168 research outputs found

    Real-Time fusion of visual images and laser data images for safe navigation in outdoor environments

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    [EN]In recent years, two dimensional laser range finders mounted on vehicles is becoming a fruitful solution to achieve safety and environment recognition requirements (Keicher & Seufert, 2000), (Stentz et al., 2002), (DARPA, 2007). They provide real-time accurate range measurements in large angular fields at a fixed height above the ground plane, and enable robots and vehicles to perform more confidently a variety of tasks by fusing images from visual cameras with range data (Baltzakis et al., 2003). Lasers have normally been used in industrial surveillance applications to detect unexpected objects and persons in indoor environments. In the last decade, laser range finder are moving from indoor to outdoor rural and urban applications for 3D imaging (Yokota et al., 2004), vehicle guidance (Barawid et al., 2007), autonomous navigation (Garcia-Pérez et al., 2008), and objects recognition and classification (Lee & Ehsani, 2008), (Edan & Kondo, 2009), (Katz et al., 2010). Unlike industrial applications, which deal with simple, repetitive and well-defined objects, cameralaser systems on board off-road vehicles require advanced real-time techniques and algorithms to deal with dynamic unexpected objects. Natural environments are complex and loosely structured with great differences among consecutive scenes and scenarios. Vision systems still present severe drawbacks, caused by lighting variability that depends on unpredictable weather conditions. Camera-laser objects feature fusion and classification is still a challenge within the paradigm of artificial perception and mobile robotics in outdoor environments with the presence of dust, dirty, rain, and extreme temperature and humidity. Real time relevant objects perception, task driven, is a main issue for subsequent actions decision in safe unmanned navigation. In comparison with industrial automation systems, the precision required in objects location is usually low, as it is the speed of most rural vehicles that operate in bounded and low structured outdoor environments. To this aim, current work is focused on the development of algorithms and strategies for fusing 2D laser data and visual images, to accomplish real-time detection and classification of unexpected objects close to the vehicle, to guarantee safe navigation. Next, class information can be integrated within the global navigation architecture, in control modules, such as, stop, obstacle avoidance, tracking or mapping.Section 2 includes a description of the commercial vehicle, robot-tractor DEDALO and the vision systems on board. Section 3 addresses some drawbacks in outdoor perception. Section 4 analyses the proposed laser data and visual images fusion method, focused in the reduction of the visual image area to the region of interest wherein objects are detected by the laser. Two methods of segmentation are described in Section 5, to extract the shorter area of the visual image (ROI) resulting from the fusion process. Section 6 displays the colour based classification results of the largest segmented object in the region of interest. Some conclusions are outlined in Section 7, and acknowledgements and references are displayed in Section 8 and Section 9.projects: CICYT- DPI-2006-14497 by the Science and Innovation Ministry, ROBOCITY2030 I y II: Service Robots-PRICIT-CAM-P-DPI-000176- 0505, and SEGVAUTO: Vehicle Safety-PRICIT-CAM-S2009-DPI-1509 by Madrid State Government.Peer reviewe

    Estación de ensayos para la caracterización de celdas de combustible de membrana de intercambio protónico con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con carga electrónica integrada

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    Estación de ensayos para la caracterización de celdas de combustible de membrana de intercambio protónico con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con carga electrónica integrada. Estación de Ensayos Para la Caracterización de Celdas de Combustible de Membrana de Intercambio Protónico (PEMFC) con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con Carga Electrónica integrada es un sistema para la gestión de gases en una PEMFC que simplificar el control, integrando componentes industriales de alta fiabilidad y robustez. Un sistema desarrollado para facilitar el procesamiento de la información, dotado de una arquitectura de medida y control de carácter innovador que permite el uso de dispositivos de elevadas prestaciones a coste competitivo frente a los equipos de laboratorio similares existentes en el mercado, con una arquitectura de tratamiento de datos compuesta por un procesador central y 4 subsistemas.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Determinación de sulfuros de hierro en pizarras para cubiertas del noroeste de España

