8,247 research outputs found

    Geometric diagnostics of complex patterns: Spiral defect chaos

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    Motivated by the observation of spiral patterns in a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological systems, we present an automated approach that aims at characterizing quantitatively spiral-like elements in complex stripelike patterns. The approach provides the location of the spiral tip and the size of the spiral arms in terms of their arc length and their winding number. In addition, it yields the number of pattern components (Betti number of order 1), as well as their size and certain aspects of their shape. We apply the method to spiral defect chaos in thermally driven Rayleigh- Bénard convection and find that the arc length of spirals decreases monotonically with decreasing Prandtl number of the fluid and increasing heating. By contrast, the winding number of the spirals is nonmonotonic in the heating. The distribution function for the number of spirals is significantly narrower than a Poisson distribution. The distribution function for the winding number shows approximately an exponential decay. It depends only weakly on the heating, but strongly on the Prandtl number. Large spirals arise only for larger Prandtl numbers. In this regime the joint distribution for the spiral length and the winding number exhibits a three-peak structure, indicating the dominance of Archimedean spirals of opposite sign and relatively straight sections. For small Prandtl numbers the distribution function reveals a large number of small compact pattern components

    Make Art Real

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    The Make Art Real project aims to introduce new audiences to the arts. It supports Theme II of VCU’s Quest for Distinction by promoting and fostering creative expression through innovative collaborations. The project involves displaying existing connections between art and non-art disciplines, as well as making new connections. These unusual pairings are then placed on exhibition through a lunch-time lecture series named “Unexpected_Connections,” which allow faculty, staff, and students to lead and participate in discussions about the reality of art. The lecture series is the first sustainable and reoccurring program to be held in the Depot building, a multidisciplinary facility which is intended to foster interdisciplinary collaborations. The targeted audience includes faculty, staff, students, and members of the greater VCU community

    Merger Dynamics of the Pair of Galaxy Clusters -- A399 and A401

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    Convincing evidence of a past interaction between two rich clusters A399 and A401 was recently found by the X-ray imaging observations. In this paper we examine the structure and dynamics of this pair of galaxy clusters. A mixture-modeling algorithm has been applied to obtain a robust partition into two clusters, which allows us to discuss the virial mass and velocity distribution for each cluster. Assuming that these two clusters follow a linear orbit and they have once experienced a close encounter, we model the binary cluster as a two-body system. As a result, four gravitationally bound solutions are obtained. The recent X-ray observations seem to favor a scenario in which the two clusters with a true separation of 5.4h15.4h^{-1} Mpc are currently expanding at 583 km/s along the direction with a projection angle of 67.5 degree, and they will reach a maximum extent of 5.65h15.65h^{-1} Mpc in about 1.0h11.0h^{-1} Gyr.Comment: 11 pages, including 6 EPS figures and 4 tables, uses chjaa.cls, Accepted by the ChJA

    X-ray and Radio Interactions in the Cores of Cooling Flow Clusters

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    We present high resolution ROSAT x-ray and radio observations of three cooling flow clusters containing steep spectrum radio sources at their cores. All three systems exhibit strong signs of interaction between the radio plasma and the hot intracluster medium. Two clusters, A133 and A2626, show enhanced x-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio source whereas the third cluster, A2052, exhibits a large region of x-ray excess surrounding much of the radio source. Using 3-D numerical simulations, we show that a perturbed jet propagating through a cooling flow atmosphere can give rise to amorphous radio morphologies, particularly in the case where the jet was ``turned off'' and allowed to age passively. In addition, the simulated x-ray surface brightness produced both excesses and deficits as seen observationally.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Incremental expansions for Hubbard-Peierls systems

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    The ground state energies of infinite half-filled Hubbard-Peierls chains are investigated combining incremental expansion with exact diagonalization of finite chain segments. The ground state energy of equidistant infinite Hubbard (Heisenberg) chains is calculated with a relative error of less than 31033 \cdot 10^{-3} for all values of UU using diagonalizations of 12-site (20-site) chain segm ents. For dimerized chains the dimerization order parameter dd as a function of the onsite repulsion interaction UU has a maximum at nonzero values of UU, if the electron-phonon coupling gg is lower than a critical value gcg_c. The critical value gcg_c is found with high accuracy to be gc=0.69g_c=0.69. For smaller values of gg the position of the maximum of d(U)d(U) is approximately 3t3t, and rapidly tends to zero as gg approaches gcg_c from below. We show how our method can be applied to calculate breathers for the problem of phonon dynamics in Hubbard-Peierls systems.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, REVTE

