1,521 research outputs found

    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species

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    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species. MC Fernández 1,2, A López-García 1,2, MT Soto 1, AC Durán 1,2 and B Fernández 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent human congenital cardiac malformation, with an incidence of 1–2% worldwide. Two morphological types exist: type A (incidence 0.75–1.25%) and type B (incidence 0.25–0.5%), each with a distinct aetiology and natural history. Currently, ten animal models of BAV have been described in two different rodent species: one spontaneous Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) model of BAV type A and nine mutant laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) models of BAV type B. It remains to be elucidated whether the mutations leading to BAV in these models are typespecific or whether there are inter-specific differences regarding the type of BAV that hamsters, mice and humans may develop. To solve this issue, we have characterized the incidence and types of BAVs in four inbred, two outbred and two hybrid lines of Syrian hamsters (n=4,340) and in three inbred, three outbred and one hybrid lines of laboratory mice (n=1,661) by means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, we have reviewed and calculated the incidence and type of BAVs in the published papers dealing with this anomaly in mice. Our results indicate that the Syrian hamster develops BAVs type A and B including a variety of morphologies comparable to those of humans, whereas the mouse develops only BAVs type B with a short spectrum of valve morphologies. Thus, inter-specific differences between human and mouse aortic valves must be taken into consideration when studying valve disease in murine models. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068

    The Usefulness of Microalgae Compounds for Preventing Biofilm Infections

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    Biofilms play an important role in infectious diseases. It has been estimated that most medical infections are due to bacterial biofilms, and about 60-70% of nosocomial infections are also caused by the formation of a biofilm. Historically, microalgae are an important source of bioactive compounds, having novel structures and potential biological functions that make them attractive for different industries such as food, animal feed, aquaculture, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical. Several studies have described compounds produced by microalgae and cyanobacteria species with antimicrobial activity. However, studies on the antibiofilm activity of extracts and/or molecules produced by these microorganisms are scarce. Quorum-sensing inhibitor and anti-adherent agents have, among others, been isolated from microalgae and cyanobacteria species. The use of tools such as nanotechnology increase their power of action and can be used for preventing and treating biofilm-related infections

    Manganese inactivation of renal betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from swine

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    Manganese is an essential micronutrient for mammals, however high manganese concentrations cause adverse health effects. Swine renal betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase catalyzes the synthesis of glycine betaine, which plays an important role in renal cells osmoregulation. In vitro inactivation of BADH was observed by incubating the purified enzyme in the presence of 1 mM MnCl2 under physiological and low ionic strength conditions. Enzyme inactivation followed first order kinetics in a monophasic process with an inactivation constant of 0.126 ± 0.011 min^-1 and 0.137 ± 0.017 at physiological and low ionic strength, respectively. Enzyme inactivation was not prevented by physiological ionic strength, nor by the substrates NAD+ and betaine aldehyde at saturated concentrations. The enzyme was reactivated with DTT and GSH. Native-PAGE of the inactivated enzyme showed no change in the tetrameric conformation. Intrinsic protein fluorescence studies demonstrated an increased exposure of the tryptophan residues to the aqueous solvent when the enzyme was incubated with Mn^2+. These results suggest that BADH inactivation by Mn^2+ may result from the oxidation of cysteines, which induces changes in the tertiary structure of the enzyme

    Modelling seasonal environmental preferences of tropical tuna purse seine fisheries in the Mozambique Channel

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    The spatial-temporal environmental preferences and biomass aggregation of tropical tuna from purse seine fishery in the Mozambique Channel (MZC) have barely been investigated. In this study, tuna biomass volume from Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and Free-Swimming Schools (FSC), collected by Spanish fishing logbooks during 2003–2013, were modelled separately as a function of a set of oceanographic variables (sea surface temperature, sea surface height, geostrophic currents, salinity, and chlorophyll-a) using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). Temporal variables (natural day, month and year), and spatial variables (latitude and longitude) were included in the models to account for the spatio-temporal structure of dynamic biomass of tropical tuna volume gathering. Oceanographic, temporal and spatial effects on aggregated catches differed between fishing modes, even though some common aspects appeared along the area and the period of study. Fishable patches of tuna biomass accumulation were explained by sea surface temperature, productivity, sea surface height, geostrophic currents, and apart from the spatio-temporal variables interactions. Although the models predicted slight differences for tuna fishing spots preferences, both fishing modes partially overlapped. Goodness of fit for selected variables showed that models were able to predict tuna catches assembled patterns in the MZC reasonably well. These results highlight a connection between the biophysical state of the oceans and purse seine tuna catches in the MZC, and ultimately may contribute to the scientific advice for the appropriate management and conservation of the exploited resources by purse seine fleets in the area of MZC.Postprint1,58

