1,651 research outputs found

    Bound electron nonlinearity beyond the ionization threshold

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    Although high field laser-induced ionization is a fundamental process underlying many applications, there have been no absolute measurements of the nonlinear polarizability of atoms and molecules in the presence of ionization. Such information is crucial, for example, for understanding the propagation of high intensity ultrashort pulses in matter. Here, we present absolute space- and time-resolved measurements of the ultrafast laser-driven nonlinear polarizability in argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, and oxygen up to an ionization fraction of a few percent. These measurements enable determination of the non-perturbative bound electron nonlinearity well beyond the ionization threshold, where it is found to be approximately linear in intensity

    Typhoid and paratyphoid fever

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    Typhoid fever is estimated to have caused 21·6 million illnesses and 216 500 deaths globally in 2000, affecting all ages. There is also one case of paratyphoid fever for every four of typhoid. The global emergence of multidrug-resistant strains and of strains with reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones is of great concern. We discuss the occurrence of poor clinical response to fluoroquinolones despite disc sensitivity. Developments are being made in our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis, and genomic and proteomic studies reveal the possibility of new targets for diagnosis and treatment. Further, we review guidelines for use of diagnostic tests and for selection of antimicrobials in varying clinical situations. The importance of safe water, sanitation, and immunisation in the presence of increasing antibiotic resistance is paramount. Routine immunisation of school-age children with Vi or Ty21a vaccine is recommended for countries endemic for typhoid. Vi vaccine should be used for 2-5 year-old children in highly endemic settings

    Toward a protocol for quantifying the greenhouse gas balance and identifying mitigation options in smallholder farming systems

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    Globally, agriculture is directly responsible for 14% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and induces an additional 17% through land use change, mostly in developing countries (Vermeulen et al 2012). Agricultural intensification and expansion in these regions is expected to catalyze the most significant relative increases in agricultural GHG emissions over the next decade (Smith et al 2008, Tilman et al 2011). Farms in the developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia are predominately managed by smallholders, with 80% of land holdings smaller than ten hectares (FAO 2012). One can therefore posit that smallholder farming significantly impacts the GHG balance of these regions today and will continue to do so in the near future. However, our understanding of the effect smallholder farming has on the Earth's climate system is remarkably limited. Data quantifying existing and reduced GHG emissions and removals of smallholder production systems are available for only a handful of crops, livestock, and agroecosystems (Herrero et al 2008, Verchot et al 2008, Palm et al 2010). For example, fewer than fifteen studies of nitrous oxide emissions from soils have taken place in sub-Saharan Africa, leaving the rate of emissions virtually undocumented. Due to a scarcity of data on GHG sources and sinks, most developing countries currently quantify agricultural emissions and reductions using IPCC Tier 1 emissions factors. However, current Tier 1 emissions factors are either calibrated to data primarily derived from developed countries, where agricultural production conditions are dissimilar to that in which the majority of smallholders operate, or from data that are sparse or of mixed quality in developing countries (IPCC 2006). For the most part, there are insufficient emissions data characterizing smallholder agriculture to evaluate the level of accuracy or inaccuracy of current emissions estimates. Consequentially, there is no reliable information on the agricultural GHG budgets for developing economies. This dearth of information constrains the capacity to transition to low-carbon agricultural development, opportunities for smallholders to capitalize on carbon markets, and the negotiating position of developing countries in global climate policy discourse. Concerns over the poor state of information, in terms of data availability and representation, have fueled appeals for new approaches to quantifying GHG emissions and removals from smallholder agriculture, for both existing conditions and mitigation interventions (Berry and Ryan 2013, Olander et al 2013). Considering the dependence of quantification approaches on data and the current data deficit for smallholder systems, it is clear that in situ measurements must be a core part of initial and future strategies to improve GHG inventories and develop mitigation measures for smallholder agriculture. Once more data are available, especially for farming systems of high priority (e.g., those identified through global and regional rankings of emission hotspots or mitigation leverage points), better cumulative estimates and targeted actions will become possible. Greenhouse gas measurements in agriculture are expensive, time consuming, and error prone. These challenges are exacerbated by the heterogeneity of smallholder systems and landscapes and the diversity of methods used. Concerns over methodological rigor, measurement costs, and the diversity of approaches, coupled with the demand for robust information suggest it is germane for the scientific community to establish standards of measurements—'a protocol'—for quantifying GHG emissions from smallholder agriculture. A standard protocol for use by scientists and development organizations will help generate consistent, comparable, and reliable data on emissions baselines and allow rigorous comparisons of mitigation options. Besides enhancing data utility, a protocol serves as a benchmark for non-experts to easily assess data quality. Obviously many such protocols already exist (e.g., GraceNet, Parkin and Venterea 2010). None, however, account for the diversity and complexity of smallholder agriculture, quantify emissions and removals from crops, livestock, and biomass together to calculate the net balance, or are adapted for the research environment of developing countries; conditions that warrant developing specific methods. Here we summarize an approach being developed by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research's (CGIAR) Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security Program (CCAFS) and partners. The CGIAR-CCAFS smallholder GHG quantification protocol aims to improve quantification of baseline emission levels and support mitigation decisions. The protocol introduces five novel quantification elements relevant for smallholder agriculture (figure 1). First, it stresses the systematic collection of 'activity data' to describe the type, distribution, and extent of land management activities in landscapes cultivated by smallholder. Second, it advocates an informed sampling approach that concentrates measurement activities on emission hotspots and leverage points to capture heterogeneity and account for the diversity and complexity of farming activities. Third, it quantifies emissions at multiple spatial scales, whole-farm and landscape, to provide information targeted to household and communities decisions. Fourth, it encourages GHG research to document farm productivity and economics in addition to emissions, in recognition of the importance of agriculture to livelihoods. Fifth, it develops cost-differentiated measurement solutions that optimize the relationships among scale, cost, and accuracy. Each of the five innovations is further described in the main article

