21 research outputs found

    Ergonomic study on the manual harvesting tasks of oil-palm plantation in Indonesia based on anthropometric, postures and work motions analyses

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    Harvesting is the most important but burdensome work in oil-palm industries in which done manually by human power and skill. This research deals with analyses of anthropometry, work motion and posture on the harvesting tasks in the aims to understand ergonomic risks associated with the tasks and intervention needed in order to minimize the risks. A set of forty-two anthropometric dimensions and video records of work-motions were collected from a total sample of 141 male harvesting-workers from three different regions in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Sulawesi islands of Indonesia. The stature, height of eye and shoulder, and the length of arms were observed as the most relevant and critical anthropometry in designing the harvesting task and tool; and the height of the palm tree should be fully considered as well.  Motion analysis revealed that the push-cutting technique with a “dodos” (a chisel-like) tool effectively applied to harvest fresh fruit bunch (FFB) which height is less than 3 m, while the pull-cutting technique with an ‘egrek’ (a sickle-like) tool is the only applicable way to harvest FFB taller than 3 m.  The upper body segments such as neck, shoulder, back and arms were ergonomically vulnerable in most cases of the harvesting tasks. The results of RULA revealed that the work postures are outside safe ranges and further investigation and changes are required immediately. Finally, the results of work motion simulations could formulate tasking procedures that may minimize awkward posture and MSD risk.

    Sustainable agriculture in Indonesia: Facts and challenges to keep growing in harmony with environment

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    The nature of agricultural production system in Indonesia is very diverse from shifting cultivation to intensive crop farming, from rain-fed to intensive-irrigated paddy field, from vegetables mix farming to monoculture industrial plantations, from subsistence small-scale farming to large-scale commercial plantation.  As the fourth most populous country in the world that is inhabited by 250 million people, agriculture plays a substantial role in Indonesian economy which generates close to half of total employment and accounts for about a fifth of GDP, as well as the very important contributor of export.  Notwithstanding the great potential resources and market demand, the sustainability of agriculture in the country remains challenging. The challenge is how to continue the agricultural development and economic growth that is needed to improve the quality of life and the basic needs of the growing population while at the same time to protect the environment by reducing the pressure on the carrying capacity.  Rapid pace of agricultural development in the last four decades –as well as the commercialization, industrialization and urbanization– has led to significant changes in agricultural production systems. In some regions, modernization ofagricultural technologies has increased production to keep pace with the population growth, but other problems in supply chain and distribution still plague many communities and regions. Concerning the current conditions of agricultural practices in dealing with the needs to improve productivity and at the same time to conserve the environment and natural resources, we need to adjust our understanding and formulate action strategies for developingagricultural practices  better and more sustainable future.  This paper discussed the present status of agricultural condition and practices in Indonesia as well as some challenges and strategiesto overcome

    Business Model Development Strategy for Frozen Food Micro-Businesses in The New Normal Era (Case Study: CV XYZ)

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    The limitation of community movement in the new normal era has changed consumer behaviour to frozen food products, and digital marketing has been used to carry out a transaction. CV XYZ, a company that produces frozen food, must optimize the existing opportunities and utilize its strengths. The high level of social hygiene and the increasing demand for food integrity has become a challenge the company is facing today. Other than that, the company is now facing several obstacles on product development and channel limitation. Therefore, this research is aimed to identify the business model available, develop an alternative business strategy and create a new business model innovation. The data sources are from primary and secondary data; the primary data are observation, interview, FGD with the research experts, businessmen, and consumer survey. The secondary data used are literature studies such as journals, thesis, dissertation, economic data, and textbooks. Data processing techniques are carried out by analyzing business model canvas, SWOT, internal factor evaluation, and external factor evaluation , grand strategy, and 360° business model innovation. The result of SWOT analysis maps the company in quadrant one, which indicates the company is in high market growth and strong competitive position, so the company needs to improve its business model through BMI 360° analysis model. This model is used to help see the business activity process from creating value in the upstream until it can become the core competition downstream of a business process. Keywords: 360° business model innovation, business model canvas, small and medium enterprise (SMEs), SWOT, valu

    Kinerja Rantai Pasok Beras di Kabupaten Karawang : Performance of Rice Supply Chains in Karawang District

