3,668 research outputs found

    The problems of offenders with mental disorders: A plurality of perspectives within a single mental health care organisation

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    Managers, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, unqualified staff and service users were interviewed for a qualitative study of risk management and rehabilitation in an inner city medium secure forensic mental health care unit. Different professional orientations to service user problems were identified. Doctors focused primarily on the diagnosis of mental disorder, which they managed mainly through pharmaceutical interventions. Psychologists were principally concerned with personal factors, for example service user insight into their biographical history. Occupational therapists concentrated mainly on daily living skills, and social workers on post-discharge living arrangements. Some front line nurses, held accountable for security lapses, adopted a criminogenic approach. Service users were more likely than professionals to understand their needs in terms of their wider life circumstances. These differences are explored qualitatively in relation to four models of crossdisciplinary relationships: monoprofessional self-organisation combined with restricted communication; hermeneutic reaching out to other perspectives; the establishment of interdisciplinary sub-systems; and transdisciplinary merger. Relationships between professions working in this unit, as portrayed in qualitative interviews, corresponded mainly to the first model of monoprofessional self-organisation. Reasons for restricted crossdisciplinary understanding, particularly the wide power/status differences between the medical and other professions, and between staff and patients, are discussed

    Transmission Oscillator Ultrasonic Spectrometer (TOUS): A new research instrument

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    TOUS is capable for measuring very small changes in acoustic attenuation and phase velocity. Its high sensitivity to small changes in ultrasonic absorption results in part from operation under marginal conditions. In spite of high sensitivity, TOUS system is relatively simple, inexpensive, and compact

    Intestinal absorption of macromolecules during viral enteritis: an experimental study on rotavirus-infected conventional and germ-free mice.

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    Epithelial transport and degradation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), a macromolecular tracer, was studied in conventional and germ-free suckling mice following an experimental infection with rotavirus. Conventional and germ-free mice developed diarrhea from days 2 to 8 postinfection (pi), with growth failure. In mucosal homogenates, infectious virus detected by immunofluorescence on MA 104 cells was present from day 2 through day 8 pi in germ-free mice, but persisted longer (day 13 pi) in conventional mice. Only mild histological lesions were observed during diarrhea, but obvious macrovacuolation of epithelial cells and increased cellular density occurred during the convalescence period (days 9 to 13 pi). Intact and degraded HRP fluxes from mucosa to serosa were measured in vitro on segments of jejunum mounted in Ussing chambers. Both groups of mice developed increased HRP permeability during the experimental period, but at different times after inoculation: during the diarrheal period (days 2 and 3 pi) conventional mouse epithelium absorbed five times more HRP than noninfected controls and during the convalescence period (days 9 to 13 pi) HRP absorption in germ-free mice rose 10-fold as compared to its level before infection. In both cases, this increase in HRP permeability was entirely due to an increase in intact HRP absorption, probably via a transcellular route, and occurred without any alteration in degraded HRP transport. These results indicate that in mice, rotavirus infection causes a transient rise in gut permeability to undegraded proteins. The intestinal microflora seems to affect the timing, magnitude, and duration of this increased permeability

    Liquid-immersible electrostatic ultrasonic transducer

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    A broadband megahertz range electrostatic acoustic transducer for use in a liquid environment is described. A liquid tight enclosure includes a metallic conducting membrane as part of its outside surface and has a means inside the liquid tight enclosure for applying a tension to the membrane and for mounting an electrode such that the flat end of the electrode is aproximately parallel to the membrane. The invention includes structure and a method for ensuring that the membrane and the flat end of the electrode are exactly parallel and a fixed predetermined distance from each other

    Screening for health risks: A social science perspective

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    Health screening promises to reduce risks to individuals via probabilistic sifting of populations for medical conditions. The categorisation and selection of 'conditions' such as cardiovascular events, dementia and depression for screening itself requires prior interpretive labour which usually remains unexamined. Screening systems can take diverse organisational forms and varying relationships to health status, as when purported disease precursors, for example 'pre-cancerous' polyps, or supposed risk factors, such as high cholesterol themselves, become targets for screening. Screening at best yields small, although not necessarily unworthwhile, net population health gains. It also creates new risks, leaving some individuals worse-off than if they had been left alone. The difficulties associated with attempting to measure small net gains through randomised controlled trials are sometimes underestimated. Despite endemic doubts about its clinical utility, bibliometric analysis of published papers shows that responses to health risks are coming to be increasingly thought about in terms of screening. This shift is superimposed on a strengthening tendency to view health through the lens of risk. It merits further scrutiny as a societal phenomenon