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    The most important production of roofing slates in the world is quarried from the Ordovician formations of the Truchas Syncline, which have the largest amount of working quarries. Roofing slates, sometimes, have crystallized iron sulphides such as pyrite, pyrrhotite and other minerals. These iron sulphides oxidise and stain the tiles when are exposed to atmospheric conditions, so much oxidized how much more inclined is the roof. Galician quarrymen distinguish between harmless pyrite (i.e., resistant cubes of pyrite) and damaging pyrite (i.e., other alterable metallic minerals such as pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, marcasite and arsenopyirite). An improved identification method is proposed using both methods (a) chemical element ratios of samples under electron microprobes and (b) quantitative determination of the iron sulphides in the slate measuring the oxidized areas by digital camera. The analysed Fe/S ratios, in an XY plot, of seventy metallic samples, define three separated zones: pyrite, pyrrhotite and iron oxi-hydroxides. Quantitative determination of iron sulphides in the slate tile were performed by sinking the tile horizontally for six hours in oxygen peroxide (3% diluted) and capturing the oxidation areas with a magnetic camera and analysing the bitmap images with Sigma-Scan 5 software. The proposed method is faster than the Spanish UNE norm (UNE-EN- 12326-2 Sept.2000), which requires thermal strike cycles for a month. The necessary use of heavy analytical equipment such as electron microprobes can be facilitated by installing it in the Slate Technological Centre of Sobradelo de Valdeorras (Orense) or by using a simple optical stereoscopic zoom microscope to classify the iron minerals.Las formaciones ordovícicas del Sinclinal de Duchas concentran la mayor producción mundial de pizarra para cubiertas y el mayor número de canteras en producción. Las pizarras para cubiertas muchas veces contienen sulfuros de hierro cristalizados en forma de pirita, pirrotina y oíros minerales. Bajo condiciones atmosféricas, este tipo de sulfuros se oxida en las superficies y mancha las placas colocadas, tanto más cuanto más inclinado sea el tejado. Los productores de pizarra distinguen bien entre piritas inofensivas (es decir, cubos de pirita resistentes) y piritas oxidables (es decir, otros minerales metálicos rápidamente oxidables como pirrotina, calcopirita, marcasita y arsenopirita). Se propone una combinación de dos métodos: (a) una rutina de identificación más objetiva utilizando proporciones de elementos analizados por microsonda electrónica y (b) una determinación cuantitativa de áreas de sulfuros oxidados en planos de exfoliación (001) de pizarra mediante registro fotográfico digital. Las relaciones obtenidas Fe/S de setenta muestras metálicas se representan en un gráfico XY y se definen bien tres zonas diferentes: pirita, pirrotina y oxi-hidróxidos de hierro. La determinación cuantitativa de sulfuros de hierro en la placa de pizarra fue llevada a cabo sumergiéndola seis horas horizontalmente en agua oxigenada y después registrando las oxidaciones con una cámara fotográfica digital y analizando los resultados con programa comercial de análisis de imagen (SigmaScan v.5). El método propuesto es mejor y más rápido que la norma Española UNE vigente (UNE-EN-12326-2), que supone varios ciclos de choques térmicos durante un mes. El inconveniente del uso obligado de una microsonda electrónica podría paliarse instalando una en el Centro Tecnológico de la Pizarra de Sobradelo de Valdeorras (Orense) o utilizando una lupa binocular moderna para reconocer los minerales de hierro

    Autosuficiencia energética en la vivienda

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    Resumen Los edificios, junto al transporte suponen más de la mitad del consumo energético actual de combustible y de la contaminación a este asociada, de difícil solución por la dispersión de los procesos de combustión en poblaciones o carreteras. Esta distribución en la edificación de la demanda favorece el uso de energía solar, el recurso renovable más abundante y de fácil acceso sobre la superficie terrestre, especialmente adecuado en nuestro clima. El uso de tecnología solar requiere procesos de acumulación que garanticen la disponibilidad del calor excesivo del verano durante las frías noches de invierno así como la iluminación o las comunicaciones durante la noche en base a la radiación recibida en las horas de radiación solar. El trabajo describe la posibilidad de captura térmica en la cubierta con almacenamiento selectivo en el subsuelo capaz de satisfacer la demanda de energía para climatización de la vivienda a lo largo del año a un coste ,muy bajo. La energía eléctrica de "alta calidad" se genera y acumulé1localmente en forma de hidrógeno para alimentar según demanda mediante una pila de combustible. Con la tecnología actual, aún en pleno desarrollo, el balance es claramente positivo lo que significa la posibilidad de autosuficiencia energética para una parte considerable de las viviendas.El MEC ha financiado el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos de hidrógeno en el proyecto "Diseño y realización de una nueva Pila de Combustible polimérica de bajo coste y alta eficacia" MCYT- ENE2005-09124-C04-02/ALT. y el CSIC ha financiado la generación de hidrógeno a partir de residuos orgánicos. El P.S.E. INVISO para industrialización de la vivienda sostenible financia el desarrollo integral de estos sistemas.Peer reviewe

