22 research outputs found

    Histomorphology and Biochemical Effects of Sida acuta leaf Extract on the Kidney of Wistar Rats

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    This study assessed the effect of ethanolic extract of Sida acuta leaf on the micro-anatomy of the kidney of Wistar rats. Thirty adult Wistar rats were separated into 3 groups A, B and C (n=10 per group). The Wistar rats were subjected to different doses of ethanolic extract of Sida acuta in order to evaluate the possible micro-anatomy/morphological changes in the kidney following the administration of the extract. The rats in group A were regarded as control and they received only distilled water throughout the period. The rats in group B and C were the treated groups and received ethanolic extract of Sida acuta leaves daily at doses 100 and 200mg/kgbw orally for 14 days respectively. The animals were sacrificed on the 15th day by cervical dislocation and the kidney excised. Fixed in 10% formal saline and processed for light microscopy using H&E staining methods. Finding from rats’ weight that there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in body weight of the treated rats compared with the control group. The histological study revealed compressed renal corpuscle, increased bowman’s space and constricted collecting tubule which may adversely affect renal functions. Key words: Sida acuta, Kidney, histomorphology, biochemica

    The Anxiolytic Effects of Smokeless Tobacco in Mice

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    This study assessed the effect of smokeless tobacco leaf on anxiety in mice. Twenty male albino mice, aged 60-120 days were separated into 2 groups of ten each. Animals in the test group were fed on 0.1g of tobacco mixed with 10g of chow everyday for 14 days. While animals in the control group were given only 10g of chow for the same duration. The mice were then allowed 5 minutes each to explore the excavated plus maze and the light/dark transition box and behaviours were scored. Results in the elevated plus maze revealed that the duration in the open arms was significantly different (p<0.05) between the two groups with the test group (49.6± 11.9 sec/5 mins) being lower than the control group (89.1± 22.1 sec/5min). The frequency of stretch attend postures was significantly lowered (p<0.05) in the test group (8.8±0.6) compared to the control (11.5±1.8). There was no significant difference in the other parameters in the elevated plus maze. The frequency of line crosses in the light box was significantly higher (p<0.01) for the test group (74.3±9.8) than the control (47.4±63). The frequency of stretch attends posture and rearing in the dark box was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the test group then the control group (180.5±18.9). These results suggest that tobacco may have decreased anxiety in the test group. Keyword: Anxiety, postures, elevated plus maze

    Pengaruh Keunggulan Kompetitif Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pengunjung Objek Wisata Air “Owabong” Purbalingga

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine and analyze the effects of competitive advantage and service quality to customer satisfaction, and the subsequent impact on the loyalty of Owabong Water Park Purbalingga visitors. This research is a descriptive causal research, using survey method. The population of the research is Owabong Water Park visitors. This research uses a sample of 100 visitors. The sampling is done through convenience sampling technique. Data in this study are collected from questionnaires distributed to the samples, and other secondary data available. The data analysis is done using path analysis. Based on the analysis, the study concludes that: the competitive advantage and service quality have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction either partially and simultaneously; customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty; competitive advantage and service quality do not have a direct effect on customer loyalty; and there are indirect effects of competitive advantage and service quality to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, service quality

    The Age and Sex Incidence of Keloids / Hypertrophic Scars in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State from 2001-2006

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    Hypertrophic scars and keloids have been seen to occur frequently among burnt and accident patients. Keloids and hypertrophic scars result from excessive collagen deposition. They are dermal fibro proliferative disorders unique humans and occur as a complication of healing of wounds following trauma, inflammation, surgery, burns and sometimes occur spontaneously. Clinically, these scars can be disfiguring functionally and aesthetically or both. A retrospective study of patients with keloids and hypertrophic scars was carried out in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) using medical records of 41 patients that were diagnosed and / or treated. Sex, age, provisional diagnosis, manifestations and treatment procedures were extracted from their folders. The result of the study was statistically analyzed which revealed that keloids and hypertrophic scars increase with years and occur a little more in females than in males (M:F ratio = 48.8%:51.2%). The age range that was mostly affected was 15 to 45 years. Keywords: keloid, hypertrophic scar, sex, age, trib

    Age standardisation – an indigenous standard?

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    The study of inequities in health is a critical component of monitoring government obligations to uphold the rights of Indigenous Peoples. In Aotearoa/New Zealand the indigenous Māori population has a substantially younger age structure than the non-indigenous population making it necessary to account for age differences when comparing population health outcomes. An age-standardised rate is a summary measure of a rate that a population would have if it had a standard age structure. Changing age standards have stimulated interest in the potential impact of population standards on disparities data and consequently on health policy

    sistem pendeteksi kelayakan AMDK sebagai solusi alternatif BPOM berbasis mikrokontroler

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    According World Health Organization (WHO) feasibility of water have total dissolve solvent (TDS) value not more 50 PPM. if more than 50 PPM is means the body canïżœt process as well and coused a disease for the organs. The risk will occur in the organ . where sediment when consumed over time, will continually cause various diseases. Though many water drinking in pakage(AMDK) circulating in Indonesian society has a value of total dissolved solids / TDS of 70 PPM until 100 PPM, with some even the TDS value about 160 PPM. The healty department difficult to detect AMDK market (©2008suaramerdeka.com.) this system is made to help healty department (BPOM) to detecf of feasibility of water drinking in package with automaticly and quikly, after electrolysis process , the water will be measured by infrared and fotodiode as a sensor, and the output will be generate by op-amp and itïżœs will be convert by microcontroller be a ppm value. After that the feasibility of water drinking will be send by handphone via sms gateway to BPOM. After measurement accuratioon of the system like 88,605% Keyword : Electrolysis water, Microcontroler, Sms Gatewa


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    The study seeks to examine the relationship between working hours, job security and their relationship with commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research objectives were raised for the study, which led to the formulation of two research hypotheses which were stated in null form; Working hours do not significantly relate to commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. There is no significant relationship between Job security and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. Literature was reviewed according to the variables of the study. The survey research design was utilised for the study. 232 samples were selected from five banks and their branches in Cross River State using the purposive and proportional sampling technique. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. Data gathered from the field were coded and analyzed using the appropriate frequency distribution, tables, charts and Pearson Product Moment Correlation at 0.05 confidence level. Out of the 232 instrument distributed only 213 were return without missing items or mutilation and these number were used for analysis. Results revealed that there is statistical considerable relationship between working hours and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria and there is no significant relationship between Job security and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. The study thereby recommends among others that Bank management should put in place adjustable and working hours for employees in order to make them more comfortable.JEL: J81, J83, J28, M51  Article visualizations