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    The work is part of "HELI-DEM" (HELvetia-Italy Digital Elevation Model) project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Italy-Switzerland cooperation program. The aim of the project is the creation of a unique DTM for the alpine and subalpine area between Italy (Piedmont, Lombardy) and Switzerland (Ticino and Grisons Cantons); at present, different DTMs, that are in different reference frames and have been obtained with different technologies, accuracies, and resolutions, have been acquired. The final DTM should be correctly georeferenced and produced validating and integrating the data that are available for the project. DTMs are fundamental in hydrogeological studies, especially in alpine areas where hydrogeological risks may exist. Moreover, when an event, like for example a landslide, happens at the border between countries, a unique and integrated DTM which covers the interest area is useful to analyze the scenario. In this sense, HELI-DEM project is helpful. To perform analyses along the borders between countries, transnational geographic information is needed: a transnational DTM can be obtained by merging regional low resolution DTMs. Moreover high resolution local DTMs should be used where they are available. To be merged, low and high resolution DTMs should be in the same three dimensional reference frame, should not present biases and should be consistent in the overlapping areas. Cross-validation between the different DTMs is therefore needed. Two different problems should be solved: the merging of regional, partly overlapping low and medium resolution DTMs into a unique low/medium resolution DTM and the merging with other local high resolution/high accuracy height data. This paper discusses the preliminary processing of the data for the fusion of low and high resolution DTMs in a study-case area within the Lombardy region: Valtellina valley. In this region the Lombardy regional low resolution DTM is available, with a horizontal resolution of 20 meters; in addition a LiDAR DTM with a horizontal resolution of 1 meter, which covers only the main hydrographic basins, is also available. The two DTMs have been transformed into the same reference frame. The cross-validation of the two datasets has been performed comparing the low resolution DTM with the local high resolution DTM. Then, where significant differences are present, GPS survey have been used as external validation. The results are presented. Moreover, a possible strategy for the future fusion of the data, is shortly summarized at the end of the paper

    Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Activation of the Primary Visual Cortex Predicts Size Adaptation Illusion

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    In natural scenes, objects rarely occur in isolation but appear within a spatiotemporal context. Here, we show that the perceived size of a stimulus is significantly affected by the context of the scene: brief previous presentation of larger or smaller adapting stimuli at the same region of space changes the perceived size of a test stimulus, with larger adapting stimuli causing the test to appear smaller than veridical and vice versa. In ahumanfMRI study, we measured the blood oxygen level-dependent activation (BOLD) responses of the primary visual cortex (V1) to the contours of large-diameter stimuli and found that activation closely matched the perceptual rather than the retinal stimulus size: the activated area of V1 increased or decreased, depending on the size of the preceding stimulus. A model based on local inhibitory V1 mechanisms simulated the inward or outward shifts of the stimulus contours and hence the perceptual effects. Our findings suggest that area V1 is actively involved in reshaping our perception to match the short-term statistics of the visual scene

    Pressure effect in the X-ray intrinsic position resolution in noble gases and mixtures

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    A study of the gas pressure effect in the position resolution of an interacting X- or gamma-ray photon in a gas medium is performed. The intrinsic position resolution for pure noble gases (Argon and Xenon) and their mixtures with CO2 and CH4 were calculated for several gas pressures (1-10bar) and for photon energies between 5.4 and 60.0 keV, being possible to establish a linear match between the intrinsic position resolution and the inverse of the gas pressure in that energy range. In order to evaluate the quality of the method here described, a comparison between the available experimental data and the calculated one in this work, is done and discussed. In the majority of the cases, a strong agreement is observed

    Simulation of VUV electroluminescence in micropattern gaseous detectors: the case of GEM and MHSP

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    Electroluminescence produced during avalanche development in gaseous avalanche detectors is an useful information for triggering, calorimetry and tracking in gaseous detectors. Noble gases present high electroluminescence yields, emitting mainly in the VUV region. The photons can provide signal readout if appropriate photosensors are used. Micropattern gaseous detectors are good candidates for signal amplification in high background and/or low rate experiments due to their high electroluminescence yields and radiopurity. In this work, the VUV light responses of the Gas Electron Multiplier and of the Micro-Hole Strip Plate, working with pure xenon, are simulated and studied in detail using a new and versatile C++ toolkit. It is shown that the solid angle subtended by a photosensor placed below the microstructures depends on the operating conditions. The obtained absolute EL yields, determined for different gas pressures and as functions of the applied voltage, are compared with those determined experimentally.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Instrumentatio

    Passive immunoprophylaxis against respiratory syncytial virus in children: Where are we now?

