8 research outputs found

    Pixel and Object-Based Machine Learning Classification Schemes for Lithological Mapping Enhancement of Semi-Arid Regions Using Sentinel-2A Imagery: A Case Study of the Southern Moroccan Meseta

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    Mapping lithological units of an area using remote sensing data can be broadly grouped into pixel-based (PBIA), sub-pixel based (SPBIA) and object-based (GEOBIA) image analysis approaches. Since it is not only the datasets adequacy but also the correct classification selection that influences the lithological mapping. This research is intended to analyze and evaluate the efficiency of these three approaches for lithological mapping in semi-arid areas, by using Sentinel-2A data and many algorithms for image enhancement and spectral analysis, in particular two specialized Band Ratio (BR) and the Independent component analysis (ICA), for that reason the Paleozoic Massif of Skhour Rehamna, situated in the western Moroccan Meseta was chosen. In this study, the support vector machine (SVM) that is theoretically more efficient machine learning algorithm (MLA) in geological mapping is used in PBIA and GEOBIA approaches. The evaluation and comparison of the performance of these different methods showed that SVM-GEOBIA approach gives the highest overall classification accuracy (OA \approx ~93 %) and kappa coefficient (K) of 0, 89, while SPBIA classification showed OA of approximately 89% and kappa coefficient of 0, 84, whereas the lithological maps resulted from SVM-PBIA method exhibit salt and pepper noise, with a lower OA of 87% and kappa coefficient of 0, 80 comparing them with the other classification approaches. From the results of this comparative study, we can conclude that the SVM-GEOBIA classification approach is the most suitable technique for lithological mapping in semi-arid regions, where outcrops are often inaccessible, which complicates classic cartographic work


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    The Rif is among the areas of Morocco most susceptible to landslides, because of the existence of relatively young reliefs marked by a very important dynamics compared to other regions. These landslides are one of the most serious problems on many levels: social, economic and environmental. The increase in the frequency and impact of landslides over the past decade has demonstrated the need for an in-depth study of these phenomena, allowing the identification of areas susceptible to landslides. The main objective of this study is to identify the optimal method for the mapping of the area susceptible to landslides in municipality of Oudka. This area has been marked by the largest landslide in the region, caused by heavy rainfall in 2013. Two Statistical Methods i) Regression Logistics (LR) ii) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), were used to create a landslide susceptibility map. The realization of this susceptibility map required, first, the mapping of old landslides by the aerial photography, the data of the geological map and by the data obtained using field surveys using GPS. A total of 105 landslides were mapped from these various sources. 50% of this database was used for model building and 50% for validation. Eight independent landslide factors are exploited to detect the most sensitive areas: altitude, slope, aspect, distance of faults, distance streams, distance from roads, lithology and vegetation index (NDVI). The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using success and prediction rates. The success rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.918) and the prediction rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.901) of the LR model is higher than that of the ANN model (success rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.886) and prediction rate (AUC&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.877). These results indicate that the Regression Logistic (LR) model is the best model for determining landslide susceptibility in the study area.</p


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    This research article is summarize the applications of remote sensing and GIS to study the urban floods risk in Al Mukalla. Satellite acquisition of a flood event on October 2015 in Al Mukalla (Yemen) by using flood risk mapping techniques illustrate the potential risk present in this city. Satellite images (The Landsat and DEM images data were atmospherically corrected, radiometric corrected, and geometric and topographic distortions rectified.) are used for flood risk mapping to afford a hazard (vulnerability) map. This map is provided by applying image-processing techniques and using geographic information system (GIS) environment also the application of NDVI, NDWI index, and a method to estimate the flood-hazard areas. Four factors were considered in order to estimate the spatial distribution of the hazardous areas: flow accumulation, slope, land use, geology and elevation. The multi-criteria analysis, allowing to deal with vulnerability to flooding, as well as mapping areas at the risk of flooding of the city Al Mukalla. The main object of this research is to provide a simple and rapid method to reduce and manage the risks caused by flood in Yemen by take as example the city of Al Mukalla

    Love the wild swan: The selected works of Judith Edwards

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    Love the Wild Swan is the culmination of thirty years of clinical and teaching experience, undertaken by child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapist Judith Edwards. Along with new material, the book consists of previously published papers spanning Edwards’s entire career, which have been carefully selected to chart the journey that every clinician and human being makes, from babyhood to adult life. Edwards offers an example of how the evolution of meanings occur and how lifelong learning about the self and the other takes place. The book is divided into four parts, with sections on observation, clinical work, teaching theory, and links between these ideas and ongoing life in the form of the arts, through poetry, film and sculpture

    Prebiotic chemical evolution in Titan’s ocean

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