14,516 research outputs found

    Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in low mass X-ray binary sources and their relation with the neutron star magnetic field

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    Starting from the observation that kilohertz Quasi Period Oscillations (kHz QPO) occur in a very narrow range of X-ray luminosities in neutron star low mass X-ray binaries, we try to link the kHz QPO observability to variations of the neutron star magnetospheric radius, in response to changing mass inflow rate. At low luminosities, the drop off of kHz QPOs activity may be explained by the onset of the centrifugal barrier, when the magnetospheric radius reaches the corotation radius. At the opposite side, at higher luminosities, the magnetospheric radius may reach the neutron star and the vanishing of the magnetosphere may led to the stopping of the kHz QPOs activity. If we apply these constraints, the magnetic fields of atoll (B ~ 0.3-1 10^8 G for Aql X-1) and Z (B ~ 1-8 10^8 G for Cyg X-2) sources can be derived. These limits naturally apply in the framework of beat frequency models but can also work in the case of general relativistic models.Comment: 4 pages (emulateapj macro), 1 figure. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    CAD-CAE methods to support restoration and museum exhibition of bronze statues: the “Principe Ellenistico”

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    Ancient bronze statues mainly require material integrity assessment and restoration. Restoration may include also the update of the museum exhibition, defining new structural frames and fragment re-composition to preserve the statue and improve the interpretation of the original aspect. This paper proves how engineering methods (such as Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Design modelling, Reverse Engineering) may assist cultural heritage experts and restorers in these tasks. It presents the activities made together with the Museo Nazionale Romano and the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro, on the so-called “Principe Ellenistico” (Hellenistic Prince). This bronze was found in pieces (body, left arm and right leg), at the end of 19th century during an excavation made in Rome. No visual or reference sources can say its origin and its final posture was defined by restorers at the end of the 19th century according to their hypothesis and studies. In the 20th century, a further restoration was made on the critical areas of the surface, together with some structural improvement of the inner frame. Nowadays, after a review of its position inside the Museum, new experimental and numerical analyses have been carried out to better understand surface weakness and correct left arm positionin

    Virtual prototyping of medieval weapons for historical reconstruction of siege scenarios starting from topography and archaeological investigations

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    Chronicles of sieges to castles or fortresses, using “machinae”, can often be found in historical sources. Moreover, archaeological excavations of castles or fortresses has brought to light rocks or projectiles whose carving suggests a military usage. Nevertheless, chronicles and discoveries alone, are seldom enough to propose a faithful reconstruction of these machines. Therefore, the aim of this research is the development of methodologies for reconstructing virtual scenarios of sieges, starting from the scarce information available. In order to achieve it, a procedure for the virtual reconstruction of the siege machine has been set up, focusing on typology and dimensions of the machines, also investigating possible fire positions according to topography. The entire procedure has been developed using the siege of Cervara di Roma’s Rocca as a case study. Late medieval chronicles (end of 13th Century) report the siege brought by the papal army in order to restore the jurisdiction on the Cervara’s stronghold, following the insurrection of a group of vassals headed by a monk named Pelagio. The discovery, in the area of the Rocca, of a stone that could have been used as a projectile confirms what reported. The proposed methodology is composed of two parts. The first one is connected to the study of the “internal ballistics”, to understand the performances and to build virtual models of siege machines. The second part is the study of the “external ballistics”, then to the positioning and shooting ability of possible machines, analysing the topography of the area. In this paper, we present the feasibility of this methodology through the preliminary results achieved correlating internal and external ballistics

    Sensitivity of Antarctic Urospora penicilliformis (Ulotrichales, Chlorophyta) to ultraviolet radiation is life stage dependent

