201 research outputs found

    Espumas cerâmicas como suportes catalíticos

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    Espumas reticulares de cordierite desenvolvidas por um método de polimerização “in situ” revelaram propriedades de elevado interesse para a aplicação como suportes catalíticos. Estas espumas são caracterizadas por possuírem porosidades superiores (>90%) às obtidas pelo método de replicação polimérica (70-85%). O desenvolvimento de um método de revestimento de espumas cerâmicas com catalisadores zeolíticos, e a optimização de parâmetros como teor de sólidos, ligante, surfactante ou pré-revestimento da espuma, tem estado a ser efectuado. As melhores características foram observadas para espumas com aproximadamente 17% (p/p) de revestimento obtidas a partir de suspensões com cerca de 16% de teor de sólidos. Espumas revestidas com zeólitos Pt/ZSM5 estão a ser utilizadas como catalisadores para a combustão catalítica de COVs, nomeadamente isopropanol e toluen

    Influence of disinfectant technologies on red bell peppers safety

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    The development of innovative technologies, promoting fruits and vegetables safety to reduce the risk of related food-borne diseases, is an actual concern. Several sanitizing agents for washing fruits and vegetables may be used to reduce the risk of microbial contamination. Traditional washing technologies utilize chlorine and hydrogen peroxide as sanitizing agents for fresh produce. More recently, ozone is being used as an innovative food processing technology that guarantees product safety, also increasing shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Its main advantage, when compared to traditional disinfectant technologies, relies on its potent antimicrobial action and non-toxic products decomposition. The objective of this work was to study the effectiveness of three sanitizing agents (sodium hypochlorite - used in a commercial available solution AMUKINA, hydrogen peroxide and ozone in aqueous solutions), on the reduction of Listeria innocua inoculated on red bell peppers. Results showed that ozone treatment allowed bacteria reductions identical to the ones attained with the traditional disinfectant solutions. On average, aqueous ozone allowed a decimal reduction of 2 cycles in Listeria innocua counts

    Effect of ultrasonication, thermosonication and ultraviolet irradiation on the quality of strawberies (fragaria anannassa) and red bell peppers (capsicum annuum L.)

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of ultrasonication, thermosonication and UV-C irradiation on the quality attributes of strawberries (Fragaria anannassa) and red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum, L.). Thermosonication studies were carried out at 50ºC and 65ºC. Control water treatments at the same temperatures were conducted. The analysed quality factors were colour and texture for both products, in addition to anthocyanins content in the case of strawberries. Results showed that UV-C constituted a harmless treatment, with little or no effect on color, texture or anthocyanins content. Ultrasonication caused small colour changes and no significant effects on texture of both products. Thermosonication at 65ºC resulted in undesirable changes of color, anthocyanins and texture of strawberries, and color of red bell peppers. When compared to water treated samples, thermosonicated ones showed higher texture retention. This effect was much more pronounced on red bell peppers

    Extending the applicability of the dose addition model to the assessment of chemical mixtures of partial agonists by using a novel toxic unit extrapolation method

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Dose addition, a commonly used concept in toxicology for the prediction of chemical mixture effects, cannot readily be applied to mixtures of partial agonists with differing maximal effects. Due to its mathematical features, effect levels that exceed the maximal effect of the least efficacious compound present in the mixture, cannot be calculated. This poses problems when dealing with mixtures likely to be encountered in realistic assessment situations where chemicals often show differing maximal effects. To overcome this limitation, we developed a pragmatic solution that extrapolates the toxic units of partial agonists to effect levels beyond their maximal efficacy. We extrapolated different additivity expectations that reflect theoretically possible extremes and validated this approach with a mixture of 21 estrogenic chemicals in the E-Screen. This assay measures the proliferation of human epithelial breast cancers. We found that the dose-response curves of the estrogenic agents exhibited widely varying shapes, slopes and maximal effects, which made it necessary to extrapolate mixture responses above 14% proliferation. Our toxic unit extrapolation approach predicted all mixture responses accurately. It extends the applicability of dose addition to combinations of agents with differing saturating effects and removes an important bottleneck that has severely hampered the use of dose addition in the past. © 2014 Scholze et al

    Plastic waste use as aggregate and binder modifier in open-graded asphalts

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    Road pavements are very important infrastructures for the Society, but they can cause serious environmental impacts during construction, operation and rehabilitation phases. Thus, it is essential to develop surface paving solutions that promote not only the durability but also a comfortable and safe use. In fact, this work aims to study the properties of new opengraded mixtures for surface layers produced with plastic wastes. First, HDPE and EVA wastes were used as bitumen modifiers, and then another plastic waste (PEX) replaced part of the aggregates. After studying the modified binders, the open-graded mixtures were designed, and then they were tested concerning their particle loss, rutting resistance, surface texture and damping effect. It was concluded that both ways of using the plastic wastes can improve the mechanical and functional properties of the open-graded mixtures related to the pavement performance.ERDF funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program – COMPETE and the National funds by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in the scope of PLASTIROADS Project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020335 (PTDC/ECM/119179/2010)