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) represents the main cause of acute respiratory tract infections in children worldwide and is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants. RSV infection is a self-limiting condition and does not require antibiotics. However hospitalized infants with clinical bronchiolitis often receive antibiotics for fear of bacteria coinfection, especially when chest radiography is performed due to similar radiographic appearance of infiltrate and atelectasis. This may lead to unnecessary antibiotic prescription, additional cost, and increased risk of development of resistance. Despite the considerable burden of RSV bronchiolitis, to date, only symptomatic treatment is available, and there are no commercially available vaccines. The only licensed passive immunoprophylaxis is palivizumab. The high cost of this monoclonal antibody (mAb) has led to limiting its prescription only for high-risk children: infants with chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, neuromuscular disorders, immunodeficiencies, and extreme preterm birth. Nevertheless, it has been shown that the majority of hospitalized RSV-infected children do not fully meet the criteria for immune prophylaxis. While waiting for an effective vaccine, passive immune prophylaxis in children is mandatory. There are a growing number of RSV passive immunization candidates under development intended for RSV prevention in all infants. In this review, we describe the state-of-the-art of palivizumab’s usage and summarize the clinical and preclinical trials regarding the development of mAbs with a better cost-effectiveness ratio

    Is higher education more important for firms than research? Disentangling university spillovers

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    The paper is the first attempt to integrate microdata on universities and firms across most European countries in order to disentangle the impact of knowledge spillovers from human capital (graduates) and intellectual capital (codified research output) on the performance of firms. Data cover all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) registered in the official European Tertiary Education Register (ETER). Data on performance of firms are from ORBIS and refer to change in the 2011–2015 period in turnover, total assets, intangible assets, and employment. Firms are georeferred and the spillovers from all HEIs located at a given distance are summed and integrated. The findings suggest that, among knowledge spillovers, the creation of human capital via education of students has a larger impact than the circulation of research knowledge. Moreover, the two factors seem to be complements rather than substitutes. Spatial proximity is important for embodied knowledge spillovers (i.e. educated people), while for codified and disembodied spillovers (citations to publications) the spatial dimension is less relevant. The findings have important managerial and policy-making consequences

    Present status and preliminary results of the VLF/LF radio recording European network installed in 2009.

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    In January 2009 a European network of receivers able to measure the electric field intensity from various VLF/LF broadcasting stations located throughout Europe, was installed. Five new receivers constructed by an Italian enterprise have been delivered to Greece, Romania, Turkey and to the Italian team. The motivation of this effort is to study the possible connections between the preparatory phase of earthquakes and perturbations in the transmitted radio signals. The receivers can be reached via ftp and gsm mobile connection, thus allowing a real time data collection. We present here the status of the network and the various testing steps performed in order to achieve a correct set up. We show how antennas variations, receivers locations and changes of selected frequencies affect the performances of the whole network. After this necessary testing period, several LF/VLF radio signals are now simultaneously and continuously being sampled by the five receivers. As a preliminary result we inspect also specific cases in which an anomaly in the radio signals is clearly related to the transmitter or to the receiver (e.g. meteorological conditions around the sampling site). At a basic level, the analysis adopted consists in a simple statistical evaluation of the signals by comparing the instantaneous values to the trend of the signal


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    Abstract. Natural hazards such as landslides, whether they are driven by meteorologic or seismic processes, are constantly shaping Earth's surface. In large percentage of the slope failures, they are also causing huge human and economic losses. As the problem is complex in its nature, proper mitigation and prevention strategies are not straightforward to implement. One important step in the correct direction is the integration of different fields; as such, in this work, we are providing a general overview of approaches and techniques which are adopted and integrated for landslide monitoring and mapping, as both activities are important in the risk prevention strategies. Detailed landslide inventory is important for providing the correct information of the phenomena suitable for further modelling, analysing and implementing suitable mitigation measures. On the other hand, timely monitoring of active landslides could provide priceless insights which can be sufficient for reducing damages. Therefore, in this work popular methods are discussed that use remotely-sensed datasets with a particular focus on the implementation of machine learning into landslide detection, susceptibility modelling and its implementation in early-warning systems. Moreover, it is reviewed how Citizen Science is adopted by scholars for providing valuable landslide-specific information, as well as couple of well-known platforms for Volunteered Geographic Information which have the potential to contribute and be used also in the landslide studies. In addition to proving an overview of the most popular techniques, this paper aims to highlight the importance of implementing interdisciplinary approaches

    Anomalies Observed in VLF and LF Radio Signals on the Occasion of the Western Turkey Earthquake (Mw = 5.7) on May 19, 2011

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    VLF radio signals lie in the 10 - 60 kHz frequency band. These radio signals are used for worldwide navigation support, time signals and for military purposes. They are propagated in the earth-ionosphere wave-guide mode along great circle propagation paths. So, their propaga-tion is strongly affected by the ionosphere conditions. LF signals lie in 150 - 300 kHz frequency band. They are used for long way broadcasting by the few (this type of broadcasting is going into disuse) transmitters located in the world. These radio signals are characterized by the ground wave and the sky wave propagation modes [1]. The first generates a stable signal that propagates in the channel Earth-troposphere and is affected by the surface ground and troposphere condition. The second instead gives rise to a signal which varies greatly between day and night, and between summer and winter, and which propagates using the lower ionosphere as a reflector; its propagation is mainly affected by the ionosphere condi-tion, particularly in the zone located in the middle of the transmitter-receiver path. The propagation of the VLF/LF radio signals is affected by different factors such as the meteorological condition, the solar bursts and the geo-magnetic activity. At the same time, variations of some parameters in the ground, in the atmosphere and in the ionosphere occurring during the preparatory phase of earthquakes can produce disturbances in the above men-tioned signals. As already reported by many previous studies [2-18] the disturbances are classified as anoma-lies and different methods of analysis as the residual dA/ dP [15], the terminator time TT [9], the Wavelet spectra and the Principal Component Analysis have been used [6,7]. Here the analysis carried out on LF and VLF radio signals using three different methods on the occasion of a strong earthquake occurred recently in Turkey is pre-sented
