155 research outputs found

    Potential Development of Liquid Smoke From Oil Palm Solid Waste as Biofungicides

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    This research investigated the potential utilization of solid waste from palm oil industry for liquid smoke production in Aceh Province, Indonesia. The liquid smoke can be applied as bio fungicides in agricultural field. Preliminary experiment on the use of liquid smoke as fungicide at Colletotrichum capsisi fungus which causes anthracnose disease on red pepper was also conducted. The survey on the existing potential/availability of palm oil mill in Aceh shows that there are 30 palm oil mills in eight districts with a total of production capacity 1020 ton/hour. Assuming that 10% of palm oil kernel shells are pyrolized into liquid smoke, Aceh province could produce about 23,868 ton of liquid smoke per year. The preliminary test result towards Colletotrichum capsisi fungus shows that the liquid smoke can be used as fungicides

    Planting Jatropha curcas on Constrained Land: Emission and Effects from Land Use Change

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    A study was carried out to assess carbon emission and carbon loss caused from land use change (LUC) of converting a wasteland into a Jatropha curcas plantation. The study was conducted for 12 months at a newly established Jatropha curcas plantation in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Assessments of soil carbon dioxide (CO2) flux, changes of soil total carbon and plant biomass loss and growth were made on the wasteland and on the established plantation to determine the effects of land preparation (i.e., tilling) and removal of the wasteland's native vegetation. Overall soil CO2 flux showed no significant difference (P < 0.05) between the two plots while no significant changes (P < 0.05) on soil total carbon at both plots were detected. It took 1.5 years for the growth of Jatropha curcas to recover the biomass carbon stock lost during land conversion. As far as the present study is concerned, converting wasteland to Jatropha curcas showed no adverse effects on the loss of carbon from soil and biomass and did not exacerbate soil respiration

    Penerapan Sumber Belajar Media Internet Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Pelajaran Akuntansi

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    :The research in this paper aims to find out, implementation, and evaluation of Media Internet Application Learning Resources To Improve Learning Outcomes In Lesson Accounting. The method used in this research is experiment. Data collectors technique is done through interviews, observation, and testing. Data collection tool used is interview, observation sheets (Check List), and Post-Test. Results of this study on the implementation of the designed in accordance with the lesson plan further Media Internet Application Learning Resources based on observations both experimental class observer is more effective than the control class, and at the stage of evaluation of the application can be seen from the results of the post-test, the average score between the experimental class and control class there is a difference. The average score of post-test results of the experimental class 73.89, while the results of the post-test control class 62.78. The average score of post-test results of the experimental class is higher than the results of the post-test control class. This shows the application of the use of Internet Media Against Learning Resources Learning Outcomes In Lesson Accounting Students

    Analisis Perkembangan USAha Koperasi Karyawan PT. Pln (Persero) “Mekar” Wilayah Kal-bar

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    This study aims to provide an overview of the development of businesses in the Koperasi Karyawan PT. PLN (PERSERO) “MEKAR” Wilayah Kal-Bar. The method used is descriptive method. Data retrieved by using the technique of direct communication through interviews and documentary studies tenknik through a record sheet in the form of bookkeeping records of the Cooperative. The results showed that the percentage of business development in the 2013-2014 business unit increased revenue percentage is the unit most other business services (attributes offices) amounted to 978.57% and in 2013-2014 reduced revenue is greatest percentage of business unit lease RD purchase and building of -66.25%. Whereas in 2014-2015 the greatest percentage increase in revenue is the car wash business and motors of 134.24% and a decrease in income greatest vehicle rental is a business unit of -62.60%. And the percentage of SHU Cooperative in 2013-2014 decreased by -21.97% and in 2014-2015 persentanse an increase of 71.07%

    Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk N, P, K Dan Pupuk Kandang Sapi Terhadappertumbuhan Dan Hasil Wijen (Sesamum Indicum L.)

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    Tanaman wijen ialah salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak nabati yang mempunyai potensi agroindustri cerah khususnya aneka industri dan minyak makan (Mardjono, et al., 2007). Produksi wijen di Indonesia hanya 2.500 ton per tahun, sedangkan kebutuhan konsumsi dalam negeri mencapai 4.500 ton per tahun. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hasil produksi wijen di dalam negeri lebih kecil dibandingkan tingkat konsumsinya (Anindita, 2007). Kendala utama dalam pengembangan wijen adalah rendahnya hasil panen. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produktifitas yaitu dengan cara pemupukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk N, P, K dan pupuk kandang sapi serta interaksinya terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil wijen. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Juni 2013 di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Desa Jatikerto, Kec.Kromengan, Kab. Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor yang disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang terdiri dari 3 ulangan. Adapun perlakuannya sebagai berikut : faktor pertama yaitu pemberian dosis pupuk N, P dan K, faktor kedua yaitu pemberian dosis pupuk kandang sapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang sapi 1000 kg ha-1 dan pupuk anorganik 100 kg ha-1 Urea + 50 kg ha-1 SP-36 + 50 kg ha-1 KCl dapat meningkatkan hasil panen, jumlah polong jumlah biji per polong dan jumlah cabang per tanaman. Pemberian pupuk kandang kandang sapi 1500 kg ha-1 dan pupuk anorganik 150 kg ha-1 Urea + 100 kg ha-1 SP-36 +100 kg ha-1 KCl dapat meningkatkan berat kering total tanaman, bobot total biji per polong, bobot kering total gulma

