171 research outputs found

    Liva 1 – The First Medieval Sámi Site with Rectangular Hearths in Murmansk Oblast (Russia)

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    In 2017–2018, the Kola Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS carried out excavations at the medieval site of Liva 1 (a hearth-row site)in the Kovdor District of Murmansk Oblast. Sites of this type are fairly well studied in the western part of Sapmi – the area inhabited by the Sámi – but until now they have not beenknown in Russia. The site was found by local residents in 2010. Some of the structures there were destroyed or damaged when searching for artefacts with a metal detector. A total ofnine archaeological structures have been discovered (7 rectangular stone hearths, 1 mound, 1 large pit). Four hearths were excavated. They are of rectangular shape, varying in size from 2.0 x 1.15 to 2.5 x 1.7 metres. The fireplaces are lined with large stone blocks in one course, and the central part is filled with small stones in 2–3 layers. Animal bones, occasionallyforming concentrations, were found near the hearths. Throughout the area of the settlement, numerous iron objects (tools or their fragments) and bronzes were collected includingornaments made in manufacturing centres of Old Rus’, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The settlement is dated with radiocarbon analysis and the typology of the ornaments to the11th – 14th centuries

    Early Metal Age Dwellings in Eastern Lapland: Investigations of the Kola Archaeological Expedition (IHMC) in 2004–2014

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    After 10 years of field investigation by the Kola Archaeological Expedition (Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences; IHMC RAS) it is now evident that a single archaeological culture (phase) prevailed on the Arctic coast from Tromsø (Norway) to Yokanga (Russia) during the Younger Stone Age and Early Metal Period. A close similarity between the assemblages of this culture is recognised in stone and bone artefacts, as well in dwelling constructions. This paper presents the results of the fieldwork in 2004–2014 and discusses the dwellings excavated at the Zavalishina 5 site

    The local crystallization in nanoscale diamond-like carbon films during annealing

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    The local crystallization during annealing at 600° C in nanoscale diamond-like carbon coatings films grown by pulsed vacuum-arc deposition method was observed using modern techniques of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The crystallites formed by annealing have a face-centred cubic crystal structure and grow in the direction [011] as a normal to the film surface. The number and size of the crystallites depend on the initial values of the intrinsic stresses before annealing, which in turn depend on the conditions of film growth. The sizes of crystallites are 10 nm for films with initial compressive stresses of 3 GPa and 17 nm for films with initial compres- sive stresses of 12 GPa. Areas of local crystallization arising during annealing have a structure dif- ferent from the graphit

    Анализ состояния вопроса утилизации низкопотенциальных энергетических ресурсов на объектах малой энергетики

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    Studying the issues of recovery of low-potential energy at smallscale energy facilities allowed to show the promising character of the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) technology as a technology for recovery or conversion of low-potential energy.The most promising developments in the field of the use and recovery of waste heat are described regarding application of ORC, which is widely used in geothermal sources, hot water boilers, gas turbine plants. Due to the constantly growing diversity of working fluids, ORC can be used within a wide temperature range from 100°C to over 350°C. Also, developments are underway in the design of ORC generators to increase reliability of its individual system units, such as turbines and expanders. Based on the above factors, it can be concluded that with a deeper study of the problems of adopting ORC technologies, they can become a very promising direction in development of heat power engineering.It has been determined that the main factor hindering the widespread adoption of the ORC technology is associated with high cost of heat exchange equipment due to increased heat exchange surfaces. It is shown that design of mini power plants and energy centres based on the use of low-potential energy requires improvement of mathematical modelling methods to reliably determine operating modes and characteristics of each of the units. Methods for modelling evaporation and condensation systems, including turbines and expanders using organic low-boiling working fluids, should be considered among the methods that are highly sought after. The methods for selecting a working fluid for ORC devices also have a significant impact on characteristics of the installation determining the range of cycle operating temperatures and pressures. The solution of the above problems can lead to a reduction in the cost of heat exchange equipment, and, consequently, to a decrease in costs for design of ORC generators. В статье рассмотрены вопросы утилизации низкопотенциальных энергетических ресурсов на объектах малой энергетики. Показана перспектива использования технологии органического цикла Ренкина (ОЦР) в качестве технологии утилизации или преобразования низкопотенциальной энергии.Приведены разработки в области реализации и утилизации бросового тепла. Наиболее перспективные из них представлены в применении ОЦР, который широко используется на геотермальных источниках, в водогрейных котельных, газотурбинных установках. За счёт постоянного растущего сортамента рабочих тел ОЦР может применяться в широком температурном диапазоне, начиная от 100°С и заканчивая свыше 350°С. Также ведутся разработки в области проектирования ОЦР-генераторов с целью повышения надёжности отдельных узлов системы, таких как турбины и детандеры. Исходя из вышеперечисленных факторов, можно сделать вывод, что при более глубоком исследовании проблем внедрения ОЦР-технологий они могут стать весьма перспективным направлением в развитии теплоэнергетики.Определено, что основным фактором, препятствующим широкому внедрению ОЦР-технологии, является высокая стоимость теплообменного оборудования из-за повышенных теплообменных поверхностей. Показано, что проектирование миниэлектростанций и энергокомплексов на основе использования низкопотенциальной энергии требует совершенствования методов математического моделирования для достоверного определения режимов работы и характеристик каждого из агрегатов. К востребованным следует отнести методы моделирования испарительных и конденсационных систем, в том числе турбин и детандеров, работающих на органических низкокипящих рабочих телах. Методики выбора рабочего тела для ОЦР-устройств также оказывают существенное влияние на характеристики установки, которые определяют диапазон эксплуатационных температур и давлений цикла. Решение вышеуказанных задач способно привести к удешевлению теплообменного оборудования, а, следовательно, снижению издержек на проектирование ОЦР-генераторов.

