64 research outputs found

    Impact of randomly distributed dopants on Ω-gate junctionless silicon nanowire transistors

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    This paper presents experimental and simulation analysis of an Ω-shaped silicon junctionless nanowire field-effect transistor (JL-NWT) with gate lengths of 150 nm and diameter of the Si channel of 8 nm. Our experimental measurements reveal that the ON-currents up to 1.15 mA/Όm for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/Όm for the 1.8-V gate overdrive with an OFF-current set at 100 nA/Όm. Also, the experiment data reveal more than eight orders of magnitude ON-current to OFF-current ratios and an excellent subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec recorded at room temperature. The obtained experimental current-voltage characteristics are used as a reference point to calibrate the simulations models used in this paper. Our simulation data show good agreement with the experimental results. All simulations are based on drift-diffusion formalism with activated density gradient quantum corrections. Once the simulations methodology is established, the simulations are calibrated to the experimental data. After this, we have performed statistical numerical experiments of a set of 500 different JL-NWTs. Each device has a unique random distribution of the discrete dopants within the silicon body. From those statistical simulations, we extracted important figures of merit, such as OFF-current and ON-current, subthreshold slope, and voltage threshold. The performed statistical analysis, on samples of those 500 JL-NWTs, shows that the mean ID-VGs characteristic is in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. Moreover, the mean ID-VGs characteristic reproduces better the subthreshold slope data obtained from the experiment in comparison to the continuous model simulation. Finally, performance predictions for the JL transistor with shorter gate lengths and thinner oxide regions are carried out. Among the simulated JL transistors, the configuration with 25-nm gate length and 2-nm oxide thickness shows the most promising characteristics offering scalable designs


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    Contact for this paper: Laura Bipes/University of Minnesota/Department of Applied Economics/ 1994 Buford Avenue./ St. Paul, MN 55108 USA. From the start, agriculture played a central role in the Uruguay Round of GATT trade negotiations. The Punta del Este Declaration called for a solution to the problems facing agricultural trade through modified trade rules and an agreement to lower protection levels. It was recognized that such an improvement implied negotiations on the national farm policies as well as just trade policies. The time that it took to reach agreement reflected the political sensitivity and technical complexity of this task. The Agreement embodied in the Final Act of the Uruguay Round breaks new ground for agriculture, and takes a big step towards placing this sector of world trade under rules more consistent with those in operation in other areas. However, the degree of liberalization of markets is modest, and much remains to be done in future rounds of negotiations. The most far-reaching element in the Agreement is a change in the rules regarding market access. With very few exceptions, all participating countries have agreed to convert all existing non-tariff barriers (along with unbound tariffs) into bound duties and not to introduce new non-tariff measures. Negotiations agreed to reduce these new bound tariffs, as well as tariffs already bound earlier, according to Schedules included as a part of the Agreement. "Tariffication" will impose changes in import policies for a number of countries. Canada will replace import quotas for dairy and poultry products with tariffs, initially at a high level. The European Union will replace its variable levy with tariffs, though a maximum duty-paid price for cereals has been negotiated which puts a limit on the tariff charged. Latin American countries have generally engaged in tariffication in recent years in advance of the Uruguay Round Agreement: for these, and other countries their tariffs will now be bound. The US will forgo the use of Section 22 import quotas and the negotiation of voluntary export restraint agreements with beef suppliers, but the impact on these markets is likely to be small. Japan and Korea have been allowed to delay tariffication in the case of rice for the next few years. The Agreement provides in cases of tariffication for "minimum access opportunities", to guard against the impact of high initial tariff rates. This will open up reduced-tariff quotas for a number of products including beef, cereals and fruits and vegetables. The quotas will be expanded to about 5 percent of consumption over the 6 year period. Japan and Korea have agreed to a greater expansion of market access for rice in compensation for the delay in introducing tariffs. The ability of countries to control export subsidies in agricultural markets was one of the main issues under discussion in the negotiation. Under the Agreement, countries accept commitments on reducing expenditure on export subsidies as well on the quantity of subsidized exports. This will limit export subsidies by the EU and other countries, for such products as wheat, dairy products and beef, and should lead to firmer world market prices in these commodities. These quantities are also expressed in the Schedules which form part of the Agreement. Countries have also agreed not to apply export subsidies to commodities not subsidized in the base period. The Agreement also sets rules and commitments for domestic support policies. It defines a set of policies which are deemed to be less trade-distorting than others, and allocates them to a "green box" which is broadly immune to challenge. Other policies not sheltered in this way are subject to reduction through a limit on the total support given by domestic subsidies and administered prices. It was decided that neither the U.S. deficiency payments (under current legislation) nor the new hectarage compensation payments under the reformed Common Agricultural Policy of the EU need to be reduced. It was also agreed that subsidies that conform to the new rules are sheltered from international challenge under the GATT. Developing Countries generally face less stringent commitments, having 10 years rather than six to make the changes, and having to meet only two-thirds of the reduction targets. In addition, development policies are included broadly in the "green box". Along with the provisions on domestic and trade policies in the Agreement, participants also concluded an Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement). The goal was to make it easier to distinguish between genuine health and safety issues and disguised protection. The right of countries to set their own safety and health standards is reaffirmed, but with the provision that such standards should be based on scientific justification and that use be made of international standards where possible. The extent to which the Agreement will lead to greater market access, curb export subsidies and modify domestic policies in the next few years can only be determined from a detailed inspection of the Schedule of commitments made by the individual countries. Paradoxically, the immediate impact on national policies is likely in most cases to be small. Many countries have been engaged in a process of reducing government support to agriculture, and making such support more closely targetted to needs, in advance of the outcome of the Round. Policy reforms in the EU, Canada, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, along with much of Latin America, have been strongly influenced by the negotiations in the Uruguay Round. The Agreement thus takes on the task of supporting and locking-in such reforms, and encouraging them in other countries. In some aspects the Agreement falls short of expectations (or at least initial demands). It does not constitute a major move toward free trade in agricultural products: the cost of changing the rules has been to give up some degree of liberalization. The tariffs which countries will impose in place of non-tariff barriers are in many cases so high that trade will be restricted to the agreed access quantities. Export subsidy programs will continue though at a reduced level. The major pressure to reinstrument farm policies will continue to be from domestic budget constraints. It will take further rounds of negotiations to reduce protection in agricultural markets to a level comparable to that for most manufactured products. However, with the rule changes and the new types of country commitments agreed, a much more promising basis bas been created for future negotiations.International Relations/Trade,

