6 research outputs found


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    History records that the adopted child and the adoption has been known for a long time ago. This adoption can occur due to personal and social interests, such as not having children because of infertility or other reasons, or aimed to assist and uplift the community as a result of the economic downturn. Legal adoption both in Arabia as well as other places such as China and even in Indonesia has a long history, and even in the Arab lands once canceled, While in the prevailed Ducth Colonial law period to Indonesia, no law of adoption

    Legal Harmonization in the Distribution of Inheritance in the Dayak Ngaju Community in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The study aims to seek customary law in the Dayak Ngaju community to become a solution to settlement of inheritance law. Customary law in the Indonesian legal system is one of the doors to the eclecticism of inheritance law which can be developed as part of the construction of national inheritance law, so that there is a process of harmonization and integration of the inheritance law. This research is emperical juridical research using statutory and legal pluralism approaches. The legal pluralism approach aims to examine the harmonization and integration of various legal systems applied in society. The data analyzed came from scientific documents and in-depth interviews with traditional leaders. The results of the research show that there is competition for norms, encounters or conflicts between various legal systems. Some of the reasons that can be put forward are. First, customary law as a sub-system of the customs of the Dayak Ngaju community is an unwritten law that has long existed and has become part of the legal awareness of the Dayak community itself, both in personal, family, group and community life in every activity. Second, the Dayak Ngaju customary inheritance legal system is not a system that stands alone. If the inheritance law system changes, the change will disrupt social cohesion that has been built for a long time. Efforts towards the unification and condification of inheritance laws that apply nationally should be started, in addition to avoiding family conflicts, providing legal certainty, as well as reforming things that are considered unfair in the inheritance law system. It is also a part of legal pluralism which recognizes and provides space for the development of various laws that live in society

    Rekonstruksi wasiat wajibah dalam kopilasi hukum islam/ Al Amruzi

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    182 hal.; 21 cm

    Pemikiran Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi Tentang Jual beli Dalam Kitab Mabadi’ Ilm Al-Fiqh dan Relevansinya dalam Ekonomi Islam Kontemporer

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the arguments used by K.H Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi and the relevance of his thoughts in contemporary Islamic economics. This type of research is library research by reviewing library materials related to the thoughts of K.H. Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi in the book Mabadi 'Ilm Al-Fiqh. The analytical method used is istinbath law. The results showed that, first, the arguments used by K.H Muhammad Sarni regarding buying and selling such as the legitimate benefits of sanda goods with a break-up contract, invalid buying and selling of cakes or the like cooked using fire, legal buying and selling carried out by children, legal selling buy mu'atah (without shigat) sourced from the Koran, hadith, 'urf and maslahat and follow the opinion of the Syafi'iyyah scholars. Second, his thoughts on buying and selling are very relevant to contemporary Islamic economic concepts such as the fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN), the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law (KHES) and the practice of public muamalah and Islamic financial institutions LKS today. So that the thinking of K.H Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi about buying and selling becomes a benchmark for the breadth of knowledge of Banjar scholars, especially those related to Islamic economics. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dalil yang digunakan oleh K.H Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi dan relevansi pemikirannya dalam ekonomi Islam kontemporer. Jenis penelitian ini adalah library research dengan mengkaji bahan pustaka yang berkaitan dengan pemikiran K.H. Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi dalam kitab Mabadi’ Ilm Al-Fiqh. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah istinbath hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, dalil yang digunakan K.H Muhammad Sarni tentang jual beli seperti sah manfaat barang gadai dengan akad jual putus, tidak sah jual beli salam kue atau sejenisnya yang dimasak menggunakan api, sah jual beli yang dilakukan anak-anak, sah jual beli mu’athat (tanpa shigat) bersumber dari al-Quran, hadits, ‘urf dan maslahat serta mengikuti pendapat ulama Syafi’iyyah. Kedua, pemikiran dia tentang jual beli ini sangat relevan dengan konsep ekonomi Islam kontemporer seperti fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN), Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (KHES) dan praktik muamalah masyarakat dan lembaga keuangan syariah LKS pada zaman sekarang. Sehingga pemikiran K.H Muhammad Sarni al-Alabi tentang jual beli menjadi tolak ukur tentang luasnya pengetahuan ulama Banjar terutama yang berhubungan dengan ekonomi Islam

    Problematika Hak Asuh Anak Pasca Putusan Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama (Studi Kasus Nomor 342/PDT.G/2020/PA.MTP Jo Putusan Banding Nomor 32/PDT.G/2020/PTA.BJM Jo Putusan Kasasi Nomor 392 K/AG/2021)

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    Artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui problematika eksekusi putusan hak asuh anak dalam putusan perceraian di pengadilan agama. Anak adalah korban dalam perceraian kedua orang tuanya termasuk dalam menikmati kecukupan kebutuhan pendidikan, kesehatan, pangan dan kasih sayang. Dalam Pasal 105 menyatakan bahwa dalam hal terjadi perceraian maka anak yang belum mumayyiz atau belum berumur 12 tahun adalah hak ibunya, sedangkan apabila anak tersebut sudah mumayiz maka anak tersebut berhak memilih, dan biaya pemeliharaan ditanggung oleh ayahnya. Hal ini menyebabkan sering terjadinya problematika di lapangan manakala putusan hak asuh anak diputuskan kepada ibunya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat preskriptif. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum dengan studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa ada problematika eksekusi anak yaitu: 1) anak yang belum mumayiz tersebut sudah dekat dengan ayah dan keluarganya, 2) anak tersebut dipindahkan dari lokasi tempat tinggal ayah, sehingga harus melibatkan banyak pihak untuk melacaknya, 3) ibu yang mendapatkan hak asuh anak tersebut kurang melakukan pendekatan secara personal kepada anak, 4) pihak lawan (eks suami) menghalang-halangi proses eksekusi tersebut dengan melakukan perlawanan. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menerapkan join custody atau shared parenting dalam kehidupan anak pasca perceraian kedua orang tuanya

    Proliferation of Halal Regulation and Enforcement in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    As part of safeguarding human rights, Indonesia has issued regulations on halal products that encourage entrepreneurs to certify their products. To facilitate this effort, the country has implemented several policies. Adopting a human rights perspective, this article aims to elucidate the government's policies on halal products at the regulatory and implementation levels. To attain a more comprehensive understanding, this research employs a legal comparative approach, using Malaysia as a benchmark. The findings of this study indicate that normatively, Indonesia has generated a range of legal instruments serving as the foundation for halal products. These legal instruments are systematically implemented, from the central government down to the grassroots level. However, this implementation encounters challenges such as normative ambiguity and the expansive interpretation of products that require halal certification. This is in contrast to Malaysia, which regulates halal products in a more dynamic and flexible manner