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    Karawang Regency is an area of rice production center which will be a model for supply chain studies in this research. This study aims to determine the condition of the rice supply chain, determine the performance of the rice supply chain, and formulate efforts to improve the performance of the rice supply chain. The method used is the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) and Supply Chain Operation Network (SCOR) approaches. Based on the results of research members of the rice supply chain starts from farmers, traders, and rice mills. The value of performance metrics for farmers that are still not in line with expectations include the metric for orders delivered in full, perfect conditions, production costs, ranges of debt and receivables payments. Obtained several factors causing ineffective and inefficient performance of the rice supply chain in Karawang regency in each supply chain actor. Factors affecting farmers are the high cost of farming and the long range of payment of receivables can be overcome by increasing knowledge and application of technological developments and agricultural machinery, and strengthening the function of farmer groups. Factors affecting collecting traders are the low value of suitability of procurement flexibility. Factors affecting the low performance of rice milling are procurement flexibility and shipping flexibility. Keywords: effort to improve the performance, paddy, performance measurement, SCOR, supply chai

    Kebijakan Nasional Perlindungan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Sektor Kehutanan

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    Aktivitas kerja pada pengelolaan hutan produksi lestari menuntut kontak yang intens antara pekerja dengan sumber bahaya (yang timbul karena karakteristik pada kegiatan pengelolaan itu sendiri, lingkungan kerja, teknologi yang diterapkan, kompetensi pekerja, dan sistem manajemen kerja yang diterapkan). Kondisi faktual ini menjadikan kegiatan pengelolaan hutan produksi lestari memiliki risiko terhadap K3 yang tinggi. Saat ini isu perlindungan K3 telah menjadi isu internasional yang telah menjadi isu kritis dalam berbagai skema sertifikasi komoditas hasil hutan. Policy brief ini disusun untuk menawarkan strategi peningkatan perlindungan K3 di sektor kehutanan, baik dalam tataran lokal maupun nasional berdasar berbagai research evidence yang diperoleh di lapangan, yang diharapkan dapat mendorong terbentuknya “safety culture” yang ideal di setiap unit manajemen pengelolaan, yang merupakan syarat penting dari tercapainya target perlindungan K3 yang baik

    Studi Ergonomi Pada Penyiapan Lahan Sawah Lebak Menggunakan Alat Tradisional Tajak di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

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    Abstract Traditional local farmers in South Kalimantan conventionally do the field preparation by using a traditional tool named “tajak”. This typical traditional tool is very appropriate for land preparation in marshland field which is enabling to cultivate without raising the pirit (FeS2) layer. However, it is quite difficult, hard and dangerous to operate tajak, and it’s difficult to learn by a novis operator as well. Therefore, ergonomics study will be beneficial to develop more convenient, safe and effective tajak.  The result of workload analysis revealed that tajak operation is an “extremey hard” workload, whichs the avarage of IRHR is 2.14.  The workload level of tajak operation is indicatively by workload intencity and swing elevation.  Regarding the Total energy cost per weight (TEC’) and hours of work (JOK), the tajak operation consumes  5.36 kcal/kg.hour and need 61.07 hour/ha in average.  Anthropometri and motion study analysed revealed that the dimentional suitability of tajak tool is strongly related to shoulders and waist heightly, arms length, and hands grips diameter.  Based on the result of tajak anthropometri and motion analyses, for better design of  tajak’s handle was recommended 75.70 cm. Keywords: tajak, marshland field, ergonomic, work load, motion analysis, anthropometri Abstrak "Tajak" adalah alat yang lazim digunakan untuk penyiapan lahanoleh umumnya petani padi rawa/lebak tradisional di Kalimantan Selatan. Alat ini sangat tepat dan sesuai untuk penyiapan lahan di area sawah lebak (rawa), di mana diperlukan suatu cara pengolahan dan penyiapan lahan yang tidak mengakibatkan naiknya lapisan pirit (FeS2) ke area perakaran tanaman. Cara penggunaan tajak relatif sulit, berat, dan berbahaya, bagi petani yang sudah berpengalaman sekalipun. Terlebih untuk para pemula, pengoperasian tajak sangat sulit dipelajari. Oleh karena itu, studi ergonomi ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk mengembangan desain serta cara penggunaan tajak yang lebih aman, nyaman dan efektif. Hasil analisis beban kerja mengindikasikan bahwa pengoperasian tajak tergolong pekerjaan "luar biasa berat", dengan nilai IRHR rata-rata 2.14. Tingginya tingkat beban kerja (IRHR) tersebut sangat ditentukan oleh dua indikator kerja, yaitu intensitas dan tinggi ayunan tajak. Laju konsusmsi energi kerja tajak adalah 5.36 kkal/jam.kg-bb (kilokalori per jam per berat badan operator), sedangkan rata-rata kebutuhan waktu kerja efektif adalah 61.07 jam/ha. Analisis antropometri dan gerak mengindikasikan bahwa tinggi bahu, tinggi pinggang, panjang lengan dan diameter genggaman tangan merupakan parameter terpenting untuk kesesuaian dimensional tajak terhadap operator penggunanya. Sesuai dengan antropometri petani setempat, panjang tangkai tajak ideal yang direkomendasikan adalah 75.70 cm. Kata kunci: tajak, lahan sawah lebak, ergonomi, beban kerja, analisis gerak, antropometri Diterima; 08 April 2011 ; Disetujui: 09 Agustus 2011  


