1,633 research outputs found

    High resolution satellite imagery orientation accuracy assessment by leave-one-out method: accuracy index selection and accuracy uncertainty

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    The Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) was recently applied to the evaluation of High Resolution Satellite Imagery orientation accuracy and it has proven to be an effective method alternative with respect to the most common Hold-out-validation (HOV), in which ground points are split into two sets, Ground Control Points used for the orientation model estimation and Check Points used for the model accuracy assessment. On the contrary, the LOOCV applied to HRSI implies the iterative application of the orientationmodel using all the known ground points as GCPs except one, different in each iteration, used as a CP. In every iteration the residual between imagery derived coordinates with respect to CP coordinates (prediction error of the model on CP coordinates) is calculated; the overall spatial accuracy achievable from the oriented image may be estimated by computing the usual RMSE or, better, a robust accuracy index like the mAD (median Absolute Deviation) of prediction errors on all the iterations. In this way it is possible to overcome some drawbacks of the HOV: LOOCVis a reliable and robustmethod, not dependent on a particular set of CPs and on possible outliers, and it allows us to use each known ground point both as a GCP and as a CP, capitalising all the available ground information. This is a crucial problem in current situations, when the number of GCPs to be collected must be reduced as much as possible for obvious budget problems. The fundamentalmatter to deal with was to assess howwell LOOCVindexes (mADand RMSE) are able to represent the overall accuracy, that is howmuch they are stable and close to the corresponding HOV RMSE assumed as reference. Anyway, in the first tests the indexes comparison was performed in a qualitative way, neglecting their uncertainty. In this work the analysis has been refined on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations, starting from the actual accuracy of ground points and images coordinates, estimating the desired accuracy indexes (e.g. mAD and RMSE) in several trials, computing their uncertainty (standard deviation) and accounting for them in the comparison. Tests were performed on a QuickBird Basic image implementing an ad hoc procedure within the SISAR software developed by the Geodesy and Geomatics Team at the Sapienza University of Rome. The LOOCV method with accuracy evaluated by mAD seemed promising and useful for practical case

    TTF-1/p63-positive poorly differentiated NSCLC: A histogenetic hypothesis from the basal reserve cell of the terminal respiratory unit

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    TTF-1 is expressed in the alveolar epithelium and in the basal cells of distal terminal bronchioles. It is considered the most sensitive and specific marker to define the adenocarcinoma arising from the terminal respiratory unit (TRU). TTF-1, CK7, CK5/6, p63 and p40 are useful for typifying the majority of non-small-cell lung cancers, with TTF and CK7 being typically expressed in adenocarcinomas and the latter three being expressed in squamous cell carcinoma. As tumors with coexpression of both TTF-1 and p63 in the same cells are rare, we describe different cases that coexpress them, suggesting a histogenetic hypothesis of their origin. We report 10 cases of poorly differentiated non-small-cell lung carcinoma (PD-NSCLC). Immunohistochemistry was performed by using TTF-1, p63, p40 (∆Np63), CK5/6 and CK7. EGFR and BRAF gene mutational analysis was performed by using real-time PCR. All the cases showed coexpression of p63 and TTF-1. Six of them showing CK7+ and CK5/6− immunostaining were diagnosed as “TTF-1+ p63+ adenocarcinoma”. The other cases of PD-NSCLC, despite the positivity for CK5/6, were diagnosed as “adenocarcinoma, solid variant”, in keeping with the presence of TTF-1 expression and p40 negativity. A “wild type” genotype of EGFR was evidenced in all cases. TTF1 stained positively the alveolar epithelium and the basal reserve cells of TRU, with the latter also being positive for p63. The coexpression of p63 and TTF-1 could suggest the origin from the basal reserve cells of TRU and represent the capability to differentiate towards different histogenetic lines. More aggressive clinical and morphological features could characterize these “basal-type tumors” like those in the better known “basal-like” cancer of the breast

    Palermo tra aspirazioni Euro-Mediterranee e processi innovativi

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 quello di fornire una panoramica dei cambiamenti culturali, sociali ed economici che si sono verificati a Palermo a partire dal 90 ', fornedo per quanto possibile un quadro di riferimento per il pensiero, il dibattito e l'azione politica nelle grandi aree metropolitane del Mezzogiorno mediterraneo che come Plaermo rappresenatano un punto di contatto culturale e un luogo per nuove opportunit\ue0, non solo commerciali, ma anche sociali e turistiche. Una reinterpretazione del sistema di innovazione in Sicilia che si configura come una rete di tipo policentrica, i cui nodi sono rappresentati dalla citt\ue0 di Palermo, Catania e Messina. In questo contesto, a Palermo, dove il settore dei servizi \ue8 ancora il pi\uf9 importante settore produttivo, si pu\uf2 notare un recente processo di "metamorfosi" che le recenti politiche di sviluppo regionale hanno tentato di favorire grazie ad ingenti investimenti in innovazione e ricerca

    Common faith or parting ways? A time varying parameters factor analysis of euro-area inflation

