4,066 research outputs found

    Miniature ingestible telemeter devices to measure deep-body temperature

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    A telemetry device comprised of a pill-size ingestible transmitter developed to obtain deep body temperature measurements of a human is described. The device has particular utility in the medical field where deep body temperatures provide an indication of general health

    An ingestible temperature-transmitter

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    Pill-sized transmitter measures deep body temperature in studies of circadian rhythm and indicates general health. Ingestible device is a compromise between accuracy, circuit complexity, size and transmission range

    An implantable multi-channel temperature transmitter

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    Implantable multi-channel temperature transmitte

    Sharing Resources: Opportunities for Smaller Primary Care Practices to Increase Their Capacity for Patient Care

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    Outlines findings linking shared resources with use of health information technology, care coordination, self-management, and quality monitoring, and strategies to increase resources among small and midsize practices by expanding shared resource models

    Gamma-Ray Bursts in Circumstellar Shells: A Possible Explanation for Flares

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    It is now generally accepted that long-duration gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are due to the collapse of massive rotating stars. The precise collapse process itself, however, is not yet fully understood. Strong winds, outbursts, and intense ionizing UV radiation from single stars or strongly interacting binaries are expected to destroy the molecular cloud cores that give birth to them and create highly complex circumburst environments for the explosion. Such environments might imprint features on GRB light curves that uniquely identify the nature of the progenitor and its collapse. We have performed numerical simulations of realistic environments for a variety of long-duration GRB progenitors with ZEUS-MP, and have developed an analytical method for calculating GRB light curves in these profiles. Though a full, three-dimensional, relativistic magnetohydrodynamical computational model is required to precisely describe the light curve from a GRB in complex environments, our method can provide a qualitative understanding of these phenomena. We find that, in the context of the standard afterglow model, massive shells around GRBs produce strong signatures in their light curves, and that this can distinguish them from those occurring in uniform media or steady winds. These features can constrain the mass of the shell and the properties of the wind before and after the ejection. Moreover, the interaction of the GRB with the circumburst shell is seen to produce features that are consistent with observed X-ray flares that are often attributed to delayed energy injection by the central engine. Our algorithm for computing light curves is also applicable to GRBs in a variety of environments such as those in high-redshift cosmological halos or protogalaxies, both of which will soon be targets of future surveys such as JANUS or Lobster.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Grey seal predation impairs recovery of an over-exploited fish stock

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    Grey seal predation has been blamed by fishers for the decline of Atlantic cod stocks and has led to calls for seal culls. In the West of Scotland, estimates of cod consumption by seals have exceeded reported catches and spawning biomass, focussing attention on the interaction between fishers and seals. Bayesian models making different assumptions about seal predation were used to estimate the size of the West of Scotland cod stock between 1985 and 2005 and the mortalities due to fishing and seal foraging. A simple population model was used to identify the likely direction of cod population change at recent mortality rates. All model configurations suggest that the total mortality of cod has remained fairly stable and high for many years regardless of the assumptions on seal predation. The high mortality explains the long-term decline of the stock. The best-fitting model suggests that mortality due to fishing reduced substantially in the decade up to 2005, but has been replaced by increased seal predation mortality on a smaller cod stock. Given total mortality estimates, the stock is unlikely to recover even at present reduced levels of fishing. Synthesis and applications. Our model offers a method of estimating seal predation mortality as part of routine stock assessments that inform fishery management. The analysis shows that predation by seals can be an important component of the total stock mortality. It also shows that assuming invariant natural mortality, as adopted in many standard fish stock assessments, may lead to incorrect perceptions of fishing mortality, over-estimating the benefits of reducing fishing mortality when there is density-dependent predation. It is essential to consider predation by top predators when formulating appropriate advice for managing the fishery

    Helium Star/Black Hole Mergers: a New Gamma-Ray Burst Model

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    We present a model for gamma-ray bursts (GRB's) in which a stellar mass black hole acquires a massive accretion disk by merging with the helium core of its red giant companion. The black hole enters the helium core after it, or its neutron star progenitor, first experiences a common envelope phase that carries it inwards through the hydrogen envelope. Accretion of the last several solar masses of helium occurs on a time scale of roughly a minute and provides a neutrino luminosity of approximately 10^51 - 10^52 erg/s. Neutrino annihilation, 0.01% to 0.1% efficient, along the rotational axis then gives a baryon loaded fireball of electron-positron pairs and radiation (about 1050^{50} erg total) whose beaming and relativistic interaction with circumstellar material makes the GRB (e.g., Rees & Meszaros 1992). The useful energy can be greatly increased if energy can be extracted from the rotational energy of the black hole by magnetic interaction with the disk. Such events should occur at a rate comparable to that of merging neutron stars and black hole neutron star pairs and may be responsible for long complex GRB's, but not short hard ones.Comment: 11 pages total, 2 Figures - altered and revised for ApJ letters, accepte

    Linearly and Circularly Polarized Emission in Sagittarius A*

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    We perform general relativistic ray-tracing calculations of the transfer of polarized synchrotron radiation through the relativistic accretion flow in Sagittarius (Sgr) A*. Based on a two-temperature magneto-rotational-instability (MRI) induced accretion mode, the birefringence effects are treated self-consistently. By fitting the spectrum and polarization of Sgr A* from millimeter to near-infrared bands, we are able to not only constrain the basic parameters related to the MRI and the electron heating rate, but also limit the orientation of the accretion torus. These constraints lead to unique polarimetric images, which may be compared with future millimeter and sub-millimeter VLBI observations. In combination with general relativistic MHD simulations, the model has the potential to test the MRI with observations of Sgr A*.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL accepte