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    The sensitivity of different life stages of the eulittoral green alga Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Aresch. to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examinedin the laboratory. Gametophytic filaments and propagules (zoospores and gametes) released from filaments were separately exposed to different fluence of radiation treatments consisting of PAR (P = 400700 nm), PAR + ultraviolet A (UVA) (PA, UVA = 320400 nm), and PAR + UVA + ultraviolet B (UVB) (PAB, UVB = 280320 nm). Photophysiological indices (ETRmax, Ek, and a) derived from rapid light curves were measured in controls, while photosynthetic efficiency and amount of DNA lesions in terms of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were measured after exposure to radiation treatments and after recovery in low PAR; pigments of propagules were quantified after exposure treatment only. The photosynthetic conversion efficiency (a) and photosynthetic capacity (rETRmax) were higher in gametophytes compared with the propagules. The propagules were slightly more sensitive to UVB-induced DNA damage; however, both life stages of the eulittoral inhabiting turf alga were not severely affected by the negative impacts of UVR. Exposure to a maximum of 8 h UVR caused mild effects on the photochemical efficiency of PSII and induced minimal DNA lesions in both the gametophytes and propagules. Pigment concentrations were not significantly different between PAR-exposed and PAR + UVRexposed propagules. Our data showed that U. penicilliformis from the Antarctic is ratherinsensitive to the applied UVR. This amphi-equatorial species possesses different protective mechanisms that can cope with high UVR in coldtemperatewaters of both hemispheres and in polar regions under conditions of increasing UVR as a consequence of further reduction of stratosphericozone

    The quiescent X-ray emission of three transient X-ray pulsars

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    We report on BeppoSAX and Chandra observations of three Hard X-Ray Transients in quiescence containing fast spinning (P<5 s) neutron stars: A 0538-66, 4U 0115+63 and V 0332+53. These observations allowed us to study these transients at the faintest flux levels thus far. Spectra are remarkably different from the ones obtained at luminosities a factor >10 higher, testifying that the quiescent emission mechanism is different. Pulsations were not detected in any of the sources, indicating that accretion of matter down to the neutron star surface has ceased. We conclude that the quiescent emission of the three X-ray transients likely originates from accretion onto the magnetospheric boundary in the propeller regime and/or from deep crustal heating resulting from pycnonuclear reactions during the outbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ (5 pages and 2 figures

    There is a short gamma-ray burst prompt phase at the beginning of each long one

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    We compare the prompt intrinsic spectral properties of a sample of short Gamma--ray Burst (GRB) with the first 0.3 seconds (rest frame) of long GRBs observed by Fermi/GBM. We find that short GRBs and the first part of long GRBs lie on the same E_p--E_iso correlation, that is parallel to the relation for the time averaged spectra of long GRBs. Moreover, they are indistinguishable in the E_p--L_iso plane. This suggests that the emission mechanism is the same for short and for the beginning of long events, and both short and long GRBs are very similar phenomena, occurring on different timescales. If the central engine of a long GRB would stop after ~0.3 * (1+z) seconds the resulting event would be spectrally indistinguishable from a short GRB.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Multiple tidal disruption flares in the active galaxy IC 3599

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    Tidal disruption events occur when a star passes too close to a massive black hole and it is totally ripped apart by tidal forces. It may also happen that the star is not close enough to the black hole to be totally disrupted and a less dramatic event might happen. If the stellar orbit is bound and highly eccentric, just like some stars in the centre of our own Galaxy, repeated flares should occur. When the star approaches the black hole tidal radius at periastron, matter might be stripped resulting in lower intensity outbursts recurring once every orbital period. We report on Swift observations of a recent bright flare from the galaxy IC 3599 hosting a middle-weight black hole, where a possible tidal disruption event was observed in the early 1990s. By light curve modelling and spectral fitting we can consistently account for the events as the non-disruptive tidal stripping of a star into a highly eccentric orbit. The recurrence time is 9.5 yr. IC 3599 is also known to host a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus. Tidal stripping from this star over several orbital passages might be able to spoon-feed also this activity.Comment: Accepted for publication to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The BMW (Brera-Multiscale-Wavelet) Catalogue of Serendipitous X-ray Sources

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    In collaboration with the Observatories of Palermo and Rome and the SAX-SDC we are constructing a multi-site interactive archive system featuring specific analysis tools. In this context we developed a detection algorithm based on the Wavelet Transform (WT) and performed a systematic analysis of all ROSAT-HRI public data (~3100 observations +1000 to come). The WT is specifically suitable to detect and characterize extended sources while properly detecting point sources in very crowded fields. Moreover, the good angular resolution of HRI images allows the source extension and position to be accurately determined. This effort has produced the BMW (Brera Multiscale Wavelet) catalogue, with more than 19,000 sources detected at the 4.2 sigma level. For each source detection we have information on the X-ray flux and extension, allowing for instance to select complete samples of extended X-ray sources such as candidate clusters of galaxies or SNR's. Here we present an overview of first results from several undergoing projects which make use of the BMW catalogue.Comment: 7 pages, 6 postscript files, 2 gif images, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Mining the Sky", August 2000, Garching, German
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