611 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Huotari, Lempi M. (Saint George, Knox County)

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    Esikouluikäisten lasten mediakulttuuri ja medialeikki

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    Tiivistelmä. Kandidaatintutkielmani käsittelee esikouluikäisten lasten mediakulttuuria. Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia ovat esikouluikäisten lasten käyttämät mediat sekä millaista heidän medialeikkinsä on. Koska medialla on suuri merkitys nykyisessä kulttuurissamme ja se ympäröi aikuisten lisäksi myös lapsia, on aihe ajankohtainen ja sitä on tarpeellista tutkia. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, sillä tarkoituksena on ollut muodostaa yleiskuva valitusta aiheesta. Tavoitteena on ollut kerätä tietopohjaa pro gradua varten, jossa haluaisin perehtyä lasten mediakulttuuriin vieläkin tarkemmin. Keskeisimmät käsitteet tässä tutkielmassa ovat media ja mediakulttuuri, mediakasvatus sekä medialeikki. Näiden käsitteiden avulla lukijan on helpompi ymmärtää tutkielmani sisältöä. Jotta tutkielmastani saisi selkeän ja laajan kokonaiskuvan, on siinä käsitelty hieman myös median historiaa Suomessa. Aineistossa nousi esiin monia positiivisia sekä negatiivisia asioita mediasta sekä medialeikistä. Media voi tarjota lapselle aineksia oppimiseen ja tunteiden käsittelyyn, mutta se voi synnyttää myös pelkoja. Medialeikin aikuiset kokivat huolestuttavana, mutta lapsen näkökulmasta se näyttäytyi sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta vahvistavana, lapsen oman mediakokemuksen mahdollistavana leikkinä. Esiin nousivat myös medialeikin sukupuolittuneisuus sekä kaupallistuminen. Aikuisille media voi näyttäytyä pelottavana ja lapselle sopimattomana ympäristönä. Jotta näitä mediaan liittyviä pelkoja voitaisiin vähentää, on aiheen tutkiminen sekä mediaan tutustuminen tarpeen. Median ja sen sisältöjen tunteminen auttaa suunnittelemaan laadukasta ja oikeanlaista mediakasvatusta, joka on tänä päivänä erittäin tärkeää

    Infections after intramedullary fixation of trochanteric fractures are uncommon and implant removal is not usually needed

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    Background and purpose. Infections after intramedullary fixation of trochanteric femoral fractures are rare, but potentially life-threatening complications. There are limited data available to support decision making in these cases. Patients and methods. A retrospective study of 995 consecutive operatively treated trochanteric fractures was made to find out different risk factors for infection and to describe the results of treatment. Results. 28 patients developed a surgical site infection (2.8%) after intramedullary fixation of trochanteric fracture. 15 patients (1.5%) had a deep and 13 patients (1.3%) a superficial surgical site infection. Cigarette smoking ( p < 0.05) and prolonged operative time ( p < 0.05) were significant risk factors for an infection. 15 of 28 patients needed revision surgeries. Implant removal or exchange was needed only for 4 of 28 patients: 1 exchange of the blade, 1 removal of additional cable used to assist reduction and 2 removals of distal locking screws. None of the patients needed additional surgeries for problems with fracture healing. Mortality was not increased among patients with an infection. Interpretation. Infection after intramedullary fixation of trochanteric fractures can be successfully treated without removal or exchange of the fixation material. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Bimagnon studies in cuprates with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the O K edge. I - An assessment on La2CuO4 and a comparison with the excitation at Cu L3 and Cu K edges

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    We assess the capabilities of magnetic Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) at the O KK edge in undoped cuprates by taking La_{2}CuO_{4} as a benchmark case, based on a series of RIXS measurements that we present here. By combining the experimental results with basic theory we point out the fingerprints of bimagnon in the O KK edge RIXS spectra. These are a dominant peak around 450 meV, the almost complete absence of dispersion both with π\pi and σ\sigma polarization and the almost constant intensity vs. the transferred momentum with σ\sigma polarization. This behavior is quite different from Cu L3L_3 edge RIXS giving a strongly dispersing bimagnon tending to zero at the center of the Brillouin zone. This is clearly shown by RIXS measurements at the Cu L3L_3 edge that we present. The Cu L3L_3 bimagnon spectra and those at Cu KK edge - both from the literature and from our data - however, have the same shape. These similarities and differences are understood in terms of different sampling of the bimagnon continuum. This panorama points out the unique possibilities offered by O KK RIXS in the study of magnetic excitations in cuprates near the center of the BZ

    Infectious complications after transrectal MRI-targeted and systematic prostate biopsy

