9,622 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Rescaling of Control Laws with Application to Stabilization in the Presence of Magnitude Saturation

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    Motivated by some recent results on the stabilization of homogeneous systems, we present a gain-scheduling approach for the stabilization of non-linear systems. Given a one-parameter family of stabilizing feedbacks and associated Lyapunov functions, we show how the parameter can be rescaled as a function of the state to give a new stabilizing controller. In the case of homogeneous systems, we obtain generalizations of some existing results. We show that this approach can also be applied to nonhomogeneous systems. In particular, the main application considered in this paper is to the problem of stabilization with magnitude limitations. For this problem, we develop a design method for single-input controllable systems with eigenvalues in the left closed plane

    Excess mortality during heat waves in Ireland

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    Ireland is not known for having extreme high temperatures, with values above 30C uncommon. Ireland has significant excess winter mortality compared to summer. The objective of this study is to estimate the impact of nation-wide heat waves on the total, cardiovascular and respiratory relationship, for the period 1981–2003, to determine if there are any periods of excess summer mortality

    Circuit approach to photonic heat transport

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    We discuss the heat transfer by photons between two metals coupled by a linear element with a reactive impedance. Using a simple circuit approach, we calculate the spectral power transmitted from one resistor to the other and find that it is determined by the photon transmission coefficient, which depends on the impedances of the metals and the coupling element. We study the total photonic power flow for different coupling impedances, both in the linear regime, where the temperature difference between the metals is small, and in the non-linear regime of large temperature differences.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Octave Spanning Frequency Comb on a Chip

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    Optical frequency combs have revolutionized the field of frequency metrology within the last decade and have become enabling tools for atomic clocks, gas sensing and astrophysical spectrometer calibration. The rapidly increasing number of applications has heightened interest in more compact comb generators. Optical microresonator based comb generators bear promise in this regard. Critical to their future use as 'frequency markers', is however the absolute frequency stabilization of the optical comb spectrum. A powerful technique for this stabilization is self-referencing, which requires a spectrum that spans a full octave, i.e. a factor of two in frequency. In the case of mode locked lasers, overcoming the limited bandwidth has become possible only with the advent of photonic crystal fibres for supercontinuum generation. Here, we report for the first time the generation of an octave-spanning frequency comb directly from a toroidal microresonator on a silicon chip. The comb spectrum covers the wavelength range from 990 nm to 2170 nm and is retrieved from a continuous wave laser interacting with the modes of an ultra high Q microresonator, without relying on external broadening. Full tunability of the generated frequency comb over a bandwidth exceeding an entire free spectral range is demonstrated. This allows positioning of a frequency comb mode to any desired frequency within the comb bandwidth. The ability to derive octave spanning spectra from microresonator comb generators represents a key step towards achieving a radio-frequency to optical link on a chip, which could unify the fields of metrology with micro- and nano-photonics and enable entirely new devices that bring frequency metrology into a chip scale setting for compact applications such as space based optical clocks

    Spin-orbital Kondo decoherence by environmental effects in capacitively coupled quantum dot devices

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    Strong correlation effects in a capacitively coupled double quantum-dot setup were previously shown to provide the possibility of both entangling spin-charge degrees of freedom and realizing efficient spin-filtering operations by static gate-voltage manipulations. Motivated by the use of such a device for quantum computing, we study the influence of electromagnetic noise on a general spin-orbital Kondo model, and investigate the conditions for observing coherent, unitary transport, crucial to warrant efficient spin manipulations. We find a rich phase diagram, where low-energy properties sensitively depend on the impedance of the external environment and geometric parameters of the system. Relevant energy scales related to the Kondo temperature are also computed in a renormalization-group treatment, allowing to assess the robustness of the device against environmental effects.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Minor modifications in V

    Impact of UV wavelength and curing time on the properties of spin-coated low-k films

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    Advanced spin-on k 2.3 films with similar to 40% porosity were enabled by liquid phase self-assembly (LPSA) mechanism on Si substrates. UV-assisted thermal template removal is investigated as a faster alternative to the conventional thermal process. The as-deposited films were exposed to narrow-band UV light of 172 nm, 222 nm, 254 nm or 185/254 nm at 400 degrees C for different time. The optical, mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of the resulting films are discussed in this work. Photons with wavelength of about 172 nm from one side are detrimental to the electrical and chemical properties of the low-k films hut from the other side notably improve the porous low-k mechanical properties. Exposure to 222 nm light as short as 3 min, is more efficient in terms of template removal when compared to 2h thermal cure, while in both cases similar mechanical and electrical properties are reported. UV-cure using 254 nm or dual band 254/185 nm photons seem to have a minor contribution to the template removal efficiency for the applied doses. Higher doses are necessary in order to better understand the effective contribution of these photon energies. Finally, the HF etching mechanism is discussed

    RKKY and magnetic field interactions in coupled Kondo quantum dots

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    We investigate theoretically the transport properties of two independent artificial Kondo impurities. They are coupled together via a tunable Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) interaction. For strong enough antiferromagnetic RKKY interaction, the impurity density of states increases with the applied in-plane magnetic field. This effect can be used to distinguish between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic RKKY interactions. These results may be relevant to explain some features of recent experiments by Craig et al. (cond-mat/0404213).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nurturing the young shoots of talent: Using action research for exploration and theory building

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 19(4), 433-450, 2011, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1350293X.2011.623515.This paper reports the outcomes of a set of action research projects carried out by teacher researchers in 14 local education authorities in England, working collaboratively with university tutors, over a period of three years. The common aim of all the projects was to explore practical ways of nurturing the gifts and talents of children aged four–seven years. The project was funded by the Department of Education and Skills in England as part of the government's gifted and talented programme. The project teachers felt that their understanding of issues relating to nurturing the gifts and talents of younger children was enhanced through their engagement in the project. It was possible to map the findings of the projects to the English government's National Quality Standards for gifted and talented education which include: (1) identification; (2) effective provision in the classroom; (3) enabling curriculum entitlement and choice; (4) assessment for learning; (5) engaging with community, families and beyond. The findings are also analysed within the framework of good practice in educating children in the first years of schooling. Participating practitioners felt that action research offered them a suitable methodology to explore the complexity of the topic of giftedness through cycles of planning, action and reflection and personal theory building
