22 research outputs found

    Femtosecond X-ray-induced fragmentation of fullerenes

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    A new class of femtosecond, intense, short – wavelength lasers – the free-electron laser – has opened up new opportunities to investigate the structure and dynamics in many scientific areas. These new lasers, whose performance keeps increasing, enable the understanding of physical and chemical changes at an atomic spatial scale and on the time scale of atomic motion which is essential for a broad range of scientific fields. We describe here the interaction of fullerenes in the multiphoton regime with the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser at SLAC National Laboratory. In particular, we report on new data regarding the ionization of Ho3N@C80 molecules and compare the results with our prior C60 investigation of radiation damage induced by the LCLS pulses. We also discuss briefly the potential impact of newly available instrumentation to physical and chemical sciences when they are coupled with FELs as well as theoretical calculations and modeling

    Diffractive imaging of dissociation and ground-state dynamics in a complex molecule

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    We have investigated the structural dynamics in photoexcited 1,2-diiodotetrafluoroethane molecules (C2F4I2) in the gas phase experimentally using ultrafast electron diffraction and theoretically using FOMO-CASCI excited-state dynamics simulations. The molecules are excited by an ultraviolet femtosecond laser pulse to a state characterized by a transition from the iodine 5p orbital to a mixed 5p||σ hole and CF2• antibonding orbital, which results in the cleavage of one of the carbon-iodine bonds. We have observed, with sub-Angstrom resolution, the motion of the nuclear wave packet of the dissociating iodine atom followed by coherent vibrations in the electronic ground state of the C2F4I radical. The radical reaches a stable classical (nonbridged) structure in less than 200 fs

    Diffractive imaging of dissociation and ground-state dynamics in a complex molecule

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    We have investigated the structural dynamics in photoexcited 1,2-diiodotetrafluoroethane molecules (C2F4I2 ) in the gas phase experimentally using ultrafast electron diffraction and theoretically using FOMO-CASCI excited-state dynamics simulations. The molecules are excited by an ultraviolet femtosecond laser pulse to a state characterized by a transition from the iodine 5p⊥ orbital to a mixed 5p ‖ σ hole and CF•2 antibonding orbital, which results in the cleavage of one of the carbon-iodine bonds. We have observed, with sub-Angstrom resolution, the motion of the nuclear wave packet of the dissociating iodine atom followed by coherent vibrations in the electronic ground state of the C2F4I radical. The radical reaches a stable classical (nonbridged) structure in less than 200 fs

    Femtosecond gas-phase mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction

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    The development of ultrafast gas electron diffraction with nonrelativistic electrons has enabled the determination of molecular structures with atomic spatial resolution. It has, however, been challenging to break the picosecond temporal resolution barrier and achieve the goal that has long been envisioned - making space- and-time resolved molecular movies of chemical reaction in the gas-phase. Recently, an ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) apparatus using mega-electron-volt (MeV) electrons was developed at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for imaging ultrafast structural dynamics of molecules in the gas phase. The SLAC gas-phase MeV UED has achieved 65 fs root mean square temporal resolution, 0.63 Ã… spatial resolution, and 0.22 Ã…-1 reciprocal-space resolution. Such high spatial-temporal resolution has enabled the capturing of real-time molecular movies of fundamental photochemical mechanisms, such as chemical bond breaking, ring opening, and a nuclear wave packet crossing a conical intersection. In this paper, the design that enables the high spatial-temporal resolution of the SLAC gas phase MeV UED is presented. The compact design of the differential pump section of the SLAC gas phase MeV UED realized five orders-of-magnitude vacuum isolation between the electron source and gas sample chamber. The spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and long-term stability of the apparatus are systematically characterized

    Unsupervised real world knowledge extraction via disentangled variational autoencoders for photon diagnostics

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    We present real world data processing on measured electron time of flight data via neural networks. Specifically, the use of disentangled variational autoencoders on data from a diagnostic instrument for online wavelength monitoring at the free electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Without a priori knowledge the network is able to find representations of single shot FEL spectra, which have a low signal to noise ratio. This reveals, in a directly human interpretable way, crucial information about the photon properties. The central photon energy and the intensity as well as very detector specific features are identified. The network is also capable of data cleaning, i.e. denoising, as well as the removal of artefacts. In the reconstruction, this allows for identification of signatures with very low intensity which are hardly recognisable in the raw data. In this particular case, the network enhances the quality of the diagnostic analysis at FLASH. However, this unsupervised method also has the potential to improve the analysis of other similar types of spectroscopy dat

    Ultrafast isomerization initiated by X-ray core ionization

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    Rapid proton migration is a key process in hydrocarbon photochemistry. Charge migration and subsequent proton motion can mitigate radiation damage when heavier atoms absorb X-rays. If rapid enough, this can improve the fidelity of diffract-before-destroy measurements of biomolecular structure at X-ray-free electron lasers. Here we study X-ray-initiated isomerization of acetylene, a model for proton dynamics in hydrocarbons. Our time-resolved measurements capture the transient motion of protons following X-ray ionization of carbon K-shell electrons. We Coulomb-explode the molecule with a second precisely delayed X-ray pulse and then record all the fragment momenta. These snapshots at different delays are combined into a ‘molecular movie’ of the evolving molecule, which shows substantial proton redistribution within the first 12 fs. We conclude that significant proton motion occurs on a timescale comparable to the Auger relaxation that refills the K-shell vacancy

    Mapping the fragmentation of acetylene with femtosecond resolution pump probe at LCLS using 2, 3, and 4 particle coincidences.

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    A three-layer delay line anode detector has been used in x-ray pump x-ray probe time-resolved measurement at LCLS. We used ~10 fs long pulses to initiate and probe ultrafast dynamics in the dication of acetylene. The dynamics are discerned from the temporal evolution of multi-particle coincidences

    Direct Comparison of Multi-photon and EUV Single-Photon Probing of Molecular Relaxation Processes

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    We present a new setup for time-resolved photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy allowing for single-photon EUV or multi-photon NIR ionization. Comparison of the two different probe schemes reveals disagreements shedding light on the underlying advantages of different probes

    Femtosecond gas-phase mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction

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    The development of ultrafast gas electron diffraction with nonrelativistic electrons has enabled the determination of molecular structures with atomic spatial resolution. It has, however, been challenging to break the picosecond temporal resolution barrier and achieve the goal that has long been envisioned—making space- and-time resolved molecular movies of chemical reaction in the gas-phase. Recently, an ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) apparatus using mega-electron-volt (MeV) electrons was developed at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for imaging ultrafast structural dynamics of molecules in the gas phase. The SLAC gas-phase MeV UED has achieved 65 fs root mean square temporal resolution, 0.63A˚ spatial resolution, and 0.22A˚-1 reciprocal-space resolution. Such high spatial-temporal resolution has enabled the capturing of real-time molecular movies of fundamental photochemical mechanisms, such as chemical bond breaking, ring opening, and a nuclear wave packet crossing a conical intersection. In this paper, the design that enables the high spatial-temporal resolution of the SLAC gas phase MeV UED is presented. The compact design of the differential pump section of the SLAC gas phase MeV UED realized five orders-of-magnitude vacuum isolation between the electron source and gas sample chamber. The spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and long-term stability of the apparatus are systematically characterized