426 research outputs found

    On the microstructure, growth pattern and original porosity of belemnite rostra: insights from calcitic Jurassic belemnites

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    [EN] Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses. This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a “regular spherulithic prismatic” microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra. Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a “patchy” appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra. Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.[ES] Los análisis geoquímicos obtenidos en rostros de los belemnites se utilizan habitualmente para llevar a cabo estudios paleoambientales. Sin embargo, hay cuestiones esenciales, como la porosidad y la microestructura original de los belemnites, que están todavía en discusión y que hay que tener en cuenta si se quieren realizar interpretaciones geoquímicas adecuadas. Los datos petrográficos obtenidos en este trabajo demuestran que los cristales de calcita del rostrum solidum de los belemnites crecen a partir de esferulitos que sucesivamente se desarrollan a lo largo de la línea apical, dando lugar a una microestructura “esferulítica prismática regular”. Los cristales de calcita surgen y divergen radialmente desde los esferulitos: hacia el apex, hasta que se forma un nuevo esferulito y hacia los bordes externos del rostro donde los cristales se van haciendo progresivamente mayores y prismáticos. La ligera variación de la orientación del eje-c de los cristales adyacentes explica la extinción ondulante. Al patrón radial, que da lugar a la textura micro-fibrosa de southlos cristales de calcita del rostro, se le superpone un bandeado de crecimiento concéntrico. Los datos petrográficos también indican que los rostros de los belemnites eran originalmente porosos como lo demuestra la naturaleza compuesta de los cristales de calcita que están formados sistemáticamente por dos zonas distintas que están en continuidad óptica: 1) la zona interna es fluorescente, tiene relieve óptico bajo, en microscopia de luz transmitida (TL), color gris oscuro en microscopia electrónica con electrones retrodispersados (BSEM), morfología triangular y contenidos en Mg y Na relativamente altos; 2) la zona exterior no es fluorescente, tiene relieve óptico alto (TL), color gris claro (BSEM), y contenidos en Mg y Na relativamente bajos. La zona fluorescente interior se formó primero, durante el crecimiento de los belemnites y la zona no fluorescente precipitó como un cemento rellenando la porosidad intra- e intercristalina. Las características petrográficas de los cristales de calcita también sugieren que la cristalización no clásica del esqueleto de los belemnites, como han sugerido algunos autores previamente.This research was carried out with the financial support of the projects CGL2011-22709, CGL2014-52670-P and RYC- 2009-04316 (Ramón y Cajal Program, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and by the “Sedimentary Basin Analysis” and “Paleoclimatology and Global Change” research groups of the Complutense University of Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Conocimientos de los profesionales sanitarios sobre la violencia que sufren las mujeres a manos de sus parejas

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    Este trabajo trata de estimar los conocimientos que, sobre la violencia que sufren las mujeres a manos de sus parejas o exparejas, tienen los profesionales de atención primaria de Área de Salud de Guadalajara. Métodos: estudio descriptivo y transversal, el procesamiento estadístico de los datos se realiza con el paquete estadístico SPSS (versión 22), se utilizó el test ANOVA para la comparación de variables cualitativas y cuantitativas. El nivel de significación se establecerá en p<0.05. Resultados: El 51,7% de los profesionales conoce la existencia del protocolo, de estos el 53,3% son mayores de 45 años, el 56,5% viven o han vivido en pareja. El 76,1%, de los que afirman que existe protocolo, conocen su contenido, de estos el 84,7% son medicas/os. El 40,9% de los/as profesionales conocen el porcentaje de casos no diagnosticados, básicamente son mujeres menores de 45 años que trabajan en centros de salud de Guadalajara ciudad. El 72,6% conoce las obligaciones legales, de estos/as el 81,6% son medicas/os. Conclusiones: demuestran tener mayor nivel de conocimientos sobre la violencia sobre la mujer por parte de su compañero intimo (VMCI) las/os medicas/os, las mujeres, y aquellos profesionales de la salud de mayor edad, cuya experiencia laboral es mayor, que viven o han vivido en pareja y que trabajan en centros de salud que atienden a poblaciones de menos de 30.000 habitantes.This paper tries to estimate the knowledge of primary care professionals of Guadalajara province, about violence against women by their partners or former partners. Methods: descriptive and cross - sectional study. Statistical processing of data is performed with SPSS (version 22), and the ANOVA test was used for the comparison of qualitative and quantitative variables. The level of significance will be set at p <0.05. Results: 51.7% of the health professionals know the existence of a protocol, 53.3% of them are over 45 years old and 56.5% live or have lived with a partner. 76.1% of those who say that there is a protocol know the content, and 84.7% are doctors. 40.9% of the professionals know the percentage of undiagnosed cases, which are women under 45 working in health centers in Guadalajara city. 72.6% know the legal obligations and of these, 81.6% are doctors. Conclusions: women doctors and older health professionals with a higher work experience, who live or have lived with a partner, and work in health centers that care of towns of less than 30,000 habitants, show a higher level of knowledge about violence against women by her intimate partner (VMCI)

