4,141 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Classification of SDSS Transient Survey Images

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    We show that multiple machine learning algorithms can match human performance in classifying transient imaging data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) supernova survey into real objects and artefacts. This is a first step in any transient science pipeline and is currently still done by humans, but future surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will necessitate fully machine-enabled solutions. Using features trained from eigenimage analysis (principal component analysis, PCA) of single-epoch g, r and i-difference images, we can reach a completeness (recall) of 96 per cent, while only incorrectly classifying at most 18 per cent of artefacts as real objects, corresponding to a precision (purity) of 84 per cent. In general, random forests performed best, followed by the k-nearest neighbour and the SkyNet artificial neural net algorithms, compared to other methods such as na\"ive Bayes and kernel support vector machine. Our results show that PCA-based machine learning can match human success levels and can naturally be extended by including multiple epochs of data, transient colours and host galaxy information which should allow for significant further improvements, especially at low signal-to-noise.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. In this version extremely minor adjustments to the paper were made - e.g. Figure 5 is now easier to view in greyscal

    Restoring the sting to metric preheating

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    The relative growth of field and metric perturbations during preheating is sensitive to initial conditions set in the preceding inflationary phase. Recent work suggests this may protect super-Hubble metric perturbations from resonant amplification during preheating. We show that this possibility is fragile and sensitive to the specific form of the interactions between the inflaton and other fields. The suppression is naturally absent in two classes of preheating in which either (1) the vacua of the non-inflaton fields during inflation are deformed away from the origin, or (2) the effective masses of non-inflaton fields during inflation are small but during preheating are large. Unlike the simple toy model of a g2ϕ2χ2g^2 \phi^2 \chi^2 coupling, most realistic particle physics models contain these other features. Moreover, they generically lead to both adiabatic and isocurvature modes and non-Gaussian scars on super-Hubble scales. Large-scale coherent magnetic fields may also appear naturally.Comment: 6 pages, 3 ps figures, RevTex, revised discussion of backreaction and new figure. To appear Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Communication

    S-band omnidirectional antenna for the SERT-C satellite

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    The program to design an S-band omnidirectional antenna system for the SERT-C spacecraft is discussed. The program involved the tasks of antenna analyses by computer techniques, scale model radiation pattern measurements of a number of antenna systems, full-scale RF measurements, and the recommended design, including detailed drawings. A number of antenna elements were considered: the cavity-backed spiral, quadrifilar helix, and crossed-dipoles were chosen for in-depth studies. The final design consisted of a two-element array of cavity-backed spirals mounted on opposite sides of spacecraft and fed in-phase through a hybrid junction. This antenna system meets the coverage requirement of having a gain of at least minus 10 dBi over 50 percent of a 4 pi steradian sphere with the solar panels in operation. This coverage level is increased if the ground station has the capability to change polarization

    Gravitational waves in preheating

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    We study the evolution of gravitational waves through the preheating era that follows inflation. The oscillating inflaton drives parametric resonant growth of scalar field fluctuations, and although super-Hubble tensor modes are not strongly amplified, they do carry an imprint of preheating. This is clearly seen in the Weyl tensor, which provides a covariant description of gravitational waves.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Revte

    Are Kaluza-Klein modes enhanced by parametric resonance?

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    We study parametric amplification of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes in a higher DD-dimensional generalized Kaluza-Klein theory, which was originally considered by Mukohyama in the narrow resonance case. It was suggested that KK modes can be enhanced by an oscillation of a scale of compactification by the dd-dimensional sphere Sd (d=D−4)S^d~(d=D-4) and by the direct product Sd1×Sd2 (d1+d2=D−4)S^{d_1}\times S^{d_2}~(d_1+d_2=D-4). We extend this past work to the more general case where initial values of the scale of compactification and the quantum number of the angular momentum ll of KK modes are not small. We perform analytic approaches based on the Mathieu equation as well as numerical calculations, and find that the expansion of the universe rapidly makes the KK field deviate from instability bands. As a result, KK modes are not enhanced sufficiently in an expanding universe in these two classes of models.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Adiabatic Gravitational Perturbation During Reheating

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    We study the possibilities of parametric amplification of the gravitational perturbation during reheating in single-field inflation models. Our result shows that there is no additional growth of the super-horizon modes beyond the usual predictions.Comment: Refs added; New version to appear in PR

    A new twist to preheating

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    Metric perturbations typically strengthen field resonances during preheating. In contrast we present a model in which the super-Hubble field resonances are completely {\em suppressed} when metric perturbations are included. The model is the nonminimal Fakir-Unruh scenario which is exactly solvable in the long-wavelength limit when metric perturbations are included, but exhibits exponential growth of super-Hubble modes in their absence. This gravitationally enhanced integrability is exceptional, both for its rarity and for the power with which it illustrates the importance of including metric perturbations in consistent studies of preheating. We conjecture a no-go result - there exists no {\em single-field} model with growth of cosmologically-relevant metric perturbations during preheating.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Version to appear in Physical Review

    The Relationship between the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and the IntAct Molecular Interaction Databases

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    IntAct provides a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for protein interaction data. All interactions are derived from literature curation or direct user submission and all experimental information relating to binary protein-protein
interactions is entered into the IntAct database by curators, via a web-based editor. Interaction information is added to the SUBUNIT comment and the RP line of the relevant publication within the UniProtKB entry. There may be a single INTERACTION comment present within a UniProtKB entry, which conveys information relevant to binary protein-protein interactions. This is automatically derived from the IntAct database and is updated on a triweekly basis. Interactions can be derived by any appropriate experimental method but must be confirmed by a second interaction if resulting from a single yeast2hybrid experiment. For large-scale experiments, interactions are considered if a high confidence score is assigned by the authors. The INTERACTION line contains a direct link to IntAct that provides detailed information for the experimental support. These lines are not changed manually and any discrepancy is reported to IntAct for updates. There is also a database crossreference line within the UniProtKB entry i.e.: DR IntAct _UniProtKB AC, which directs the user to additional interaction data for that molecule. 
UniProt is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, European Commission, Swiss Federal Government and PATRIC BRC.
IntAct is funded by the European Commission under FELICS, contract number 021902 (RII3) within the Research Infrastructure Action of the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" Programme