    Non Equilibrium Electronic Distribution in Single Electron Devices

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    The electronic distribution in devices with sufficiently small diemnsions may not be in thermal equilibrium with their surroundings. Systems where the occupancies of electronic states are solely determined by tunneling processes are analyzed. It is shown that the effective temperature of the device may be higher, or lower, than that of its environment, depending on the applied voltage and the energy dependence of the tunneling rates. The I-V characteristics become asymmetric. Comparison with recent experiments is made

    Phase diagram and influence of defects in the double perovskites

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    The phase diagram of the double perovskites of the type Sr_{2-x} La_x Fe Mo O_6 is analyzed, with and without disorder due to antisites. In addition to an homogeneous half metallic ferrimagnetic phase in the absence of doping and disorder, we find antiferromagnetic phases at large dopings, and other ferrimagnetic phases with lower saturation magnetization, in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, some errata correcte

    Resolución de enigmas geológicos e históricos utilizando técnicas gemológicas avanzadas: Caso del ópalo noble de Franco Dávila (1772)

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    The large precious opal weighting 33 grams fitted in a silver jewel and exposed to visitors at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) is well documented in: (i) its own mounting (1772), (ii) at the 775 document of the Archive of the MNCN and (iii) the 395 specimen described in the of Pedro Franco Dávila catalogue. The X-ray diffractogram (XRD) performed onto the opal block is very similar to other opals of volcanic origin containing varied amounts of cristobalite, tridymite and amorphous silica. The Raman spectrum shows a band peaked at 242, 343 and 416 cm-1 associated with O-Si-O stretching groups; other spectral band peaked at 780 and 819 cm-1 corresponding to vibration of symmetrical O-Si-O rings of 3 and 4 link members, plus other minor bands. The Raman spectrum is also very similar to those observed in Mexican opals of volcanic origin containing an spectral band of stretching nodes v1 (OH) at 3233, 3393, 3511, 3628 cm-1 related to OH groups with hydrogen bonds of isolated silanol groups. The interferometric confocal dual microscope 3D (MCI3D), which is a nondestructive facility of high resolution and LED technology reveals the geometry of graver tools on the silver jewel and the computed tomography X-ray highlights the opal cutting as a squared princess type and silver chloride infillings of a crack probably caused by a shock on a corner. Under the scanning electron microscope we observed barite, sealed veins of silica rich in Mn and opal with high contents of Al and K which, along with the historical data, the piece can be attributed to the historical site of opals hosted in Slovakia andesite rocks, this data explains the optical light behavior in the cabochon. The silver jewel has large amounts of Hg and AgCl indicating amalgam method. In addition the natural AgS2 phases probably come from Nueva España (year 1772) in full production of silver in such time. The association of new analytical non-destructive techniques combines the preservation of samples together with significant analytical data allowing us to deduce genetic mineral processes, provenances and manufacturing techniques of materials. These facilities allow the characterization, interpretation, conservation and enhancement of cultural and archaeological heritage.Un gran ópalo noble de 33 gramos engastado en montura de plata dorada está expuesto al público en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN). Esta pieza histórica está documentada en su propia montura (año 1772), en el legajo 775 del Archivo del Museo y en la muestra 395 del Catálogo de muestras de Pedro Franco Dávila. Su patrón de difracción de rayos X (DRX) es muy parecido al de otros ópalos de origen volcánico y contiene cantidades variables de cristobalita, tridimita y sílice amorfa. El espectro Raman muestra una banda con picos a 242, 343 y 416 cm-1 asociados a deformaciones O-Si-O; otra con picos a 780 y 819 cm-1 de vibraciones de tensión simétricas O-Si-O de anillos de 3 y 4 eslabones y otras menores. El espectro Raman es similar a los de ópalos mexicanos de origen volcánico y muestra una banda con nodos de tensión v1 (OH) a 3233, 3393, 3511, 3628 cm-1 relacionados con grupos OH con enlaces de hidrógeno con grupos silanoles aislados. Mediante microscopía dual confocal interferométrica 3D (MCI3D), que es una técnica no destructiva de alta resolución y tecnología LED, se desvela la geometría de grabado del buril sobre la montura mientras que la tomografía computerizada de rayos X destaca la talla cuadrada de tipo carre-princesa y los rellenos de AgCl de una fisura. Bajo microscopia electrónica de barrido ambiental (MEBA) se han observado baritinas, filoncillos de sílice enriquecida en Mn y elevados contenidos de Al y K. Estos datos, junto con la información histórica sugieren que la pieza procede de los yacimientos históricos de ópalos encajados en andesitas de Eslovaquia y explican la compleja óptica del cabujón. El marco de Ag tiene Hg y AgCl que indican su extracción por amalgama; además tiene Ag2S que podría provenir de Nueva España, entonces (año 1772) en plena producción de plata. La asociación de varias técnicas analíticas no-destructivas preserva la integridad de esta pieza histórica aportando datos analíticos significativos que permiten deducir procesos genéticos de minerales, procedencias y técnicas de manufactura de materiales. Todo ello facilita la caracterización, interpretación, conservación y valorización del patrimonio cultural y arqueológico

