3,712 research outputs found

    Gamow Shell-Model Description of Weakly Bound and Unbound Nuclear States

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    Recently, the shell model in the complex k-plane (the so-called Gamow Shell Model) has been formulated using a complex Berggren ensemble representing bound single-particle states, single-particle resonances, and non-resonant continuum states. In this framework, we shall discuss binding energies and energy spectra of neutron-rich helium and lithium isotopes. The single-particle basis used is that of the Hartree-Fock potential generated self-consistently by the finite-range residual interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, presented by N. Michel at the XXVII Symposium On Nuclear Physics, Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico, January 5-8 200

    Timing performance of 30-nm-wide superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors

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    We investigated the timing jitter of superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors (SNAPs, also referred to as cascade switching superconducting single photon detectors) based on 30-nm-wide nanowires. At bias currents (IB) near the switching current, SNAPs showed sub 35 ps FWHM Gaussian jitter similar to standard 100 nm wide superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. At lower values of IB, the instrument response function (IRF) of the detectors became wider, more asymmetric, and shifted to longer time delays. We could reproduce the experimentally observed IRF time-shift in simulations based on an electrothermal model, and explain the effect with a simple physical picture

    Electric circuit networks equivalent to chaotic quantum billiards

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    We formulate two types of electric RLC resonance network equivalent to quantum billiards. In the network of inductors grounded by capacitors squared resonant frequencies are eigenvalues of the quantum billiard. In the network of capacitors grounded by inductors squared resonant frequencies are given by inverse eigen values of the billiard. In both cases local voltages play role of the wave function of the quantum billiard. However as different from quantum billiards there is a heat power because of resistance of the inductors. In the equivalent chaotic billiards we derive the distribution of the heat power which well describes numerical statistics.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Distribution of nearest distances between nodal points for the Berry function in two dimensions

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    According to Berry a wave-chaotic state may be viewed as a superposition of monochromatic plane waves with random phases and amplitudes. Here we consider the distribution of nodal points associated with this state. Using the property that both the real and imaginary parts of the wave function are random Gaussian fields we analyze the correlation function and densities of the nodal points. Using two approaches (the Poisson and Bernoulli) we derive the distribution of nearest neighbor separations. Furthermore the distribution functions for nodal points with specific chirality are found. Comparison is made with results from from numerical calculations for the Berry wave function.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of accidental microconstriction on the quantized conductance in long wires

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    We have investigated the conductance of long quantum wires formed in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. Using realistic fluctuation potentials from donor layers we have simulated numerically the conductance of four different kinds of wires. While ideal wires show perfect quantization, potential fluctuations from random donors may give rise to strong conductance oscillations and degradation of the quantization plateaux. Statistically there is always the possibility of having large fluctuations in a sample that may effectively act as a microconstriction. We therefore introduce microconstrictions in the wires by occasional clustering of donors. These microconstrictions are found to restore the quantized plateaux. A similar effect is found for accidental lithographic inaccuracies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, paper for NANO2002 symposium, will appear in SPIE proceeding

    Critical-Current Reduction in Thin Superconducting Wires Due to Current Crowding

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    We demonstrate experimentally that the critical current in superconducting NbTiN wires is dependent on their geometrical shape, due to current-crowding effects. Geometric patterns such as 90 degree corners and sudden expansions of wire width are shown to result in the reduction of critical currents. The results are relevant for single-photon detectors as well as parametric amplifiers

    Gamow Shell Model Description of Neutron-Rich Nuclei

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    This work presents the first continuum shell-model study of weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei involving multiconfiguration mixing. For the single-particle basis, the complex-energy Berggren ensemble representing the bound single-particle states, narrow resonances, and the non-resonant continuum background is taken. Our shell-model Hamiltonian consists of a one-body finite potential and a zero-range residual two-body interaction. The systems with two valence neutrons are considered. The Gamow shell model, which is a straightforward extension of the traditional shell model, is shown to be an excellent tool for the microscopic description of weakly bound systems. It is demonstrated that the residual interaction coupling to the particle continuum is important; in some cases, it can give rise to the binding of a nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, More realistic s.p. energies used than in the precedent versio

    Temperature dependent BCS equations with continuum coupling

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    The temperature dependent BCS equations are modified in order to include the contribution of the continuum single particle states. The influence of the continuum upon the critical temperature corresponding to the phase transition from a superfluid to a normal state and upon the behaviour of the excitation energy and of the entropy is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-Simplified SUSY: Stau-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC

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    If new phenomena beyond the Standard Model will be discovered at the LHC, the properties of the new particles could be determined with data from the High-Luminosity LHC and from a future linear collider like the ILC. We discuss the possible interplay between measurements at the two accelerators in a concrete example, namely a full SUSY model which features a small stau_1-LSP mass difference. Various channels have been studied using the Snowmass 2013 combined LHC detector implementation in the Delphes simulation package, as well as simulations of the ILD detector concept from the Technical Design Report. We investigate both the LHC and ILC capabilities for discovery, separation and identification of various parts of the spectrum. While some parts would be discovered at the LHC, there is substantial room for further discoveries at the ILC. We finally highlight examples where the precise knowledge about the lower part of the mass spectrum which could be acquired at the ILC would enable a more in-depth analysis of the LHC data with respect to the heavier states.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, 12 table

    Completeness of the Coulomb scattering wave functions

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    Completeness of the eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint Hamiltonian, which is the basic ingredient of quantum mechanics, plays an important role in nuclear reaction and nuclear structure theory. However, until now, there was no a formal proof of the completeness of the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the Coulomb interaction. Here we present the first formal proof of the completeness of the two-body Coulomb scattering wave functions for repulsive unscreened Coulomb potential. To prove the completeness we use the Newton's method [R. Newton, J. Math Phys., 1, 319 (1960)]. The proof allows us to claim that the eigenfunctions of the two-body Hamiltonian with the potential given by the sum of the repulsive Coulomb plus short-range (nuclear) potentials also form a complete set. It also allows one to extend the Berggren's approach of modification of the complete set of the eigenfunctions by including the resonances for charged particles. We also demonstrate that the resonant Gamow functions with the Coulomb tail can be regularized using Zel'dovich's regularization method.Comment: 12 pages and 1 figur
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