    The Myosin Heavy Chain specific A4.1025 antibody discriminates different cardiac segments in ancient groups of gnathostomes: Morphological and evolutionary implications

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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington DC 2016. Anatomical Record, Volume 299, Special Feature: 263.The pan-Myosin Heavy Chain (pan-MyHC) marker MF20 have been reported to show similar, homogeneous signal in the myocardial segments of the heart of teleosts and tetrapods. However, in an ongoing study of the myocardial structure of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula; Chondrichthyes), we observed differential immunostaining of the cardiac segments using another pan-MyHC, the A4.1025 antibody. In order to investigate the relevance of this finding for better understanding of the morphology and evolution of the vertebrate heart, we performed immunohistochemistry, slot blot and western blot in several species of chondrichthyans, actinopterygians and mammals using the above mentioned antibodies. In the dogfish heart, A4.1025 and MF20 specifically recognized MyHC isoforms, although with different degree of affinity. MF20 reactivity was homogeneous and high in all the myocardial segments. However, A4.1025 reactivity was heterogeneous. It was high in the sinus venosus (external layer), atrium and atrioventricular region, low in the ventricle and conus arteriosus, and null in the internal layer of the sinus venosus. A heterogeneous pattern of A4.1025 immunoreactivity was also detected in two other elasmobranchs, a holocephalan, a polypteryform and an acipenseriform. In all of these species, MF20 immunoreactivity was homogeneous. In addition, both markers showed a homogeneous immunoreactivity pattern in teleosts and mammals. Our results indicate that in the hearts of ancient gnathostomes, in all of which a conspicuous conus arteriosus exists, one or more MyHC isoforms with low affinity for A4.1025 show segment-specific distributions. Thus, A4.1025 appears to be an appropriated marker to identify the cardiac segments and their boundaries. We propose that the segmentspecific distribution of MyHC isoforms may generate a particular type of myocardial contractility associated with the presence of a conus arteriosus.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. CGL2014-52356-P, CEIMAR, BIO 203, FEDE

    Análisis de la inclinación del esquiador hacia el interior del viraje de slalom en esquí alpino

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    Este artículo trata sobre la aplicación de la Biomecánica Deportiva como perspectiva científica al análisis cinemático del esquí alpino como objeto de estudio, y ha sido realizada basándose en una situación real de competición. Para ello hemos utilizado el método indirecto y las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales, basadas en la filmación del gesto deportivo mediante tecnología de vídeo. Estudios precedentes (Gómez-López y col., 2002; Gómez-López y col., 2002 Bis; Gómez-López y col., 2003) ratifican la importancia de la inclinación de esquiador hacia el interior de la curva como consecuencia de la velocidad media alcanzada. Este estudio describe esta inclinación, en una situación real de competición en una muestra de los mejores esquiadores que participaron en el Campeonato del Mundo de Esquí Alpino de Sierra Nevada (España) en 1996, en la disciplina del slalom, explicando cómo se produce. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un comportamiento similar en cuanto a las inclinaciones medias de la pierna externa e interna al viraje, existiendo diferencias entre esquiadores que son mayores en la pierna interna en el momento previo y posterior al paso del palo de viraje. Este estudio nos revela la importancia que tiene el entrenar en situaciones lo más parecidas posibles a las de la competición con respecto a la preparación técnico-táctica de nuestros deportistas así como en su preparación física en aspectos relacionados tanto en capacidades condicionales como coordinativas

    Effect of hyperlipidic diets on normal and abnormal aortic valves in the Syrian hamster: A preliminary study

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    Effect of hyperlipidic diets on normal and abnormal aortic valves in the Syrian hamster: A preliminary study. MC Fernández 1,2, J Moncayo-Arlandi 1, MT Soto 1, MA López-Unzu 1, B Fernández 1,2 and AC Durán 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent human congenital cardiac malformation. It frequently becomes stenotic due to calcification by an atherosclerosis-like process. Hyperlipidic diets have been classically used to induce atherosclerosis in laboratory animals, including Syrian hamsters. The aim here is to evaluate the effect of hyperlipidic diets in hamsters having different incidence of BAVs. We used a unique inbred strain of Syrian hamsters with a high ( 40%) incidence of spontaneous BAV, morphologically similar to that in man, another inbred strain with a low ( 4%) incidence of BAV, and an outbred, second control line, acquired from Charles River Laboratories. Three experimental groups were fed with standard diet supplemented with 2% cholesterol plus 15% butter during five months. In parallel, three control groups were fed with unmodified standard diet. Hyperlipidic diets induced lesions in the aortic valve and ascending aortic wall, i.e. subendothelial lipid deposits, valve sclerosis, and neo-intima in the aorta. We performed a preliminary, qualitative, comparative study of the lesions associated with the different animal populations and valvular phenotypes. Our results indicate that (1) the type and severity of the lesions varied among the three hamster populations, suggesting that genetic factors may be involved; (2) the aortic valve morphology seems not to determine the severity of the valvular lesions. We conclude that our hamster strain with high incidence of BAV is a promising animal model for studies on human aortic stenosis. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068

