18 research outputs found

    Ways to control asynchronous motor with phase rotor of mining machines

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    The article describes various methods of controlling asynchronous motors with a phase rotor. To solve the problems of controlling speeds and moments in a modern electric drive, two main methods of frequency control are used: scalar and vector. Advantages and disadvantages of scalar and vector control, voltage dependence are given

    Analysis of organic solvents released during painting and drying of automobiles and household products

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    The article presents the results of a study of the drying process of paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. and environmental problems. An analysis of the current scale of their use is carried out and an assessment is made of environmental problems associated with their evaporation. The issues of organizing the collection of the resulting solvent vapors and their further use, taking into account their use in specially equipped rooms, are considered

    The Theory of Obtaining Thin Silicate Films by Semiconductors, Thermal and Laser Heating

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     Thermal conductivity (denoted as k, j, or k) measures the heat conducting capability of a material. As shown in Fig. 1(a), it can be defined as the thermal energy (heat) Q transmitted through a length or thickness L in the direction normal to a surface area A, under a steady-state temperature difference Th _ Tc. Thermal conductivity of a solid-phase material can span for several orders of magnitude, with a value of _0.015 W=mK for aerogels at the low end to _2000 W=mK for diamond and _3000 W=mK for singlelayer graphene at the high-end, at room temperature. Thermal conductivity of a material is also temperature-dependent and can be directional-dependent (anisotropic). Interfacial thermal conductance (denoted as K or G) is defined as the ratio of heat flux to temperature drop across the interface of two components. For bulk materials, the temperature drop across an interface is primarily due to the roughness of the surfaces because it is generally impossible to have atomically smooth contact at the interface as shown in Fig. 1(b). Interfacial thermal conductance of bulk materials is affected by several factors, such as surface roughness, surface hardness, impurities and cleanness, the thermal conductivity of the mating solids, and the contact pressure 1. For thin films, the temperature drop across an interface can be attributed to the bonding strength and material difference. Note that thermal contact resistance and thermal boundary resistance (or Kapitza resistance 2) are usually used to describe heat conduction capability of an interface in bulk materials and thin films, respectively. Interfacial thermal conductance is simply the inverse of thermal contact/boundary resistance. Knowledge of thermal conductivity and interfacial thermal conductance and their variation with temperature are critical for the design of thermal systems

    Theoretical Basis for Improving the Methodological Training of Technical Engineers in Higher Education

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    This article aims to explore an approach to the development of vocational education and the improvement of methodological training of technical engineers through the prism of interdependent research methodology and practic

    Detection And Modulation Of Optical Quantum Generators

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    This article discusses optical quantum generators, their types, detection and modulation, as well as their history and mechanism of operation


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    Статья посвящена решению задач автоматизированного управления технологическим процессом производства асфальтобетонных смесей. Автоматизированное управление технологическим процессом производства асфальтобетонных смесей учитывает принцип агрегирования, заложенный в конструкцию асфальтосмесительных установок. Это позволяет строить локальные системы автоматики отдельными агрегатами, используя для их настройки информацию о компонентах, играющих определенную роль в структуре смеси. Современные средства вычислительной техники определяют новые возможности организации процессов приготовления асфальтобетонных смесей, принципиально изменяя сам подход к решению проблемы.The article is devoted to solving problems of the automated process control production of asphalt mixes. Automated process control production of asphalt mixes into account the principle of aggregation inherent in the construction of asphalt mixing plants. This allows you to build a local automation system individual units, using their configuration information about the components that play a role in the structure of the mixture. Modern means of computer technology define new possibilities for organizing the preparation of asphalt mixes, fundamentally changing the approach to solving the problem


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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации и моделирования технологического процесса помола цементного клинкера. Представлена математическая модель управления технологическим процессом помола цементного клинкера в замкнутом цикле, на основе которой была разработана имитационная модель. Приведены результаты имитационных экспериментов.In the article considered the questions of the organization and modeling of the technological process of grinding cement clinker. Presents the mathematical model of process control of a cement clinker grinding in a closed loop, on the basis of which was developed the simulation model. The results of simulation experiments are presented

    Ways to control asynchronous motor with phase rotor of mining machines

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    The article describes various methods of controlling asynchronous motors with a phase rotor. To solve the problems of controlling speeds and moments in a modern electric drive, two main methods of frequency control are used: scalar and vector. Advantages and disadvantages of scalar and vector control, voltage dependence are given