245 research outputs found

    Chondrocalcinose articulaire révélatrice d’une hypercalcémie hypocalciurique familiale: à propos d’une observation

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    L'hypercalcémie hypocalciurique familiale (HHF) est une maladie bénigne à transmission autosomique dominante, caractérisée par une hypercalcémie persistante béhigne, une hypocalciurie, et des concentrations de  parathormone (PTH) normales ou modérément élevées, sans complication secondaire à l'hypercalcémie. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient ayant présenté une chondrocalcinose articulaire révélatrice d'une HHF. A travers cette observation nous essayons de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, les caractéristiques cliniques, et paracliniques de cette association

    Systemic sclerosis in a patient with pityriasis rubra pilaris

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    Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a rare, chronic erythematous squamous disorder of unknown etiology. It has been found in association with several autoimmune diseases, including thyroiditis, myositis, myasthenia gravis and vitiligo. Herein we report a case of systemic sclerosis in a patient with classic adult pityriasis rubra pilaris. A 38 year old woman with classic adult type 1 pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) developed progressive skin thickening of the trunk, face, upper and lower extremities after 2 years of PRP treatment with topical emollients and steroids. Clinical examination and immunological findings were consistent with SSc. Co-existence of these two rare conditions is documented for the first time

    Effects of the inclusion of oat hulls or sugar beet pulp in the diet on gizzard characteristics, apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients, and microbial count in the ceca in 36 day old broilers reared on floor

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    The effects of the inclusion of oat hulls (OH) and sugar beet pulp (SBP) in the diet on gizzard characteristics, apparent ileal nutrient digestibility (AID), and Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacteriaceae, and Lactobacillus proliferation in the ceca were studied in 36 d?old broilers. There were a control diet with a low CF content (1.61%) and 2 additional diets that resulted from the dilution of this feed with 5% of either OH or SBP

    Type of grinding of the main cereal of the diet affects production of brown egg-laying hens

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    The influence of method of grinding of the cereal of the diet on production and egg quality was studied in 420 Hy-line brown egg-laying hens. The design was completely randomized with six treatments arranged as a 3 × 2 factorial with three cereals (barley, dented maize and soft wheat) and two grinding procedures (hammer mill vs. roller mill). Each treatment was replicated seven times and the experimental unit was an enriched cage with ten hens. Production was recorded every four weeks from 24 to 59 weeks of age and egg quality was measured at 40 and 56 weeks of age. For the entire experiment, feed intake was higher in hens fed wheat or maize than in hens fed barley (110.8 and 110.7 vs. 109.7 g/d; P = 0.014) but most of the differences were observed when the cereal was roller milled (P = 0.009 for the interaction). Also, egg production was similar for the three diets when the cereal was hammer milled but tended to be lower for the barley than for the wheat or maize diets when the cereal was roller milled (P = 0.09 for the interaction). None of the other productive or egg quality traits was affected by dietary treatment. We conclude that roller mills are useful to grind low fiber cereals, such as maize or wheat. However, the use of the roller mill might not be adequate when barley is the main cereal in diets for egg-laying hens

    Efecto de la inclusión de un hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva porcina (palbio 50 rd®) en piensos de broilers con niveles diferentes de lisina

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    La alimentación del pollo broiler durante la primera semana de vida es de creciente importancia debido a que la edad de sacrificio ha disminuido de forma constante en los últimos años. Además, consumos elevados durante la primera semana de vida mejoran el desarrollo del aparato digestivo de las aves, favoreciendo el crecimiento de las vellosidades intestinales y la eficiencia alimenticia (Lilburn, 1998, Noy et al., 2005). En los últimos años, el mercado dispone de nuevos productos de origen animal obtenidos durante el proceso de obtención de la heparina para uso farmacéutico. Uno de estos productos comerciales (Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica S.A., Palafolls, Barcelona) está formado por la proteína hidrolizada de la mucosa digestiva de porcino limpia de contenidos intestinales, secada mediante un procedimiento especial que incluye la utilización de harina de soja como excipiente. Recientes estudios han demostrado de forma fehaciente el interés de utilizar este ingrediente en piensos de lechones de primera edad (Lindeman, et al., 2000; Corassa et al., 2007) pero los datos existentes en aves son más limitados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los efectos de niveles crecientes de este hidrolizado proteico (PAL) sobre la productividad de pollos que recibían piensos con dos niveles diferentes de lisina total (Lys

    Growth response of broilers to lysine levels and hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa (Palbio) inclusion in diet from 1 to 21 d of age

