1,510 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Leeman, Florence M. (Verona, Hancock County)

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    Чому не побачила світ рецензія Євгена Гуцала на книжку Григора Тютюнника?

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    Dit artikel doet verslag van een beschrijvend onderzoek naar de burgerschapsdoelen die leraren in de beroepsgerichte vakken in de bovenbouw van het vmbo in hun lessen nastreven en de wijze waarop ze aan die doelen werken. Vijftien vakleraren, werkzaam in diverse sectoren werden geïnterviewd. De leraren zeggen weinig bezig te zijn met burgerschap als thema en doel. Tegelijkertijd besteden ze wel aandacht aan maatschappelijk verantwoord handelen en aan zelfkennis, vaardigheden en houdingen die te maken hebben met de relatie van de leerling tot anderen en de samenleving. In de context van het leren in levensechte beroepscontexten werken ze onder meer aan samenwerken, een goede werk- en beroepshouding en, met name in het geval van het technisch onderwijs, gezamenlijke zorg voor en reflectie op de kwaliteit van het werk. In de discussie gaan we in op de mogelijkheden voor een, in vergelijking tot algemene vormen van onderwijs, relatief eigen karakter van burgerschapsvorming in het vmbo en leggen een relatie met Sennetts visie op vakmanschap als burgerschap

    Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes

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    Slow earthquakes represent an important conundrum in earthquake physics. While regular earthquakes are catastrophic events with rupture velocities governed by elastic wave speed, the processes that underlie slow fault slip phenomena, including recent discoveries of tremor, slow-slip and low-frequency earthquakes, are less understood. Theoretical models and sparse laboratory observations have provided insights, but the physics of slow fault rupture remain enigmatic. Here we report on laboratory observations that illuminate the mechanics of slow-slip phenomena. We show that a spectrum of slow-slip behaviours arises near the threshold between stable and unstable failure, and is governed by frictional dynamics via the interplay of fault frictional properties, effective normal stress and the elastic stiffness of the surrounding material. This generalizable frictional mechanism may act in concert with other hypothesized processes that damp dynamic ruptures, and is consistent with the broad range of geologic environments where slow earthquakes are observed

    Citizenship in prevocational education: Professional pride as a source

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    The practice of citizenship education has predominantly been studied in general education. This article details an interview study of citizenship education of teachers in prevocational education in the Netherlands. We investigated whether and how vocational teachers reflected on their goals and teaching practices in citizenship education. Teachers did not perceive their teaching to be working on citizenship. However, they aimed at developing professional attitudes in their students, emphasising participation and ‘doing their work well’ in order to become respected and personally responsible workers/employees. In technical education, the development of pride in and shared responsibility for the quality of the students’ craftwork was emphasised. These findings are discussed in relation to Sennett’s views on the development of craftsmanship as citizenship. We see these views as strategic openings for an alternative to the dominant verbal, individualising and adaptation oriented approach of citizenship education

    Attrition-enhanced total resolution leads to homochiral families of amino acid derivatives

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    The total resolution of five structurally similar racemizable amino acid derivatives, three of which have racemic crystal structures, was performed simultaneously. By enantioselective incorporation in an amino acid derivative that forms a conglomerate the other four were deracemized on attrition-induced grinding. The outcome of the resolution was random (R) or (S), but all compounds had the same absolute configuration and high enantiomeric purities.

    Investigating the relationship between wisdom, intelligence, age, and gender and the role of mediators and moderators: an Australian setting

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    Wisdom and intelligence are complex distinct constructs which share some characteristics. Measures of wisdom should be distinguished from the construct of intelligence, because, although intelligence helps us engage in our environment, wisdom assists us in dealing with life’s existential challenges. Yet, wisdom a master virtue, often lacks valid and reliable measures. This thesis investigated how wisdom and intelligence are influenced by age and gender, in two quantitative studies. Study One examined whether the structural validity of the popular 40-item five factor Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale (SAWS) would replicate in our sample. We also tested multigroup invariance, and SAWS Openness dimension as a wisdom precursor proposed by other models. Data from 709 respondents, aged 15–92 were randomly split into two. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on Sample 1 showed that the SAWS factor structure did not fit the data. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on Sample 2 offered an alternative model, a 12-item four factor solution (SAWS-12), without a Humour facet. SAWS-12 demonstrated a good fit and measurement invariance (MI) across age groups and gender. In respect to findings relative to age, all adults were wiser than adolescents and young adults differed in wisdom from midlife adults. These two groups were similar to older persons. Despite women being wiser than men, the effect size was small. In Study Two, CFA cross-validated the SAWS-12 structure with 457 participants aged 16–87 and compared the measure with the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale-12 (3D-WS-12). SAWS-12 displayed good discriminant validity, but not 3D-WS-12, since 3D-WS-12 shared similar r = .34 with both SAWS-12 and crystallised intelligence (Gc). Again, women scored higher on SAWS-12, but there were no gender differences on 3D-WS-12. On both measures, wisdom–age trajectory was curvilinear with peak at midlife, corroborating current literature. Older adults’ mean wisdom scores did not differ from younger or midlife groups. Highest wisdom scorers were older on both wisdom measures, but better educated only on 3D-WS-12. On measures of Gc and fluid intelligence (Gf) there were no gender differences. While Gc linearly inclined with ageing, Gf’s inverse U–curve ageing trajectory was almost flat. Although intelligence failed to mediate the relationship between age and SAWS-12, Gc mediated 3D-WS-12 with age. Age and gender did not moderate the relationship between intelligence and wisdom. This thesis established new findings. We confirmed SAWS Openness facet is a basic component of wisdom, whereas the Humour factor is not. We demonstrated ceiling and cohort effects, opposing and challenging declining Gf with age reported in contemporary literature. SAWS-12 as a new measure of wisdom demonstrated excellent psychometrics superior to the 3D-WS-12, replicated in a new population across time, displayed convergent and discriminant validity, and MI across age groups and gender. This suggests SAWS-12 is a short, direct, reliable measure of wisdom, which offers distinct advantages to research where increments of time are the focus of the study, such as longitudinal studies, and for vulnerable population groups with short attentional spans

    Providing Doulas as Continuous Labor Support for Pregnant Patients in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Can Help Families

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    A 2019 NM-based pilot research project funded by NIH (Grant # U54 MD004811 – UNM TREE Center) suggests that pregnant patients receiving substance use disorder treatment may greatly benefit from access to experienced doulas providing trauma-informed and addiction-informed support. The results from the pilot also suggest that both doulas and medical providers are eager to facilitate access to doula care for these pregnant individuals