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    Faktor manusia sebagai tenaga kerja memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas beras Organik. Namun, sampai saat ini upah standar untuk pekerja pertanian belum ditentukan oleh lembaga pemerintah, sehingga bisa dikatakan bahwa peran pemerintah terhadap pekerja pertanian masih sangat kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat formulasi berdasarkan analisis ekonomi ergonomika. Berdasarkan produktivitas kerja saat ini, pendekatan ekonomi ergonomika membuktikan bahwa upah yang diperoleh pekerja masih jauh dari standar UMR. Dari dua skenario optimasi yang digunakan, ditemukan bahwa perancangan penambahan mekanisasi secara selektif menggunakan mesin milik sendiri mampu memberikan upah yang optimal karena sudah memenuhi standar UMR Kabupaten Bogor

    Studi Waktu (Time Study) pada Aktivitas Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit di Perkebunan Sari Lembah Subur, Riau

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    ABSTRAK Optimasi produktivitas kerja merupakan hal yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan. Produk yang optimum dan berkualitas akan meningkatkan profit perusahaan. Peningkatan produktivitas yaitu dengan metode atau cara kerja, studi terhadap waktu (time study) dan gaji atau upah. Metode atau cara kerja perlu dipelajari agar produktivitas kerja dapat dicapai. Kelelahan kerja dapat dikurangi sehingga waktu yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk menjadi semakin singkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan elemen-elemen kerja pada aktivitas pemanenan kelapa sawit berdasarkan pola keseragaman kerja, menentukan waktu baku pada sejumlah elemen kerja yang terlibat dalam aktivitas pemanenan kelapa sawit. Waktu baku untuk mengidentifikasi tandan (Ve) pada topografi teras (T)- lahan kering (K)- ketinggian pohon kurang dari 3 meter (H1) sebesar 3.21detik, Ve pada T-K-ketinggian pohon 3-6 meter (H2) sebesar 2.39 detik, Ve pada topografi flat (F)-K-H1 sebesar 3.45 detik, Ve pada F-K-H2 sebesar 4.59 detik, Ve pada F-lahan basah (B)-H1sebesar 4.27 detik. Waktu baku untuk menyiapkan alat panen (Pr) sebesar 6.45 detik. Waktu baku untuk memotong tandan dan pelepah (Cu) pada T-K-Dodos (D) sebesar 29.86 detik, Cu pada T-K-E1 (egrek) sebesar 38.47 detik, Cu pada T-K-E2 sebesar 57.91 detik, Cu pada F-K-D sebesar 14.19 detik, Cu pada F-K-E1 sebesar 25.88 detik, C F-K-E2 sebesar 21.06 detik, Cu pada F-B-D sebesar 21.13 detik. Waktu baku untuk mencacah dan memindahkan pelepah (Ba) sebesar 9.53 detik. Waktu baku untuk membuang sisa tangkai TBS (Ck) sebesar 1.74 detik. Waktu baku untuk memungut brondolan (Br) pada T-K-H1 sebesar 51.48 detik, Br pada T-K-H2 sebesar 20.32 detik, Br pada