    Kharlovka 1-6 on the Kola Peninsula: One of the Oldest Gressbakken House Sites in Northern Fennoscandia

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    The remains of a semi-subterranean house were discovered at the Kharlovka 1-6 site on the Barents Sea coast of the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Despite suffering from erosion, features such as a double stone-boarded hearth and chimney pipe together with diagnostic finds allow us to attribute the house to the so-called Gressbakken type. The artefact assemblage includes stone tools, bone and antler tools and adornments, asbestos-tempered pottery, an amber pendant and a copper tubular bead. Numerous faunal remains are primarily represented by marine species of mammals and birds. Radiocarbon dates on charcoal point to the period 2600–2300 calBC, which is also supported by the artefact types, elevation of the cultural layer and construction type of the house. When accounting for the early dates of Kharlovka 1-6 and several other dwellings, it can be assumed that the Gressbakken house tradition emerged around 2600–2300 calBC. This date is somewhat earlier than previously thought

    Kola Oleneostrovskiy Grave Field: A Unique Burial Site in the European Arctic

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    The Kola Oleneostrovskiy grave field (KOG) is the main source of information for the physical and cultural anthropology of the Early Metal Period population of the Kola Peninsula and the whole northern Fennoscandia.1 Excavations were conducted here in 1925, 1928, 1947–1948, and 2001–2004 by A. Shmidt, N. Gurina, and V. Shumkin. Altogether 32 burials containing the remains of 43 individuals were investigated. During the excavations, also remains of wooden grave constructions were found. The site is exceptionally rich in burial goods, including numerous bone, antler, stone, ceramic, and bronze items. Grave goods differ slightly between male and female burials. There is some evidence of long-distance contacts between the local population and southern and western Scandinavia, most notably in the chemical composition of bronze items and in some types of bone tools. Anthropological data, including the analysis of paleoDNA, suggests that people from geographically more eastern areas took part in the genesis of the ancient population of the northern Kola Peninsula. These people belonged to a specific physical type associated with modern Siberian anthropological groups

    Nanostructured coatings based on amorphous carbon and gold nanoparticles obtained by the pulsed vacuum-arc method

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    Nanostructured coatings based on diamond-like carbon and gold-doped carbon with a thickness of 100-300 nm were obtained by a pulsed vacuum-arc method on silicon substrates. The structure of the coatingswas studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, the elemental composition was studied by X-ray microanalysi

    Palindromic Decompositions with Gaps and Errors

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    Identifying palindromes in sequences has been an interesting line of research in combinatorics on words and also in computational biology, after the discovery of the relation of palindromes in the DNA sequence with the HIV virus. Efficient algorithms for the factorization of sequences into palindromes and maximal palindromes have been devised in recent years. We extend these studies by allowing gaps in decompositions and errors in palindromes, and also imposing a lower bound to the length of acceptable palindromes. We first present an algorithm for obtaining a palindromic decomposition of a string of length n with the minimal total gap length in time O(n log n * g) and space O(n g), where g is the number of allowed gaps in the decomposition. We then consider a decomposition of the string in maximal \delta-palindromes (i.e. palindromes with \delta errors under the edit or Hamming distance) and g allowed gaps. We present an algorithm to obtain such a decomposition with the minimal total gap length in time O(n (g + \delta)) and space O(n g).Comment: accepted to CSR 201