176 research outputs found

    The vegetation of the Farne Islands

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    Isotope Ratio Studies of Marine Mammals in Prince William Sound

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    This project uses natural stable isotope ratios to assess trophic structure and food webs in Prince William Sound and contributes to the studies by Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel to determine the reasons for the decline of harbor seal populations. Through a mix of captive animal studies and a comparison of isotope ratios in prey species and archived and current marine mammal tissues, insight into environmental changes causing the decline may be possible. Preliminary data point strongly toward a major decline in the carrying capacity of the northern Pacific Ocean in the past two decades. This decline is evident in the abundance and distribution of marine biota and is reflected in the carbon isotope ratios of marine mammals of the region

    Trophic Structure of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands and Resident Monk Seals (Monachus schaundslandi) During the Twentieth Century

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    The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species only found within the Hawaiian Archipelago. The majority of the breeding population for this seal is located around six islands in the Northwest Hawaiian Island chain (NWHI). Overall, both juvenile and adult seals have a wide range in Ī“13C and Ī“15N from 1912-2006 (Ī“13C: -12.5ā€°; Ī“15N: 12.6ā€°). Seals in the northern NWHI were enriched in Ī“13C by nearly 2ā€° and depleted in Ī“15N by nearly 6ā€° during the 96 years. Meanwhile, seals within the middle and southern extent of the NWHI showed little to very slight decreases in Ī“13C and Ī“15N. Preliminary comparison of modern monk seals with selected potential prey in the southern NWHI indicate possible trophic reliance on a mix of reef fish, eels, and lobster. Commercial fishery data post-WWII indicate an overlap between fisheries and monk seal diets in lobster, squirrelfish, and goatfish

    Dietary Transfer of Heavy Metals in Manatees

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    In recent decades, manatees and dugongs globally have exhibited potentially detrimental levels of a variety of heavy metals in their body tissues. The threatened Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), which is a subspecies of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), has shown corresponding high levels of heavy metals in their blood, skin, liver, and kidneys. As obligate herbivores, these animals rely heavily upon seagrasses as a major component of their diet. Globally, seagrasses at low latitudes have high levels of heavy metals in their tissues. Detrimental levels of heavy metals in Sirenians have not been established until now. This study is assessing the heavy metal concentrations of seagrasses in South Florida as a major dietary contributor to manatees, and investigating possible sources of these metals

    Swordfish Xiphias gladius Diet in the Florida Straits

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    Swordfish Xiphias gladius inhabit the Florida Straits year-round and provide a significant role in the food web as top-level predators. However, little is known about the diet composition and thus ecological role of swordfish in Florida. This study investigated swordfish diet by analyzing stomach contents of 131 swordfish in the Florida Straits from April 2007 to December 2008. Identifiable species included 13 teleost species, 3 cephalopod species, and 1 crustacean species. Cephalopods dominated the swordfish diet by weight (72.4%) and number (69.9%), and ranked highest in importance in the diet by the index of relative importance (IRI; 81.5%). Teleosts occurred the most (99.1%) but represented the second highest importance in diet by weight (25.2%), number (26.3%), and IRI (17.6%). Illex sp. was the prey with the greatest dietary importance, followed by unidentifiable ommastrephid squids. Stomach fullness index values ranged from 0 (empty) to 8.98 (mean = 0.37). A positive significant correlation between swordfish length and prey length was found (rĀ² = 0.104, P = 0.037), and no significant correlations were found between swordfish weight and prey weight (rĀ² = āˆ’0.075, P = 0.065). This is the first study to report a comprehensive diet of swordfish inhabiting waters in the Florida Straits region and suggests swordfish may be opportunistic feeders, altering their diet when abundance or presence of prey changes

    Resilience to climate shocks in the tropics

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    This focus collection on resilience to climate shocks in the tropics draws together 16 papers that predominantly examine the impacts of, and responses to, the 2015/2016 El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation event, in a range of contexts. This introductory synthesis contextualises the collection of papers by reviewing important concepts and highlighting some important insights that emerge from the collection. The papers in this collection collectively highlight: the value of longitudinal and interdisciplinary research in understanding both the roots of, and responses to, resilience challenges; the critical interaction between climatic and land-use changes; and the ways in which governance arrangements underpin societal decision-making across a range of scales and contexts to shape resilience

    Impact and collaboration in environmental research: moving universities from evidence producers to co-producers

