5 research outputs found

    Penerapan Karakter Sikap Toleransi Masyarakat Multikultural di Era Generasi Z di SMA Negeri 1 Model Tanjung Pura

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan karakter sikap toleransi pada masyarakat multikultural di era generasi Z di SMA Negeri 1 Model Tanjung Pura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode lapangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Tahapan pengabdian terdiri dari persiapan, pelaksanaan, analisis data, dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam memupuk sikap toleransi pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam aspek kepemimpinan manajerial, kepala sekolah menunjukkan sikap menghormati dan menghargai orang lain tanpa memandang perbedaan. Dalam aspek sosialisme, kepala sekolah aktif menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak internal dan eksternal sekolah. Selain itu, kepala sekolah juga menunjukkan profesionalisme dalam memimpin sekolah dan memberi contoh bagi guru-guru dalam menyusun RPP. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara efektif telah meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun RPP. Meskipun sebagian guru masih hanya memenuhi administrasi tanpa memahami keseluruhan isi RPP, namun sebagian besar guru telah mampu mandiri dalam menyusun RPP. Pendidikan multikultural menjadi penting untuk mengantisipasi munculnya gerakan-gerakan yang dapat menganggu integrasi nasional pada era globalisasi. Generasi milenial memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga dan memperkuat sikap toleransi dalam masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, interaksi yang baik dan intensif antar generasi milenial diharapkan dapat membangun kehidupan yang lebih harmonis dan menjaga kebhinekaan bangsa Indonesia

    Audience Interpretation of Humor Style on Redaksiana Crime News

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    Until now, television in Indonesia is still become primary mass media for audience. They make television as an information resources, entertainment, education, and reflection of our society for social control. Humor has became main part of entertainment on our television since a long time ago. Almost all of the television stations has made humor program, and Redaksiana is one of them. A program that broadcasted by Trans 7 is a news crime which is interspersed with humor. But, humor element that used by Redaksiana exploits a group in our society. So, this research aims to know about audience interpretation of humor style on Redaksiana. This research was a descirptive type of research with qualitative. The subjects are five informant with different social and culture.This study used preferred reading theory by Stuart Hall. In reception analysis, the findings research that derived from interview would raised three main types of interpretation. That findings research is there are two informants who performs dominant hegemonic reading that interpreted Redaksiana as an entertainment and informative program. The oppositional reading consist of one person has made critical interpretation that Redaksiana is not entertaining, informative and has exploited the lower classes. Meanwhile, negotiated reading group has two informants has made two side of interpretation, that is lower classes exploitation is awful action. But, they assume that is fair because media institutions is profit oriented. So, they tend to do hegemonic and negotiated reading. The study of humor style interpretation on Redaksiana news can be made as a foundation for the next researches and study in active audience field adds study about preferred rading theory

    Individually-tailored multifactorial intervention to reduce falls in the Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MyFAIT): A randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of an individually-tailored multifactorial intervention in reducing falls among at risk older adult fallers in a multi-ethnic, middle-income nation in South-East Asia. Design: Pragmatic, randomized-controlled trial. Setting: Emergency room, medical outpatient and primary care clinic in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participants: Individuals aged 65 years and above with two or more falls or one injurious fall in the past 12 months. Intervention: Individually-tailored interventions, included a modified Otago exercise programme, HOMEFAST home hazards modification, visual intervention, cardiovascular intervention, medication review and falls education, was compared against a control group involving conventional treatment. Primary and secondary outcome measures: The primary outcome was any fall recurrence at 12-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes were rate of fall and time to first fall. Results: Two hundred and sixty-eight participants (mean age 75.3 ±7.2 SD years, 67% women) were randomized to multifactorial intervention (n = 134) or convention treatment (n = 134). All participants in the intervention group received medication review and falls education, 92 (68%) were prescribed Otago exercises, 86 (64%) visual intervention, 64 (47%) home hazards modification and 51 (38%) cardiovascular intervention. Fall recurrence did not differ between intervention and control groups at 12-months [Risk Ratio, RR = 1.037 (95% CI 0.613–1.753)]. Rate of fall [RR = 1.155 (95% CI 0.846–1.576], time to first fall [Hazard Ratio, HR = 0.948 (95% CI 0.782–1.522)] and mortality rate [RR = 0.896 (95% CI 0.335–2.400)] did not differ between groups. Conclusion: Individually-tailored multifactorial intervention was ineffective as a strategy to reduce falls. Future research efforts are now required to develop culturally-appropriate and affordable methods of addressing this increasingly prominent public health issue in middle-income nations

    Human parasitic worm detection using image processing technique

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    Intestinal parasites of protozoa and helminthes may cause disease or even death to animals and humans. In a current study of fecal sample examination to detect parasites, a technologist examines images manually using a lighted microscope. This method of examination is known to be inefficient when it involves a large number of samples. On top of that, it is very important to introduce a system that is capable of assisting the technologist in the examination of fecal samples. In this paper, an automatic process is proposed to detect different types of parasites from fecal samples using an image processing technique. Image processing techniques have been introduced to automatically screen the existence of parasites in human fecal specimens. This process involves methods such as noise reduction, contrast enhancement, segmentation, and morphological analysis. At the classification stage, we propose a simple classification method using logical threshold, whereby the ranges of feature values have been identified to classify the type of parasite. The proposed system has been tested with 100 parasite images of each class, which promotes accuracy