180 research outputs found

    Magnetic aspect sensitivity of high‐latitude E region irregularities measured by the RAX‐2 CubeSat

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106761/1/jgra50801.pd

    Ionospheric ion temperature climate and upper atmospheric long-term cooling

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    It is now recognized that Earth's upper atmosphere is experiencing a long-term cooling over the past several solar cycles. The potential impact of the cooling on societal activities is significant, but a fundamental scientific question exists regarding the drivers of the cooling. New observations and analyses provide crucial advances in our knowledge of these important processes. We investigate ionospheric ion temperature climatology and long-term trends using up-to-date large and consistent ground-based data sets as measured by multiple incoherent scatter radars (ISRs). The very comprehensive view provided by these unique observations of the upper atmospheric thermal status allows us to address drivers of strong cooling previously observed by ISRs. We use observations from two high-latitude sites at Sondrestrom (invariant latitude 73.2°N) from 1990 to 2015 and Chatanika/Poker Flat (invariant latitude 65.9°N) over the span of 1976–2015 (with a gap from 1983 to 2006). Results are compared to conditions at the midlatitude Millstone Hill site (invariant latitude 52.8°N) from 1968 to 2015. The aggregate radar observations have very comparable and consistent altitude dependence of long-term trends. In particular, the lower F region (<275 km) exhibits dayside cooling trends that are significantly higher (−3 to −1 K/yr at 250 km) than anticipated from model predictions given the anthropogenic increase of greenhouse gases. Above 275 km, cooling trends continue to increase in magnitude but values are strongly dependent on magnetic latitude, suggesting the presence of significant downward influences from nonneutral atmospheric processes.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Awards AGS-1042569 and AGS-1343056

    High-latitude E Region Ionosphere-thermosphere Coupling: A Comparative Study Using in Situ and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations

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    We present in situ and ground-based measurements of the ratio k of ion cyclotronangular frequency to ion-neutral momentum transfer collision frequency to investigateionosphere-thermosphere (IT) coupling in the auroral E region. In situ observations were obtained by NASA sounding rocket 36.234, which was launched into the nightsideE region ionosphere at 1229 UT on 19 January 2007 from Poker Flat, AK. The payload carried instrumentation to determine ion drift angle and electric field vectors. Neutral winds were measured by triangulating a chemical tracer released from rocket 41.064 launched two minutes later. k is calculated from the rotation of the ion drift angle relative to the E-cross-B drift direction in a frame co-rotating with the payload. Between the altitudes of 118 km and 130 km k increases exponentially with a scale height of 9.3 +/- 0.7 km, deviating from an exponential above 130 km. k = 1 at an altitude z(sub0) of 119.9 +/- 0.5 km. The ratio was also estimated from Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) measurements using the rotation of ion velocity with altitude. Exponential fits to the PFISR measurements made during the flight of 41.064 yield z(sub0) 115.9 +/- 1.2 km and a scale height of 9.1 +/- 1.0 km. Differences between in situ and ground-based measurements show that the E region atmospheric densities were structured vertically and/or horizontally on scales of 1 km to 10 km. There were no signs of ionospheric structure in ion density or ion temperature below scales of 1 km. The observations demonstrate the accuracy with which the in situ and PFISR data may be used as probes of IT coupling

    Comparing VHF coherent scatter from the radar aurora with incoherent scatter and all-sky auroral imagery

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    VHF coherent scatter radar observations of an auroral substorm over Alaska are analyzed in the context of multibeam incoherent scatter plasma density and drifts data and green-line all-sky optical imagery. Coherent scatter arises from Farley Buneman waves which are excited in theEregion whenever the convection electric field is greater than about 20 mV/m. Aperture synthesis radar imaging and other aspects of the methodology facilitate the precise spatial registration of the coherent scatter with coincident optical and incoherent scatter radar measurements. Discrete auroral arcs were found to separate diffuse regions of coherent backscatter and, sometimes, to align with the boundaries of those regions. At other times, auroral arcs and torches lined up adjacent to discrete, structured regions or radar backscatter. Drastic variations in the Doppler shifts of the coherent scatter from one side of the auroral forms to the other suggest the presence of field-aligned currents. An empirical formula based on previous studies but adapted to account approximately for the effects of wave turning was used to estimate the convection electric field from the moments of the coherent scatter Doppler spectra. Line-of-sightF region plasma drift measurements from the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) were found to be in reasonable agreement with these convection field estimates. Reasons why the empirical formulas may be expected to hold are discussed

    Auroral ionospheric F region density cavity formation and evolution: MICA campaign results

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    Auroral ionospheric F region density depletions observed by PFISR (Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar) during the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) sounding rocket campaign are critically examined alongside complementary numerical simulations. Particular processes of interest include cavity formation due to intense frictional heating and Pedersen drifts, evolution in the presence of structured precipitation, and refilling due to impact ionization and downflows. Our analysis uses an ionospheric fluid model which solves conservation of mass, momentum, and energy equations for all major ionospheric species. These fluid equations are coupled to an electrostatic current continuity equation to self-consistently describe auroral electric fields. Energetic electron precipitation inputs for the model are specified by inverting optical data, and electric field boundary conditions are obtained from direct PFISR measurements. Thus, the model is driven in as realistic a manner as possible. Both incoherent scatter radar (ISR) data and simulations indicate that the conversion of the F region plasma to molecular ions and subsequent recombination is the dominant process contributing to the formation of the observed cavities, all of which occur in conjunction with electric fields exceeding ∼90 mV/m. Furthermore, the cavities often persist several minutes past the point when the frictional heating stops. Impact ionization and field-aligned plasma flows modulate the cavity depth in a significant way but are of secondary importance to the molecular generation process. Informal comparisons of the ISR density and temperature fits to the model verify that the simulations reproduce most of the observed cavity features to a reasonable level of detail

