233 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of neutron star-black hole binaries in the near-equal-mass regime

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    Simulations of neutron star-black hole (NSBH) binaries generally consider black holes with masses in the range (510)M(5-10)M_\odot, where we expect to find most stellar mass black holes. The existence of lower mass black holes, however, cannot be theoretically ruled out. Low-mass black holes in binary systems with a neutron star companion could mimic neutron star-neutron (NSNS) binaries, as they power similar gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) signals. To understand the differences and similarities between NSNS mergers and low-mass NSBH mergers, numerical simulations are required. Here, we perform a set of simulations of low-mass NSBH mergers, including systems compatible with GW170817. Our simulations use a composition and temperature dependent equation of state (DD2) and approximate neutrino transport, but no magnetic fields. We find that low-mass NSBH mergers produce remnant disks significantly less massive than previously expected, and consistent with the post-merger outflow mass inferred from GW170817 for moderately asymmetric mass ratio. The dynamical ejecta produced by systems compatible with GW170817 is negligible except if the mass ratio and black hole spin are at the edge of the allowed parameter space. That dynamical ejecta is cold, neutron-rich, and surprisingly slow for ejecta produced during the tidal disruption of a neutron star : v(0.10.15)cv\sim (0.1-0.15)c. We also find that the final mass of the remnant black hole is consistent with existing analytical predictions, while the final spin of that black hole is noticeably larger than expected -- up to χBH=0.84\chi_{\rm BH}=0.84 for our equal mass case

    Implementation of Monte-Carlo transport in the general relativistic SpEC code

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    Neutrino transport and neutrino-matter interactions are known to play an important role in the evolution of neutron star mergers, and of their post-merger remnants. Neutrinos cool remnants, drive post-merger winds, and deposit energy in the low-density polar regions where relativistic jets may eventually form. Neutrinos also modify the composition of the ejected material, impacting the outcome of nucleosynthesis in merger outflows and the properties of the optical/infrared transients that they power (kilonovae). So far, merger simulations have largely relied on approximate treatments of the neutrinos (leakage, moments) that simplify the equations of radiation transport in a way that makes simulations more affordable, but also introduces unquantifiable errors in the results. To improve on these methods, we recently published a first simulation of neutron star mergers using a low-cost Monte-Carlo algorithm for neutrino radiation transport. Our transport code limits costs in optically thick regions by placing a hard ceiling on the value of the absorption opacity of the fluid, yet all approximations made within the code are designed to vanish in the limit of infinite numerical resolution. We provide here an in-depth description of this algorithm, of its implementation in the SpEC merger code, and of the expected impact of our approximations in optically thick regions. We argue that the latter is a subdominant source of error at the accuracy reached by current simulations, and for the interactions currently included in our code. We also provide tests of the most important features of this code

    Smooth equations of state for high-accuracy simulations of neutron star binaries

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    High-accuracy numerical simulations of merging neutron stars play an important role in testing and calibrating the waveform models used by gravitational wave observatories. Obtaining high-accuracy waveforms at a reasonable computational cost, however, remains a significant challenge. One issue is that high-order convergence of the solution requires the use of smooth evolution variables, while many of the equations of state used to model the neutron star matter have discontinuities, typically in the first derivative of the pressure. Spectral formulations of the equation of state have been proposed as a potential solution to this problem. Here, we report on the numerical implementation of spectral equations of state in the spectral Einstein code. We show that, in our code, spectral equations of state allow for high-accuracy simulations at a lower computational cost than commonly used “piecewise polytrope” equations state. We also demonstrate that not all spectral equations of state are equally useful: different choices for the low-density part of the equation of state can significantly impact the cost and accuracy of simulations. As a result, simulations of neutron star mergers present us with a trade-off between the cost of simulations and the physical realism of the chosen equation of state