    Antimicrobial Activity of N-hexane Extracts of Red Frangipani (Plumeria Rocea)

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    Antimicrobial assay of n-hexane plant extracts against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus had been done. Extraction with n-Hexane of the flowers yielded 2,08% of extract, while leaves and stems yielded 3,21% and 2,19% of n-hexane extracts, respectively. The extracts showed different activity against both bioindicators. The leaves extracts showed the strongest activity indicated by wider diameters of inhibition zone, 19,7 mm against E. coli and 13,3 mm against S. aureus at 10% of the extracts' concentration. At the same concentration (10%), the steam and flower extracts showed less inhibitory activities with 11,3 mm and 8,3 mm against E. coli, and 12,0 mm and 11,0 mm against S. aureus. At the lowest concentration of the extracts, the leaves extracts showed the strongest activity against E. coli (14,3 mm) while the steam extracts showed highest inhibitory activity against S. aureus ( 7,7 mm). Based on antimicrobial assay, it was suggested that the leaves extracts demonstrated strongest activity than other extracts. It was assumed that leaves extracts contained more secondary metabolite than flowers and steams, and the leaves have phenol compounds which are not present in other extracts

    Germ Plasm Diversity of Groundnut Based on the Character of Morphology, Result, and Oil Content

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    Groundnut is one of the largest vegetable oil and has a good nutritional value. It could be used as an alternative source of food, industrial raw materials, and bioenergy. The main function of fats and oil in seeds reserves source of energy. This research aims to study the diversity of morphological, yield, and the oil content in groundnut germplasm. The planting of groundnut was conducted at the experimental station Cikeumeuh BB Biogen Bogor from July until December in 2013, with the germplasm of groundnut as much as 200 accessions. The characters identification is determined by the method of morphological characterization with Groundnut Descriptor from IPGRI. Analyze oil content of groundnut used soxhlets method at the Laboratory of Post-harvest Bogor. The results showed that germplasm groundnut have varied levels of diversity at characters. Relatively high morphological diversity founded the character of pod yield/plot, weight of pods/plant and number of immature pods. Groundnut oil content is range 33% to 47%. There are a real positive correlation between the number of pods to variable morphology, yield and oil content, but negatively correlation at weight of 100 seeds. Number of pods and number of branches is positively correlation with oil content of groundnut seeds. Cultivars groundnut that have the characters of promise could be used as national asset and the source of genes as a parent in the breeding program

    Mobile Security Vehicle’s based on Internet of Things

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    The purpose of this research is to design and build a mobile security vehicle based on the Internet of Things (IoT) that combines to Arduino-based microcontroller, internet networks, and the needed hardware. The design is intended to monitor and control the vehicle condition and monitor the vehicle location based on IoT. This research uses hardware and software components. The hardware uses the Arduino-based microcontroller that connects to some modules. This research uses Relay Module 2 Channel HL-525 to control the vehicle machine, GPS Module Neo-7M to get the vehicle location, SIM800L Module to connect to the internet network, and ACS-712 Voltage sensor to detect the voltage in the vehicle electricity. This research uses multi-platform (web application) as the component software to monitor and control the vehicle condition and its location. The result of this research is Mobile Security Vehicle’s System Based on Arduino where the system can satisfy some functional needs such as can monitoring motorcycle location, controlling alarm, and motorcycle electricity to avoid theft through a web application that can be used in multi-platform

    Perceptual visual dependence for spatial orientation in patients with schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with schizophrenia are reported to have vestibular dysfunction and to weigh vestibular input to a lesser extent compared to healthy controls. Such deficits may increase visual dependence (VD) for spatial orientation at a perceptual level in these patients. The aim of this study is to compare VD levels between healthy control and patients with schizophrenia and to explore associations between VD and clinical measures in these patients. Relation of VD to antipsychotic drug treatment is also discussed. METHOD: 18 patients with schizophrenia and 19 healthy controls participated in this study. The Rod and Disc Test (RDT) was used to create an optokinetic surround around a centrally located rod. Participants aligned the rod to their subjective visual vertical (SVV) in both static and dynamic disc conditions. VD was calculated as the difference in SVV between these two conditions. RESULTS: There was no group difference or gender difference in static or dynamic SVV as well as VD. There was no correlation between VD and any of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) scores, however VD was significantly correlated to illness duration in the patient group. CONCLUSIONS: Schizophrenia is not associated with greater VD levels at a perceptual level, compared to controls, indicating adequate visuo-vestibular integration for judging line verticality in these patients. Patients with greater chronicity of the disease are more visually dependent than those less chronically ill, consistent with previous reports of possible vestibular dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia. This may affect their daily functioning in dynamic visual environments