1,159 research outputs found

    Complex WKB Analysis of a PT Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

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    The spectra of a particular class of PT symmetric eigenvalue problems has previously been studied, and found to have an extremely rich structure. In this paper we present an explanation for these spectral properties in terms of quantisation conditions obtained from the complex WKB method. In particular, we consider the relation of the quantisation conditions to the reality and positivity properties of the eigenvalues. The methods are also used to examine further the pattern of eigenvalue degeneracies observed by Dorey et al. in [1,2].Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. Added references, minor revision

    Central Charge Anomalies in 2D Sigma Models with Twisted Mass

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    We discuss the central charge in supersymmetric N=2{\cal N}=2 sigma models in two dimensions. The target space is a symmetric K\"ahler manifold, CP(N1)(N-1) is an example. The U(1) isometries allow one to introduce twisted masses in the model. At the classical level the central charge contains Noether charges of the U(1) isometries and a topological charge which is an integral of a total derivative of the Killing potentials. At the quantum level the topological part of the central charge acquires anomalous terms. A bifermion term was found previously, using supersymmetry which relates it to the superconformal anomaly. We present a direct calculation of this term using a number of regularizations. We derive, for the first time, the bosonic part in the central charge anomaly. We construct the supermultiplet of all anomalies and present its superfield description. We also discuss a related issue of BPS solitons in the CP(1) model and present an explicit form for the curve of marginal stability.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, references adde

    Design-for-test structure to facilitate test vector application with low performance loss in non-test mode.

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    A switching based circuit is described which allows application of voltage test vectors to internal nodes of a chip without the problem of backdriving. The new circuit has low impact on the performance of an analogue circuit in terms of loss of bandwidth and allows simple application of analogue test voltages into internal nodes. The circuit described facilitates implementation of the forthcoming IEEE 1149.4 DfT philosophy [1]

    Calculating the Prepotential by Localization on the Moduli Space of Instantons

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    We describe a new technique for calculating instanton effects in supersymmetric gauge theories applicable on the Higgs or Coulomb branches. In these situations the instantons are constrained and a potential is generated on the instanton moduli space. Due to existence of a nilpotent fermionic symmetry the resulting integral over the instanton moduli space localizes on the critical points of the potential. Using this technology we calculate the one- and two-instanton contributions to the prepotential of SU(N) gauge theory with N=2 supersymmetry and show how the localization approach yields the prediction extracted from the Seiberg-Witten curve. The technique appears to extend to arbitrary instanton number in a tractable way.Comment: 24 pages, JHEP.cls, more references and extra discussion on N_F=2N cas

    Large N and double scaling limits in two dimensions

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    Recently, the author has constructed a series of four dimensional non-critical string theories with eight supercharges, dual to theories of light electric and magnetic charges, for which exact formulas for the central charge of the space-time supersymmetry algebra as a function of the world-sheet couplings were obtained. The basic idea was to generalize the old matrix model approach, replacing the simple matrix integrals by the four dimensional matrix path integrals of N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, and the Kazakov critical points by the Argyres-Douglas critical points. In the present paper, we study qualitatively similar toy path integrals corresponding to the two dimensional N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model with target space CP^n and twisted mass terms. This theory has some very strong similarities with N=2 super Yang-Mills, including the presence of critical points in the vicinity of which the large n expansion is IR divergent. The model being exactly solvable at large n, we can study non-BPS observables and give full proofs that double scaling limits exist and correspond to universal continuum limits. A complete characterization of the double scaled theories is given. We find evidence for dimensional transmutation of the string coupling in some non-critical string theories. We also identify en passant some non-BPS particles that become massless at the singularities in addition to the usual BPS states.Comment: 38 pages, including an introductory section that makes the paper self-contained, two figures and one appendix; v2: typos correcte

    Tridiagonal PT-symmetric N by N Hamiltonians and a fine-tuning of their observability domains in the strongly non-Hermitian regime

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    A generic PT-symmetric Hamiltonian is assumed tridiagonalized and truncated to N dimensions, and its up-down symmetrized special cases with J=[N/2] real couplings are considered. In the strongly non-Hermitian regime the secular equation gets partially factorized at all N. This enables us to reveal a fine-tuned alignment of the dominant couplings implying an asymptotically sharply spiked shape of the boundary of the J-dimensional quasi-Hermiticity domain in which all the spectrum of energies remains real and observable.Comment: 28 pp., 4 tables, 1 figur

    Effect of Wavefunction Renormalisation in N-Flavour Qed3 at Finite Temperature

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    A recent study of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in N-flavour QED3_3 at finite temperature is extended to include the effect of fermion wavefunction renormalisation in the Schwinger-Dyson equations. The simple ``zero-frequency'' truncation previously used is found to lead to unphysical results, especially as T0T \to 0. A modified set of equations is proposed, whose solutions behave in a way which is qualitatively similar to the T=0T=0 solutions of Pennington et al. [5-8] who have made extensive studies of the effect of wavefunction renormalisation in this context, and who concluded that there was no critical NcN_c (at T=0) above which chiral symmetry was restored. In contrast, we find that our modified equations predict a critical NcN_c at T0T \not= 0, and an NTN-T phase diagram very similar to the earlier study neglecting wavefunction renormalisation. The reason for the difference is traced to the different infrared behaviour of the vacuum polarisation at T=0T=0 and at T0T \not= 0.Comment: 17 pages + 13 figures (available upon request), Oxford preprint OUTP-93-30P, IFUNAM preprint FT94-39, LaTe

    Does the complex deformation of the Riemann equation exhibit shocks?

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    The Riemann equation ut+uux=0u_t+uu_x=0, which describes a one-dimensional accelerationless perfect fluid, possesses solutions that typically develop shocks in a finite time. This equation is \cP\cT symmetric. A one-parameter \cP\cT-invariant complex deformation of this equation, utiu(iux)ϵ=0u_t-iu(iu_x)^\epsilon= 0 (ϵ\epsilon real), is solved exactly using the method of characteristic strips, and it is shown that for real initial conditions, shocks cannot develop unless ϵ\epsilon is an odd integer.Comment: latex, 8 page

    Instanton Calculus and SUSY Gauge Theories on ALE Manifolds

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    We study instanton effects along the Coulomb branch of an N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(2) on Asymptotically Locally Euclidean (ALE) spaces. We focus our attention on an Eguchi-Hanson gravitational background and on gauge field configurations of lowest Chern class.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX file. Extended version to be published in Physical Review