562 research outputs found

    Wie behandle ich den kardiovaskulären Notfall?

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    Development and analysis of radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles for positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Nanoparticles possess unique characteristics that make them well suited for molecular imaging. Particles can be synthesized in a systematic fashion with tight control over diameter and surface chemistry. Contrary to existing gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents, nanoparticle MRI contrast agents circulate in the blood for long periods of time, offer higher sensitivity, and exhibit little known toxicity. The qualities of nanoparticles are also well suited to the design of PET probes. Because of their large surface area nanoparticles can be radiolabeled at high specific activity, increasing the sensitivity of detection as well as the payload of therapeutic isotopes. The work presented here focuses on the development and biological application of novel radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles for multimodal PET/MRI imaging. The nanoparticle probes contained crystalline iron oxide cores capable of producing strong MRI contrast. Cores were coated with either a micelle composed of functionalized PEGylated lipids, or a cross-linked dextran shell modified with heterobifuntional PEG polymers. For PET imaging, magnetic nanoparticles were labeled with the radionuclide 64Cu. Copper‐64 is a cyclotron produced positron emitter used for PET imaging. With a 12.7 hour half-life, 64Cu can be used to image particles in vivo for up to 48 hr and can be used to evaluate ex vivo biodistribution for 72 hours. 64Cu nuclides also undergo β‐ decay, making it a useful isotope for radiotherapy. Nanoparticles were labeled with 64Cu and PET and MRI contrast and evaluated using phantoms. Pharmacokinetic information was measured using in vivo small animal PET/CT and ex vivo biodistribution at multiple time points. Particles were targeted to the angiogenesis marker αvβ3 integrin using a cyclized arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) peptide with high affinity for αvβ3 and tested in two tumor models. A unilateral tumor model was constructed using the αvβ3-positive U87MG glioblastoma line, and a bilateral model was constructed using the M21 (αvβ3 positive) and M21L (αvβ3 negative) melanoma lines. In vivo PET/CT and MRI showed that targeted nanoparticles produced both PET and MRI contrast in tumors. In conclusion, we report the development of magnetic nanoparticles for dual‐PET/MR imaging. These findings provide insight into the design and development of future multimodality PET/MRI probes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Gang Bao; Committee Member: Kurt D. Pennell; Committee Member: Mark M. Goodman; Committee Member: Xiaoping P. Hu; Committee Member: Yadong Wan

    Review of the kinetics of alkaline degradation of cellulose in view of its relevance for safety assessment of radioactive waste repositories

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    The degradation of cellulose (a substantial component of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste) under alkaline conditions occurs via two main processes: a peeling-off reaction and a basecatalyzed cleavage of glycosidic bonds (hydrolysis). Both processes show pseudo-first-order kinetics. At ambient temperature, the peeling-off process is the dominant degradation mechanism, resulting in the formation of mainly isosaccharinic acid. The degradation depends strongly on the degree of polymerization (DP) and on the number of reducing end groups present in cellulose. Beyond pH 12.5, the OH- concentration has only a minor effect on the degradation rate. It was estimated that under repository conditions (alkaline environment, pH 13.3-12.5) about 10% of the cellulosic materials (average DP = 1000-2000) will degrade in the first stage (up to 105 years) by the peeling-off reaction and will cause an ingrowth of isosaccharinic acid in the interstitial cement pore water. In the second stage (105-106 years), alkaline hydrolysis will control the further degradation of the cellulose. The potential role of microorganisms in the degradation of cellulose under alkaline conditions could not be evaluated. Proper assessment of the effect of cellulose degradation on the mobilization of radionuclides basically requires knowing the concentration of isosaccharinic acid in the pore water. This concentration, however, depends on several factors such as the stability of ISA under alkaline conditions, sorption of ISA on cement, formation of sparingly soluble ISA-salts, etc. A discussion of all the relevant processes involved, however, is far beyond the scope of the presented overvie

    Cough and dyspnea - cardiogenic or non-cardiogenic?

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    Evaluation of an Electrolyte Analyser for Measurement of Concentrations of Ionized Calcium and Magnesium in Cats

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the Nova CRT 8 electrolyte analyser for determination of concentrations of ionized calcium (Cai) and magnesium (Mgi) in cats, todetermine the effects of sample handling and storage and to establish reference ranges. The precision and analytical accuracy of the Nova CRT 8 analyser were good. The concentrations of Cai and Mgi were significantly lower in aerobically handled serum samples than in those handled anaerobically. The concentrations of Cai and Mgi differed significantly among whole blood, plasma and serum. In anaerobically handled serum, the concentration of Cai was stable for 8 h at 22°C, for 5 days at 4°C and for 1 week at −20°C. The concentration of Mgi was stable for 4 h at 22°C but for less than 24 h at 4°C and for less than 1 week at −20°C. In serum from 36 cats, the reference ranges were 1.20-1.35 mmol/L for Cai and 0.47-0.59 mmol/L for Mgi. The Nova CRT 8 electrolyte analyser is suitable for determination of Cai and Mgi concentrations in cats. Anaerobically handled serum samples are recommended and, stored at room temperature, they yield accurate results when analysed within 4

    Effects of Breed, Exercise, and a Two-Month Training Period on NT-proBNP-Levels in Athletic Dogs

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    N-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) is a cardiac biomarker used to detect myocardial wall stress. Physical activity and cardiac disease can affect serum NTproBNP concentrations. In people, different types of physical activity have different effects on NTproBNP. Our hypothesis was that physical activity and training have an effect on NTproBNP concentrations depending on the type of exercise and the intensity. Seven German Shepherd dogs (GSD) under military training performing short bursts of fast-paced interval exercise and seven Eurohounds (EHs) training for racing competition with endurance exercise were included in the study. Blood samples were taken at enrollment (T0) and after a two-month (T2mth) training period; on both occasions, the samples were acquired before and after physical exercise. An echocardiographic evaluation was performed at T0. Echocardiographic heart size was larger in the EHs compared to the GSDs. The NTproBNP concentration was higher in the EHs than in the GSDs before and after exercise at T0 and T2mth. Echocardiographic parameters of heart size and wall thickness correlated with NTproBNP at T0 before and after exercise. Exercise induced an elevation of NTproBNP in the EHs at T0 and T2mth, while in the GSDs this was observed only at T0. In the EHs, post exercise was associated with higher NTproBNP at T2mth compared to T0, while in the GSDs the opposite pattern was noticed. From our study, the serum NTproBNP concentration differs between breeds. Intense physical activity causes an increase in NTproBNP. A two-month training period does not affect the NTproBNP concentration at rest. Intense physical activity may increase NTproBNP above the reference range in individual dogs

    Gluon fusion into Higgs pairs at NLO QCD and the top mass scheme

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    We present the calculation of the full next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion at the LHC, including the exact top-mass dependence in the two-loop virtual and one-loop real corrections. This is the first independent cross-check of the NLO QCD corrections presented in the literature before. Our calculation relies on numerical integrations of Feynman integrals, stabilised with integration-by-parts and a Richardson extrapolation to the narrow width approximation. We present results for the total cross section as well as for the invariant Higgs-pair-mass distribution at the LHC, including for the first time a study of the uncertainty due to the scheme and scale choice for the top mass in the loops