247 research outputs found

    Patient Satisfaction with Telehealth in Rural Settings: A Systematic Review

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    Telehealth provides health care services to clients through telecommunications. Rehabilitation services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language therapy can be delivered via telehealth. The aim of this study was to evaluate patients’ reports of their satisfaction with telehealth compared to standard in-person therapy for patients living in rural areas. Four databases were utilized for this systematic review. The following words were searched: telehealth, rural, and patient satisfaction. Abstract searches identified 251 articles, and 55 were read in full text. Four articles met inclusion criteria. There was high satisfaction for patients in all studies regarding the use of telehealth. Findings showed that overall, telehealth supported increased rates of patient satisfaction for OT, PT, and SLP services delivered to rural communities

    NASA Technology Transfer Overview SATTO Members

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    Longitudinal Changes in Ultrasound-Assessed Femoral Cartilage Thickness in Individuals from 4 to 6 Months Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Objective: Diagnostic ultrasound provides a valid assessment of cartilage health that has been used to observe cross-sectional cartilage thickness differences post-ACLR (anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction), but has not been used longitudinally during early recovery post-ACLR. Design: The purpose of this study was to assess longitudinal changes in femoral cartilage thickness via ultrasound in individuals at 4 to 6 months post-ACLR and compared to healthy controls. Twenty participants (50% female, age = 21.1 ± 5.7 years) completed testing sessions 4 and 6 months post-ACLR. Thirty healthy controls (57% female, age = 20.8 ± 3.8 years) without knee injury history completed 2 testing sessions (>72 hours apart). Femoral cartilage ultrasound images were captured bilaterally in ACLR participants and in the dominant limb of healthy controls during all sessions. Average cartilage thicknesses in the medial, intercondylar, and lateral femoral regions were determined using a semi-automated processing technique. Results: When comparing cartilage thickness mean differences or changes over time, individuals post-ACLR did not demonstrate between limb differences (P-range = 0.50-0.92), limb differences compared to healthy controls (P-range = 0.19-0.94), or changes over time (P-range = 0.22-0.72) for any femoral cartilage thickness region. However, participants demonstrated cartilage thickening (45%) or thinning (35%) that exceeded minimal detectable change (MDC) from 4 to 6 months post-ACLR, respectively. Conclusions: Using MDC scores may help better identify within-subject femoral cartilage thickness changes longitudinally post-ACLR due to bidirectional cartilage thickness changes

    Adolescents Are Less Physically Active Than Adults After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Background: Sources of physical activity (PA) and motivation for return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) differ between adolescents and adults. It is unclear whether these differences influence participation in PA during the first year after ACLR when individuals are transitioning from rehabilitative care to unrestricted activity.Purpose:To compare device-assessed measures of PA between adolescents and adults at 6 to 12 months after ACLR. Study Design: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: Included were 22 adolescents (age, 15.9 ± 1.2 years; time since surgery = 8.0 ± 2.1 months) and 23 adults (age, 22.5 ± 5.0 years; time since surgery = 8.2 ± 2.1 months) who were cleared for unrestricted PA after primary unilateral ACLR. Participants were considered physically active if they met their age-specific United States Department of Health and Human Services PA guidelines. Participants wore an accelerometer-based PA monitor for at least 7 days. Daily minutes of moderate to vigorous-PA (MVPA) and daily step counts were reported and compared between age groups using analysis of covariance, with monitor wear time and sex included as covariates. The association between age group and meeting age-specific PA guidelines was assessed using binary logistic regression and reported as an odds ratio. Results: Adults with ACLR participated in 16 minutes more MVPA per day (49 ± 22 vs 33 ± 16 minutes per day; P < .001) and took 2212 more steps per day (8365 ± 2294 vs 6153 ± 1765 steps per day; P < .001) when compared with adolescent participants. In addition, 83% of adults were physically active, compared with 9% of adolescents (odds ratio = 60.2; 95% CI, 7.6-493.4). Conclusion: Adolescents with ACLR were less physically active than adults with ACLR, and only 9% of adolescents met aerobic PA guidelines. This is concerning because PA patterns adopted early in life are predictive of PA patterns in adulthood. Our findings indicate a need to better understand underlying causes of reduced PA among adolescents with ACLR and to develop intervention strategies that promote engagement in adequate PA after rehabilitation

    Combination of Sleeping Beauty transposition and chemically induced dimerization selection for robust production of engineered cells

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    The main methods for producing genetically engineered cells use viral vectors for which safety issues and manufacturing costs remain a concern. In addition, selection of desired cells typically relies on the use of cytotoxic drugs with long culture times. Here, we introduce an efficient non-viral approach combining the Sleeping Beauty (SB) Transposon System with selective proliferation of engineered cells by chemically induced dimerization (CID) of growth factor receptors. Minicircles carrying a SB transposon cassette containing a reporter transgene and a gene for the F36VFGFR1 fusion protein were delivered to the hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3. Stably-transduced Ba/F3 cell populations with >98% purity were obtained within 1 week using this positive selection strategy. Copy number analysis by quantitative PCR (qPCR) revealed that CID-selected cells contain on average higher copy numbers of transgenes than flow cytometry-selected cells, demonstrating selective advantage for cells with multiple transposon insertions. A diverse population of cells is present both before and after culture in CID media, although site-specific qPCR of transposon junctions show that population diversity is significantly reduced after selection due to preferential expansion of clones with multiple integration events. This non-viral, positive selection approach is an attractive alternative for producing engineered cells

    Meteorological modeling sensitivity to parameterizations and satellite-derived surface datasets during the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study

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    High-resolution simulations were performed to assess the impact of different parameterization schemes, surface datasets, and analysis nudging on lower-tropospheric conditions near Lake Michigan. Simulations were performed where climatological or coarse-resolution surface datasets were replaced by high-resolution, real-time datasets depicting the lake surface temperatures (SSTs), green vegetation fraction (GVF), and soil moisture and temperature (SOIL). Comparison of two baseline simulations employing different parameterization schemes (referred to as AP-XM and YNT, respectively) showed that the AP-XM simulation produced more accurate analyses on the outermost 12 km resolution domain but that the YNT simulation was superior for higher-resolution nests. The diurnal evolution of the surface energy fluxes was similar in both simulations on the 12 km grid but differed greatly on the 1.3 km grid where the AP-XM simulation had a much smaller sensible heat flux during the daytime and a physically unrealistic ground heat flux. Switching to the YNT configuration led to more accurate 2 m temperature and 2 m water vapor mixing ratio analyses on the 1.3 km grid. Additional improvements occurred when satellite-derived surface datasets were incorporated into the modeling platform, with the SOIL dataset having the largest positive impact on temperature and water vapor. The GVF and SST datasets also produced more accurate temperature and water vapor analyses but had degradations in wind speed, especially when using the GVF dataset. The most accurate simulations were obtained when using the high-resolution SST and SOIL datasets and analysis nudging above 2 km a.g.l. (above ground level). These results demonstrate the value of using high-resolution satellite-derived surface datasets in model simulations.</p
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