    Dynamic simulation of management events for assessing impacts of climate change on pre-alpine grassland productivity

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    The productivity of permanent temperate cut grasslands is mainly driven by weather, soil characteristics, botanical composition and management. To adapt management to climate change, adjusting the cutting dates to reflect earlier onset of growth and expansion of the vegetation period is particularly important. Simulations of cut grassland productivity under climate change scenarios demands management settings to be dynamically derived from actual plant development rather than using static values derived from current management operations. This is even more important in the alpine region, where the predicted temperature increase is twice as high as compared to the global or Northern Hemispheric average. For this purpose, we developed a dynamic management module that provides timing of cutting and manuring events when running the biogeochemical model LandscapeDNDC. We derived the dynamic management rules from long-term harvest measurements and monitoring data collected at pre-alpine grassland sites located in S Germany and belonging to the TERENO monitoring network. We applied the management module for simulations of two grassland sites covering the period 2011–2100 and driven by scenarios that reflect the two representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 and evaluated yield developments of different management regimes. The management module was able to represent timing of current management operations in high agreement with several years of field observations (r2 > 0.88). Even more, the shift of the first cutting dates scaled to a +1 ◦C temperature increase simulated with the climate change scenarios (− 9.1 to − 17.1 days) compared well to the shift recorded by the German Weather Service (DWD) in the study area from 1991− 2016 (− 9.4 to − 14.0 days). In total, the shift in cutting dates and expansion of the growing season resulted in 1− 2 additional cuts per year until 2100. Thereby, climate change increased yields of up to 6 % and 15 % in the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios with highest increases mainly found for dynamically adapted grassland management going along with increasing fertilization rates. In contrast, no or only minor yield increases were associated with simulations restricted to fertilization rates of 170 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1 as required by national legislations. Our study also shows that yields significantly decreased in drought years, when soil moisture is limiting plant growth but due to comparable high precipitation and water holding capacity of soils, this was observed mainly in the RCP 8.5 scenario in the last decades of the century

    N2O, NO, N2, and CO2 emissions from tropical savanna and grassland of Northern Australia: an incubation experiment with intact soil cores