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    This discussion paper explores the relationship between environmental research and its use in environmental policy. While there is a common perception of a gap between research and policy, efforts to bridge it often fall short of integrating knowledge effectively with environmental action. Common fixes, like improving dissemination and scientific literacy within government, overlook the politics and complexities of knowledge production and usage. We explore universitiesā€™ pivotal position in the science-policy ecosystem, particularly given their roleĀ in knowledge brokerage practices and the influence of ā€˜impactā€™ as a governance tool. Participatory approaches, such as co-production, offer promise for closing the ā€˜usability gapā€™ for research by facilitating collaborative generation of actionable knowledge. Co-production features high user participation, contributing to higher-quality research, fostering trust, and giving voice to knowledge users and interested parties. Understood and deployed in various ways, co-production also faces challenges such as the high potential costs or replication of wider knowledge production risks. A reflective approach to co-production, considering positionality and recognising political influences, can mitigate these risks and optimise its benefits. We highlight the potential of co-production in environmental research and policy and offers valuable insights and recommendations for its effective implementation. We hope that the material in this discussion paper provides a constructive basis for precipitating reflections and discussions amongst researchers and other people involved in the production and use of environmental research about their role in engaging with policy

    Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Diel Vertical Migrations: Comparison of ANSYS Fluent Model to Measurements

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    Recent studies suggest that diel vertical migrations of zooplankton may have an impact on ocean mixing, though details are not completely clear. A strong sound scattering layer of zooplankton undergoing diel vertical migrations was observed in Saanich Inlet, British Colombia, Canada by Kunze et al. (2006). In this study, a shipboard 200- kHz echosounder was used to track vertical motion of the sound scattering layer, and microstructure profiles were collected to observe turbulence. An increase of dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy by four to five orders of magnitude was measured during diel vertical migrations of zooplankton in one case (but not observed during other cases). A strong sound scattering layer undergoing diel vertical migration was also observed in the Straits of Florida via a bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler at 244 m isobath. A 3-D non-hydrostatic computational fluid dynamics model with Lagrangian particle injections (a proxy for migrating zooplankton) via a discrete phase model was used to simulate the effect of diel vertical migrations on the turbulence for both Saanich Inlet and the Straits of Florida. The model was initialized with idealized (but based on observation) density and velocity profiles. Particles, with buoyancy adjusted to serve as a proxy for vertically swimming zooplankton, were injected to simulate diel vertical migration cycles. Results of models run with extreme concentrations of particles showed an increase in dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy of approximately five orders of magnitude over background turbulence during migration of particles in both Saanich Inlet and the Straits of Florida cases (though direct relation of the turbulence produced by buoyant particles and swimming organisms isnā€™t straightforward). This increase was quantitatively consistent, with turbulence measurements by Kunze et al. (2006). When 10 times fewer particles were injected into the model, the effect on dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy was an order of magnitude smaller than that from the extreme concentration. At a concentration of particles 100 times smaller than the extreme concentration, there was no longer an observable effect. In the Straits of Florida, direct turbulence measurements were not available to make a quantitative comparison. However, a small, but statistically significant decrease in northward current velocity profiles during migration times were observed after averaging these profiles over 11 months. A small decrease of current velocity connected to the vertical migrations of particles was reproduced in the Straits of Florida model case. The deviations in the velocity profiles can be explained by the increase in turbulent mixing during vertical migration periods

    Impact and collaboration in environmental research moving universities from evidence producers to co-producers ā€“ summary paper

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    This document is a summary of a discussion document that explores the relationship between environmental research and policy, the role of universities, and the emergence of co-production. It provides a set of provocative discussion questions to help funders, policy makers, practitioners, and researchers engage with these topics. The report was launched in June 2024, a recording of the launch webinar can be found on the Agile website

    The role of publics and deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface

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    This discussion paper reviews the role of publics and deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface. We highlight two dominant ways to think of public(s), as either a homogenous whole, or as multiple and emerging around particular issues. The way we conceptualise public(s) will shape how and why public participation might be used. Environmental researchers and decision makers may choose to engage in public participation to steer environmental research towards more ā€œdemocraticā€ outcomes, or to co-create new knowledge alongside publics. Deliberative democracy is one way of engaging the public through informed dialogue, reflection, and consideration of the conflicting ideas and values which are embedded in environmental challenges. We describe the foundations of deliberative democracy and some core complexities and considerationsĀ of deliberation, while assessing the role of different sources of knowledge in these processes. Public deliberation is no panacea for complex environmental challenges. It comes with risks including perpetuating a depoliticised image of global challenges as ā€œsolvableā€ through expert knowledge, rational conversation, and technological solutions. We attempt to articulate a path through these challenges towards a public participation which is reflexive and contextualised, and can contribute to building effective and just environmental knowledge and policy. We hope that the material in this discussion paper provides a constructive basis for precipitating reflections and discussions amongst researchers and other people involved in the production and use environmental research about their role in engaging with publics
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