41 research outputs found

    The development of non-foaming yeast strains for winemaking

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    Non-foaming yeasts for winemaking can be obtained easily from pure culture strains by using the froth flotation method and head formation tubes. Flotability and head formation of five parental strains and ten mutants are assessed. Current knowledge of foaming caused by the yeast cell wall structure as well as by the composition of the fermenting substrate is discussed briefly.Die Gewinnung nicht schäumender Hefestämme für die WeinbereitungNicht schäumende Hefen für die Weinbereitung können mit Hilfe des „froth flotation"-Verfahrens unter Verwendung von Glasröhren zur Prüfung des Tresterhutes leicht aus Reinkulturen gewonnen werden. Schwebefähigkeit und Hutbildung von 5 Parentalstämmen und 10 Mutanten wurden bestimmt. Der derzeitige Wissensstand über die Schaumbildung durch die Zellwandstruktur der Hefen sowie durch die Zusammensetzung des Gärsubstrates wird kurz diskutiert

    The production of H2S by pure culture wine yeasts

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    Production of H2S by 12 pure culture wine yeasts on different substrates including grape juice has been studied. Under these conditions low- and high-sulphite forming yeasts showed different patterns of H2S formation : When grown with sulphate or sulphite as the only sulphur source the strains could be divided not only into low- or high-sulphite (S02) formers but also into low- or high-sulphide (H2S) forming yeasts. Growth on the ABY solid medium also separated high- from lowsulphide formers. A deficiency of pantothenate produced a similar pattern though with increased levels of H2S. The addition of L-cysteine with or without pantothenate caused a substantial increase in H 2S production with only some strains. Addition of colloidal sulphur produced high concentrations of H2S with all strains, such that they could not be differentiated. Neither did the fermentation of grape juice nor the addition of grape juice slurry to the synthetic substrate allow any differentiation of the yeasts. lt is concluded that H2S formation in grape juice comes mostly from residual colloidal sulphur from fungal sprays. It is also shown that more suitable yeast strains can be selected.Die Bildung von H2S durch ReinzuchthefenDie Bildung von H2S durch 12 Reinzuchthefen wurde mit verschiedenen Gärsubstratzusammensetzungen untersucht. Wenig- und viel-Sulfitbildende Hefen zeigten unterschiedliches H2S-Bildungsvermögen: Waren Sulfat oder Sulfit die einzigen Schwefelquellen, dann konnten die Hefen nicht nur in Wenig- und Viel-Sulfit-Bildner, sondern auch in wenig- und viel-Sulfid-bildende Stämme eingeteilt werden. Letzteres zeigte sich auch, wenn die Hefen auf ABY-Agar ausgestrichen wurden. Auch ein Pantothenat-Mangelsubstrat bewirkte im wesentlichen die gleichen Ergebnisse. Wurde Cystein zugegeben, mit oder ohne Pantothenat, so reagierten nur einige Stämme mit verstärkter H2S-Bildung. Alle Hefestämme produzierten gleich viel H2S, wenn dem Gärsubstrat kolloidaler Schwefel zugegeben worden war. Die Vergärung von Traubenmost oder von synthetischem Substrat, dem Zentrifugentrub zugesetzt worden war, ermöglichte ebenfalls keine Gruppierung der Stämme. Es wird vermutet, daß die H2S-Bildung bei der Vergärung von Traubensaft meistens durch kolloidalen Schwefel aus Spritzmittelrückständen verursacht wird. Es wird außerdem gezeigt, daß geeignetere Reinzuchthefen selektioniert werden können

    Mitochondrial proteomics: analysis of a whole mitochondrial extract with two-dimensional electrophoresis

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    Mitochondria are complex organelles, and their proteomics analysis requires a combination of techniques. The emphasis in this chapter is made first on mitochondria preparation from cultured mammalian cells, then on the separation of the mitochondrial proteins with two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE), showing some adjustment over the classical techniques to improve resolution of the mitochondrial proteins. This covers both the protein solubilization, the electrophoretic part per se, and the protein detection on the gels, which makes the interface with the protein identification part relying on mass spectrometry