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    Strong seasonal variability of hygric and thermal soil conditions are a defining environmental feature in northern Australia. However, how such changes affect the soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and dinitrogen (N2) is still not well explored. By incubating intact soil cores from four sites (three savanna, one pasture) under controlled soil temperatures (ST) and soil moisture (SM) we investigated the release of the trace gas fluxes of N2O, NO and carbon dioxide (CO2). Furthermore, the release of N2 due to denitrification was measured using the helium gas flow soil core technique. Under dry pre-incubation conditions NO and N2O emissions were very low (<7.0 ± 5.0 müg NO-N m-2 h-1; <0.0 ± 1.4 müg N2O-N m-2 h-1) or in the case of N2O, even a net soil uptake was observed. Substantial NO (max: 306.5 müg N m-2 h-1) and relatively small N2O pulse emissions (max: 5.8 ± 5.0 &müg N m-2 h-1) were recorded following soil wetting, but these pulses were short lived, lasting only up to 3 days. The total atmospheric loss of nitrogen was generally dominated by N2 emissions (82.4-99.3% of total N lost), although NO emissions contributed almost 43.2% to the total atmospheric nitrogen loss at 50% SM and 30 °C ST incubation settings (the contribution of N2 at these soil conditions was only 53.2%). N2O emissions were systematically higher for 3 of 12 sample locations, which indicates substantial spatial variability at site level, but on average soils acted as weak N2O sources or even sinks. By using a conservative upscale approach we estimate total annual emissions from savanna soils to average 0.12 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N2O), 0.68 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (NO) and 6.65 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N2). The analysis of long-term SM and ST records makes it clear that extreme soil saturation that can lead to high N2O and N2 emissions only occurs a few days per year and thus has little impact on the annual total. The potential contribution of nitrogen released due to pulse events compared to the total annual emissions was found to be of importance for NO emissions (contribution to total: 5-22%), but not for N2O emissions. Our results indicate that the total gaseous release of nitrogen from these soils is low and clearly dominated by loss in the form of inert nitrogen. Effects of seasonally varying soil temperature and moisture were detected, but were found to be low due to the small amounts of available nitrogen in the soils (total nitrogen <0.1%)

    Interactive regulation of root exudation and rhizosphere denitrification by plant metabolite content and soil properties

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    Aims Root exudates are known to shape microbial activities in the rhizosphere and to be of fundamental importance for plant-soil-microbe-carbon–nitrogen interactions. However, it remains unclear how and to what extent the amount and composition of root exudation affects rhizosphere denitrification. Methods In this study root exudation patterns and rhizosphere denitrification enzyme activity of three different grass species grown on two agricultural soils under two different soil water contents were investigated under controlled conditions. Results We found that root exudation of primary metabolites largely depends on plant species, soil type, soil moisture and root exudation medium. In dependence of soil properties and soil moisture levels, plants largely controlled amount and quality of root exudation. Exudates affected denitrification activity and plant–microbe competition for nitrate. Specifically, exudation of organic acids stimulated denitrifying activity while the sugar lyxose exhibited an inhibitory effect. Conclusion We show that interactive effects of physicochemical soil properties and species-specific effects of plant metabolism on root exudation act as a dominant control of rhizosphere denitrification, thereby explaining more than half of its variance

    The potential importance of soil denitrification as a major N loss pathway in intensive greenhouse vegetable production systems