F-K-H1 sebesar 37.03 detik, Br pada F-K-H2 sebesar 51.75 detik, Br pada F-B-H1 sebesar 29.67 detik. Waktu baku untuk memuat tandan ke angkong (Lo) sebesar 3.75 detik. Waktu baku untuk perpindahan dengan membawa angkong kosong (UDA) sebesar 9.39 detik, perpindahan dengan membawa tandan (MoT) sebesar 8.68 detik, perpindahan dengan membawa angkong dan tandan (MoAT) sebesar 13.52 detik, dan perpindahan tanpa membawa apapun (UDK) sebesar 15.07 detik. Waktu baku untuk membongkar dan merapihkan tandan di TPH (Un) sebesar 6.56 detik. Waktu baku untuk kelambatan yang dapat dihindarkan (AD) sebesar 10.83 detik.   Kata Kunci  :Pemanenan, Kelapa Sawit, Waktu Baku ABSTRACT Optimization of work productivity is needed  by  company. Optimum products will increase the company's profit. Productivity can be improved by method of working, time study, and salary. Working methods need to be studied in order to reduce fatigue of work so the time needed to produce a product becoming decreased. The aim of the research is to determine elements of work on oil palm harvesting activities based on patterns of working time, determination time standard on elements of the work in activity of oil palm harvesting. Research stage in oil  palm harvesting activities were introduction, data collecting, data  processing, and  improvement. Standar time for verify the maturity of fruit (Ve) on terrace topography (T)- dry land (K)-the height of trees 0-3 m (H1) is 3.21 second, Ve on T-K- the height of trees 3-6 m (H2) is 2.39 second, Ve on flat topography (F)-K-H1 is 3.45 second, Ve on F-K-H2 is 4.59 second, Ve on F-wet land (B)-H1 is 4.27 second. Standar time for prepare harvesting tool (Pr) is 6.45 second. Standar time of cutting the fruit and stem of (Cu) on the T-K-D is 29.86 second, Cu on T-K-E1 is 38.47 second, Cu on T-K-E2 is 57.91 second, Cu on F-K-D is 14.19 second, Cu on F-K-E1 is 25.88 second, Cu on F-K-E2 is 21.06 second, Cu on F-B-D is 21.13 second. Standar time for moving the stem (Ba) is 9.53 second. Standar time for cutting the stalks (Ck) is 1.74 second. Standar time picking up the fallen fruits “brondolan” (Br) on T-K-H1 is 51.48 second, Br on T-K-H2 is 20.32 second, Br on F-K-H1 is 37.03 second, Br on F-K-H2 is 51.75 second, Br on F-B-H1 is 29.67 second. Standar time for loading fruit (Lo) is 3.75 second. Standar time for moving by carrying empty “angkong” (UDA) of 9.39 second, moving by carrying fruit (MoT) is 8.68 second, moving by carrying  fruits and “angkong” (MoAT) is 13.52 second, moving (UDK) is 15.07 second. Standart time for unloading (Un) is 6.56 second. Standar time for avoidable delay is 10.83 second. Keywords : harvesting, oil palm, standar tim

    Studi Gerak Kerja Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit Secara Manual