    Experimental and Simulation Study of a High Current 1D Silicon Nanowire Transistor Using Heavily Doped Channels

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    Silicon nanowires have numerous potential applications, including transistors, memories, photovoltaics, biosensors and qubits [1]. Fabricating a nanowire with the required characteristics for a specific application, however, poses some challenges. For example, a major challenge is that, as the transistors dimensions are reduced, it is difficult to maintain a low off-current (Ioff) whilst simultaneously maintaining a high on-current (Ion). Some sources of this parasitic leakage current include quantum mechanical tunnelling, short channel effects and statistical variability [2, 3]. A variety of new architectures, including ultra-thin silicon-on-insulator (SOI), double gate, FinFETs, tri-gate, junctionless and gate all-around (GAA) nanowire transistors, have therefore been developed to improve the electrostatic control of the conducting channel. This is essential since a low Ioff implies low static power dissipation and it will therefore improve power management in the multi-billion transistors circuits employed globally in microprocessors, sensors and memories

    Experimental and simulation study of 1D silicon nanowire transistors using heavily doped channels

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    The experimental results from 8 nm diameter silicon nanowire junctionless field effect transistors with gate lengths of 150 nm are presented that demonstrate on-currents up to 1.15 mA/m for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/m for 1.8 V gate overdrive with an off-current set at 100 nA/m. On- to off-current ratios above 108 with a subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec are demonstrated at 25 oC. Simulations using drift-diffusion which include densitygradient quantum corrections provide excellent agreement with the experimental results. The simulations demonstrate that the present silicon-dioxide gate dielectric only allows the gate to be scaled to 25 nm length before short-channel effects significantly reduce the performance. If high-K dielectrics replace some parts of the silicon dioxide then the technology can be scaled to at least 10 nm gatelength

    Designing a fully compensated half-metallic ferrimagnet

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    Recent experimental work on Mn2RuxGa demonstrates its potential as a compensated ferrimagnetic half-metal (CFHM). Here we present a set of high-throughput ab initio density functional theory calculations and detailed experimental characterisation, that enable us to correctly describe the nominal Mn2RuxGa thin films, in particular with regard to site-disorder and defects. We then construct models that accurately capture all the key features of the Mn-Ru-Ga system, including magnetic compensation and the spin gap at the Fermi level. We find that electronic doping is neccessary, which is achieved with a Mn/Ga ratio smaller than two. Our study shows how composition and substrate-induced biaxial strain can be combined to design a ferrimagnetic half-metal with a compensation point close to room temperature

    Formation of octapod MnO nanoparticles with enhanced magnetic properties through kinetically-controlled thermal decomposition of polynuclear manganese complexes

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    Polynuclear manganese complexes are used as precursors for the synthesis of manganese oxide nanoparticles (MnO NPs). Altering the thermal decomposition conditions can shift the nanoparticle product from spherical, thermodynamically-driven NPs to unusual, kinetically-controlled octapod structures. The resulting increased surface area profoundly alters the NP's surface-dependent magnetism and may have applications in nanomedicine


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    Contents: The Economics of Tariff Rate Quotas and the Effects of Trade Liberalization; TRQs and GATT Rules; An Overview of Tariffs, Quotas and Imports Worldwide; TRQs in the European Union; U.S. TRQs for Sugar, Tobacco and Peanuts; Dairy TRQs in the United States; Tariff Rate Quota Implementation and Administration by Developing Countries; Management of Tariff Rate Quotas in Korea and Japan; Tariff Rate Quota Administration in Canadian Agriculture; The Case of Australia and New Zealand Facing TRQs; The 1999 WTO Panel Report on the EU's Common Market Organization for Bananas; AssessmentInternational Relations/Trade,

    Controlling the symmetry of inorganic ionic nanofilms with optical chirality

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    Manipulating symmetry environments of metal ions to control functional properties is a fundamental concept of chemistry. For example, lattice strain enables control of symmetry in solids through a change in the nuclear positions surrounding a metal centre. Light–matter interactions can also induce strain but providing dynamic symmetry control is restricted to specific materials under intense laser illumination. Here, we show how effective chemical symmetry can be tuned by creating a symmetry-breaking rotational bulk polarisation in the electronic charge distribution surrounding a metal centre, which we term a meta-crystal field. The effect arises from an interface-mediated transfer of optical spin from a chiral light beam to produce an electronic torque that replicates the effect of strain created by high pressures. Since the phenomenon does not rely on a physical rearrangement of nuclear positions, material constraints are lifted, thus providing a generic and fully reversible method of manipulating effective symmetry in solids
