series photometric observations that confirm and extend the results of the significant discovery made by Barlow et al.(2008) that the Hot DQ white dwarfs SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 and SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 are luminosity variable. These are the second and third known members of a new class of pulsating white dwarfs, after the prototype SDSS J142625.71+575218.3 (Montgomery et al. 2008). We find that the light curve of SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 is dominated by an oscillation at 654.397+-0.056 s, and that the light pulse folded on that period is highly nonlinear due to the presence of the first and second harmonic of the main pulsation. We also present evidence for the possible detection of two additional pulsation modes with low amplitudes and periods of 577.576+-0.226 s and 254.732+-0.048 s in that star. Likewise, we find that the light curve of SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 is dominated by a pulsation with a period of 1044.168+-0.012 s, but with no sign of harmonic components. A new oscillation, with a low amplitude and a period of 416.919+-0.004 s, is also probably detected in that second star. We argue, on the basis of the very different folded pulse shapes, that SDSS J220029.08-074121.5 is likely magnetic, while SDSS J234843.30-094245.3 is probably not.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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