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    Purpose To compare infectious complications after transrectal systematic prostate biopsy (SB) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-targeted biopsy (TB) in a large retrospective cohort to assess whether one technique is superior to the other regarding infectious complications. Methods A total of 4497 patients underwent 5288 biopsies, 2875 (54%) SB and 2413 (46%) MRI-TB only. On average, 12 SB cores and 3.7 MRI-TB cores were taken per biopsy session during the study period. Infection-related complications within 30 days were compared. The primary endpoint was a positive urine culture. Secondary endpoints were positive blood cultures, urine tests with elevated leukocytes >= 100 E6/L and elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) >= 100 mg/L. Chi-square test was used to compare the cohorts. Results Positive urine cultures were found in 77 (2.7%) after SB and in 42 (1.7%) after MRI-TB (p = 0.022). In total, 46 (0.9%) blood culture positive infections were found, 23 (0.9%) occurred after SB and 23 (1.0%) after MRI-TB, (p = 0.848). Urine tests with elevated leukocytes >= 100 E6/L were found in 111 (3.9%) after SB and in 61 (2.5%) after MRI-TB (p = 0.006). Elevated CRP >= 100 mg/L was found in 122 (4.2%) after SB and in 72 (3.0%) after MRI-TB (p = 0.015). Blood cultures were drawn more often after SB than after MRI-TB, but the difference was not statistically significant. However, urine cultures and CRP were taken more often after SB than MRI-TB. Conclusion Blood culture positive infections were equally rare after SB and MRI-TB. However, all other infectious complications were more common after SB than MRI-TB.Peer reviewe

    Direct observation of the momentum distribution and renormalization factor in lithium

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    We have measured the momentum distribution and renormalization factor Z(kF) in liquid and solid lithium by high-resolution Compton scattering. High-resolution data over a wide momentum range exhibit a clear feature of the renormalization and a sharp drop of momentum densities at the Fermi momentum k(F). These results are compared with those computed by quantum Monte Carlo simulation performed both on a disordered crystal and a liquid exhibiting very good agreement. Asymptotic behavior of the experimental and theoretical momentum distributions are examined to estimate Z(kF). The experimentally obtained Z(kF) = 0.43(-0.01)(+0.11) for liquid Li and 0.54(-0.02)(+0.11) for solid Li are in good agreement with theoretical results of 0.54 +/- 0.01 and 0.64 +/- 0.01, respectively.Peer reviewe

    K -shell diagram and hypersatellite spectra of 4d transition elements

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    The K-shell diagram (K alpha(1,2) and K beta(1,3)) and hypersatellite (HS) (K-h alpha(1,2)) spectra of Y, Zr, Mo, and Pd have been measured with high energy-resolution using photoexcitation by 90 keV synchrotron radiation. Comparison of the measured and ab initio calculated HS spectra demonstrates the importance of quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects for the HS spectra. Phenomenological fits of the measured spectra by Voigt functions yield accurate values for the shift of the HS from the diagram lines, the splitting of the HS lines, and their intensity ratio. Good agreement with theory was found for all quantities except for the intensity ratio, which is dominated by the intermediacy of the coupling of the angular momenta. The observed deviations imply that our current understanding of the variation of the coupling scheme from LS to jj across the periodic table may require some revision.The K-shell diagram (K alpha(1,2) and K beta(1,3)) and hypersatellite (HS) (K-h alpha(1,2)) spectra of Y, Zr, Mo, and Pd have been measured with high energy-resolution using photoexcitation by 90 keV synchrotron radiation. Comparison of the measured and ab initio calculated HS spectra demonstrates the importance of quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects for the HS spectra. Phenomenological fits of the measured spectra by Voigt functions yield accurate values for the shift of the HS from the diagram lines, the splitting of the HS lines, and their intensity ratio. Good agreement with theory was found for all quantities except for the intensity ratio, which is dominated by the intermediacy of the coupling of the angular momenta. The observed deviations imply that our current understanding of the variation of the coupling scheme from LS to jj across the periodic table may require some revision.The K-shell diagram (K alpha(1,2) and K beta(1,3)) and hypersatellite (HS) (K-h alpha(1,2)) spectra of Y, Zr, Mo, and Pd have been measured with high energy-resolution using photoexcitation by 90 keV synchrotron radiation. Comparison of the measured and ab initio calculated HS spectra demonstrates the importance of quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects for the HS spectra. Phenomenological fits of the measured spectra by Voigt functions yield accurate values for the shift of the HS from the diagram lines, the splitting of the HS lines, and their intensity ratio. Good agreement with theory was found for all quantities except for the intensity ratio, which is dominated by the intermediacy of the coupling of the angular momenta. The observed deviations imply that our current understanding of the variation of the coupling scheme from LS to jj across the periodic table may require some revision.Peer reviewe

    Ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy setup for synchrotron-based in situ and operando atomic layer deposition research

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    An ambient pressure cell is described for conducting synchrotron-based x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements during atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes. The instrument is capable of true in situ and operando experiments in which it is possible to directly obtain elemental and chemical information from the sample surface using XPS as the deposition process is ongoing. The setup is based on the ambient pressure XPS technique, in which sample environments with high pressure (several mbar) can be created without compromising the ultrahigh vacuum requirements needed for the operation of the spectrometer and the synchrotron beamline. The setup is intended for chemical characterization of the surface intermediates during the initial stages of the deposition processes. The SPECIES beamline and the ALD cell provide a unique experimental platform for obtaining new information on the surface chemistry during ALD half-cycles at high temporal resolution. Such information is valuable for understanding the ALD reaction mechanisms and crucial in further developing and improving ALD processes. We demonstrate the capabilities of the setup by studying the deposition of TiO2 on a SiO2 surface by using titanium(IV) tetraisopropoxide and water as precursors. Multiple core levels and the valence band of the substrate surface were followed during the film deposition using ambient pressure XPS.Peer reviewe