    S isotopes on gypsum of the Oncala Group: evidence for marine influence in Berriasian carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Cameros Basin (La Rioja-Soria)

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    Comunicación presentada al IX Congreso Geológico de España, Huelva, septiembre 2016.[ES] Discriminar si el origen de las salmueras en las que precipitaron numerosas sucesiones evaporíticas era marino o continental puede resultar complicado usando exclusivamente criterios sedimentológicos si no contienen fósiles diagnósticos. Éste es el caso de los depósitos carbonático-evaporíticos laminados del Gr. Oncala (Berriasiense, cuenca de Cameros oriental), formados en extensos cuerpos de agua someros. En este trabajo se busca determinar el origen de la salmuera en la que se formaron estos sedimentos mediante el análisis de las composiciones del δ34S de los yesos preservados en la unidad. Los valores de δ34S de entre +18,5‰V-CDT y +21,8‰V-CDT (media de +20,5‰V-CDT) de los yesos del Gr. Oncala coinciden con la signatura isotópica de los sulfatos precipitados a partir de agua marina de edad berriasiense de acuerdo con las curvas globales más recientes (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), lo que sugiere que la principal fuente de sulfato en estos cuerpos de agua procedía de aportes de agua marina, en lugar del reciclaje de evaporitas triásicas como se había propuesto anteriormente. El reconocimiento de influencia marina en estos cuerpos de agua permite clasificarlos como salinas costeras.[EN] Determining if the origin of the brine in which an evaporitic succession precipitated was marine or continental by analysing only sedimentological criteria may be difficult if it does not contain diagnostic fossils. This is the case of the laminated carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Oncala Gr (Berriasian, Cameros Basin), which were accumulated in shallow water bodies. The aim of this work is to interpret the origin of the brine in which these sediments were formed by analysing the δ34S compositions of the gypsum preserved in this unit. Gypsum δ34S values between +18,5‰V-CDT and +21,8‰V-CDT (mean value of +20,5‰V-CDT) in the Oncala Gr coincide with the isotopic signature of the sulphates precipitated in Berriasian seawater according to the most recent global curves (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), which suggests that the main sulphate source in the water bodies was marine water, instead of the recycling of Triassic evaporites as previously interpreted. The recognition of marine influence in these water bodies allows us to classify them as coastal salinas.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos de investigación CGL2011-22709 y CGL2014-52670-P.Peer reviewe

    Medición de las respuestas psicofisiológicas grupales para apoyar el análisis de discursos políticos

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    This article presents the application of a group galvanicskin response measurement technique to the analysis ofa fragment of Zapatero-Rajoy political debate during2008 general elections. The analysis of speech receptionfrom psychophysiological arousal point of view allowsus to draw some conclusions about suitability of differentstrategies that political candidates used. We presentpotential uses of this technique to analyze audiovisualdiscourses in political communication.KEY WORDS: galvanic skin response, sociograph,Zapatero, Rajoy, debate, psychophysiology.PALABRAS CLAVE: respuesta electrotérmica, sociograph,Zapatero, Rajoy, debate, psicofisiología

    LabVIEW-based control and acquisition system for the dosimetric characterization of a silicon strip detector

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    Theaimofthisworkistopresentanewdataacquisition,control,andanalysissoftwaresystemwrittenin LabVIEW.Thissystemhasbeendesignedtoobtainthedosimetryofasiliconstripdetectorinpolyethylene. It allows the full automation of the experiments and data analysis required for the dosimetric characterization of silicon detectors. It becomes a useful tool that can be applied in the daily routine check of a beam accelerator.MINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2013-47327-C2-1-RMINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2014-53290-C2-2- PJunta de Andalucía P12-FQM-160