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    Palbio (PAL, Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica, Spain) is a protein concentrate based on hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa dried under a fluid bed system over a soybean carrier, currently used in piglet feeds. The digestibility of PAL is very high and the product may be an excellent source of protein for young chicks. An experiment was conducted with 1,280 straight-run one-d-old Ross 308 chicks to evaluate the growth response of broilers to dietary inclusion of PAL

    Efecto de la incusion de hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva porcina (palbio 50 rd®) y del nivel de lisina del pienso sobre los parametros productivos en pollos de 1 a 21 dias de edad

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    El hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva de porcino (Palbio 50 RD ® , Bioiéerica, S.A., PAL) se utiliza con resultados óptimos en la alimentación de lechones recién destetados (Lindeman el al. 2000; Corassa et al. 2007). En un trabajo reciente, Mohiti-Asli et al. (2011) observaron que la inclusión de PAL mejoraba los resultados productivos en pollos de engorde a cualquier edad. En este trabajo se demostró que los niveles más recomendables de utilización de PAL teniendo en cuenta razones productivas y económicas, era el 2,5%. En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la inclusión de 2,5% de PAL en piensos para pollos con niveles crecientes de lisina total (LYS, 1,1 a 1,4%). El objetivo fue estudiar si los efectos beneficiosos del PAL sobre la productividad de los pollos eran independientes o no del nivel de LYS del pienso

    Effects of increasing levels of pea hulls in the diet on productive performance, development of the gastrointestinal tract, and nutrient retention of broilers from one to eighteeen days of age

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    The effects of inclusion of pea hulls (PH) in the diet on growth performance, development of the gastrointestinal tract and nutrient retention were studied in broilers from 1 to 18d of age. There were a control diet based on low fibre ingredients (69.3 total dietary fibre (16.1g crude fibre/kg)) and three additional diets that resulted from the dilution of the basal diet with 25, 50 and 75g PH/kg (81.2, 93.2, and 105.1g total dietary fibre/kg diet, respectively). Each treatment was replicated six times and the experimental unit was a cage with 12 chicks. Growth performance, development of the gastrointestinal tract and the coefficients of total tract apparent retention (CTTAR) of nutrients were recorded at 6, 12 and 18d of age. In addition, jejunal morphology was measured at 12 and 18d and the coefficients of apparent ileal digestibility (CAID) of nutrients at 18d of age. Pea hulls inclusion affected all the parameters studied. The inclusion of 25 and 50g PH/kg diet improved growth performance as compared to the control diet. The relative weight (g/kg body weight) of proventriculus (P≤0.01), gizzard (P≤0.001) and ceca (P≤0.05) increased linearly as the level of PH in the diet increased. The inclusion of PH affected quadratically (P≤0.01) villus height:crypt depth ratio with the highest value shown at 25g PH/kg. In general, the CTTAR and CAID of nutrients increased linearly and quadratically (P≤0.05) with increasing levels of PH, showing maximum values with PH level between 25 and 50g/kg diet. We conclude that the size of the digestive organs increases with increasing levels of PH in the diet. In general, the best performance and nutrient digestibility values were observed with levels of PH within the range of 25 and 50g/kg. Therefore, young broilers have a requirement for a minimum amount of dietary fibre. When pea hulls are used as a source of fibre, the level of total dietary fibre required for optimal performance is within the range of 81.2–93.2g/kg diet (25.6–35.0g crude fibre/kg diet). An excess of total dietary fibre (above 93.2g/kg diet) might reduce nutrient digestibility and growth performance to values similar to those observed with the control diet

    A cardiac hydatid cyst underlying pulmonary embolism: a case report

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    Hydatid cysts located in the interatrial septum are especially rare but when they occur, they might cause intracavity rupture. We report on a patient with acute pulmonary embolism caused by an isolated, ruptured hydatid cyst on the right side of the interatrial septum. A 16-year-old-boy with an uneventful history was hospitalized for exercise-induced dyspnea and blood expectorations. Multiple and bilateral opacities were visualized on standard chest x-ray. Signs of right-sided hypertrophy were seen on ECG. Imaging findings led to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism complicating cardiac hydatid cysts. An operation was performed through median sternotomy to remove the cardiac cyst. The pleural cavity was entered through the fifth intercostal space to withdraw lung hydatid cysts. Operative recovery was uneventful and the patient resumed his normal activities 19 months later. Prompt diagnosis and an appropriate surgical treatment prevented a potentially fatal outcome.Key words: Echinococcosis, Hydatidosis, Pulmonary embolism, cardiac, hydatid cys