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    Background About 30 % of vegetables in China are produced in intensively managed greenhouses comprising flood irrigation and extreme rates of nitrogen fertilizers. Little is known about denitrification N losses. Methods Soil denitrification rates were measured by the acetylene inhibition technique applied to anaerobically incubated soil samples. Four different greenhouse management systems were differentiated: Conventional flood irrigation and over-fertilization (CIF, 800 kg N ha−1Zahl^{-1Zahl}, 460 mm); CIF plus straw incorporation (CIF+S, 889 kg N ha−1^{-1}, 460 mm); Drip fertigation with reduced fertilizer application rates (DIF, 314 kg N ha−1^{-1}, 190 mm); DIF plus straw incorporation (DIF+S, 403 kg N ha−1^{-1}, 190 mm). Soil denitrification was measured on nine sampling dates during the growing season (Feb 2019-May 2019) for the top-/ subsoil (0 – 20/ 20- 40 cm) and on three sampling dates for deep soils (40-60/ 80-100 cm). Data was used to constrain N-input-output balances of the different vegetable production systems. Results Rates of denitrification were at least one magnitude higher in topsoil than in sub- and deep soils. Total seasonal denitrification N losses for the 0 – 40 cm soil layer ranged from 76 (DIF) to 422 kg N ha−1^{-1} (CIF+S). Straw addition stimulated soil denitrification in top- and subsoil, but not in deep soil layers. Integrating our denitrification data (0-100 cm) with additional data on N leaching, N2O emissions, plant N uptake, and NH3 volatilization showed, that on average 50 % of added N fertilizers are lost due to denitrification. Conclusions Denitrification is likely the dominant environmental N loss pathway in greenhouse vegetable production systems. Reducing irrigation and fertilizer application rates while incorporating straw in soils allows the reduction of accumulated nitrate

    FSL-BM: Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature for Classification

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    This paper introduces a novel real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature (FSL-BM) for big data classification task. The study of real-time algorithms addresses several major concerns, which are namely: accuracy, memory consumption, and ability to stretch assumptions and time complexity. Attaining a fast computational model providing fuzzy logic and supervised learning is one of the main challenges in the machine learning. In this research paper, we present FSL-BM algorithm as an efficient solution of supervised learning with fuzzy logic processing using binary meta-feature representation using Hamming Distance and Hash function to relax assumptions. While many studies focused on reducing time complexity and increasing accuracy during the last decade, the novel contribution of this proposed solution comes through integration of Hamming Distance, Hash function, binary meta-features, binary classification to provide real time supervised method. Hash Tables (HT) component gives a fast access to existing indices; and therefore, the generation of new indices in a constant time complexity, which supersedes existing fuzzy supervised algorithms with better or comparable results. To summarize, the main contribution of this technique for real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning is to represent hypothesis through binary input as meta-feature space and creating the Fuzzy Supervised Hash table to train and validate model.Comment: FICC201

    Dinitrogen emissions: an overlooked key component of the N balance of montane grasslands

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    While emissions of nitric oxide (NO), ammonia (NH₃) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) from grassland soils have been increasingly well constrained, soil dinitrogen (N₂) emissions are poorly understood. However, N₂ losses might dominate total gaseous nitrogen (N) losses. Knowledge on N losses is key for the development of climate-adapted management that balances agronomic and environmental needs. Hence, we quantified all gaseous N losses from a montane grassland in Southern Germany both for ambient climatic conditions and for a climate change treatment (+ 2°C MAT, - 300 mm MAP). Monthly measurements of soil N₂ emissions of intact soil cores revealed that those exceeded by far soil N₂O emissions and averaged at 350 ± 101 (ambient climate) and 738 ± 197 lg N m¯²h¯¹ (climate change). Because these measurements did not allow to quantify emission peaks after fertilization, an additional laboratory experiment was deployed to quantify the response of NH₃, NO, N₂O, and N₂ emissions in sub daily temporal resolution to a typical slurry fertilization event (51 kg N ha¯¹). Our results revealed that total N gas losses amounted to roughly half of applied slurry-N. Surprisingly, N₂ but not NH₃ dominated fertilizer N losses, with N₂ emissions accounting for 16–21 kg or 31–42% of the applied slurry-N, while NH₃ volatilization (3.5 kg), N2O (0.2–0.5 kg) and NO losses (0–0.2 kg) were of minor importance. Though constraining annual N₂ loss remained uncertain due to high spatiotemporal variability of fluxes, we show that N₂ losses are a so far overlooked key component of the N balance in montane grasslands, which needs to be considered for developing improved grassland management strategies targeted at increasing N use efficiency
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