507 research outputs found

    Relationships between Adipose Tissue and Cytokine Responses to a Randomized Controlled Exercise Training Intervention

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    Adipose-derived cytokines play a prominent role in mediating the metabolic consequences of obesity and excess body fat. Given this, we hypothesized that alterations in adipose tissue stores incurred with exercise training would be reflected in changes in systemic cytokine concentrations. The Studies of Targeted Risk Reduction Intervention through Defined Exercise (STRRIDE), where pronounced changes in adipose tissue stores were observed in the absence of significant changes in dietary intake, provided an ideal setting in which to test this hypothesis. Participants were randomized to six months of inactivity or one of three types of aerobic exercise training regimens: low-amount-moderate- intensity, low-amount-vigorous-intensity, and high-amount-vigorous-intensity. Plasma samples were collected at baseline and two weeks after cessation of six months of exercise training or inactivity. In 189 participants, concentrations of seventeen cytokines were measured using Bio-Plex Cytokine Assays (BioRad, CA); ten additional cytokines were measured in sixty of these subjects. Of all cytokines tested, the only concentration changes that approached statistical significance were those for granulocyte monocyte-colony stimulating factor and vascular endothelial growth factor, which appeared to increase with training in the low-amount-high-intensity group only (P<0.05 for both cytokines). No response to exercise training was noted for any additional cytokine in any of the groups. No relationships were observed between changes in cytokine concentrations and changes in fat mass or other measures of body habitus. In contradiction to our hypothesis, despite significant alterations in body composition, exercise training produced limited cytokine responses. Originally published Metabolism, Vol. 57, No. 4, Apr 200

    Dietary carbohydrate intake and high sensitivity C reactive protein in at-risk women and men

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    Background— The quality and quantity of dietary carbohydrate intake, measured as dietary glycemic load (GL), is associated with a number of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and, in healthy young women, is related to increased high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentrations. Our objective was to determine if GL is related to hsCRP and other measures of CVD risk in a population of sedentary, overweight, dyslipidemic middle-aged women and men enrolled in an exercise intervention trial (STRRIDE). Methods— This was a cross-sectional evaluation of the relationships between measures of dietary carbohydrate intake, calculated from food frequency questionnaire data, and CVD risk factors, including plasma hsCRP, measured in 171 subjects. Results— After adjusting for energy intake, GL and other measures of carbohydrate intake were not independently related to hsCRP (P>0.05 for all). In analyses performed separately for each gender, only the quantity of carbohydrate intake was independently related to hsCRP (R2=0.28; P<0.04), and this relationship was present for women but not for men. The strongest relationship identified between GL and any CVD risk factor was for cardiorespiratory fitness (R2=0.12; P<0.02); an elevated GL was associated with a lower level of fitness in all subjects, and this relationship persisted even when the findings were adjusted for energy intake and gender (R2=0.48; P<0.03). Conclusions— In middle-aged, sedentary, overweight to mildly obese, dyslipidemic individuals, consuming a diet with a low GL is associated with better cardiorespiratory fitness. Our findings suggest that the current literature relating carbohydrate intake and hsCRP should be viewed with skepticism, especially in the extension to at-risk populations that include men. Originally published American Heart Journal, Vol. 154, No. 5, Nov 200

    Impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Exercise Training-Induced Improvements in Insulin Action in Sedentary Overweight Adults

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    Exercise training (ET) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are both recognized influences on insulin action, but the influence of HRT on responses to ET has not been examined. In order to determine if HRT use provided additive benefits for the response of insulin action to ET, we evaluated the impact of HRT use on changes in insulin during the course of a randomized, controlled, aerobic ET intervention. Subjects at baseline were sedentary, dyslipidemic, and overweight. These individuals were randomized to six months of one of three aerobic ET interventions or continued physical inactivity. In 206 subjects, an insulin sensitivity index (SI) was obtained with a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test pre- and post-ET. Baseline and post-intervention fitness, regional adiposity, general adiposity, skeletal muscle biochemistry and histology, and serum lipoproteins were measured as other putative mediators influencing insulin action. Two-way analyses of variance were used to determine if gender or HRT use influenced responses to exercise training. Linear modeling was used to determine if predictors for response in SI differed by gender or HRT use. Women who used HRT (HRT+) demonstrated significantly greater improvements in SI with ET than women not using HRT (HRT-). In those HRT+ women, plasma triglyceride change best correlated with change in SI. For HRT- women, capillary density change, and for men, subcutaneous adiposity change, best correlated with change in SI. In summary, in an ET intervention, HRT use appears associated with more robust responses in insulin action. Also, relationships between ET induced changes in insulin action and potential mediators of change in insulin action are different for men, and for women on or off HRT. These findings have implications for the relative utility of ET for improving insulin action in middle-aged men and women, particularly in the setting of differences in HRT use. Address Originally published Metabolism, Vol. 57, No. 7, July 200

