1,403 research outputs found

    Exact Casimir Interaction Between Semitransparent Spheres and Cylinders

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    A multiple scattering formulation is used to calculate the force, arising from fluctuating scalar fields, between distinct bodies described by ÎŽ\delta-function potentials, so-called semitransparent bodies. (In the limit of strong coupling, a semitransparent boundary becomes a Dirichlet one.) We obtain expressions for the Casimir energies between disjoint parallel semitransparent cylinders and between disjoint semitransparent spheres. In the limit of weak coupling, we derive power series expansions for the energy, which can be exactly summed, so that explicit, very simple, closed-form expressions are obtained in both cases. The proximity force theorem holds when the objects are almost touching, but is subject to large corrections as the bodies are moved further apart.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures; expanded discussion of previous work and additional references added, minor typos correcte

    Positivity and optimization for semi-algebraic functions

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    We describe algebraic certificates of positivity for functions belonging to a finitely generated algebra of Borel measurable functions, with particular emphasis to algebras generated by semi-algebraic functions. In which case the standard global optimization problem with constraints given by elements of the same algebra is reduced via a natural change of variables to the better understood case of polynomial optimization. A collection of simple examples and numerical experiments complement the theoretical parts of the article.Comment: 20 page

    Cosmic Strings Stabilized by Fermion Fluctuations

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    We provide a thorough exposition of recent results on the quantum stabilization of cosmic strings. Stabilization occurs through the coupling to a heavy fermion doublet in a reduced version of the standard model. The study combines the vacuum polarization energy of fermion zero-point fluctuations and the binding energy of occupied energy levels, which are of the same order in a semi-classical expansion. Populating these bound states assigns a charge to the string. Strings carrying fermion charge become stable if the Higgs and gauge fields are coupled to a fermion that is less than twice as heavy as the top quark. The vacuum remains stable in the model, because neutral strings are not energetically favored. These findings suggest that extraordinarily large fermion masses or unrealistic couplings are not required to bind a cosmic string in the standard model.Comment: Based on talk by HW at QFEXT 11 (Benasque, Spain), 15p, uses ws-ijmpcs.cls (incl

    Applications of M.G. Krein's Theory of Regular Symmetric Operators to Sampling Theory

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem establishes general conditions that allow the reconstruction of functions by mean of orthogonal sampling formulae. One major task in sampling theory is to find concrete, non trivial realizations of this theorem. In this paper we provide a new approach to this subject on the basis of the M. G. Krein's theory of representation of simple regular symmetric operators having deficiency indices (1,1). We show that the resulting sampling formulae have the form of Lagrange interpolation series. We also characterize the space of functions reconstructible by our sampling formulae. Our construction allows a rigorous treatment of certain ideas proposed recently in quantum gravity.Comment: 15 pages; v2: minor changes in abstract, addition of PACS numbers, changes in some keywords, some few changes in the introduction, correction of the proof of the last theorem, and addition of some comments at the end of the fourth sectio

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm--Liouville operators with matrix-valued potentials

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    We give a complete description of the set of spectral data (eigenvalues and specially introduced norming constants) for Sturm--Liouville operators on the interval [0,1][0,1] with matrix-valued potentials in the Sobolev space W2−1W_2^{-1} and suggest an algorithm reconstructing the potential from the spectral data that is based on Krein's accelerant method.Comment: 39 pages, uses iopart.cls, iopams.sty and setstack.sty by IO

    The class of n-entire operators

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    We introduce a classification of simple, regular, closed symmetric operators with deficiency indices (1,1) according to a geometric criterion that extends the classical notions of entire operators and entire operators in the generalized sense due to M. G. Krein. We show that these classes of operators have several distinctive properties, some of them related to the spectra of their canonical selfadjoint extensions. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the spectra of two canonical selfadjoint extensions of an operator for it to belong to one of our classes. Our discussion is based on some recent results in the theory of de Branges spaces.Comment: 33 pages. Typos corrected. Changes in the wording of Section 2. References added. Examples added. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1104.476

    Symmetry-preserving contact interaction model for heavy-light mesons

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    We use a symmetry-preserving regularization method of ultraviolet divergences in a vector-vector contact interac- tion model for low-energy QCD. The contact interaction is a representation of nonperturbative kernels used Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations. The regularization method is based on a subtraction scheme that avoids standard steps in the evaluation of divergent integrals that invariably lead to symmetry violation. Aiming at the study of heavy-light mesons, we have implemented the method to the pseudoscalar pion and Kaon mesons. We have solved the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the u, d and s quark propagators, and obtained the bound-state Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes in a way that the Ward-Green-Takahashi identities reflecting global symmetries of the model are satisfied for arbitrary routing of the momenta running in loop integrals

    Bounds for mixing time of quantum walks on finite graphs

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    Several inequalities are proved for the mixing time of discrete-time quantum walks on finite graphs. The mixing time is defined differently than in Aharonov, Ambainis, Kempe and Vazirani (2001) and it is found that for particular examples of walks on a cycle, a hypercube and a complete graph, quantum walks provide no speed-up in mixing over the classical counterparts. In addition, non-unitary quantum walks (i.e., walks with decoherence) are considered and a criterion for their convergence to the unique stationary distribution is derived.Comment: This is the journal version (except formatting); it is a significant revision of the previous version, in particular, it contains a new result about the convergence of quantum walks with decoherence; 16 page