    Axisymmetric Hydrodynamics in Numerical Relativity Using a Multipatch Method

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    We describe a method of implementing the axisymmetric evolution of general-relativistic hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics through modification of a multipatch grid scheme. In order to ease the computational requirements required to evolve the post-merger phase of systems involving binary compact massive objects in numerical relativity, it is often beneficial to take advantage of these system's tendency to rapidly settle into states that are nearly axisymmetric, allowing for 2D evolution of secular timescales. We implement this scheme in the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC) and show the results of application of this method to four test systems including viscosity, magnetic fields, and neutrino radiation transport. Our results show that this method can be used to quickly allow already existing 3D infrastructure that makes use of local coordinate system transformations to be made to run in axisymmetric 2D with comparable results

    Evolution of the Magnetized, Neutrino-Cooled Accretion Disk in the Aftermath of a Black Hole Neutron Star Binary Merger

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    Black hole-torus systems from compact binary mergers are possible engines for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). During the early evolution of the post-merger remnant, the state of the torus is determined by a combination of neutrino cooling and magnetically-driven heating processes, so realistic models must include both effects. In this paper, we study the post-merger evolution of a magnetized black hole-neutron star binary system using the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC) from an initial post-merger state provided by previous numerical relativity simulations. We use a finite-temperature nuclear equation of state and incorporate neutrino effects in a leakage approximation. To achieve the needed accuracy, we introduce improvements to SpEC's implementation of general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), including the use of cubed-sphere multipatch grids and an improved method for dealing with supersonic accretion flows where primitive variable recovery is difficult. We find that a seed magnetic field triggers a sustained source of heating, but its thermal effects are largely cancelled by the accretion and spreading of the torus from MHD-related angular momentum transport. The neutrino luminosity peaks at the start of the simulation, and then drops significantly over the first 20\,ms but in roughly the same way for magnetized and nonmagnetized disks. The heating rate and disk's luminosity decrease much more slowly thereafter. These features of the evolution are insensitive to grid structure and resolution, formulation of the MHD equations, and seed field strength, although turbulent effects are not fully converge

    Data-driven expectations for electromagnetic counterpart searches based on LIGO/Virgo public alerts

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    Searches for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave signals have redoubled since the first detection in 2017 of a binary neutron star merger with a gamma-ray burst, optical/infrared kilonova, and panchromatic afterglow. Yet, one LIGO/Virgo observing run later, there has not yet been a second, secure identification of an electromagnetic counterpart. This is not surprising given that the localization uncertainties of events in LIGO and Virgo's third observing run, O3, were much larger than predicted. We explain this by showing that improvements in data analysis that now allow LIGO/Virgo to detect weaker and hence more poorly localized events have increased the overall number of detections, of which well-localized, gold-plated events make up a smaller proportion overall. We present simulations of the next two LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA observing runs, O4 and O5, that are grounded in the statistics of O3 public alerts. To illustrate the significant impact that the updated predictions can have, we study the follow-up strategy for the Zwicky Transient Facility. Realistic and timely forecasting of gravitational-wave localization accuracy is paramount given the large commitments of telescope time and the need to prioritize which events are followed up. We include a data release of our simulated localizations as a public proposal planning resource for astronomers

    High-accuracy waveforms for black hole-neutron star systems with spinning black holes

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    The availability of accurate numerical waveforms is an important requirement for the creation and calibration of reliable waveform models for gravitational wave astrophysics. For black hole-neutron star binaries, very few accurate waveforms are however publicly available. Most recent models are calibrated to a large number of older simulations with good parameter space coverage for low-spin non-precessing binaries but limited accuracy, and a much smaller number of longer, more recent simulations limited to non-spinning black holes. In this paper, we present long, accurate numerical waveforms for three new systems that include rapidly spinning black holes, and one precessing configuration. We study in detail the accuracy of the simulations, and in particular perform for the first time in the context of BHNS binaries a detailed comparison of waveform extrapolation methods to the results of Cauchy Characteristic Extraction. The new waveforms have 0.990.99) for binaries seen face-on. For edge-on observations, particularly for precessing systems, disagreements between models and simulations increase, and models that include precession and/or higher-order modes start to perform better than BHNS models that currently lack these features