    Towards an Understanding of the Globular Cluster Over--abundance around the Central Giant Elliptical NGC 1399

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    We investigate the kinematics of a combined sample of 74 globular clusters around NGC 1399. Their high velocity dispersion, increasing with radius, supports their association with the gravitational potential of the galaxy cluster rather than with that of NGC 1399 itself. We find no evidence for rotation in the full sample, although some indication for rotation in the outer regions. The data do not allow us to detect differences between the kinematics of the blue and red sub-populations of globular clusters. A comparison between the globular cluster systems of NGC 1399 and those of NGC 1404 and NGC 1380 indicates that the globular clusters in all three galaxies are likely to have formed via similar mechanisms and at similar epochs. The only property which distinguishes the NGC 1399 globular cluster system from these others is that it is ten times more abundant. We summarize the evidence for associating these excess globulars with the galaxy cluster rather than with NGC 1399 itself, and suggest that the over-abundance can be explained by tidal stripping, at an early epoch, of neighboring galaxies and subsequent accumulation of globulars in the gravitational potential of the galaxy cluster.Comment: AJ accepted (March issue), 27 pages (6 figures included), AAS style, two columns. Also available at http://www.eso.org/~mkissle

    Hole-doping effects on a frustrated spin ladder

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    Hole-doping effects are investigated on the {\it t-J} ladder model with the linked-tetrahedra structure. We discuss how a metal-insulator transition occurs upon hole doping with particular emphasis on the effects of geometrical frustration. By computing the electron density and the spin correlation function by the density matrix renormalization group, we show that strong frustration triggers a first-order transition to a metallic phase, when holes are doped into the plaquette-singlet phase. By examining spin excitations in a metallic case in detail, we discuss whether the spin-gap phase persists upon hole doping according to the strength of frustration. It is further shown that the lowest excited state in a spin-gap metallic phase can be described in two independent quasiparticles.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    The Globular Cluster Systems in the Coma Ellipticals. II: Metallicity Distribution and Radial Structure in NGC 4874, and Implications for Galaxy Formation

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    Deep HST/WFPC2 (V,I) photometry is used to investigate the globular cluster system (GCS) in NGC 4874, the central cD galaxy of the Coma cluster. The luminosity function of the clusters displays its normal Gaussian-like shape and turnover level. Other features of the system are surprising: the GCS is (a) spatially extended, with core radius r_c = 22 kpc, (b) entirely metal-poor (a narrow, unimodal metallicity distribution with mean [Fe/H] = -1.5), and (c) modestly populated, with specific frequency S_N = 3.7 +- 0.5. We suggest on the basis of some simple models that as much as half of this galaxy might have accreted from low-mass satellites, but no single one of the three classic modes of galaxy formation (accretion, disk mergers, in situ formation) can supply a fully satisfactory formation picture. Even when they are used in combination, strong challenges to these models remain. The principal anomaly in this GCS is essentially the complete lack of metal-rich clusters. If these were present in normal (M87-like) numbers in addition to the metal-poor ones that are already there, then the GCS in total would more closely resemble what we see in many other giant E galaxies.Comment: 27 pp. with 9 Figures. Astrophys.J. 533, in press (April 10, 2000

    M87, Globular Clusters, and Galactic Winds: Issues in Giant Galaxy Formation

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    New VRI photometry is presented for the globular clusters in the innermost 140'' of the M87 halo. The results are used to discuss several issues concerning the formation and evolution of globular cluster systems in supergiant ellipticals like M87. (1) we find no significant change in the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF) with galactocentric radius, for cluster masses M < 10^5 solar masses, indicating that the main effects of dynamical evolution may be only on lower-mass clusters. (2) Within the core radius (1') of the globular cluster system, the metallicity distribution is uniform, but at larger radii the mean metallicity declines steadily as Z ~ r^-0.9. (3) The various options for explaining the existence of high specific frequency galaxies like M87 are evaluated, and scaling laws for the GCSs in these galaxies are given. Interpretations involving secondary evolution (formation of many globular clusters during mergers, intergalactic globular clusters, etc.) are unlikely to be the primary explanation for high-S_N galaxies. (4) We suggest that central-supergiant E galaxies may have formed in an exceptionally turbulent or high-density environment in which an early, powerful galactic wind drove out a high fraction of the protogalactic gas, thus artificially boosting the specificComment: 67 pages, 17 figures. To appear in Astronomical Journal, in press for May 1998. Preprints also available from W.Harris; send e-mail request to [email protected]