2,708 research outputs found

    Stochastic self-assembly of incommensurate clusters

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    We examine the classic problem of homogeneous nucleation and growth by deriving and analyzing a fully discrete stochastic master equation. Upon comparison with results obtained from the corresponding mean-field Becker-D\"{o}ring equations we find striking differences between the two corresponding equilibrium mean cluster concentrations. These discrepancies depend primarily on the divisibility of the total available mass by the maximum allowed cluster size, and the remainder. When such mass incommensurability arises, a single remainder particle can "emulsify" or "disperse" the system by significantly broadening the mean cluster size distribution. This finite-sized broadening effect is periodic in the total mass of the system and can arise even when the system size is asymptotically large, provided the ratio of the total mass to the maximum cluster size is finite. For such finite ratios we show that homogeneous nucleation in the limit of large, closed systems is not accurately described by classical mean-field mass-action approaches.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Microwave steam explosion and enzymatic hydrolysis of vine-branch

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    Our research target was to utilise vine-branch, existing in huge amounts, for energetic purposes. During our experiments, microwave (MW) treatments of different powers (400–1600 W), pressures (1–5 bar), temperatures (120–180 °C), and treatment times (3–30 min) were applied to change the physical condition of vine-branch. After MW, enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) was used (85–100 h, 37 °C). In addition, beside MW, comparisons were made regarding various treatment methods: untreated (UTE), cooking plate (CP), and autoclave (AC), to determine to what extent they affect the final glucose yield. This yield can even further be increased by MW pre-treatment (50 W, 3–30 min, 40 °C) of the enzyme used during the hydrolysis, which reinforces the argument that enzyme activity can be increased by irradiation. A difference of 22.1% was detected among the glucose yield values in untreated and treated enzyme processes

    Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Driven Lattice Gas Systems with Interactions

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    We present a new method to describe the kinetics of driven lattice gases with particle-particle interactions beyond hard-core exclusions. The method is based on the time-dependent density functional theory for lattice systems and allows one to set up closed evolution equations for mean site occupation numbers in a systematic manner. Application of the method to a totally asymmetric site exclusion process with nearest-neighbor interactions yields predictions for the current-density relation in the bulk, the phase diagram of non-equilibrium steady states and the time evolution of density profiles that are in good agreement with results from kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The triple-mode pulsating variable V823 Cas

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    Based on extended multicolour CCD photometry of the triple-mode radial pulsator V823 Cas we studied the properties of the coupling frequencies invoked by nonlinear processes. Our results support that a resonance connection as suggested by Antonello & Aikawa (1998) affects the mode coupling behaviour. The P1/P0 period ratio of V823 Cas has an "out of range" value if compared with the period ratios of the known double mode pulsators, while the P2/P1 period ratio is normal. The periods and period ratios cannot be consistently interpret without conflict with pulsation and/or evolution models. We attempt to interpret this failure by the suggestion that at present, the periods of V823 Cas are in a transient, resonance affected state, thus do not reflect the true parameters of the object. The anomalous period change behaviour of the fundamental and second overtone modes supports this idea. We have also raised the possibility that a f0 + f2 = 2f1 resonance may act in triple mode pulsators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Escape of a Uniform Random Walk from an Interval

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    We study the first-passage properties of a random walk in the unit interval in which the length of a single step is uniformly distributed over the finite range [-a,a]. For a of the order of one, the exit probabilities to each edge of the interval and the exit time from the interval exhibit anomalous properties stemming from the change in the minimum number of steps to escape the interval as a function of the starting point. As a decreases, first-passage properties approach those of continuum diffusion, but non-diffusive effects remain because of residual discreteness effectsComment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 column revtex4 forma

    Distribution of dwell times of a ribosome: effects of infidelity, kinetic proofreading and ribosome crowding

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    Ribosome is a molecular machine that polymerizes a protein where the sequence of the amino acid residues, the monomers of the protein, is dictated by the sequence of codons (triplets of nucleotides) on a messenger RNA (mRNA) that serves as the template. The ribosome is a molecular motor that utilizes the template mRNA strand also as the track. Thus, in each step the ribosome moves forward by one codon and, simultaneously, elongates the protein by one amino acid. We present a theoretical model that captures most of the main steps in the mechano-chemical cycle of a ribosome. The stochastic movement of the ribosome consists of an alternating sequence of pause and translocation; the sum of the durations of a pause and the following translocation is the time of dwell of the ribosome at the corresponding codon. We derive the analytical expression for the distribution of the dwell times of a ribosome in our model. Whereever experimental data are available, our theoretical predictions are consistent with those results. We suggest appropriate experiments to test the new predictions of our model, particularly, the effects of the quality control mechanism of the ribosome and that of their crowding on the mRNA track.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physical Biology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at DOI:10.1088/1478-3975/8/2/02600