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    AbstractGood harvesting technique and timing is necessary to result good productivity in oil-palm industies. The harvesting activity is mostly conducted by ‘human powered’ manual handling which quite arduous and risky in term of work safety and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). This research deals with anthropometry and motion study to analyse manual harvesting activity in oil palm plantation so the activity can be done in more safety, efficient and productive. Motion study using Natural Range of Motion (ROM) is applied to know the level of motion risk based on ROM indeks and appropriate antropometry. Manual harvesting tasks by usingconventional tools named ‘dodos’ and ‘egrek’ were studied in this research. The aims of this research is to know the pattern and risks distribution of the work motions, and then to determine a good harvestingprocedure to minimize the risk. The anthropometry result show that the harvester posture is ideal and uniform. The ‘cutting with egrek (CuE)’ was found as the most risky work element in the manual harvestingtask, and the MSD risks occur on the neck, shoulder, forearm, back and ankle.Such work procedures should be designed and appropriate working distance and length of tool are required to prevent the risks. Work motion simulation revealed that 1.5, 2.5, 5.5, and 8.5 mare suitable working distance to harvest 3, 6, 12 dan 18 mheight of targeted bunches, respectively.Keywords: ergonomic, manual harvesting, oil palm, motion study, anthropometryAbstrakTeknik dan waktu pemanenan yang tepat diperlukan untuk mencapai produktivitas yang baik di industri kelapa sawit. Kegiatan panen sawit secara umum masih dilakukan secara manual mengandalkan tenagamanusia yang tergolong cukup sulit dan beresiko tinggi dalam hal keselamatan kerja dan gangguan muskuloskeletal (MSD). Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kegiatan panen-muat kelapa sawit di beberapa perkebunan sawit dengan pendekatan ergonomi dan mekanisme kerja yang optimal, baik dari sudut pandang efektivitas maupun keselamatan kerja. Lingkup yang dikaji dalam kajian ini adalahberfokus pada analisis antropometri serta gerak kerja pemanenan dengan pendekatan selang gerak alami (natural Range of Motion: ROM). Kajian ini juga meliputi dua metode dan alat panen yang lazim digunakan, yaitu ‘dodos’ dan ‘egrek’. Hasil analisis antropometri secara umum menunjukkan bahwa pemanen di ketiga lokasi memiliki karakteristik postur tubuh yang relatif sama. Analisis gerak membuktikan bahwa elemen kerja yang terkait pemotongan tandan buah segar (TBS) memiliki resiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan elemen kerja yang terkait dengan evakuasi dan pengumpulan TBS. Elemen kerja ‘cutting egrek(CuE)’ teridentifikasi sebagai pekerjaan paling beresiko, dimana segmen tubuh yang paling beresiko adalah leher, bahu, punggung-pinggang, lengan hingga pergelangan kaki. Desain ergonomis terkait prosedur danjarak kerja diperlukan untuk meminimasi resiko tersebut, dan hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa jarak kerja yang ideal dan aman untuk ketinggian target potong (TBS) 3, 6, 12 dan 18 m berturut-turut adalah 1,5, 2,5, 5,5 dan 8,5 m.Kata Kunci : ergonomika, pemanenan manual, kelapa sawit, studi gerak, antropometriDiterima: 02 Desember 2014 ; Disetujui: 24 Februari 201


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    ABSTRAKPengolahan Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) menjadi Crude Palm Oil (CPO) merupakan proses ekstraksi minyak yang dilakukan di Pabrik Minyak Kelapa Sawit (PKS). Tahapan proses di PKS dibagi dalam stasiun pengolahan yaitu loading ramp, sterilizer, thresher, screw press, klarifikasi, pabrik biji, serta stasiun penyuplai energi yaitu ketel uap dan ruang mesin. Kegiatan pengolahan TBS di PKS berkapasitas 50 ton TBS/jam berlangsung selama 24 jam per hari. Pekerjaan relatif berat, kondisi lingkungan kerja yang bising, suhu panas dapat mengakibatkan resiko kelelahan ataupun kecelakaan kerja dan penurunan produktivitas kerja. Analisis beban kerja melalui melalui metode pengukuran denyut jantung secara langsung pada operator saat melakukan pekerjaan dapat menggambarkan kondisi beban kerja yang sebenarnya terjadi. Analisis denyut jantung dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat beban kerja yang dialami operator secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Indikator tingkat beban kerja (kualitatif) menggunakan istilah Increase Ratio of Heart Rate (IRHR). Laju konsumsi energi (beban kerja kuantitatif) menggunakan istilah Total Energi Cost (TEC) dalam satuan kkal per menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat beban kerja secara umum adalah ―ringan‖ sampai dengan ―sedang‖ dengan nilai IRHR antara 1,15 sampai 1,74. Tingkat beban kerja tertinggi terjadi pada stasiun ketel uap dengan IRHR 1,74. Tingkat konsumsi energi (tenaga kerja manusia) adalah 1,58 sampai 3,30 kkal/menit.Kata kunci: pabrik minyak sawit, beban kerja, pengolahan tandan buah sega