    Blocking of flavor-nausea learning by non-flavor cues: assessment through orofacial reactivity responses

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    We investigated, using orofacial reactivity assessment, whether nonflavor context cues can elicit conditioned aversive reactions, and also whether context cues interfere, through blocking, with the reduction in taste palatability during taste aversion conditioning. Experiment 1 showed that a context previously paired with LiCl evoked aversive orofacial reactions, and also attenuated the reduction in palatability of a saccharin solution which was paired with LiCl in that context. In Experiment 2, this blocking effect was abolished when the rats were given nonreinforced exposure to the previously LiCl-paired context (context extinction) before aversive conditioning of the saccharin in compound with the context. These results confirm that context stimuli can elicit conditioned aversive reactions in the absence of any flavor component, and demonstrate that context cues can interfere with the affective aspects of taste aversion learning. Thus nonflavor cues appear to engage the same processes as taste cues in aversion learning. These results are consistent with the idea that taste aversion learning is governed by general associative mechanisms and the special properties of nausea, rather than by a selective mechanism for poison-avoidance

    Análisis cinemático del viraje en el esquí alpino de competición

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    Esta comunicación trata sobre la aplicación de la Biomecánica Deportiva como perspectiva científica, al análisis cinemático del esquí alpino como objeto de estudio, y ha sido realizada basándose en una situación real de competición como fue el Campeonato del Mundo de 1996 celebrado en Sierra Nevada (Granada). Para el análisis de la muestra, utilizamos la metodología y las tecnologías propias de la biomecánica Deportiva como son el método indirecto y las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales, basadas en la filmación del gesto deportivo utilizando el vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de un patrón general de movimiento en la muestra de esquiadoras analizadas en cuanto a las velocidades tangenciales medias del CG(S).del sistema (esquiador más implementos). Entre las conclusiones, destacamos la existencia de una reducción de la velocidad tangencial media resultante en el recorrido analizado que es mayor aún, en el instante de paso del palo de viraje en particular y cuanto más curva es la trayectoria. Atendiendo a la desviación típica del comportamiento de la velocidad media resultante, podemos decir que en este tramo de paso de la puerta encontramos las diferencias entre la técnica individual de las esquiadoras analizadas. Este estudio nos confirma la importancia del entrenamiento en situación real de competición (en cuanto a material, características pista de entrenamiento, etc.

    Anatomical, histochemical and immunohistochemical characterization of the outflow tract of ray hearts (Rajiformes; Chondrichthyes)

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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington DC 2016. Anatomical Record, Volume 299, Special Feature: 264.Recent work has shown that the cardiac outflow tract of sharks and chimaeras does not consist of a single myocardial component, the conus arteriosus, as classically accepted, but two, namely, the myocardial conus arteriosus and the non-myocardial bulbus arteriosus. However, the anatomical composition of the outflow tract of the batoid hearts remains unknown. The present study was designed to fill this gap. The material examined consisted of hearts of two species of rays, namely, the Mediterranean starry ray (Raja asterias) and sandy ray (Leucoraja circularis). They were studied using scanning electron microscopy, and histochemical and inmunohistochemical techniques. In both species, the outflow tract consists of two components, proximal and distal with regard to the ventricle. The proximal component is the conus arteriosus; it is characterized by the presence of compact myocardium in its wall and several transverse rows of pocket-shaped valves at its luminal side. Each valve consists of a leaflet and its supporting sinus. Histologically, the leaflet has two fibrosas, inner and outer, and a middle coat, the spongiosa. The distal component lacks myocardium. Its wall consists of smooth muscle cells, elastic fibers and collagen. Thus, it shows an arterial-like structure. However, it differs from the aorta because it is covered by the epicardium and crossed by coronary arteries. These findings indicate that the distal component is morphologically equivalent to the bulbus arteriosus of sharks and chimaeras. In contrast to foregoing descriptions, the valves of the first transverse row are distally anchored to the bulbus arteriosus and not to the ventral aorta. Our findings give added support to the notion that presence of a bulbus arteriosus at the arterial pole of the heart is common to all chondrichtyans, and not an apomorphy of actinopterygians as classically thought.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. CGL2014-52356-P, CEIMAR, BIO 203, FEDE