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    We analyze the interaction among the common and country specific components for the inflation rates in twelve euro area countries through a factor model with time varying parameters. The variation of the model parameters is driven by the score of the predictive likelihood, so that, conditionally on past data, the model is Gaussian and the likelihood function can be evaluated using the Kalman filter. The empirical analysis uncovers significant variation over time in the model parameters. We find that, over an extended time period, inflation persistence has fallen over time and the importance of common shocks has increased relatively to the idiosyncratic disturbances. According to the model, the fall in inflation observed since the sovereign debt crisis, is broadly a common phenomenon, since no significant cross country inflation differentials have emerged. Stressed countries, however, have been hit by unusually large shocks

    Evidence for Short Temporal Atmospheric Variations Observed by Infrasonic Signals: 1. The Troposphere

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    Infrasound monitoring is used in the forensic analysis of events, studying the physical processes of sources of interest, and probing the atmosphere. The dynamical nature of the atmosphere and the use of infrasound as a forensic tool lead to the following questions; (1) what is the timescale of atmospheric variability that affects infrasonic signals? (2) how do infrasound signals vary as a function of time? This study addresses these questions by monitoring a repetitive infrasound source and its corresponding tropospheric returns 54 km away. Source-receiver empirical Green\u27s functions are obtained every 20 s and used to demonstrate the effect of atmospheric temporal variability on infrasound propagation. In addition, observations are compared to predicted simulated signals based on realistic atmospheric conditions. Based on 127 events over 3 days, it is shown that infrasound properties change within tens of seconds. Particularly, phases can appear and disappear, the propagation time varies, and the signals\u27 energy fluctuates. Such variations are attributed to changes in temperatures and winds. Furthermore, atmospheric models can partly explain the observed changes. Therefore, this study highlights the potential of high temporal infrasound-based atmospheric sounding

    An assessment of case-fatality and infection-fatality rates of first and second COVID-19 waves in italy

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    Background and aim: The exact COVID-19 severity is still not well defined and it is hotly debated due to a few methodological issues such as the uncertainties about the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods: We investigated COVID-19 case-fatality rate and infection-fatality rate in 2020 in Italy, a country severely affected by the pandemic, basing our assessment on publicly available data, and calculating such measures during the first and second waves. Results: We found that province-specific crude case-fatality rate in the first wave (February-July 2020) had a median value of 12.0%. Data about infection-fatality rate was more difficult to compute, due to large underestimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first wave when asymptomatic individuals were very rarely tested. However, when using reference population-based seroprev-alence data for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies collected in May-July 2020, we computed an infection-fatality rate of 2.2%. During the second wave (Sep-Dec 2020), when SARS-CoV-2 testing was greatly increased and extended to many asymptomatic individuals, we could only compute a ‘hybrid’ case/infection-fatality rate with a value of 2.2%, similar to the infection-fatality rate of the first wave. Conclusions: Overall, this study al-lowed to assess the COVID-19 case-and infection-fatality rates in Italy before of variant spread and vaccine availability, confirming their high values compared with other airborne infections like influenza. Our findings for Italy were similar to those characterizing other Western European countries

    The Role of PARP Inhibitors in the Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment: Moving Forward From Synthetic Lethality

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    PARP inhibitors (PARPi) have shown promising clinical results and have revolutionized the landscape of ovarian cancer management in the last few years. While the core mechanism of action of these drugs has been largely analyzed, the interaction between PARP inhibitors and the microenvironment has been scarcely researched so far. Recent data shows a variety of mechanism through which PARPi might influence the tumor microenvironment and especially the immune system response, that might even partly be the reason behind PARPi efficacy. One of many pathways that are affected is the cGAS-cGAMP-STING; the upregulation of STING (stimulator of interferon genes), produces more Interferon ϒ and pro inflammatory cytokines, thus increasing intratumoral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Upregulation of immune checkpoints such as PD1-PDL1 has also been observed. Another interesting mechanism of interaction between PARPi and microenvironment is the ability of PARPi to kill hypoxic cells, as these cells show an intrinsic reduction in the expression and function of the proteins involved in HR. This process has been defined “contextual synthetic lethality”. Despite ovarian cancer having always been considered a poor responder to immune therapy, data is now shedding a new light on the matter. First, OC is much more heterogenous than previously thought, therefore it is fundamental to select predictive biomarkers for target therapies. While single agent therapies have not yielded significant results on the long term, influencing the immune system and the tumor microenvironment via the concomitant use of PARPi and other target therapies might be a more successful approach

    A model of plate motion

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    The wide use of space geodesy techniques devoted to geophysical and geodynamical purposes has recently evidenced some limitations due to the intrinsic Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) definition. Current TRFs are defined under hypotheses suited to overcome the rank deficiency of the observations with respect to the parameters that have to be estimated, i.e. coordinates and velocities (Dermanis, 2001; Dermanis, 2002). From a geodetic point of view, one possibility implies the application of the no-net-rotation condition (NNR). One of the main geophysical consequences due to the application of this condition is that it allows only accurate estimations of relative motions, whilst other motions of geodynamical interest, for instance with respect to the inner layers of the Earth body, are not determinable. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a unified way to describe plate motions, overcoming the problems introduced by the NNR condition, in order to establish a new reference frame useful for geodynamical applications too. Since we believe relevant the role played by global tectonics inferences, we introduce the concept of the main tectonic sinusoid to propose an analytical description of the plate motions flow, which is polarized to the “west” in the hotspot reference frame
