239 research outputs found

    A real-time fingerprint-based indoor positioning using deep learning and preceding states

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    In fingerprint-based positioning methods, the received signal strength (RSS) vectors from access points are measured at reference points and saved in a database. Then, this dataset is used for the training phase of a pattern recognition algorithm. Several noise types impact the signals in radio channels, and RSS values are corrupted correspondingly. These noises can be mitigated by averaging the RSS samples. In real-time applications, the users cannot wait to collect uncorrelated RSS samples to calculate their average in the online phase of the positioning process. In this paper, we propose a solution for this problem by leveraging the distribution of RSS samples in the offline phase and the preceding state of the user in the online phase. In the first step, we propose a fast and accurate positioning algorithm using a deep neural network (DNN) to learn the distribution of available RSS samples instead of averaging them at the offline phase. Then, the similarity of an online RSS sample to the RPs’ fingerprints is obtained to estimate the user’s location. Next, the proposed DNN model is combined with a novel state-based positioning method to more accurately estimate the user’s location. Extensive experiments on both benchmark and our collected datasets in two different scenarios (single RSS sample and many RSS samples for each user in the online phase) verify the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared with traditional regression algorithms such as deep neural network regression, Gaussian process regression, random forest, and weighted KNN

    Compressed Sensing based Dynamic PSD Map Construction in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In the context of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, collaborative spectrum sensing has been proposed as a way to overcome multipath and shadowing, and hence increasing the reliability of the sensing. Due to the high amount of information to be transmitted, a dynamic compressive sensing approach is proposed to map the PSD estimate to a sparse domain which is then transmitted to the fusion center. In this regard, CRs send a compressed version of their estimated PSD to the fusion center, whose job is to reconstruct the PSD estimates of the CRs, fuse them, and make a global decision on the availability of the spectrum in space and frequency domains at a given time. The proposed compressive sensing based method considers the dynamic nature of the PSD map, and uses this dynamicity in order to decrease the amount of data needed to be transmitted between CR sensors’ and the fusion center. By using the proposed method, an acceptable PSD map for cognitive radio purposes can be achieved by only 20 % of full data transmission between sensors and master node. Also, simulation results show the robustness of the proposed method against the channel variations, diverse compression ratios and processing times in comparison with static methods

    Confidence interval estimation for fingerprint-based indoor localization

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    Fingerprint-based localization methods provide high accuracy location estimation, which use machine learning algorithms to recognize the statistical patterns of collected data. In these methods, the users’ locations can be estimated based on the received signal strength vectors from some transmitters. However, the data collection is a labor-intensive phase, and the collected data should be updated periodically. Many researchers have contributed to reducing this cost. The easiest way to remove the data collection cost is to use fingerprints generated by the model-based approaches, in which the trained machine learning algorithm can be updated based on the environment changes. Probabilistic-based localization algorithms, in addition to the user location, can estimate a region of interest called 2σ confidence interval in which the probability of user presence is 95%. Gaussian process regression (GPR) is a probabilistic method that can be used to achieve this goal. However, conventional GPR (CGPR) cannot accurately estimate the confidence interval when noise-free fingerprints generated by the model-based approaches are used in the training phase. In this paper, we propose a novel GPR-based localization algorithm, named enhanced GPR (EGPR), which improves the accuracy level of confidence interval estimation compared to the existing methods while fixing the level of computational complexity in the online phase. We also theoretically prove that GPR-based algorithms are minimum variance unbiased and efficient estimators. Experiments under line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight conditions demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over counterparts in terms of accuracy as well as applicability in real-time localization systems

    Joint Coordinate Optimization in Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning

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    Fingerprint-based indoor positioning uses pattern recognition algorithms (PRAs) to estimate the users’ locations in wireless local area network environments, where satellite-based positioning methods cannot work properly. Traditionally, the training phase of PRA is separately conducted for \u1d465 and \u1d466 coordinates. However, the received signal strength from access points is a unique fingerprint for each measured point, not for \u1d465 and \u1d466 coordinates separately. In this letter, we propose a method to jointly employ the \u1d465 and \u1d466 coordinates during the training phase using a novel PRA-based Gaussian process regression (GPR), named 2D-GPR. Experimental results show that the proposed 2D-GPR improves the accuracy of positioning more than 40\u1d450\u1d45a in limited data samples and has a lower calculation cost compared with conventional GPR

    CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Multi-Input Multi-Output Autoencoder and Fine-Tuning

