1,258 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo sampling of Wigner functions and surface hopping quantum dynamics

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    The article addresses the achievable accuracy for a Monte Carlo sampling of Wigner functions in combination with a surface hopping algorithm for non-adiabatic quantum dynamics. The approximation of Wigner functions is realized by an adaption of the Metropolis algorithm for real-valued functions with disconnected support. The integration, which is necessary for computing values of the Wigner function, uses importance sampling with a Gaussian weight function. The numerical experiments agree with theoretical considerations and show an error of 2–3%

    Evaluation of GPM-DPR precipitation estimates with WegenerNet gauge data

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    The core satellite of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission provides precipitation observations measured with the Dual frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR). The precipitation can only be estimated from the radar data, and therefore, independent validations using direct precipitation observation on the ground as a true reference need to be performed. Moreover, the quality and the accuracy of the measurements depend on various influencing factors. In this way, a validation may help to minimise those uncertainties. The DPR provides three different radar rain rate estimates for the GPM core satellite: Ku-band-only rain rates, Ka-band-only rain rates and a product combining the two frequencies. This study presents an evaluation of the three GPM-DPR surface precipitation estimates based on the gridded precipitation data of the WegenerNet, a local scale terrestrial network of 153 meteorological stations in southeast Austria. The validation is based on a graphical and a statistical approach using only data where both Ku- and Ka-band measurements are available. The data delivered from the WegenerNet are gauge-based gridded rainfall observations; the meteorological winter is excluded due to technical reasons. The focus lies on the resemblance of the variability within the whole network and the over- and underestimation of the precipitation through the GPM-DPR. During the last four years 22 rainfall events were observed by the GPM-DPR over the WegenerNet and the analysis rests upon these rainfall events. The WegenerNet provides a large number of gauges within each GPM-DPR footprint. Its biases are well studied and corrected, thus, it can be taken as a robust ground reference. This work also includes considerations on the limits of such comparisons between small terrestrial networks with a high density of stations and precipitation observations from a satellite. Our results show that the GPM-DPR estimates basically match with the WegenerNet measurements, but absolute quantities are biased. The three types of radar estimates deliver similar results, where Ku-band and dual frequency estimates are very close to each other. On a general level, Ka-band precipitation estimates deliver the best results due to the high number of light rainfall events

    The costs and benefits of a vaccination programme for Haemophilus influenzae type 8 disease

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    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection is a major cause of severe bacterial infection in young children in South Africa and world-wide. These diseases can be prevented by immunisation with conjugate Hib vaccines. In South Africa, unlike some developed countries, Hib vaccines are not part of the routine immunisation schedule. The objective of this study was to measure the expected net benefits from a hypothetical programme of vaccination of the 1992 Cape Town birth cohort (N =46 537). Costs were calculated by summing the estimated direct medical care costs together with the indirect costs of Hib disease. The latter were calculated by valuing human life using alternative, and conservative human capital and willingness-to-pay measures. The difference between Hib disease costs (Le. the benefits which would be gained from a successful vaccination programme) and the costs of the vaccination programme itself (HibTITER, Praxis Biologicals) defined the expected net benefits. In the absence of an immunisation programme, the estimated economic costs of Hib disease in the 1992 Cape Town cohort ranged from R10,7 million to R11 ,8 million. The costs of introducing the vaccine would have amounted to R8,3 million. Had the vaccine been administered to the 1992 birth cohort, benefits would have exceeded costs by between R2,4 million and R3,5 million

    In vivo imaging of murine endocrine islets of Langerhans with extended-focus optical coherence microscopy

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    Aims/hypothesis: Structural and functional imaging of the islets of Langerhans and the insulin-secreting beta cells represents a significant challenge and a long-lasting objective in diabetes research. In vivo microscopy offers a valuable insight into beta cell function but has severe limitations regarding sample labelling, imaging speed and depth, and was primarily performed on isolated islets lacking native innervations and vascularisation. This article introduces extended-focus optical coherence microscopy (xfOCM) to image murine pancreatic islets in their natural environment in situ, i.e. in vivo and in a label-free condition. Methods: Ex vivo measurements on excised pancreases were performed and validated by standard immunohistochemistry to investigate the structures that can be observed with xfOCM. The influence of streptozotocin on the signature of the islets was investigated in a second step. Finally, xfOCM was applied to make measurements of the murine pancreas in situ and in vivo. Results: xfOCM circumvents the fundamental physical limit that trades lateral resolution for depth of field, and achieves fast volumetric imaging with high resolution in all three dimensions. It allows label-free visualisation of pancreatic lobules, ducts, blood vessels and individual islets of Langerhans ex vivo and in vivo, and detects streptozotocin-induced islet destruction. Conclusions/interpretation: Our results demonstrate the potential value of xfOCM in high-resolution in vivo studies to assess islet structure and function in animal models of diabetes, aiming towards its use in longitudinal studies of diabetes progression and islet transplant

    Cancer of the rectum

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    Radiation measurements in the new tandem accelerator FEL

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    The measurements of both spontaneous and stimulated emissions of radiation in the newly configured Israeli EA-FEL are made for the first time. The radiation at the W-band was measured and characterized. The results match the predictions of our earlier theoretical modeling and calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, FEL 2003 Conference repor