    50 Años de la Escuela de Enfermería de Guadalajara

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    Durante este curso 2018/19,se cumplen 50 años del inicio de los estudios de Enfermería en Guadalajara. En 1968,el Instituto Nacional de Previsión crea la Escuela de Auxiliares Técnicos Sanitarios Femeninos de la Residencia Sanitaria de la Seguridad Social «Fernando Primo de Rivera», vinculada a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Madrid.En 1980,los estudios pasan a ser universitarios, cambiando la titulación a Diplomatura Universitaria en Enfermería, y el centro a Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería(EUE)INSALUD-Guadalajara adscrita a la Universidad de Alcalá. En 2002,al transferirse las competencias sanitarias pasa a denominarse EUE SESCAM-Guadalajara. El 21 de diciembre de 2006 se firma el convenio entre las Consejerías de Sanidad y de Educación y Ciencia de la JCCM y la Universidad de Alcalá por el que se integra la Escuela a la Universidad como centro propio con efecto a partir del curso académico 2006/07, denominándose EUE de Guadalajara y siendo trasladada al Edificio Multidepartamental. Desde los cursos 1980/81 a 2008/09 se diploman 29 promociones.En el curso 2009/10 se implantan los estudios de Grado en Enfermería.En junio de 2011,se constituye la Junta de Centro y en diciembre de ese mismo año,la Escuela pasa a Facultad de Enfermería de Guadalajara. En 2012, como consecuencia del proceso de fusión de Centros, el Grado en Enfermería de Guadalajara pasó a formar parte de la creada Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud.Llevando hasta el curso académico actual, 2018/19, tituladas 6 promociones de Graduados/as.During this 2018/19 academic year, 50 years have passed since the beginning of Nursing studies in Guadalajara. In 1968, the National Institute of Social Welfare created the School of Women's Health Technical Assistants of the Social Security Sanitary Residence "Fernando Primo de Rivera", linked to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Madrid. In 1980, the studies become university, changing the degree to University Diploma in Nursing, and the center to University School of Nursing (EUE) INSALUD-Guadalajara attached to the University of Alcalá. In 2002, when sanitary competences were transferred, it was renamed EUE SESCAM-Guadalajara. On December 21, 2006, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Health and Education and Science of the JCCM and the University of Alcalá, through which the School is integrated into the University as its own center with effect from the academic year 2006 / 07, being called EUE de Guadalajara and being transferred to the Multidepartamental building. From the 1980/81 to 2008/09 courses, 29 promotions are awarded. In the 2009/10 academic year, Nursing Degree studies were implemented. In June 2011, it ́s called Nursing Faculty of Guadalajara. In 2012, as a result of the process of merging Centers, the Degree in Nursing ofGuadalajara became part of the created Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Leading up to the current academic year, 2018/19, titled 6 Graduate promotions.resumen en inglés

    Sociology and hierarchy of voids: A study of seven nearby CAVITY galaxy voids and their dynamical CosmicFlows-3 environment

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    The present study addresses a key question related to our understanding of the relation between void galaxies and their environment: the relationship between luminous and dark matter in and around voids. Aims. To explore the extent to which local Universe voids are empty of matter, we study the full (dark+luminous) matter content of seven nearby cosmic voids that are fully contained within the CosmicFlows-3 volume. Methods. We obtained the matter-density profiles of seven cosmic voids using two independent methods. These were built from the galaxy redshift space two-point correlation function in conjunction with peculiar velocity gradients from the CosmicFlows-3 dataset. Results. The results are striking, because when the redshift survey is used, all voids show a radial positive gradient of galaxies, while based on the dynamical analysis, only three of these voids display a clear underdensity of matter in their center. Conclusions. This work constitutes the most detailed observational analysis of voids conducted so far, and shows that void emptiness should be derived from dynamical information. From this limited study, the Hercules void appears to be the best candidate for a local Universe pure “pristine volume”, expanding in three directions with no dark matter located in that void.Institut Universitaire de FranceCentre National D'etudes SpatialesInstituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission PID2020-224414GB-I00 PID2020-113689GB-I00Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN)Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)European Social Fund (ESF) 20215AT016 CEX2020-001058-MCentro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) under the PIE project KR4598/2-1German Research Foundation (DFG) PID2019-105602GBI00Junta de AndaluciaSpanish Government FQM108MCIN/AEIEuropean Union NextGenerationEUAgencia Estatal de Investigacion Espanola (AEI)Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF) CEX2021-001131-SEuropean Union-Next Generation EU FundsState Research Agency (AEI-MCINN) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the grant "The structure and evolution of galaxies and their central regions" - Ministry of Universitie