    TiO2 Sol-gel Coating as a Transducer Substrate for Impedimetric Immunosensors

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    Given the importance of the transducer elements in the performance of sensors for various applications, as well as the growing search for devices that are capable of providing the response in shorter time, in this work, titanium dioxide was examined as a candidate for application in an electrochemical biosensor. A TiO2 coating deposited by sol-gel method on a silicon wafer was obtained with an anatase crystalline structure, as an n-type semiconductor with donor density equal to 2.954 · 1017 cm–3. Its surface was functionalized to be tested as a biosensor to detect snake venom of the Bothrops genera, and each step of the functionalization was investigated using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Cyclic voltammetry. Despite being less sensitive than the reference method ELISA, the TiO2-based biosensor was also capable of detecting the analyte of interest at 20 μg mL–1, revealing an increase in its leakage resistance and phase shift after incubation in this solution. Furthermore, the total time for carrying out the biodetection with the TiO2-coated device (41.24 ± 0.05 min) was estimated to be approximately 80 % shorter than that required by the labelled standard assay, which indicates that TiO2 is a promising electrochemical transducer for biosensing applications. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if site-specific phosphorylation at the level of Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) is altered in skeletal muscle from sedentary humans across a wide range of the adult life span (18–84 years of age) and if endurance- and/or strength-oriented exercise training could rescue decrements in insulin action and skeletal muscle AS160 phosphorylation. A euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp and skeletal muscle biopsies were performed in 73 individuals encompassing a wide age range (18–84 years of age), and insulin-stimulated AS160 phosphorylation was determined. Decrements in whole-body insulin action were associated with impairments in insulin-induced phosphorylation of skeletal muscle AS160 on sites Ser-588, Thr-642, Ser-666, and phospho-Akt substrate, but not Ser-318 or Ser-751. Twelve weeks of endurance- or strength-oriented exercise training increased whole-body insulin action and reversed impairments in AS160 phosphorylation evident in insulin-resistant aged individuals. These findings suggest that a dampening of insulin-induced phosphorylation of AS160 on specific sites in skeletal muscle contributes to the insulin resistance evident in a sedentary aging population and that exercise training is an effective intervention for treating these impairments

    Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese Humans

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    Considerable debate exists about whether alterations in mitochondrial respiratory capacity and/or content play a causal role in the development of insulin resistance during obesity. The current study was undertaken to determine whether such alterations are present during the initial stages of insulin resistance in humans. Young (∼23 years) insulin-sensitive lean and insulin-resistant obese men and women were studied. Insulin resistance was confirmed through an intravenous glucose tolerance test. Measures of mitochondrial respiratory capacity and content as well as H(2)O(2) emitting potential and the cellular redox environment were performed in permeabilized myofibers and primary myotubes prepared from vastus lateralis muscle biopsy specimens. No differences in mitochondrial respiratory function or content were observed between lean and obese subjects, despite elevations in H(2)O(2) emission rates and reductions in cellular glutathione. These findings were apparent in permeabilized myofibers as well as in primary myotubes. The results suggest that reductions in mitochondrial respiratory capacity and content are not required for the initial manifestation of peripheral insulin resistance

    The influence of Fe2O3 doping on the pore structure and mechanical strength of TiO2-containing alumina obtained by freeze-casting

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    This work investigated TiO/FeO doped alumina prepared by the freeze-casting technique and using camphene as the solvent. Dendritic pores were formed in the TiO doped alumina, a structure conferred by the frozen camphene. Contrary to this trend, further FeO doping of TiO-containing alumina resulted in the formation of non-dendritic structures. This behavior was attributed to the higher density of α-FeO (5.24 g cm) when compared to α-AlO (3.95 g cm) and anatase TiO (3.89 g cm), which reduced critical solidification front velocity, thus forming material with different pore shape. FeO doping also improved the densification of TiO-alumina and inhibited the formation of cracks, reflected by superior mechanical strength with best results ∼150% higher for 10% FeO loaded samples as compared to TiO-alumina samples