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    Wi-Fi-based human activity recognition (HAR) has gained considerable attention recently due to its ease of use and the availability of its infrastructures and sensors. Channel state information (CSI) captures how Wi-Fi signals are transmitted through the environment. Using channel state information of the received signals transmitted from Wi-Fi access points, human activity can be recognized with more accuracy compared with the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). However, in many scenarios and applications, there is a serious limit in the volume of training data because of cost, time, or resource constraints. In this study, multiple deep learning models have been trained for HAR to achieve an acceptable accuracy level while using less training data compared to other machine learning techniques. To do so, a pre-trained encoder which is trained using only a limited number of data samples, is utilized for feature extraction. Then, by using fine-tuning, this encoder is utilized in the classifier, which is trained by a fraction of the rest of the data, and the training is continued alongside the rest of the classifier’s layers. Simulation results show that by using only 50% of the training data, there is a 20% improvement compared with the case where the encoder is not used. We also showed that by using an untrainable encoder, an accuracy improvement of 11% using 50% of the training data is achievable with a lower complexity level

    CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) as an emerging technology can have undeniable impacts on several applications such as health monitoring, context-aware systems, transportation, robotics, and smart cities. Among the main research methods in HAR (sensor, image, and WiFi-based), the WiFi-based method has attracted considerable attention due to the ubiquity of WiFi devices. WiFi devices can be utilized to distinguish daily activities such as “walk”, “run”, and “sleep”. These activities affect WiFi signal propagation and can be further used to recognize activities. This paper proposes a Deep Learning method for HAR tasks using channel state information (CSI). A new model is developed in which CSI data are converted to grayscale images. These images are then fed into a 2D-Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for activity classification. We take advantage of CNN's high accuracy on image classification along with WiFi-based ubiquity. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves acceptable performance in HAR tasks

    A CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become quite popular due to advancements in Information and Communications technologies and has revolutionized the entire research area in Human Activity Recognition (HAR). For the HAR task, vision-based and sensor-based methods can present better data but at the cost of users’ inconvenience and social constraints such as privacy issues. Due to the ubiquity of WiFi devices, the use of WiFi in intelligent daily activity monitoring for elderly persons has gained popularity in modern healthcare applications. Channel State Information (CSI) as one of the characteristics ofWiFi signals, can be utilized to recognize different human activities. We have employed a Raspberry Pi 4 to collect CSI data for seven different human daily activities, and converted CSI data to images and then used these images as inputs of a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier. Our experiments have shown that the proposed CSI-based HAR outperforms other competitor methods including 1D-CNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Bi-directional LSTM, and achieves an accuracy of around 95% for seven activities

    Using Synthetic Data to Enhance the Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Localization: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Human-centered data collection is typically costly and implicates issues of privacy. Various solutions have been proposed in the literature to reduce this cost, such as crowd-sourced data collection, or the use of semisupervised algorithms. However, semisupervised algorithms require a source of unlabeled data, and crowd-sourcing methods require numbers of active participants. An alternative passive data collection modality is fingerprint-based localization. Such methods use received signal strength or channel state information in wireless sensor networks to localize users in indoor/outdoor environments. In this letter, we introduce a novel approach to reduce training data collection costs in fingerprint-based localization by using synthetic data. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are used to learn the distribution of a limited sample of collected data and, following this, to produce synthetic data that can be used to augment the real collected data in order to increase overall positioning accuracy. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset show that by applying the proposed method and using a combination of 10% collected data and 90% synthetic data, we can obtain essentially similar positioning accuracy to that which would be obtained by using the full set of collected data. This means that by employing GAN-generated synthetic data, we can use 90% less real data, thereby reducing data-collection costs while achieving acceptable accuracy

    Throughput Improvement by Mode Selection in Hybrid Duplex Wireless Networks

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    Hybrid duplex wireless networks, use half duplex (HD) as well as full duplex (FD) modes to utilize the advantages of both technologies. This paper tries to determine the proportion of the network nodes that should be in HD or FD modes in such networks, to maximize the overall throughput of all FD and HD nodes. Here, by assuming imperfect self-interference cancellation (SIC) and using ALOHA protocol, the local optimum densities of FD, HD and idle nodes are obtained in a given time slot, using Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions as well as stochastic geometry tool. We also obtain the sub-optimal value of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) threshold constrained by fixed node densities, using the steepest descent method in order to maximize the network throughput. The results show that in such networks, the proposed hybrid duplex mode selection scheme improves the level of throughput. The results also indicate the effect of imperfect SIC on reducing the throughput. Moreover, it is demonstrated that by choosing an optimal SIR threshold for mode selection process, the achievable throughput in such networks can increase by around 5%
