1,272 research outputs found

    Conformal Symmetry in the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model

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    The standard model Higgs mass term receives quadratically divergent radiative corrections, thereby destabilizing the electroweak scale. In classically conformally invariant models, a hierarchy between the electroweak and the Planck scale is naturally introduced and stabilized since the electroweak scale itself is induced by radiative corrections. The recent observation of non-vanishing neutrino masses furthermore requires an extension of the standard model. Leftright symmetric models offer a natural framework for neutrino masses and are therefore theoretically appealing. In this thesis, the radiative breaking of the minimal conformally invariant leftright symmetric model is discussed. It is shown that the renormalization group running naturally creates a large hierarchy between the Planck scale and the the left-right breaking scale, thereby providing a natural solution to the hierarchy problem of elementary particle physics. It is pointed out that, to obtain a hierarchy between the electroweak and the left-right scale some rather mild fine-tuning in the model parameters is needed. A possible scenario is discussed that is consistent with low-energy phenomenology, and first steps are taken in the direction of a phenomenological discussion of this model

    Liquidity Hoarding and Interbank Market Spreads: The Role of Counterparty Risk

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    We study the functioning and possible breakdown of the interbank market due to asymmetric information about counterparty risk. We allow for privately observed shocks to the distribution of asset risk across banks after the initial portfolio of liquid and illiquid investments is chosen. Our model generates sev- eral interbank market regimes: 1) low interest rate spread and full participation; 2) elevated spread and adverse selection; and 3) liquidity hoarding leading to a market breakdown. The regimes are in line with observed developments in the interbank market before and during the 2007-09 financial crisis. We use the model to examine various policy responses.Financial crisis;Interbank market;Liquidity;Asymmetric in- formation

    Liquidity Hoarding and Interbank Market Spreads:The Role of Counterparty Risk

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    We study the functioning and possible breakdown of the interbank market due to asymmetric information about counterparty risk. We allow for privately observed shocks to the distribution of asset risk across banks after the initial portfolio of liquid and illiquid investments is chosen. Our model generates sev- eral interbank market regimes: 1) low interest rate spread and full participation; 2) elevated spread and adverse selection; and 3) liquidity hoarding leading to a market breakdown. The regimes are in line with observed developments in the interbank market before and during the 2007-09 financial crisis. We use the model to examine various policy responses

    Electroweak and Conformal Symmetry Breaking by a Strongly Coupled Hidden Sector

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    The LHC and other experiments show so far no sign of new physics and long-held beliefs about naturalness should be critically reexamined. We discuss therefore in this paper a model with a combined breaking of conformal and electroweak symmetry by a strongly coupled hidden sector. Even though the conformal symmetry is anomalous, this may still provide an explanation of the smallness of electroweak scale compared to the Planck scale. Specifically we start from a classically conformal model, in which a strongly coupled hidden sector undergoes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. A coupling via a real scalar field transmits the breaking scale to the Standard Model Higgs and triggers electroweak symmetry breaking. The model contains dark matter candidates in the form of dark pions, whose stability is being guaranteed by the flavor symmetry of hidden quark sector. We study its relic abundance and direct detection prospects with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio method and discuss the phase transition in the dark sector as well as in the electroweak sector

    Radiative Symmetry Breaking of the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model

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    Under the assumption of classical conformal invariance, we study the Coleman-Weinberg symmetry breaking mechanism in the minimal left-right symmetric model. This model is attractive as it provides a natural framework for small neutrino masses and the restoration of parity as a good symmetry of nature. We find that, in a large fraction of the parameter space, the parity symmetry is maximally broken by quantum corrections in the Coleman-Weinberg potential, which are a consequence of the conformal anomaly. As the left-right symmetry breaking scale is connected to the Planck scale through the logarithmic running of the dimensionless couplings of the scalar potential, a large separation of the two scales can be dynamically generated. The symmetry breaking dynamics of the model was studied using a renormalization group analysis. Electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered by the breakdown of left-right symmetry, and the left-right breaking scale is therefore expected in the few TeV range. The phenomenological implications of the symmetry breaking mechanism are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure; version as published in journal; title changed, changes in abstract, introduction and conclusion

    CARoma Therapy: Pleasant Scents Promote Safer Driving, Better Mood, and Improved Well-Being in Angry Drivers

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    Driving is a task that is often affected by emotions. The effect of emotions on driving has been extensively studied. Anger is an emotion that dominates in such investigations. Despite the knowledge on strong links between scents and emotions, few studies have explored the effect of olfactory stimulation in a context of driving. Such an outcome provides HCI practitioners very little knowledge on how to design for emotions using olfactory stimulation in the car. We carried out three studies to select scents of different valence and arousal levels (i.e. rose, peppermint, and civet) and anger eliciting stimuli (i.e. affective pictures and on-road events). We used this knowledge to conduct the fourth user study investigating how the selected scents change the emotional state, well-being, and driving behaviour of drivers in an induced angry state. Our findings enable better decisions on what scents to choose when designing interactions for angry drivers

    Projected impact of heat on mortality and labour productivity under climate change in Switzerland

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    Extreme temperatures have reached unprecedented levels in many regions of the globe due to climate change, and a further increase is expected. Besides other consequences, high temperatures increase the mortality risk and severely affect the labour productivity of workers. We perform a high-resolution spatial analysis to assess the impacts of heat on mortality and labour productivity in Switzerland and project their development under different Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios, considering that no socio-economic changes take place. The model is based on the risk framework of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which combines the three risk components: hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. We model the two impact categories in the same spatially explicit framework, and we integrate uncertainties into the analysis by a Monte Carlo simulation. We model first that about 658 deaths are associated with heat exposure currently each year in Switzerland. Second, the economic costs caused by losses in labour productivity amount to around CHF 665 million (approx. USD 700 million) per year. Should we remain on an RCP8.5 emissions pathway, these values may double (for mortality) or even triple (for labour productivity) by the end of the century. Under an RCP2.6 scenario impacts are expected to slightly increase and peak around mid-century, when climate is assumed to stop warming. Even though uncertainties in the model are large, the underlying trend in impacts is unequivocal. The results of the study are valuable information for political discussions and allow for a better understanding of the cost of inaction

    A disilene base adduct with a dative Si–Si single bond.

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    An experimental and theoretical study of the base- stabilized disilene 1 is reported, whichforms at lowtemper- atures in the disproportionation reaction of Si 2 Cl 6 or neo- Si 5 Cl 12 with equimolar amounts of NMe 2 Et. Single-crystal X- ray diffraction and quantum-chemical bonding analysis dis- close an unprecedented structure in silicon chemistry featuring adative Si!Si single bond between two silylene moieties, Me 2 EtN!SiCl 2 !Si(SiCl 3 ) 2 .The central ambiphilic SiCl 2 group is linked by dative bonds to the amine donor and the bis(trichlorosilyl)silylene acceptor,which leads to push–pull stabilization. Based on experimental and theoretical examina- tions aformation mechanism is presented that involves an autocatalytic reaction of the intermediately formed anion Si(SiCl 3 ) 3 ¢ with neo-Si 5 Cl 12 to yield 1

    Bulk Scale Factor at Very Early Universe

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    In this paper we propose a higher dimensional Cosmology based on FRW model and brane-world scenario. We consider the warp factor in the brane-world scenario as a scale factor in 5-dimensional generalized FRW metric, which is called as bulk scale factor, and obtain the evolution of it with space-like and time-like extra dimensions. It is then showed that, additional space-like dimensions can produce exponentially bulk scale factor under repulsive strong gravitational force in the empty universe at a very early stage.Comment: 7 pages, October 201
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