    PFISR observation of intense ion upflow fluxes associated with an SED during the 1 June 2013 geomagnetic storm

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    The Earth’s ionosphere plays an important role in supplying plasma into the magnetosphere through ion upflow/outflow, particularly during periods of strong solar wind driving. An intense ion upflow flux event during the 1 June 2013 storm has been studied using observations from multiple instruments. When the open‐closed field line boundary (OCB) moved into the Poker Flat incoherent scatter radar (PFISR) field of view, divergent ion fluxes were observed by PFISR with intense upflow fluxes reaching ~1.9 × 1014 m−2 s−1 at ~600 km altitude. Both ion and electron temperatures increased significantly within the ion upflow, and thus, this event has been classified as a type 2 upflow. We discuss factors contributing to the high electron density and intense ion upflow fluxes, including plasma temperature effect and preconditioning by storm‐enhanced density (SED). Our analysis shows that the significantly enhanced electron temperature due to soft electron precipitation in the cusp can reduce the dissociative recombination rate of molecular ions above ~400 km and contributed to the density increase. In addition, this intense ion upflow flux event is preconditioned by the lifted F region ionosphere due to northwestward convection flows in the SED plume. During this event, the OCB and cusp were detected by DMSP between 15 and 16 magnetic local times, unusually duskward. Results from a global magnetohydrodynamics simulation using the Space Weather Modeling Framework have been used to provide a global context for this event. This case study provides a more comprehensive mechanism for the generation of intense ion upflow fluxes observed in association with SEDs.Key PointsA more comprehensive mechanism for the generation of intense ion upflow fluxes observed in association with SEDs has been providedNorthwestward convection flows lift the F region ionosphere within SED and provide seed population for intense ion upflow fluxesSignificantly elevated electron temperature reduces recombination rate contributing to density increasePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136519/1/jgra53328.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136519/2/jgra53328_am.pd

    Observations and modeling of post-midnight uplifts near the magnetic equator

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    We report here on post-midnight uplifts near the magnetic equator. We present observational evidence from digital ionosondes in Brazil, a digisonde in Peru, and other measurements at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory that show that these uplifts occur fairly regularly in the post-midnight period, raising the ionosphere by tens of kilometers in the most mild events and by over a hundred kilometers in the most severe events. We show that in general the uplifts are not the result of a zonal electric field reversal, and demonstrate instead that the uplifts occur as the ionospheric response to a decreasing westward electric field in conjunction with sufficient recombination and plasma flux. The decreasing westward electric field may be caused by a change in the wind system related to the midnight pressure bulge, which is associated with the midnight temperature maximum. In order to agree with observations from Jicamarca and Palmas, Brazil, it is shown that there must exist sufficient horizontal plasma flux associated with the pressure bulge. In addition, we show that the uplifts may be correlated with a secondary maximum in the spread-&lt;i&gt;F&lt;/i&gt; occurrence rate in the post-midnight period. The uplifts are strongly seasonally dependent, presumably according to the seasonal dependence of the midnight pressure bulge, which leads to the necessary small westward field in the post-midnight period during certain seasons. We also discuss the enhancement of the uplifts associated with increased geomagnetic activity, which may be related to disturbance dynamo winds. Finally, we show that it is possible using simple numerical techniques to estimate the horizontal plasma flux and the vertical drift velocity from electron density measurements in the post-midnight period

    Sounding rocket study of two sequential auroral poleward boundary intensifications

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    The Cascades-2 sounding rocket was launched on 20 March 2009 at 11:04:00 UT from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska, and flew across a series of poleward boundary intensifications (PBIs). The rocket initially crosses a diffuse arc, then crosses the equatorward extent of one PBI (a streamer), and finally crosses the initiation of a separate PBI before entering the polar cap. Each of the crossings have fundamentally different in situ electron energy and pitch angle structure, and different ground optics images of visible aurora. It is found that the diffuse arc has a quasi-static acceleration mechanism, and the intensification at the poleward boundary has an Alfvénic acceleration mechanism. The streamer shows characteristics of both types of acceleration. PFISR data provide ionospheric context for the rocket observations. Three THEMIS satellites in close conjunction with the rocket foot point show earthward flows and slight dipolarizations in the magnetotail associated with the in situ observations of PBI activity. An important goal of the Cascades-2 study is to bring together the different observational communities (rocket, ground cameras, ground radar, satellite) with the same case study. The Cascades-2 experiment is the first sounding rocket observation of a PBI sequence, enabling a detailed investigation of the electron signatures and optical aurora associated with various stages of a PBI sequence as it evolves from an Alfvénic to a more quasi-static structure