    Solving spin quantum-master equations with matrix continued-fraction methods: application to superparamagnets

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    We implement continued-fraction techniques to solve exactly quantum master equations for a spin with arbitrary S coupled to a (bosonic) thermal bath. The full spin density matrix is obtained, so that along with relaxation and thermoactivation, coherent dynamics is included (precession, tunnel, etc.). The method is applied to study isotropic spins and spins in a bistable anisotropy potential (superparamagnets). We present examples of static response, the dynamical susceptibility including the contribution of the different relaxation modes, and of spin resonance in transverse fields.Comment: Resubmitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. Some rewriting here and there. Discussion on positivity in App.D3 at request of one refere

    Discontinuous transitions in double exchange materials

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    It is shown that the double exchange Hamiltonian, with weak antiferromagnetic interactions, has a rich variety of first order transitions between phases with different electronic densities and/or magnetizations. For band fillings in the range 0.3x0.50.3 \le x \le 0.5, and at finite temperatures, a discontinuous transition between phases with similar electronic densities but different magnetizations takes place. This sharp transition, which is not suppressed by electrostatic effects, and survives in the presence of an applied field, is consistent with the phenomenology of the doped manganites near the transition temperature.Comment: three more variational ansatzs considere

    Expression of spidroin proteins in the silk glands of golden orb-weaver spiders.

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    The expression of spidroins in the major ampullate, minor ampullate, flagelliform, and tubuliform silk glands of Trichonephila clavipes spiders was analyzed using proteomics analysis techniques. Spidroin peptides were identified and assigned to different gene products based on sequence concurrence when compared with the whole genome of the spider. It was found that only a relatively low proportion of the spidroin genes are expressed as proteins in any of the studied glands. In addition, the expression of spidroin genes in different glands presents a wide range of patterns, with some spidroins being found in a single gland exclusively, while others appear in the content of several glands. The combination of precise genomics, proteomics, microstructural, and mechanical data provides new insights both on the design principles of these materials and how these principles might be translated for the production of high-performance bioinspired artificial fibers.Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes(Spain), Grant/Award Numbers: PGC2018‐097019‐B‐I00, PID2020‐116403RB‐I00;Instituto de Salud Carlos III,Grant/Award Number: CB16/11/00277;Comunidad de Madrid, Grant/Award Numbers:NEUROCENTRO‐B2017/BMD‐3760,Tec4Bio‐CM/P2018/NMT‐4443 Spiders were reared by Oscar Campos (Reptilmadrid S.L., Spain). The artwork was made by Carmen Calvo. This study was funded by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grants NEUROCENTRO‐ B2017/BMD‐3760 and Tec4Bio‐CM/P2018/NMT‐4443. This study was also supported by Spanish Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes (PGC2018‐097019‐B‐I00 and PID2020‐116403RB‐I00), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CB16/11/00277); Plataforma de Recursos Biomoleculares PRB3 (ProteoRed; PT17/0019/0003)). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV‐2015‐0505).S