500 research outputs found

    Factors of successful diversification for machine-building enterprises

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need to diversify production in order to increase competitiveness and strengthen the economic sustainability of enterprises. Increasing the output of high-tech civil and dual-use products by enterprises of the military-industrial complex as part of the conversion is complicated by the lack of enterprises work experience in the market. Conversion of defense industry enterprises is an important and promising task, the solution of which is connected with the future of defense industry enterprises, the development of import substitution, the expansion of high-tech exports. The purpose of the study is to analyze the world experience of conversion, to study existing approaches to solving conversion implementation problems, creating a system of conversion success factors, monitoring the effect of external and internal conversion implementation factors, identifying actual problems of this process. The author's approach to solving conversion problems consists of identifying external and internal conversion success factors and combining them into a single system for the interaction between the state and defense enterprises. The study of the implementation of the indicated factors showed the degree of their development, as well as the directions that will contribute to the development of diversification. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    Abstract. The current review summarizes modern data about structural and functional organization of the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and stages of its reproduction. The information concerning immune pathogenesis and clinical features of infection caused by EBV and EBV-associated diseases is presented in the article


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    The authors present the results of medical examination of the children who had been admitted to the pediatric hospital for suspected vegetovascular dystonia. The group 29 children at the age of 6-12 ys. careful examination revealed prevalence of psychopathological disorders in the range from prenosolgic forms to distinct psychic disorders. Partial symptoms of the post-remedial defect corresponding - in the period of examination - to the scheme of dysharmonical, mosaic development of a personality. Analysis of the anamnestic parameters revealed some aggravating factors - the factors of risk for development of psychosomatic pathology (hereditary, social deprivating, etc.). Polymorphism of the patients symptomatics (symptoms suggests complex investigation of the children including consultation of the psychiatrist.Представлены результаты обследования детей, первоначально стационировавшихся в педиатрический стационар с подозрением на вегетососудистую дистонию. Группу составили 29 детей в возрасте 6-12 лет. При обследовании у большинства детей были выявлены психопатологические расстройства в диапазоне от донозологических форм до отчетливых психических нарушений. У 10,6 % детей диагностировались парциальные симптомы постпроцессуального дефекта, укладывающиеся на момент обследования в рамки дисгармонического мозаичного развития личности. Анализ анамнестических данных позволил вывить ряд отягощающих факторов, рассматриваемых как факторы риска для развития психосоматической патологии (наследственность, социальные депривирующие и др.). Полиморфизм обнаруживаемой у пациента симптоматики предполагает комплексное обследование детей, включая консультацию психиатра

    Marketing aspect in the 'Value Engineering' in the new products development of machine-building enterprises

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    The dynamism of the engineering products markets is determined by a high level of competition, frequent changes in technology. One of the key problems of Russian machine-building enterprises is the long term of development and putting the product into the production which leads to the fact that 'yesterday's product is launched on tomorrow's markets'. So, we see an arising need for a fundamental change in the product development process by including future consumers in it and ensuring verification of the results at each stage, from the formation of the technical task to the testing of the finished product. Such an approach will allow balancing consumer value and product characteristics, determining the significance and cost of functions, and substantiating a fair price. These problems are solved by the method of value engineering of a product. Application of this method requires reliable information on consumer characteristics, conditions and process of product operation, parameters of similar products. The tools of classical marketing research and new products engineering development should be combined into one system. As a result, the use of value engineering reduces the time required to bring a new product to the market and increases the competitiveness of the product. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Diversification instruments for machine-building enterprises

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    Improving the competitiveness of engineering products, import substitution and increasing high-tech exports are priority government tasks. The development of the high-tech products production is ensured through the diversification of engineering enterprises. The study revealed a number of problems that machine-building enterprises are facing when mastering the production of new products. The diversification methods and tools used largely determine the effectiveness of activities throughout the entire product life cycle. The authors consider the value analysis method as a key instrument for implementing the diversification strategy. Value analysis includes a variety of instruments, such as conducting marketing and patent research, reverse engineering, cooperative chain design, and others. The determination of the company's preparedness for diversification is of particular importance. The article presents an approach to assessing the key functional areas of the enterprise that indicate its preparedness for diversification. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    STITCH 3: zooming in on protein–chemical interactions

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    To facilitate the study of interactions between proteins and chemicals, we have created STITCH, an aggregated database of interactions connecting over 300 000 chemicals and 2.6 million proteins from 1133 organisms. Compared to the previous version, the number of chemicals with interactions and the number of high-confidence interactions both increase 4-fold. The database can be accessed interactively through a web interface, displaying interactions in an integrated network view. It is also available for computational studies through downloadable files and an API. As an extension in the current version, we offer the option to switch between two levels of detail, namely whether stereoisomers of a given compound are shown as a merged entity or as separate entities. Separate display of stereoisomers is necessary, for example, for carbohydrates and chiral drugs. Combining the isomers increases the coverage, as interaction databases and publications found through text mining will often refer to compounds without specifying the stereoisomer. The database is accessible at http://stitch.embl.de/

