33 research outputs found

    A genome-wide linkage study of mammographic density, a risk factor for breast cancer

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    Abstract Introduction Mammographic breast density is a highly heritable (h2 > 0.6) and strong risk factor for breast cancer. We conducted a genome-wide linkage study to identify loci influencing mammographic breast density (MD). Methods Epidemiological data were assembled on 1,415 families from the Australia, Northern California and Ontario sites of the Breast Cancer Family Registry, and additional families recruited in Australia and Ontario. Families consisted of sister pairs with age-matched mammograms and data on factors known to influence MD. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping was performed on 3,952 individuals using the Illumina Infinium 6K linkage panel. Results Using a variance components method, genome-wide linkage analysis was performed using quantitative traits obtained by adjusting MD measurements for known covariates. Our primary trait was formed by fitting a linear model to the square root of the percentage of the breast area that was dense (PMD), adjusting for age at mammogram, number of live births, menopausal status, weight, height, weight squared, and menopausal hormone therapy. The maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score from the genome-wide scan was on chromosome 7p14.1-p13 (LOD = 2.69; 63.5 cM) for covariate-adjusted PMD, with a 1-LOD interval spanning 8.6 cM. A similar signal was seen for the covariate adjusted area of the breast that was dense (DA) phenotype. Simulations showed that the complete sample had adequate power to detect LOD scores of 3 or 3.5 for a locus accounting for 20% of phenotypic variance. A modest peak initially seen on chromosome 7q32.3-q34 increased in strength when only the 513 families with at least two sisters below 50 years of age were included in the analysis (LOD 3.2; 140.7 cM, 1-LOD interval spanning 9.6 cM). In a subgroup analysis, we also found a LOD score of 3.3 for DA phenotype on chromosome 12.11.22-q13.11 (60.8 cM, 1-LOD interval spanning 9.3 cM), overlapping a region identified in a previous study. Conclusions The suggestive peaks and the larger linkage signal seen in the subset of pedigrees with younger participants highlight regions of interest for further study to identify genes that determine MD, with the goal of understanding mammographic density and its involvement in susceptibility to breast cancer

    Перспективы експериментального визначення балістичних елементів вистрела

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    The analysis of accuracy requirements for ballistic firing elements is given. The necessity of determination of the pressure of powder gases in the bore by measuring of the instantaneous velocity of the throwing element is justified, two methods for solving of this problem are considered. The optical differential Doppler method as a basis for measuring of the velocity of the throwing element is suggested to apply. The main scientific tasks for creation of a measuring device are justified.Проведений аналіз вимог до точності визначення балістичних елементів. Виявлено цілеположність визначення давності порохових газів в каналі стовбура виміру межподібних значень швидкості руху металевого елемента, розглянутого двома методами вирішення таких задач. Пропоновано в основу засобів виміру швидкості руху металевого елементу покласти оптичний дифференциальний доплеровський метод. Означені основні наукові завдання, рішення яких повинні були створити такий спосіб виміру


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    Deviations of the internal geometric parameters of the barrel bore at its wear or blow-up, leads to irretrievable loss of energy of powder gases at the shot. As a result, the initial velocity of the projectile decreases, and when it falls to values beyond the permissible limits, the resource of the barrel channel is considered exhausted. An important task is to monitor the technical condition of ammunition received from long-term storage, damaged or even from defective batches. Currently, the methods of operational control of weapons are technically and morally obsolete. Known methods and means of diagnosing the technical condition of the channels of barrels and ammunition for barrel systems are ineffective, because they are based on outdated principles and provide for the use of measuring instruments of limited accuracy. The paper proposes a promising method for diagnosing the technical condition of the channels of barrels and ammunition based on the analysis of ballistic elements of the shot, determined its content. This method consists in obtaining experimental curves for the ballistic elements of the shot, comparing them with the respective nominal curves, which correspond to the technically sound condition of the barrel and ammunition, determining the nature and extent of the deviations of these curves, and installing formalized the characteristics of the type of defect and degree of its manifestation. The need to establish a connection between the technical condition of the channels of barrels and ammunition and the characteristics of ballistic elements of the shot is substantiated. It is determined that it is appropriate to solve the equations of internal ballistics by numerical method for modeling the process of the shot in the presence of defects in the channels of barrels and ammunition. The principles of constructing a difference scheme for solving equations by numerical method are considered. The advantages of using the proposed method of diagnosis and the direction of further research in this scientific direction are formulated.Проведено аналіз сучасних методів діагностування технічного стану каналів стволів та боєприпасів до вогнепальної зброї. Запропоновано перспективний метод діагностування, визначено його зміст. Обґрунтовано потребу у встановленні зв’язку між технічним станом каналів стволів та боєприпасів і характеристиками балістичних елементів пострілу. Визначено за доцільне розв’язування рівнянь внутрішньої балістики чисельним методом для моделювання перебігу процесу пострілу за наявності дефектів каналів стволів і боєприпасів. Розглянуто принципи побудови різницевої схеми

    Nanomotion of bacteria to determine metabolic profile

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    In addition to their visible motion such as swimming (e.g., with the help of flagella), bacteria can also exhibit nanomotion that is detectable only with highly sensitive instruments, and this study shows that it is possible to detect bacterial nanomotion using an AFM detection system. The results show that the nanomotion characteristics depend on the bacterial strain, and that nanomotion can be used to sense the metabolic activity of bacteria because the oscillations are sensitive to the food preferences of the bacteria and the type of surrounding medium