37 research outputs found

    Characterization of Diesel-Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Blend

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    In the present work, the outcome of Hydrogen peroxide–diesel fuel blends on the physicochemical properties and kinetic study has been studied. A various blends of diesel-hydrogen peroxide ranging from 5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), up to 15% by volume in several fuel blends were experimentally investigated and compared with standard diesel fuel. A new emulsifier has been developed for obtaining better emulsion between diesel and hydrogen peroxide. According to ASTM Standard for fuel tests, the results showed that hydrogen peroxide is capable of enhancing the diesel fuel properties. This is due to the presence of additional oxygen atom within the H2O2 molecule which can enhance the combustion process and ultimately affecting the exhaust emission. Keywords:ASTM test, diesel, hydrogen peroxide, physicochemical properties

    Solubility of acyclovir in nontoxic and biodegradable ionic liquids: COSMO-RS prediction and experimental verification

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    The pharmaceutical industry faces a challenge to find potential solvents for drug molecules that are sparingly soluble in water and organic solvents. Recently, ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted great attention as pharmaceutical solvents owing to their unique physicochemical and biological properties. In this study, the solubility of the sparingly soluble drug molecule acyclovir (ACV) in a wide variety of ILs was investigated by conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) calculations. The predicted solubilities were validated by experimental measurements, and good agreement was found between the predicted and experimental results. The solubility of ACV was greatly affected by the structure of the ILs, particularly the anionic moiety. Among the various ILs tested, ACV showed excellent solubility in ammonium-based ILs with an acetate anion. In vitro cytotoxicity of ILs to the MCF-10 normal breast epithelial cell line and cancer cell lines (MDA MB 231 and MCF 7) was investigated. The ammonium-based ILs showed higher IC50 values than the imidazolium-based ILs with the acetate anion. Biodegradability results showed that diethylammonium acetate, triethylammonium acetate, and choline acetate ILs have high levels of biodegradation under aerobic conditions and can be classified as readily biodegradable. These findings will be useful for the design of IL-based drug delivery carriers that can act as versatile and efficient drug delivery systems for sparingly soluble drug molecules

    Simulation study on the application of reactive distillation (RD) column for producing ethyl acetate via esterification of acetic acid with ethanol

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    Reactive distillation (RD) is an attractive way of improving process economics by combining distillation and reaction, especially for equilibrium limited reactions such as esterification. In this work, a simulation model for esterification of acetic acid by ethanol in a RD column was developed and verified against published data. Upon confirming the applicability of the simulation model, the effects of changing various operating and design parameters on the column performance were studied. It was found that independent changes in several parameters should enhance the overall conversion and purity. However it was discovered that the performance of the column could not be enhanced significantly with conventional RD column. Finally, a new configuration that involves the introduction of extractive zones in the RD column with extraneous component as an extractive agent was proposed. It was found that higher conversion and significant product purity enhancement could be attained with new configuration as compared to the conventional RD column

    Pinch technology: Supertargetting for optimum synthesis of energy recovery networks

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    Synthesis of optimum energy recovery networks in the context of overall process has been successful through the emergence of Pinch Technology. The procedures apply to energy systems involving heat exchanger networks, heat pumps, combined heat and power schemes (cogeneration) and utility systems. Basic thermodynamics principles are applied to overall process to produce minimum energy targets before network design. Next, a design that satisfies the minimum energy requirements is synthesized by means of a few experienced-based design heuristics and fundamentals of thermodynamics. The result is an approach that has gained success in over 500 industrial applications worldwide. In the beginning of the development pinch Technology, minimum energy is of prime importance while concerns for network capital are largely brought in as an afterthought. An overall approach has recently emerged to bring together energy and capital cost targets before design. Near global optimality of the final design is virtually guaranteed, even for the complex and highly constrained industrial problems. A key concept is that of supertargeting. This paper describes a case study application involving supertargeting and compares the approach to that of the current pinch design method which is based only on energy targets

    Recycling of used lubrication oil by solvent extraction-A guideline for single solvent design

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    Solvent extraction has been known as one of the potential techniques for recycling used lubricating oil. The technique has received considerable attention due to the advantages that it offers practically from environmental and economic points of view. Different organic solvents have been used to flocculate the deteriorated additives and impurities which presence in the form of fine suspension in the used lubricating oil prior to recovering the oil. This works attempts to study the performance of three types of solvents i.e. 2-Propanol, Butanol and MEK, in the extraction process for recovering used lubricating oil. Temperature and the weight ratio of solvent to oil were used as the key operating parameters in the study. The relation between these parameters and the performance of the individual solvents (describes in the form of percent sludge removal and percent oil losses) was investigated to see if some form of general and useful guidelines can be developed especially for predicting best operating region for a specific single solvent. The guideline developed is useful at the early stage of design where it is important to select proper solvent and to determine the best operating condition for such solvent

    Solubility Parameters based on Refractive Index Data of Ionic Liquid

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    This article reports on the estimation of solubility parameters using refractive index for a series of imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and their dependencies on the carbon number of alkyl sidechain of cation and anion. Gathering about 35 ILs of refractive indices data from the literature, the solubility parameters estimation fit well with the suggested correlation. The precision of the estimated solubility parameters obtained indicates that the refractive index-solubility parameters correlation can be an alternative tool to estimate solubility parameter value for ILs

    Prediksi Struktur Geometri dan Kestabilan Senyawa Kompleks Menggunakan Beberapa Metode Perhitungan

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    PREDIKSI STRUKTUR GEOMETRI DAN KESTABILAN SENYAWA KOMPLEKS MENGGUNAKAN BEBERAPA METODE PERHITUNGAN. Akhir-akhir ini minat dalam pemakaian metode teoritis atau komputasi untuk mempelajari struktur dan kestabilan molekul maupun untuk meramalkan terbentuknya senyawa baru semakin meningkat dan cukup populer di kalangan peneliti. Kecenderungan ini dapat dikaitkan dengan perkembangan komputer dan permintaan dunia industri terhadap senyawa-senyawa baru yang kompetitif secara ekonomi. Pada penelitian ini pembahasan difokuskan pada kompleks teknesium. Pemilihan senyawa kompleks teknesium didasarkan pada perkembangannya yang pesat karena salah satu isomernya secara luas digunakan untuk tujuan diagnostik Prediksi struktur geometri senyawa kompleks dilakukan menggunakan metode mekanika molekul (MM) dan model MAB4, sedang prediksi kestabilan senyawa kompleks dilakukan menggunakan metode solid angle factor sum (SAS) dan perhitungan entropi konfigurasi. Hasil prediksi struktur yang diperoleh dad 17 senyawa kompleks teknesium menggunakan MM dan model MAB4 memiliki deviasi rata-rata < 2 % dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen menggunakan XRD. Prediksi kestabilan dad berbagai senyawa kompleks teknesium menggunakan metode SAS dan perhitungan entropi konfigurasi memiliki profil yang sama. Meskipun prediksi struktur geometri menggunakan berbagai metode perhitungan tidak dapat mengambil alih peran XRD, dengan melakukan studi pendahuluan untuk memprakirakan struktur geometri atau kestabilan suatu senyawa diharapkan dapat membantu peneliti menghindari pemborosan waktu, tenaga dan biaya dalam melakukan suatu penelitian