    Integral valorization of agro-food biomass through pressurized fluids. Case study: Brewery Spent Grain (BSG)

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    Póster presentado en: 1er Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos/1º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos. 2020, 18-19 de febrero, Santiago de CompostelaThe biorefinery concept involves the valorization and conversion of biomass into different bioproducts, including energy, materials and chemicals that can replace products derived from fossil carbon sources. The integral valorization of biomass requires the extraction and fractionation of the different constituents thereof, extractables, lipids, proteins and structural components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. In this work, the use of emerging and clean technologies for the integral valorization of different types of biomass is proposed. First, the use supercritical CO2 (SCCO2) extraction is proposed for recovering the lipid fraction and ultrasonic assisted extraction to recover the hydrophilic fraction, to subsequently perform a fractionation and hydrolysis of the residual biomass using pressurized liquid water. Several types of biomass are being studied, both second and third generation. Among second generation biomass, the brewery spent grain (BSG), which accounts for 85% of the by-products generated in beer processing [1], has been selected as case study of this communication. The extraction of the lipid fraction with SCCO2 has been carried out in a 26.5 mL capacity extractor at different pressures (20-40 MPa) and temperatures (40-80 °C). The lipid fraction obtained has been characterized by determining its lipid profile and antioxidant capacity. The experiments of fractionation and hydrolysis in subcritical water (scW) have been carried out in a semi-continuous reactor, varying the extraction temperature. The different fractions obtained have been characterized by HPLC with two series detectors, UVD and RID, to determine the content in monomeric sugars and oligomers. Protein, free amino acids, total polyphenols and total organic carbon have been also determined. The composition of the BSG according to the biomass characterization protocols of NREL [2] was 21.1 % arabinoxylans, 25.6 % glucanes, 5.1 % soluble lignin, 10.5 % insoluble lignin, 1.2 % ashes, 16.7 % proteins, 5.6 % lipids and 14.4 % extractables. Worth noting the presence of insoluble lignin as well as the high content of arabinoxylans and glucanes, 10% of which were residual starch. The extraction curves obtained when studying the extraction of the lipid fraction of BSG with SCCO2, showed that the extraction rate and the extraction yield increased with increasing temperature and pressure, with the major fatty acid being linoleic acid. Regarding fractionation of the carbohydrate fraction, we have observed that, as temperature increases, hydrolysis increases. Figure 1a shows the sugars yield, including monomeric sugars and oligomers. Degradation of sugars due to the high residence times produces acids (Fig. 1b), hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furfural (Fig. 1c). The treatment of biomass by scW, allows also recovering the entire protein fraction by increasing the temperature up to around 185ºC. In addition, partial hydrolysis of the protein fraction occurs, obtaining as major free aminoacids valine, aspartic acid, alanine and glycine. We can conclude that the fractionation of BSG through emerging and clean technologies allows an integral recovery of BSG, obtaining extracts with high antioxidant capacity. Pressurized water hydrolysis allows the recovery and fractionation of the carbohydrate and protein fraction.JCyL and ERDF for financial support of project BU301P18. To Hiperbaric, S.A. for financial support of Project BIOLIGNO

    A new LED-LED portable CO2 gas sensor based on an interchangeable membrane system for industrial applications

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    CO2 monitoring is important for many areas of high economic relevance, like environmental monitoring, control of biotechnological processes in bio-pharmaceutical industries, and the food industry, particularly controlled atmosphere storage rooms and modified atmosphere packaging [ ]. CO2 sensing is not a trivial area of research, as is testified by the increasing numbers of publications regarding this topic over the past decade. The main reason is that CO2 chemically is relatively unreactive, and therefore finding a mechanism for signal generation is difficult. Most publications are based on its well-known acidic properties. In this communication, we present a portable optical sensor for gaseous CO2 detection based on the phosphorescence intensity variation of a platinum octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP) complex trapped in oxygen-insensitive poly(vinylidene chloride-co-vinyl chloride) (PVCD) membranes. The sensing mechanism arises from the increasing displacement of the α-naphtholphthalein acid–base equilibrium with rising CO2 concentrations [ ]. The low-power LED-based optical sensing instrumentation for monitoring CO2 is based on a pair of light emitting diodes (LEDs) arranged to face each other, wherein one LED functions as the light source and the other LED is reverse biased to function as a light detector [ ]. A transparent polymer substrate coated on both sides with the CO2 sensitive membrane placed between the two LEDs serves as a chemically responsive filter between the light source and the detector