    Hygienic features of chemical air pollution in aluminum production

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    The article presents retrospective assessment of chemical factors in aluminum production over a long follow-up period. The main pollutants of the workplace air are fluorine compounds, resinous substances, and disintegration aerosol. The comparative assessment of the workplace air composition during the operation of electrolytic cells with self-baking anodes and when using a new technology with pre-baked anodes was carried out. The results of the research were processed using standard parametric methods of calculation of mean value and error in mean. It is shown that the introduction of a new technology of pre-baked anodes contributes to the optimization of working environment, reduction of harmful chemicals in the workplace air


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    Monocytes play a key role in the development of immune response in bacterial infection, because of their phagocytic, antigen-presenting and secretory functions. There are three subpopulations of monocytes: “classical” CD14+CD16-, “intermediate” CD14+CD16+, and “nonclassical” CD14+dimCD16+. These monocyte subtypes have different phenotypes and functions. The ratio of appropriate subpopulations varies with development of the antibacterial response. The aim of the present research was to study phenotypes of the monocyte subpopulations in the patients with sepsis, and changes in the monocyte subpopulation ratio, depending on the presence of bacteria in circulating blood of the patients, as well as to estimate contribution of the monocyte subpopulations to the cytokine production. We observed 16 patients with sepsis (10 men and 6 women; mean age, 58±14 years, SOFA 9.4±2.1; a total of 44 blood samples) examined in dynamics. The control group included healthy adults (n = 23, 12 men and 11 women; mean age, 51±13 years). Laboratory studies included bacteriological cultures, determination of absolute and relative numbers of subpopulations of classical, intermediate and non-classical monocytes and their expression of HLA-DR and CD64, determination of IL-6, TNFα, IL-1β, IL-10 concentration in blood serum. Absolute number of monocytes was increased in the sepsis patients, the ratio of classical monocytes was also increased, like as relative and absolute numbers of  intermediate cells. Meanwhile, the subpopulation of non-classical monocytes did not change significantly. The monocyte subpopulation ratio depended on the presence of bacteria in blood, i.e., a higher proportion of intermediate cells was observed in the samples positive for bacteria in blood cultures. The ratio of subpopulations was restored after elimination of bacteria from the circulation. The expression density of LPS receptor (CD14), IgG receptors (CD16 and  CD64) was found to be increased, especially in the subpopulations of intermediate and nonclassical monocytes. In all subpopulations of monocytes, expression of HLA-DR is reduced, most notably in classical monocytes, least in intermediate cells. There was a significant increase in serum levels of IL-6, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-10 cytokines. Direct correlation between the absolute number of classical monocytes and IL-6 concentration was revealed, as well as intensity of multiple organ dysfunction. Increase in absolute amount of classical monocytes and IL-6 concentration might serve as an indirect criterion for evaluation of endothelial activation, an active producer of IL-6 and myeloid cell growth factors. A direct correlation between the percentage of CD14+CD16+ cells and IL-10 concentration in blood serum indicates to an important role of intermediate monocytes in IL-10 production. IL-10 suppresses the antigen-presenting function of intermediate cells, namely, expression of HLA-DR molecules, as suggested by inverse correlation between the IL-10 concentration and HLA-DR expression density on CD14+CD16+ cells. We have also determined an inverse correlation between the degree of multi-organ dysfunction  and relative amount of HLA-DR+ monocytes. The larger was a classical monocyte subpopulation, the more noticeable was a decrease of this index. The studies in ratios of monocyte subpopulations help to understand the mechanisms of antibacterial protection in sepsis. Monitoring of classical monocyte numbers and serum concentrations of IL-6 is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of inflammatory response in sepsis. Determination of HLADR expression on monocytes allows us to evaluate the intensity of immune suppression in critically ill patients

    Дослідження антимікробної активності данофлоксацину проти збудників бактеріальних інфекцій у кіз