    Silver staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels

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    Silver staining is used to detect proteins after electrophoretic separation on polyacrylamide gels. It combines excellent sensitivity (in the low nanogram range) with the use of very simple and cheap equipment and chemicals. It is compatible with downstream processing, such as mass spectrometry analysis after protein digestion. The sequential phases of silver staining are protein fixation, then sensitization, then silver impregnation and finally image development. Several variants of silver staining are described here, which can be completed in a time range from 2 h to 1 d after the end of the electrophoretic separation. Once completed, the stain is stable for several weeks

    1910. Transformationen eines Arzneistoffes –- vom 606 zum Salvarsan

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    Hüntelmann AC. 1910. Transformationen eines Arzneistoffes –- vom 606 zum Salvarsan. In: Balz V, Eschenbruch N, Hulverscheidt M, Klöppel U, eds. Arzneimittel des 20. Jahrhunderts. 13 historische Skizzen von Lebertran bis Contergan. Bielefeld: Transcript; 2009: 17-51

    Blóðsparnaður við skurðaðgerðir

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open enBlood transfusion is a transfer of living tissue and should therefore only be undertaken at very strict indications. In this article are discussed possible complications following transfusion of whole blood or blood parts, including infections, reduction of host immunity and hypersensitivity as well as possible methods to save blood and reduce the need for blood transfusions. During 10 years experience of open heart surgery at Bad Krozingen the mean need of blood transfusions for each patient could be reduced from 7 units to 3,4 units. The donation, normovolumic hemodilution, cell saver, hemofiltration, transfusion of blood from the heart-lung maschine and from the surgical drains as well as administration of aprotinin (Trasylol®). In a retrospective study we found that the need of blood transfusions was reduced from 3,9 units to 2,2 units, per operated patient, by using aprotinin (Trasylol®) perioperatively.Með uppgötvun Landsteiners á ABÓ blóðflokkakerfinu um síðustu aldamót og Rhesuskerfinu (Landsteiner, Wiener) um 1940 opnuðust leiðir til öruggari blóðgjafa. Samfara stofnun blóðbanka á fimmta og sjötta áratugnum áttu sér stað miklar framfarir í skurðlækningum. Nú var hægt að framkvæma stærri og vandasamari aðgerðir, sem höfðu meira blóðtap í för með sér en áður þekktist. Snemma varð ljós sú hætta, sem stafaði af smitsjúkdómum og mótefnamyndun samfara blóðgjöfum, en hún hvarf að nokkru leyti í skugga þeirra staðreynda, að með blóðgjöfum var hægt að bjarga mörgum mannslífum, til dæmis eftir meiriháttar áverka, blæðandi meltingarfærasjúkdóma og stærri skurðaðgerðir. Á síðustu árum hafa ýmsir höfundar greint frá ónæmisbælingu (immune suppression) í kjölfar blóðgjafa. Þeir hafa sýnt fram á aukna tíðni krabbameinsendurtekningar á lungna-og ristilkrabbameini hjá sjúklingum, sem hafa gengist undir skurðaðgerðir og þurft á blóðgjöf að halda, samanborið við þá, sem enga blóðgjöf fengu (1-6). Bent hefur verið á aukna tíðni sýkinga hjá sjúklingum, sem hafa þurft á framandi blóði að halda, miðað við þá, sem ekkert þurftu (7). Samfara fjölgun eyðnitilfella (AIDS) á síðustu árum og vitneskju um smitun þess sjúkdóms með blóðgjöfum eða gjöfum blóðhluta hefur umræða um blóðgjafir og aukaverkanir þeirra aukist. Eyðnismit er einungis toppur borgarísjakans. Þannig var til dæmis gert ráð fyrir fjórum eyðnismitum eftir blóðgjafir í Vestur-Þýskalandi árið 1987, en 28.000 lifrarbólgusmitum af óþekktum uppruna (non A, non B) sem rekja mátti til blóðgjafa, og er þá gert ráð fyrir 700.000 blóðþegum (8). (Sjá töflu I. Áhættuþættir samfara gjöf framandi blóðs (9-11)). Leitað hefur verið nýrra leiða og/eða eldri aðferðir verið endurbættar í því skyni að draga úr notkun framandi blóðs og auka þess í stað notkun á eigin blóði sjúklings: Sjálfgjöf blóðs (Autologous transfusion). Í þessari grein verður skýrt frá helstu möguleikum til blóðsparnaðar og greint frá eigin reynslu