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    Fluoroquinolones are critical antimicrobials for both human and veterinary medicine. Due to their unique mechanism of antimicrobial action and good pharmacokinetic properties, they are often the first choice drugs in the treatment of bacterial infections in animals. The purpose of the investigation was to study the antimicrobial activity of a third-generation fluoroquinolone antibiotic of danofloxacin against bacteria, pathogens of respiratory and intestinal infection in goats. The samples of the nasal outflows (respiratory infection) and fecal masses (intestinal infection) were collected from clinically ill goats for microbiological studies. The sensitivity test of the microflora of the biomaterial, carried out by the disco-diffusion method, showed that the microorganisms of all the samples were sensitive to danofloxacin. Bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia (n = 10), Staphylococcus aureus (n = 4) and Escherichia coli (n = 2) were isolated and identified from nasal exudate samples (n = 10). Pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from all faecal samples (n = 12). The degree of bacteriostatic activity of danofloxacin was determined by establishing its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for bacterial isolates by sequential dilutions in a liquid nutrient medium. The average MIC of danofloxacin for Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates was 0.26 ± 0.13 μg/ml and for Staphylococcus aureus isolates – 0.25 ± 0.075 μg/ml. For Escherichia coli strains isolated from faeces of goats suffering from coli infection, the average MIC of danofloxacin was 0.38 ± 0.12 μg/ml (range 0.2 to 0.8 μg/ml). Antimicrobial sensitivity testing have shown a high level of bacteriostatic activity of danofloxacin against bacteria, pathogens of respiratory and intestinal infections in goats. This may be the argument for the use of danofloxacin-based chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of bacterial infections in goats, especially for the empirical approach to therapy.Фторхінолони є критично важливими антимікробними речовинами як для гуманної, так і для ветеринарної медицини. Завдяки унікальному механізму антимікробної дії та добрим фармакокінетичним властивостям, вони часто служать препаратами першого вибору при лікуванні бактеріальних інфекцій у тварин. Метою дослідження було вивчення антимікробної активності фторхінолонового антибіотика третього покоління данофлоксацину щодо бактерій, збудників респіраторної та кишкової інфекції у кіз. Для мікробіологічних досліджень від клінічно хворих кіз відбирали зразки носових виділень (респіраторна інфекція) і калових мас (кишкова інфекція). Тест на чутливість мікрофлори біоматеріалу, проведений диско-дифузійним методом, показав, що мікроорганізми усіх зразків були чутливими до данофлоксацину. Зі зразків носового ексудату (n = 10) були виділені та ідентифіковані бактерії Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 10),  Staрhylococcus aureus (n = 4) і Escherichia coli (n=2). З усіх зразків калових мас (n = 12) були виділені патогенні штами Escherichia coli. Ступінь бактеріостатичної активності данофлоксацину визначали шляхом встановлення його мінімальної інгібуючої концентрації (МІК) для бактерій-ізолятів методом послідовних розведень у рідкому поживному середовищі. Середнє значення МІК данофлоксацину для ізолятів Streptococcus pneumoniae становило 0,26 ± 0,13 мкг/мл, а для ізолятів Staрhylococcus aureus – 0,25 ± 0,075 мкг/мл. Для штамів Escherichia coli, виділених з фекалій кіз, хворих на коліінфекцію, середнє значення МІК данофлоксацину становило 0,38 ± 0,12 мкг/мл (діапазон від 0,2 до 0,8 мкг/мл). Дослідження антимікробної чутливості показало високий рівень бактеріостатичної активності данофлоксацину щодо бактерій, збудників респіраторної та кишкової інфекцій у кіз. Це може служити підставою для застосування хіміотерапевтичних засобів на основі данофлоксацину в лікуванні бактеріальних інфекцій у кіз, особливо при емпіричному підході до терапії


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    Cyclophilins belong to a large family of ancient conservative proteins with peptidyl-prolyl-cis-trans isomerase activity. The main member of this family – cyclophilin A – was discovered as an intracellular ligand for cyclosporine A. Further investigations revealed a wide range of functions of cyclophilin A. Cyclophilin A is involved in T-cell signaling, it takes part in folding, assembly and intracellular transport of proteins, as well as acts as an antioxidant. Different cell types secrete cyclophilin A under infection or oxidative stress. Cyclophilin A is one of the main factors involved in inflammation and pathogenesis of autoimmune, cardiovascular and other diseases. This protein is thought to take part in tumor progression. In this review we describe the structure of cyclophilin A and its main known functions in health and disease.Циклофилины – большое семейство консервативных, филогенетически очень древних белков, обладающих пептидил-пролил-цистранс-изомеразной активностью. Наиболее распространенным среди них является циклофилин А, который был обнаружен как внутриклеточный лиганд для связывания с циклоспорином А. Изучение механизма супрессии циклоспорина А, в основе которой лежит его взаимодействие с циклофилином А, послужило мощным толчком для исследований последнего. Было установлено, что циклофилин А принимает участие в проведении сигналов в Т-лимфоцитах, участвует в фолдинге, сборке и внутриклеточном транспорте белков, а также играет роль антиоксиданта. При инфекциях и оксидативном стрессе различные типы клеток способны секретировать циклофилин А. Он является одним из центральных факторов, участвующих в воспалении и патогенезе аутоиммунных, сердечно-сосудистых и других заболеваний. Предполагается, что циклофилин А может принимать участие в прогрессии опухолей. Настоящий обзор посвящен описанию строения и известных функций циклофилина А в норме и при различных патологических процессах